• Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views

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    1. The Sandman's Avatar
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      Well Link, at least we now know why the other students were looking at you weird.

      Sounds like a stressful dream. Evry...thing...just...takes...so-o-o-o-o...long and your in a hurry and figuring stuff out. PITA.
    2. <span class='glow_8B0000'>TheForgotten </span>'s Avatar
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      Been thinking about that little blonde girl but every time I get into a lucid I'm usually insanely pissed or running away from something. Well, or terribly unmotivated to do anything useful :\

      Thinking about it now, that blonde girl looked a lot like that girl from Sucker Punch, that's sorta funny.

      Still working on trapping individuals, once I untrap myself. I'm on it though! Cages within cages.
    3. <span class='glow_008000'>Linkzelda</span>'s Avatar
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      *Sigh* You won't be able to get to her, lmao, trust me.

      How's the coffee-mug industry going for you? Any new plants that can trap people for longer periods of time?
    4. <span class='glow_8B0000'>TheForgotten </span>'s Avatar
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      Lmao. Yeah yeah.
    5. <span class='glow_008000'>Linkzelda</span>'s Avatar
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      I might as well cut my dick off. This isn't fair.

      Wait, if you think I'm going to move onto you, one word:


      I should call you LMAOMEA instead of KAOMEA....hahahaha
    6. <span class='glow_8B0000'>TheForgotten </span>'s Avatar
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      Hey Link, guess what?

      That sounds like me. I went running four miles last night so recall took a nose dive... then again, I don't think recall on my end really matters.

      Tell me, what's the best way to make someone stop doing perverted things? That and you always said you'd have issues with restraint and what have I always told you? That I'll know how to deal so don't worry about it. I think playing the mother card was hilarious.

      Ah but who knows. It's a good start though!
    7. <span class='glow_008000'>Linkzelda</span>'s Avatar
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      Random stuff, that's all I know.
    8. <s><span class='glow_FF1493'>Alyzarin</span></s>'s Avatar
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      The second dream sounds like a fun world to live in. What exactly was that worksheet about? X)
    9. RommiH's Avatar
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      Thanks! Yeah they would wouldn't they? and cool dreams^^
    10. <span class='glow_008000'>Linkzelda</span>'s Avatar
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      Good luck on your exams my friend! And yes, they really can trigger more inspiration to have more memorable lucid or even non-lucid dreams.
    11. RommiH's Avatar
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      I was also recently thinking about drawing out my dreams too. Anything in them, about them. I think anything I draw in the future will be dream inspired. It'll have to wait though.... Exams... I would like to see your dream drawings though! If you ever get around to it.
    12. <s><span class='glow_FF1493'>Alyzarin</span></s>'s Avatar
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      So random. X) I like the groping one lol. Too bad your recall got fuzzy at the end. :T
    13. <span class='glow_8B0000'>TheForgotten </span>'s Avatar
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      Lol. Just lol.

      No she was having other nightmares and this gave her a way to not focus on having those.

      5,000 years sounds about right.

      And eh! I'm not reatraded!
    14. <span class='glow_008000'>Linkzelda</span>'s Avatar
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      And btw, GypsyKiss had a dream with you in it.. I told her about the blonde and in an attempt to avoid having a nightmare, she focused on finding that blonde. She's writing the entry but it'll take her days to finish it.... she's retarded like that.
      Wait, was she going to have a nightmare when you mentioned the blonde?

      She's writing the entry but it'll take her days 5,000 years to finish it.... she's retarded like that.

      I on the other hand, haven't had a chance to give adequate thought to the blonde yet. I mean I've thought about it but heavier things have been interrupting my focus. Bleh.
      It's okay Kaomea. *pets* You do what you want to do, I don't want you to try too much and get frustrated.
    15. <span class='glow_8B0000'>TheForgotten </span>'s Avatar
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      Lol at the anal.

      I don't know how you wind up with all these unusual experiences. And btw, GypsyKiss had a dream with you in it.. I told her about the blonde and in an attempt to avoid having a nightmare, she focused on finding that blonde. She's writing the entry but it'll take her days to finish it.... she's retarded like that.

      I on the other hand, haven't had a chance to give adequate thought to the blonde yet. I mean I've thought about it but heavier things have been interrupting my focus. Bleh.
    16. Astrosomnia's Avatar
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      Hot girls play Runescape? I gotta get back into that...seeing as they still charge me $8 a month anyway!
    17. melanieb's Avatar
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      I miss my red hair...

      I hope you figure it out! :)
    18. <span class='glow_008000'>Linkzelda</span>'s Avatar
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      For the record, hiding feelings is a totally uncool thing to do. I don't believe there has been an 'oh, you!' moment either. Maybe I'm wrong.
      I was referring to those different states you find him: past, present, and future. The future version is confident, full of knowledge, someone to look up to as a guide.

      It's just that...never mind, you're right, I'll just leave it at that.

      Awww, when you say you can shape shift, it makes me even more paranoid for some reason. xD

      I normally get 10 points per pedestrian I can manage to run over.
      You know, when I realize a person doesn't really know that many black people they would be okay friends with, I seem to be that person for them to play around with me and make stereotypes with because I usually don't take it seriously.

      Not saying you're doing that, but just letting you know. I probably said too much there.

      I don't care if we're asleep at the same time or not... if it's convenient for me to shove her your way, I'm doing it.

      Deal with it.
    19. <span class='glow_8B0000'>TheForgotten </span>'s Avatar
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      Oh noooooooooooooooooooooes!!!!

      I know you know he's not real in your dreams, at least that's what I'm presuming from what you said in previous DJ entries of yours, it really is something admirable to see you and Homeslice together.

      It's like he's the cool dude that tries to hide his feelings, but ends up getting soft and is like "Oh, you!"
      For the record, hiding feelings is a totally uncool thing to do. I don't believe there has been an 'oh, you!' moment either. Maybe I'm wrong.

      From what I'm presuming, you're seeing her in her core and rudimentary state. She's essentially a potential shape-shifter, and this need for her to do this is probably because of my narrow-minded perception between the whole debate of personality vs. looks in a woman.
      Lol. I don't know if I saw her core... it was brief.. and even then, I'm not even totally sure the guy I saw was you! hahahaha, but it did remind me of you. And I don't know many black friends I'd stop in the middle of the intersection for. I normally get 10 points per pedestrian I can manage to run over.

      And we all have the potential to shape shift. I shape shift all the time. It's fun, like trying on clothes and such, except with skin and other body parts. I don't quite know how to describe recognizing people in dreams... as I can't even do that on a reliable basis. There are times I can and definitely know, without a question of a doubt, who someone is. Other times I have no idea. So I can't say whether your inability to see the same person is perception based or what.

      And don't go being depressed. That's not very helpful to yourself... unless of course that's what fuels your to accomplish things. I saw her as attractive. I mean, she's totally my type... if I dated girls. She was receptive, supportive, outgoing, friendly, compassionate.... all characteristics I'd want in a partner. That and her energy was just nice. It was pretty to look at... her thought process was well put together.

      I also do not believe you just see the exterior. Sometimes, even I see only the exterior of people. Not everyone is open to me. It varies from person to person and the energy involved. Just like how we build friendships in waking life, dreaming is similar. Although there are shortcuts to be had in both lives but not everyone is an open book right off the bat.

      Guess that's something I should work on. Hopefully during the week, I can attempt a shared dreaming with you.
      Yep. I'll try. I was trying to find that girl today but instead got stuck in that long ass lucid getting drunk. I'll try again... and I don't know about you... I don't care if we're asleep at the same time or not... if it's convenient for me to shove her your way, I'm doing it.

      Deal with it.
    20. <span class='glow_008000'>Linkzelda</span>'s Avatar
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      No prob, bob. I'm not really doing it for you... I'm just going to attempt to create a supportive environment for her (which shouldn't be terribly difficult, given that I like her energy), and then completely shove her into yours.... she'll be wearing a backpack though... and that backpack with be filled to the seams with coffee mugs.
      Come on now, you don't have to use the deadly coffee mugs, Oh noooooooooooooooooooooes!!!!

      Eh... meh.... yea
      I know you know he's not real in your dreams, at least that's what I'm presuming from what you said in previous DJ entries of yours, it really is something admirable to see you and Homeslice together.

      It's like he's the cool dude that tries to hide his feelings, but ends up getting soft and is like "Oh, you!"

      No. I see energy and rough translations into physical form. It's often flawed and different on each sighting. But, I guess I could google blonde and see what comes up.

      That's actually a perfect description related to my dream signs of blondes with positive energy. It being flawed is completely plausible, because maybe she's the one who alternates between different visages of blondes.

      But get this:

      From what I'm presuming, you're seeing her in her core and rudimentary state. She's essentially a potential shape-shifter, and this need for her to do this is probably because of my narrow-minded perception between the whole debate of personality vs. looks in a woman.

      Which kind of makes me depressed at myself, because while the person you saw that could've been me saw her as someone attractive, you saw her as this "work in progress" shape-shifter.

      And this also leads me to conclude that maybe you really do have the ability to see just the energy of a person, or the soul, while I can only see the exterior.

      Guess that's something I should work on. Hopefully during the week, I can attempt a shared dreaming with you.

      Guess that's something like her. Although I didn't get a good look at her face... and appearances change at times. But that's close enuff. So. Expect a blonde, who's carrying a backpack.
      With coffee mugs!

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