Hi Naiya, |
Had a MILD this morning after reading this last night. Thank you! |
Hi Naiya, |
Thank you Naiya for this great tutorial. I have started using it a few weeks ago and have seen a great increase in my LD count. Granted I'm new to Lucid Dreaming and I'm coupling this with many other things, but I mainly use MILD for my lucid dreams before I go to sleep as well as when I wake up from dreams during the night. |
Thank you friend ill message you once I get my next LD from your method which will make 3 LDs!!! |
Thanks for this method, it really cleared some things up for me. I feel more motivated to try for a MILD again, and also to continue my visualization practices |
Thank you Naiya |
Awesome guide. |
Hmmm, tonight I think I'll try this + binural beats. I'll report on it in my DJ. Also, if it works, I'll link the binural beats I used. Wish me luck! |
It's been over a year and a half since I've actually had a lucid dream, so I'm starting to build it up again. I'll try this technique, it sounds nice because I forget all the time to do a reality check, especially when I'm doing something that requires my concentration. |
DILD: 0 | WBTB: 0 | WILD: 0
I had mild from this yesterday! |
Would you recomend Meditating sometime during the day repeating a mantra? And also I can only fall asleep after a while in bed so I should repeat the mantra then too. Also My mind wanders alot while saying the mantra, Thats normal right? I am very new to this ( When i say that i mean im getting into this alot, I have had one LD so far.) so please answer because i want to LD frequently even if it takes a few years to do that I WILL |
This is really nice and condensed. Thanks! |
Meditation goes very well with lucid dreaming. My boyfriend has been a meditator for years, and when I taught him the basics of LDing/WILD, he picked it up almost instantly. If your mind wanders, again, meditation is a great way to help yourself learn to maintain focus. It's normal to have your mind wander. Don't get too forceful about it, just gently let the thought happen, and let it then pass away, and redirect your focus back to your mantra. |
DV Buddy: BlueKat
Hi Naiya. |
Hey naiya, regarding the method of mild with visualization you are in a dream and you become lucid etc etc... Is it OK after doing this practice procedure... Next to it to do another practice like, you visualize your room.while saying the mantra, "when I appear in a different place other than my room it means I am dreaming"? When doing both these practice... Will it make the first practice less effective? |
I feel this is lacking some details or maybe other LD techniques have too many details. |
i shall try this once more with more clarity. |
I tried the technique tonight and I had a lucid dream |
Is it okay to let the visualisation go 5-10 minutes before falling a sleep? Because if i don't, i cant fall a sleep. |
Do you visualize the dream scene 1st or 3rd person? 1st person would be more dream-like but I find it very hard to not exit my head and see myself 3rd person when trying ^^ |
Hi, I’m new to lucid dreaming I have a question about the MILD technique. |
^^ That sounds like a fine thing to do, Ant101, but why not just remember the dream signs? I haven't read Naiya's tutorial in years, so forgive me if that linking is something you're supposed to be doing. |