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    1. #1
      Dream Hunter bellatrix18's Avatar
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      Lucid dreaming without a body?

      Well I finally succeded in having my first lucid dream in 2 years

      BUT.... I had no body and couldn't do anything. The dream was really strange. It was abstract and there were ponies dancing and prancing in a circle over what looked like a giant dohnut thing. There was no ground or sky or anything and I was watching from above, just like a consciousness with no body at all. I tried to make my body materialise in the dream so i could do something but I couldn't manage it. All I could see was this abstract person dancing with the ponies! I was all really weird.

      I suddenly felt myself swishing back into my body and thought I'd woken up, but it was just a false awakening, then I decided in my FA that I should try to DEILD and saw the same bodyless dream again forming in front of my eyes. I can't remember what happened after that...

      Does anyone else have these strange dreams and if so, what can I do to stop myself having a pointless lucid???

    2. #2
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      Haha, that's very funny. I actually wouldn't mind watching abstract pony dances in a strange space. If this happens next time you're lucid, try and talk to the person or even the pony. You can try to lodge yourself into the dream if you interact with it, however strange it could be. Unless you really couldn't do anything - then hope for the best next time?

    3. #3
      Sacred Dreamer Andra's Avatar
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      That happens to me very often in both lucid and non lucid dreams
      I don't know how to stop it though I heard it may caused by playing video games which is true for me.If you are lucid and want a body then simply create one.The first time it happened to me I was chasing some elfs and I suddenly stopped because I realized I had no body.I just struggled to get my hands in front so I could see them.It was actually hard and it almost woke me up but after that I looked where the rest of my body was supposed to be and it was there

    4. #4
      Dream Hunter bellatrix18's Avatar
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      Well I don't play too many video games so I am not sure why I see dreams like this, but since I posted I've had loads of dreams where i wasn't even there. It's not been quite the same as the first weird one (like a consciousness watching from above) but it's been kind of like me watching TV through the eyes of the characters. I keep switching from one viewpoint to another and experiancing the dream through others eyes.

      Like the night before last I was in Lord of the rings fighting Orcs, but I was fighting as Legosas, then Gimli, then Arogorn... and sometimes I was just 'in' the fight but not doing anything, I was just 'there' and I don't know who I was. It was so weird.

      I never had dreams like this before and all of a sudden its happening multiple times a night. I gotta admit I miss myself in my dreams... I'm just hoping I have control over my next lucid... I wonder how strange It would feel to become lucid when I have the body of someone else

    5. #5
      Sacred Dreamer Andra's Avatar
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      I know exactly what you mean.It's kinda like watching TV.I think it's quite cool though.Another funny thing is when I switch characters it's like possessing DCs.One time I was Edward from Twilight and was fighting for the girl I loved and all off a sudden I got out of his body and was someone else.Another time I was myself then I saw Kurt Kobain and before I knew I was him.

      I have no idea why some people have these kind of dreams...I wish I knew...But it's a more interesting and unique way to dream since few people have these type of dreams

    6. #6
      Dream Hunter bellatrix18's Avatar
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      Yeah it's a lot like I'm possessing people. Its so strange. I was recently dreaming about a date last night and I kept switching to both peoples perspectives about every minute. It was crazy!

      It's definately interesting to see dreaming from a different perspective and I get a completely different feeling form these ones when I wake up too. At least 50% of my dreams are like this now, but I've yet to have another one where i have no body at all which is good for my LDing, hopefully I wont get stuck without a body again!

      It's so strange that the whole way I dream has suddenly changed but I am enjoying it now. Especially since i've had some pretty cool dreams like this too. It does make it more difficult when I'm recording in my DJ cos I'm constantly trying to figure out who I was at each part of the dream and it can get pretty confusing

    7. #7
      sentient being Achievements:
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      Congrats on the lucid. Do you recall what triggered you to become lucid? The type of scene you end up in might depend heavily on the sign that made you lucid.
      I am sure about illusion. I am not so sure about reality.

    8. #8
      Demon Barber FlyingDutchman's Avatar
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      I had a dream like that. But mine wasn't weird like that xD I felt like a god though, with nobody, watching stuff. I dont count it as a lucid dream although I had realised I was dreaming.

      By the way. Your nickname gets a Thumbs-Up from me! I guess you like HP?

    9. #9
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      Sometimes I DEILD during FAs too, because I'm so focused on getting back into the dream that I don't get up and do a reality check.

      Anyways, I've never experienced lucid dreaming without a body. Maybe you just have to "know" that your body is there, and visualize it more? When you make the motion to put your hand in front of you, visualize that your hand will have five fingers and stuff.
      We all live in a kind of continuous dream. When we wake, it is because something,
      some event, some pinprick even, disturbs the edges of what we have taken as reality.


      SAT (Sporadic Awareness Technique) Guide
      Have questions about lucid dreaming? DM me.

    10. #10
      Member menelvagor's Avatar
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      That's pretty amazing - and again, congrats on the LD! First in two years huh? I had my first one ever last month after trying for a long time too - high five for us.

      It's too bad that you felt out of control during the dream/ it kept transitioning to that same scene. Always next time though, right? I am personally trying to get rid of these pre-concieved mental blocks I've developed from trying to learn how to LD - things like morphing through walls, trying super powers, etc. They restrict you in a sense, because it's all .. power oriented? It's like you're tie-ing yourself to an idea, rather than doing what best induces lucid dreaming- lucidity! Awareness of your surroundings, and spontaneous creativity ! Maybe next time try to think "Wow, I don't have a body! I've never felt this before! " Try to explore or interact with the scene without a body, be a whisper on the wind, try to manifest as a tree or as water instead of trying to summon hands and a body. I don't know of anybody who has tried let alone succeeded in getting rid of their body completely while maintaining lucidity.

      Keep truckin
      |DILD - 17 | WILD - 0|
      LD Goals: Use earth-bending [o] Fly [x] Transform into an aquatic animal [o] Move something telepathically [] Meet my dream guide [o] Eat a dream vegetable [] Walk through a wall [x] Change a dream scene [x]
      x = hit
      o = miss/attempted

    11. #11
      Member Robot_Butler's Avatar
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      I often have lucid dreams where I will project my consciousness, either purposefully, or inadvertently. The other night, I was describing to a man with a gun why his bullets would have no effect on me. Next thing I knew, I was inside his gun, in some sort of microscopic slow motion world. It was like my vision zoomed into his bullets on a molecular level. When we dream, we can experience anything imaginable. The only reason you would even have a body in a dream is out of habit or expectation. It is just the way we normally experience the world. It is not necessary.

      If you read a lot, or play video games, or watch movies, you are already used to experiencing things from different viewpoints. This can carry over into your dreams. I say don't worry about it. Enjoy the dream, engage the dream, and don't worry about your body unless you need it for something.

    12. #12
      Dream Hunter bellatrix18's Avatar
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      Hope noone minds the delay in replying. Damn internet's been down!!

      Do you recall what triggered you to become lucid? The type of scene you end up in might depend heavily on the sign that made you lucid.
      I became lucid just because it was such a ridiculous scene... the horses and dohnut were really abstract and fake looking and there was no 'world' almost like a part formed dream. I do tend to become lucid spontaneously in dreams, just because it looks or feels 'wrong'.

      FlyingDutchman- I felt exactly like I was a god, like watching from the heavens. I wasn't really part of the dream, just an observer and it was so weird, like part of the sky... (Oh and I do love HP )

      Puffin- I really wish I'd realised my FA and I could have just got straight out of bed and had a wonderful lucid... But it made me laugh the following morning, DEILDing in a dream!!

      I love the idea about being in the LD without a body. i suppose if I could redo it all again I'd try to move myself around the dream as if i was flying on the wind and try to create more of a 'dreamscene' rather than just dancing ponies and blackness etc... I wonder what sensations and experiances I could have in such an abstract state!

      Robotbutler, that dream sounds awsome, Its the best thing about LDing, being able to experiance things from such a strange perception. I had a slightly horrible dream last night infact that i was both a spider and a beetle being eaten by the spider... The poison and venom hurt me as the insect (along with the fact that I was half eaten ) whlist the ticlking of the insects legs on the spider made it unbearabley tickley and uncomfortable. I sometimes seeing it from the spiders and/or beetles point of view, but mostly watching as if I was watching TV (no body again) but I could feel what they were feeling as well as their emotions-both blood thirsty (spider) and fear/lack of hope (beetle). I ended up becoming momenatrily lucid in order to 'speed my dream up' so I didn't have to feel the intense pain and tickling. (Strangely the ticking was worse than the pain!) Unfortunately my lucidity didn't go any further... Probably one of my most disgusting dreams to date! But it was cool seeing the world from such a miniature point of view with GIANT blades of grass and puddles you could drown in.

      menelvagor congrats on breaking your dryspell too!! i just can't wait til I have a lucid where i can actually make myself have the tinyest ammount of control!!

      Thanks if anyone botheres to read this long post! I wanted to reply to everyone!!
      Last edited by bellatrix18; 10-23-2010 at 09:12 PM.

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