Anyone having success with this. |
Bump |
Anyone having success with this. |
It's up to you, man. When I used MILD (which I may return to) I just done it when i thought of it throughout the day, and for less than five minutes before bed. Seeing and I meditate myself to sleep, after using the mantra for a certain amount of time, i'd stop and just go to sleep regularly. Have faith in this mantra. It's going to get you lucid, afterall |
Would it be ok to visualize based off of my first LD? I can remember it so well - the weak kneed feeling I got when I felt mu self in my own world in my head. It was amazing, I can remember the whole thing as clear as ever. |
That would be an excellent basis for a first MILD, visualising your first LD creates a vivid impression and a really strong emotion. In my experience you can use the same visualisation over multiple nights, but be sure to mix things up a bit if you feel you need to. |
My Lucid Dreaming Articles/Tutorials:
Mindfulness - An Alternative Approach to ADA
Intent in Lucid Dreaming; Break that Dry-Spell, Escape the Technique Rut
Always, no sometimes think it's me,
But you know I know when it's a dream
I think I know I mean a yes
But it's all wrong
That is I think I disagree
-John Lennon
An awesome guide! This helped me with my first few lucids and hopefully many more will follow! Do you recommend any audio such as binaural beats? |
If sweetness can win, and it can, I will be here tomorrow to high five you yesterday. Peace.
Bump |
Thank u |
So to help me go to sleep I day dream until all of a sudden I'm asleep. If I repeat a sentence in my head it keeps me awake. So could I do this sitting on a couch for 5 minuets and then get in to bed? |
So I have been using this technique over the past week or so. Typically I wake up in the middle of the night, so I have been doing it more with WBTB than using the tech as I go to sleep initially. It hasn't been particularly successful, but I have been taking the advice in the opening post and keeping at it. |
I just tried this yesterday. Even though I didn't get lucid, I remembered two dreams for the first time! I'll go ahead and keep using this technique. |
I took notes from this and your other LD'ing thread and put them into my official dream journal that is put near my bed! The first few pages I outlined my personalized morning/daytime/nightime routine, and also some scenarios as to what to do if I wake up spontaneously throughout the night. Then I have a page of things to do to help me get lucid. Things like "Notice things that repeat in my dreams" "Look for dream signs" "Sleep on my back" "Learn what it FEELS like to be dreaming" I don't know, it seems like things like that motivate me more. I also have "QUESTION REALITY" in big letters. Oh and I also title every page with a classic "I will have a lucid dream tonight". This is my first day back to LD'ing on a LONG dry spell, hopefully this new journal will be just the thing to kick it into gear! |
wow great job will be making this my main techniuque |
Great job on explaining this technique, I used it last night and had a ld. I will definitely be using this more! |
"The greatest action is not conforming with the worlds ways." -Atisha (11th century Tibetan Buddhist master)
Proud member of FFF (Fly, Fight, Fuck)
Naiya, you may just hold the title of making me have my first lucid dream!!! |
Thanks for this amazing tutorial |
I tried this last night, and I too had a lucid dream. My second. It was very short, but this definately gives me belief that this technique is something I am going to use in the future! |
So far i've never had a MILD, but i am somewhat of a beginner. It seems that whenever i stay up late studying and have to get up for an early class, i just get this unmistakable feeling of overwhelming tiredness and i have to take a nap. So far i have had all my lucid dreams while napping and feeling this way. I really like this tutorial and i think i am going to try to combine the tutorial with some of the comments into a super technique. I am going to visual myself in my most recent visual dream standing in front of a sign that says "You are dreaming" and have a speaker built into the sign that also says you are dreaming. Hopefully this will work lol... |
This is a great tutorial! |
Nice job, I love this tutorial. |
So this also probably goes well with Dild technique? |
LD BUCKET LIST=[]Be Naruto And Defeat Pain With Rasen Shuriken-[]Fly Across The Pacific Ocean-[]Be Bobby Pendragon-[]Do A Series Of LD's To Go Through One Of The Harry Potter Movies-[]Be Finn In Adventure Time-[]Be A Wolf-[]Be A T-Rex-[]Be A Cat
DV Buddy: BlueKat
I am giving this technique some serious, long-term effort and had a question about it: |