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    Spooky Comp. Day 3 - on the move with brother, TK, some Fire, listening to music, summoning my Cat

    by , 10-17-2016 at 09:56 AM (663 Views)
    had a lot of fragments with some wakings over the night but didnt write anything down till morning.
    after GF left the house i did SSILD and felt asleep again even though it was already 8:30 and i had around 9h of sleep... cant do this every day but yea... earned a decent lucid with not too much access to memory..

    i cross a street with my brother. i think about jumping up a pretty high wall, some lucidity streams in. i see two pretty ugly women, fat and with a stupid look in their face hearing music thru earphones. one of them has one in her ear and one in her nose. all this results in me being lucid.
    i sing a song about how stupid those two are and continue to move with my bother. i dont do any RC... but i jump up the wall i saw. my brother continues to walk on the pavement. i jump down where a gap in the wall is and smash down pretty hart on something loose on the ground. i smile to my brother and repeat it one more time. i jump next to him and start using TK. with a simple hand gesture i let a parking truck behind me levitate. i wonder shortly that its so easy but i keep going and "throw" it some meters in front of me on the pavement on a cat/dog of an owner... i instantly feel a little bad. but we keep moving and the car and the "accident" disappeared. i let a older chubby man float around and turn him in air. but i dont want to do any harm so i try to let him down softly on his feet but he has problems to stop turning around and so it needs some more seconds and mange to set him down save. we continue walking and i think about how to make some points... for some reason i just dont remember my 3 step task or any of my incubated goals what so ever.
    so i decide to make some fire in my hands. as some of you know this is not a specialty of mine. while walking i imagine energy flow into my right hand and visualize a fire but its not working. to concentrate better i stop moving. and use both my hands. i hold them like i would hide a ball in between them and slowly pull them apart. i have a small flame in my right hand but i cant expand it and it turns off fast. i repeat it and my palm is burning a litte but again cant do anything with it. i concenrate a little more and now i have a small ball of fire in between my hands and while i pull them apart the fire is expanding. i hear a background noise that says something similar like " Plz dont do any fire here (so nothing starts burning) and nevertheless the pro guy who do flames is in town so there is nothing to win here" ignoring the voice i feel satisfied so far with my fire bending and i continue walking with my brother.
    i tell him i want to hear some set of Sigil. while we approach a house (of a previous dream i think) i ask him if he could ask out loud for some music by sigil. he asks and as we enter the house i hear some music. we approach a girl and i ask her if we can turn on sigil and she answers "this is sigil already" i am not sure but go with it and listen a little. i ask loud what to do now. i think about my personal goals thinking if i already did one by coincidence but i cant remember any and remember to summon my cat. i know cant say what was first. the idea of summon my cat or the black cat that sits next to the door. i see it now and think yea that is not my cat. i want to make mine appear right infront of me. i make a wipe around with my hand and blur the background a little and try to see my cat. i see some patterns but not really a cat. i stop and see my cat sitting right next to ne black one. nice i call him and he comes to me. i pet him a little and decide to wake up
    what i do

    so far not so satisfied with my commitment and outcome of the competition but i will try do to some decent daywork and incubate some cooler stuff. tomorrow i have to get up early so probably no lucid again... :/

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    Updated 10-20-2016 at 11:01 AM by 87116 (unterwegs)



    1. Saizaphod's Avatar
      hearing music thru earphones. one of them has one in her ear and one in her nose.
      ew haha No wonder you became lucid, so weird.
      RelaxAndDream likes this.