• Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views

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    1. Komisoft's Avatar
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      BOOOOOOOOOOOOOBS. Interesting dream hahaha. Shame you couldn't recall more of this. Also you have tons of DJ entries. Nice work
    2. <s><span class='glow_FF1493'>Alyzarin</span></s>'s Avatar
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      I'm somewhat concerned Aly is interested in not just a bunny hentai but also tentacle rape. That seems, a tad racist.
      Racist to not discriminate? X3

      Aw, having quoted it I now see the beautifully formatted "Racist."s That's a shame it didn't show up.
    3. <span class='glow_008000'>Linkzelda</span>'s Avatar
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      Can't fight the system!! Bahahaha
    4. <span class='glow_8B0000'>TheForgotten </span>'s Avatar
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      Stupid thing didn't keep my formatting. I have 'racist' scattered beautifully all over the screen.
    5. <span class='glow_8B0000'>TheForgotten </span>'s Avatar
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      I'm somewhat concerned Aly is interested in not just a bunny hentai but also tentacle rape. That seems, a tad racist.

      Ok ok, I totally don't mean racist. It's just, the term 'racist' is too catchy. That or I really shouldn't stay awake for longer than 24 hours... I'm not sure which it is.







      Ok, I think I have it out of my system. Racist.
    6. <span class='glow_008000'>Linkzelda</span>'s Avatar
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      Lol, sorry that there wasn't any recall of tentacles raping a girl.
    7. <s><span class='glow_FF1493'>Alyzarin</span></s>'s Avatar
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      Aw, both of the good ones have no detail. X3
    8. <span class='glow_8B0000'>TheForgotten </span>'s Avatar
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      I think it's pretty interesting that you were able to remain calm during your lucid. Just strolling around the city. That's an improvement from random killings of guards and strangers no?

      I'm actually pretty psyched you managed to maintain a calm lucid I mean that in an absolutely fabulous way, btw.
    9. <span class='glow_008000'>Linkzelda</span>'s Avatar
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      Sorry about that, everything was going perfectly fine, but I think I got too excited. XD

      Don't worry, hopefully by the end of this month, I'll have lucid dreams frequently, because those are the ones that I still feel the energy, experience, emotions, etc.

      They can even be longer than the non-lucid dream I had just now after that lucid dream.
    10. littlezoe's Avatar
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      Awww Link! I hoped for a longer LD
    11. Dreamprofesser's Avatar
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      Who would have thought..Yuna is a freak! Lol
    12. Carrot's Avatar
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      I'll choose neither. Above all that I need a cheerful and genuine character.
    13. <span class='glow_008000'>Linkzelda</span>'s Avatar
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      I guess personality might help you make a choice.

      Katherine is the type of person who looks forward to marriage, settling down, having children, the good ol' mother and father splitting chores of taking care of the baby while working.

      Catherine is a succubus that loves to be free, seduce all kinds of men, satisfy temporary pleasures, and keep things sporadic and interesting.

      So, Katherine: Conservative and staying within the sheep (by that, I mean the norms for what is the example of having a family). Boring, dull, but stable and worthwhile in the long run, and can provide happiness as long as you see beyond the repeating elements of the marriage.

      Catherine: Free, subjective, wild, sporadic, intense, but unstable because she lives in brief moments of spontaneity...living in the moment, and not really considering about the consequences of her actions.
      Updated 05-14-2012 at 05:29 PM by Linkzelda
    14. Carrot's Avatar
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      I was curious why are you chasing me with the pillow too.

      Regarding Catherine and Katherine, that's a really tough choice to make. Even for me.
    15. <span class='glow_008000'>Linkzelda</span>'s Avatar
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      Okay, good for you. I get the hint, you don't like Eva, she's an ugly bitch to you. OH WELL.
    16. sinoblak's Avatar
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      Oh, OK. No more comment, no use.

      I don't wonder why you write your dreams down, it's just dreams.
      I believe that my dreams do have meaning, even with insignificant and unattractive DCs.
    17. <span class='glow_008000'>Linkzelda</span>'s Avatar
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      What do you mean by that?
      She wasn't attractive to me at all, but I knew she was looking at me. But she was just a random dream character, no one special.

      Now you make me ask why do you write your dreams down.
      You know, to remember them?

      Just because I don't want to pay attention to certain characters, doesn't mean I should just give up dreaming at all. I don't wonder why you write your dreams down, it's just dreams. That's a completely irrelevant statement with the question you just gave.

      I write them down obviously to remember as much details as possible, and this is me recording what I do in my non-lucid state, and I know that I'm a completely different person when non-lucid, I can't control my actions most of the time anyway, so it's not like I'm intentionally trying to ignore people.

      I try to remember everything I did, whether I liked it or not.

      Updated 05-13-2012 at 09:38 PM by Linkzelda
    18. <span class='glow_008000'>Linkzelda</span>'s Avatar
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      It helps me a lot setting the alarm at different intervals, so that I can wake up hopefully right after the dream ends.
    19. Whattheboy's Avatar
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      Cool long dream.I have alot of dreams like this when I have not been dreaming lately.Woah,I should put that in My DJ.Anyway yeah and only 4 of my long dreams have been Lucid.
    20. sinoblak's Avatar
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      I keep a distance from her, but she seems to glance at one or two times, but I just keep track of that with peripheral vision.
      What do you mean by that?
      Now you make me ask why do you write your dreams down.
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