Well I finally succeded in having my first lucid dream in 2 years

BUT.... I had no body and couldn't do anything. The dream was really strange. It was abstract and there were ponies dancing and prancing in a circle over what looked like a giant dohnut thing. There was no ground or sky or anything and I was watching from above, just like a consciousness with no body at all. I tried to make my body materialise in the dream so i could do something but I couldn't manage it. All I could see was this abstract person dancing with the ponies! I was all really weird.

I suddenly felt myself swishing back into my body and thought I'd woken up, but it was just a false awakening, then I decided in my FA that I should try to DEILD and saw the same bodyless dream again forming in front of my eyes. I can't remember what happened after that...

Does anyone else have these strange dreams and if so, what can I do to stop myself having a pointless lucid???