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    Thread: Naiya's Simple MILD Technique

    1. #151
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      Hi sageous,

      I only ask because I struggle to remember my dream signs in the dream, I see the characters or places but my memory doesn’t kick in with “it’s a dream sign”. So I suppose I was hoping to use MILD as way of being able to to boost my memory when I’m dreaming so I can recognise my dream signs when they occur.

      When I re read the tutorial may be I’ve missed the point. May be I’m suppose to be engaging my memory by using a recalled dream in vivid detail and simultaneously setting the intent to become lucid by using moving imagery? ( my actions once I’ve become lucid).

    2. #152
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      What type of learner are you? It would make it easier if you understand what typer you are so, it will save you the frustration if this doesn't work for you. We're all unique and complex creatures, but it is useful to have a rough yardstick to work with so that you can tailor your choice of techniques.
      For example, MILD is great for visual learners but will probably be much harder for someone who is predominantly kinaesthetic (who would be better off using IMP).
      You don't need to follow complex tests online to establish your type, for the needs of lucid dreaming the following test is enough:
      Which is easier for you to imagine:
      1) The image of a hand.
      2) The feeling of your hand opening and closing.
      3) The sound of your hands clapping.



      For me, I'm a little of everything. Mostly Visual and Kinaesthetic.

      I hope that helps!

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    3. #153
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      Lang what does IMP stand for? As to you your question, I can imagine all 3 quite well but i might be more auditory and kinaesthetic, so where do I go from here?

    4. #154
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      The Impossible Movement Practice (IMP) is a simple method that is designed to work in tandem with WBTB.
      IMP is designed to aid the transition between waking and dreaming and, as such, is a technique for inducing WILDs only.
      It is to be initiated at the point of returning to bed during WBTB, but could also be used at the start of a nap or as a stand-alone technique should you have awoken and the chances of returning to REM be high.
      Where you go from here? Depending on what you are really comfortable with. The truth is that most people are likely a combination. Don't worry too much about fitting neatly into a label.
      Remember that it is just a simple tool to help you work with your strengths rather than against them. Btw, same here.
      With Dreaming you need to start small and work hard grow your lucid dreaming lifestyle...
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    5. #155
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      MILD can be thought of like studying for a test. Each dream is like a test to see if you can realize you're dreaming when presented with a sign of dreaming. Study for the next test by analyzing what happened in past tests and setting an intention to realize you're dreaming next time you notice a dream sign in a similar situation. Be ready for the next test: it appears like a pop quiz!

      Alternatively, MILD can also be thought of like rehearsing for a play. The play is different each time, but in each play, a sign of dreaming appears as a cue for you to realize you're dreaming. Learn what signs of dreaming are and rehearse for the next play to try to get ready for it.
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    6. #156
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      Also, Remember: Take what you read or what you watch on youtube or where ever about dreams and sleep research with a grain of salt. BTW, Ant101. Don't forget to reality check as soon as you see this. I mean really put emotion behind it.

      I'm not sure if someone post this hint: If you awake from a dream and find that your mind is too drowsy to perform the technique, take a moment or two to clear your mind by doing something that requires full wakefulness. For example, you could take the time to write down your dream. Just be careful not to wake yourself so fully you find returning to sleep impossible.

      MILD is a great technique for those who want to attempt lucid dreaming without investing too much effort, however, as such, the results can be somewhat hit and miss. Ideally, it should be used as part of a more developed and comprehensive lucid dreaming strategy.

      I didn't read through everything... Sorry.
      With Dreaming you need to start small and work hard grow your lucid dreaming lifestyle...
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      “It’s... your conscience. We don’t talk a lot these days.”

    7. #157
      high mileage oneironaut Achievements:
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      Quote Originally Posted by Ant101 View Post
      Hi sageous,

      I only ask because I struggle to remember my dream signs in the dream, I see the characters or places but my memory doesn’t kick in with “it’s a dream sign”. So I suppose I was hoping to use MILD as way of being able to to boost my memory when I’m dreaming so I can recognise my dream signs when they occur.

      When I re read the tutorial may be I’ve missed the point. May be I’m suppose to be engaging my memory by using a recalled dream in vivid detail and simultaneously setting the intent to become lucid by using moving imagery? ( my actions once I’ve become lucid).
      I have a possibly different suggestion for you that might help: Why not try this fairly simple approach first, Ant101, and see how it goes:

      1. When you wake up in the morning, write down your dreams, in as much detail as you can remember. Hopefully you're already doing this!

      2. After a week or two of #1, look over your journaled dreams and underline images or themes that consistently pop up in them. They could be anything, but let's say for now that a refrigerator appeared in many of your dreams.

      3. Now, for daywork, which is the real key to MILD: Tell yourself each morning that Every time you see a refrigerator during the day, you will remember to stop and ask yourself, "Is this a dream?" and do a Reality Check. Then actually do it: it is very important to do this every time you see that fridge, and to do so with sincerity.

      4. At bedtime, just before you go to sleep, set an intention that you will remember to do a RC when you see a fridge, by saying to yourself "When I see a fridge, I will do a RC."

      5. If a fridge should happen to appear in your dream, then hopefully you will notice it and remember to do a RC and, hopefully, that RC will fail and you will know you are dreaming.

      Also, in case you didn't understand, that fridge is only an example: a dreamsign can be anything; an object, a person, even a regular theme (i.e., being in school); and a dreamsign will always be specific to you, and not something someone else gave you.

      MILD can be that simple; I would suggest you try this first before doing the complicated stuff that turns up in the tutorials.

      Good luck!

      [EDIT: I just read the OP to this thread, and I see that my suggestion runs afoul of Naiya's tutorial -- sorry about that Naiya, if you're still glancing at these posts -- and, though Naiya's suggestion certainly falls under the umbrella of MILD and is very simple if you can do it, I still recommend that first you try the simple method I outlined here.]
      Last edited by Sageous; 05-11-2020 at 10:45 PM.
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    8. #158
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      Hi Sageous,
      First of all Thankyou to dolphin, Sageous and Lang for your advice it’s greatly appreciated by a frustrated novice lucid dreamer.

      Sageous I will give your suggestions ago ( I like simple )
      I have 4months of dream entries,

      During the day I have 5 x 1 time PMRC goals in addition to my reoccurring Dream sign related RCs , occasionally I ask am I dreaming? How would I know?

      At night I go to bed I do a body scan to relax body and mind then I begin with 2 mantras
      1)” tonight I will have excellent and viviid dream recall.
      2) I will remember to recognise my dream signs and realise I’m dreaming.( may be this is too vague)

      Then I try to imagine a dream scenario with some of the dream signs but it’s not always clear in my mind. and it all gets bit vague and I fall asleep.

      May be I’ve been over complicating MILD.

      Usual dream signs for me are:
      • family, dead pets,
      •people or buildings with links back to the town I grew up in,
      • Repetitive actions or events,
      • strange events or actions that grab my attention and I think what’s that? how does that work?
      •people who know me but I don’t know them.
      •Things out of context within the dream setting.

      because of lock down I don’t get to see my family often so I get creative: when a text comes in from them I RC or when they call i RC , if I see a photo of a relative or if here a family members name mentioned I RC.

      Tonight I won’t bother with the visualisation and just go with the intention to notice ...(insert dream sign).

      Many thanks 🙏 to you all for your advice.
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    9. #159
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      Hm. Your mantras seem too long to me. I would keep it very simple, and present tense. "I will" is future tense. I would do something like this: "I remember I am dreaming." That's it. The shorter it is, the easier it is for you to recall it. Then, if it works, you'll hear your message back to you while in the dream (or at least, that's how it worked for me).

      Also, if you're seeing dream signs, but not recognizing them for what they are, I would try building your critical reflective attitude. Start really questioning reality. I find it helps when I RC to pretend that I really am dreaming (even though I know I'm awake). To the point where you can feel it. Like you're no longer honestly sure. Then let the RC go.
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    10. #160
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      Moonage daydream,

      Thanks for the info, I like the idea of really asking yourself to the point you feel doubtful like your building up to letting off the RC ( like a firework) to check.

      That is my problem, recognising the signs for what they are, but I’m pretty sure thats the crux of lucid dreaming isn’t it? Seeing it but being alert enough to question and keep questioning.

      I see people places, patterns etc in most of dreams I even know that in my dreams the content is never calm mundane stuff or if it is it will usually be interjected with 5 or 6 things that could only happen in a dreams .

      It’s so frustrating waking up in the morning recalling my dreams and realising some of the big signs I’ve missed, some times it even feels like the dream wants you to wake up with some of my experiences , but there I am in a dream in this half asleep half awake state just observing or engaging but hardly ever questioning or taking a step back to look around. Haha all part of the journey I suppose.
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    11. #161
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      Quote Originally Posted by Ant101 View Post
      Moonage daydream,

      Thanks for the info, I like the idea of really asking yourself to the point you feel doubtful like your building up to letting off the RC ( like a firework) to check.

      That is my problem, recognising the signs for what they are, but I’m pretty sure thats the crux of lucid dreaming isn’t it? Seeing it but being alert enough to question and keep questioning.

      I see people places, patterns etc in most of dreams I even know that in my dreams the content is never calm mundane stuff or if it is it will usually be interjected with 5 or 6 things that could only happen in a dreams .

      It’s so frustrating waking up in the morning recalling my dreams and realising some of the big signs I’ve missed, some times it even feels like the dream wants you to wake up with some of my experiences , but there I am in a dream in this half asleep half awake state just observing or engaging but hardly ever questioning or taking a step back to look around. Haha all part of the journey I suppose.
      I feel you. It's so frustrating to get the ball rolling. Right now, I'm in the same state as you - I've been out of practice for a while. It's like a snowball, though. Hard to get it started with just a few flakes, but once you do, it will start building itself. I think the key is starting small and just going from there. Baby steps, and celebrate the progress. Ignore the setbacks, get right back to the positive mindset.

      As to the RCs - really freak yourself out. I will stare at my fingers, not just counting, but looking at the shape, the little wrinkles, etc., to make sure I know that I'm not dreaming. How many times I've done an RC in a dream and decide I'm not dreaming... oh I hate that.

      Also fun - play out in your mind what you're going to do next. So, you do your RC, you pretend that it IS a dream, then recall your intention for the LD. So, I usually say outloud, after an RC, "Increase consciousness to super conscious level. Increase clarity." Then whatever action I want to take, in this case, I tell myself, "It's time to feel the wind outside" (the monthly goal).
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    12. #162
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      Quote Originally Posted by MoonageDaydream View Post
      I feel you. It's so frustrating to get the ball rolling. Right now, I'm in the same state as you - I've been out of practice for a while. It's like a snowball, though. Hard to get it started with just a few flakes, but once you do, it will start building itself. I think the key is starting small and just going from there. Baby steps, and celebrate the progress. Ignore the setbacks, get right back to the positive mindset.

      As to the RCs - really freak yourself out. I will stare at my fingers, not just counting, but looking at the shape, the little wrinkles, etc., to make sure I know that I'm not dreaming. How many times I've done an RC in a dream and decide I'm not dreaming... oh I hate that.

      Also fun - play out in your mind what you're going to do next. So, you do your RC, you pretend that it IS a dream, then recall your intention for the LD. So, I usually say outloud, after an RC, "Increase consciousness to super conscious level. Increase clarity." Then whatever action I want to take, in this case, I tell myself, "It's time to feel the wind outside" (the monthly goal).

      Probably 4 or 5 times a day I will go through what I will do when I next get lucid, my line of thought is it’s been 3months from my last and first lucid which was a DILD ( I’m yet to do a reality check in a dream) and the next time I become lucid I don’t want to waste the opportunity.

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      Quote Originally Posted by Ant101 View Post
      Probably 4 or 5 times a day I will go through what I will do when I next get lucid, my line of thought is it’s been 3months from my last and first lucid which was a DILD ( I’m yet to do a reality check in a dream) and the next time I become lucid I don’t want to waste the opportunity.
      What kind of RC are you doing?

    14. #164
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      Quote Originally Posted by MoonageDaydream View Post
      What kind of RC are you doing?
      I usually start with asking is this a dream? Look around looking for my dream signs then I try recalling what I did in the last 10minutes. Then I look at my left hand every time, close it, turn it over and then turn it back and open it, then first two fingers into the palm, finally I look at my watch at the time and text turn it away then turn it back. After each failed check I say “ tonight I will recognise my dream signs and realise I’m dreaming”

    15. #165
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      Quote Originally Posted by Ant101 View Post
      I usually start with asking is this a dream? Look around looking for my dream signs then I try recalling what I did in the last 10minutes. Then I look at my left hand every time, close it, turn it over and then turn it back and open it, then first two fingers into the palm, finally I look at my watch at the time and text turn it away then turn it back. After each failed check I say “ tonight I will recognise my dream signs and realise I’m dreaming”
      Hm, that's a lot of steps. I might simplify that to make it easier to remember in the dream state. I would start with immediately looking your hands, because it's so easy to get lost again in the dreamscape when you're looking at it, before you're fully lucid. Others might disagree here, though. I would not do so many RCs in one check, rather just pick one. I like to count my fingers.
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    16. #166
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      Quote Originally Posted by Ant101 View Post
      I usually start with asking is this a dream? Look around looking for my dream signs then I try recalling what I did in the last 10minutes. Then I look at my left hand every time, close it, turn it over and then turn it back and open it, then first two fingers into the palm, finally I look at my watch at the time and text turn it away then turn it back. After each failed check I say “ tonight I will recognise my dream signs and realise I’m dreaming”
      Jumping off what MoonageDaydream said about simplifying your RCs, you could focus on remembering to do one specific RC. You can always follow it up with other tests if there's still any doubt left in your mind as to whether you're dreaming or awake. It sounds like you're trying to be thorough, which is a good thing, but in my opinion the thoroughness comes from the questioning process itself, not how many RCs you do.

      As an example, in my early lucids my hands tended to look so vague and changeable that I could easily rely on the finger counting reality check alone to determine that I was dreaming (expecting to count a weird number of fingers during each RC helped as well). In contrast a recent lucid fragment had me clearly counting five fingers on my hand despite checking three times, but since something still felt "off" I started testing and looking for anything strange I could find. I pulled on my fingers to see if I could stretch them, tried willing an extra finger to grow, tried remembering how I got where I was, but nothing gave me a clear and satisfying answer one way or the other. Then I happened to notice that my thumb and pinky fingers were swapped to the wrong side of my hand. That wasn't a preplanned RC, but it did confirm I was dreaming. The original finger counting RC was practiced regularly in waking life, so in this case that primarily served the function of getting the questioning process started.

      Some other members on here have said that after they gained enough experience they could rely less on RCs and more on the direct feeling or sense that they're dreaming. Perhaps there's a natural learning progression from concrete, actionable techniques like reality checks to the underlying "question your reality" concept that's... well, more conceptual until you've gained sufficient direct experience. I guess where I'm going with all this is, one RC could be plenty as a stepping stone to lucidity, just keep the main focus on why you're performing a reality check.
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      "When you see the shadows falling,
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      Hold on tight to your dream."

    17. #167
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      Tengo una pregunta general. Estoy bastante perdido con el tema de las distintas tecnicas que deberia emplear a la vez, a quien hacerle caso y tal. Actualmente llevo un diario de sueños(12 registrados), y me pongo una alarma a las 4 am para practicar el wild(sin exito aun),y practico el mild la primera vez que me voy a dormir.No tengo claro que debo hacer estoy mut perdido, no encuentro ninguna señal onirica en especial en mis sueños, y tampoco he tenido sueños lucidos, ni tengo ( que yo recuerde o pueda recordar) despertares al cabo de la noche, no se que hacer, unos dicen que no debo ponerme una alarma para el wild sino que debo despertarme de forma natural, y yo no se hacer eso no se ni como practicarlo. Que debo hacer? Que orden sigo?. NEcesito conversar contigo para responder mis dudas y sacarme de este bucle vicioso, realmente necesito que me ayudes.Tampoco se como practicar el ADA al 100% ni se si sigo el buen camino. PORFAVOR AYUDA

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