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I think it depends on your definition of a WBTB and the reason for doing it.
Do micro-WBTBs count? Even if you don't get out of the bed at all? Toilet breaks? Natural awakenings?
Micro-WBTBs, quick journaling only (keywords), or reminding yourself of your intention - I think these can be done every night or even multiple times per night.
A short WBTB (5-10 minutes) after a natural awakening, for MILD or SSILD or a similar technique - here the point is to gather enough awareness to be able to do the technique. I think this can be done daily too.
A medium-long WBTB (20-30 minutes) for whatever reason, mostly as above but gathering more awareness - only if you can sleep for longer. It would be a too significant sleep loss otherwise.
A long WBTB where the primary intention is sleep disruption - it shouldn't be done too often.
If you do WBTB every day around the same time, the body adapts and the sleep architecture changes around that. This is absolutely true. But for most techniques, it doesn't matter. For example, biphasic sleep could work well for lucidity, even though the body is used to it.
One thing to watch for (that happened to me but lucid dreaming is only a part of it) is if you disrupt your sleep in the morning hours too often too much, the brain learns this and will start to take longer REM periods at the beginning of the night and shorter ones in the morning. But this could be just REM rebound rather than a long-term thing - if you disrupt your morning sleep so much that you get less REM than you would get normally, the early REM periods the next night will be longer - and if it is everyday thing, it becomes a pattern.