• Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views

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    1. littlezoe's Avatar
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      Hmmm... actually i had another plan to fight her... well more like "chain" her, so i could talk with her.

      But that's not a bad idea... if i would really need to fight her, then maybe her own weapon would be more useful ^^
    2. Wolfwood's Avatar
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      Were you going to fight Lucy with her own skill if you found her?
    3. littlezoe's Avatar
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      Masculine or not, i'd say it's worth a try. I was trying to be nice to her all this time, but she doesn't seem to care about that. So now i'll change things

      I already figured out a fun way to fight her off, i hope i can play that out tomorrow ^^
    4. Wolfwood's Avatar
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      @ Kaomea -- Hah, fair enough... I did approach it from an admittedly masculine perspective. And nice voice.
    5. littlezoe's Avatar
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      Wow, Kaomea, that was awesome
      That just made it sound even better and you shown the emotions well, i really liked it ^^ I don't mind that you did so

      I'm glad you liked these entries, thanks
    6. <span class='glow_8B0000'>TheForgotten </span>'s Avatar
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      Yep - just make sure you beat her! If you lose.... she'll dislike you even more. You know the classic: you're weak and worthless. You better own the shit out of her. ^_^ In a similar vein, it's also like confronting your demon.
      Ehhhh Wolfwood, some people just enjoy a good spar. Maybe Lucy was just playing? Although, if LittleZoe did 'own the shit out of her', that would be quite impressive I'd imagine.

      OH! And LittleZoe, I love your Lucy entries. They're such a richly dark atmosphere whenever she's around. I hope you don't mind but I decided to read the Lucy portion of this entry out loud. If you mind, I'll remove it... but I really enjoy reading entries like this outloud xD

    7. littlezoe's Avatar
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      Thanks ^^ I'll give it a go tomorrow, if i can get lucid again

      Well... i don't know what are your ideals, but i'm not exactly attracted to bottom half body parts with tentacles... xD
    8. Wolfwood's Avatar
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      Yep - just make sure you beat her! If you lose.... she'll dislike you even more. You know the classic: you're weak and worthless. You better own the shit out of her. ^_^ In a similar vein, it's also like confronting your demon.

      I take it you don't find her attractive in that form?

      Good luck. :]
    9. littlezoe's Avatar
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      Well, that's a good point. I'll try to fight her the next time then if she'll try to attack or trick me... I hope that'll work, because i would be glad to have her on my side finally...

      It was definitely surreal... it made me think of a painting i've seen years ago, but i can't recall the name. It had body parts like that. I'm glad that this isn't her original form though, lol.
    10. Wolfwood's Avatar
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      Hehe, some people like to know you can hold your own (be independent) or even protect them.... and you can demonstrate that by beating them in a battle. She could feel safe in your company then. lol, I know this is a DC... but the concept is similar.

      I see... sounds even more bodged and surreal now. A strange DC. ^_^
    11. littlezoe's Avatar
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      Yeah, i knew she will do something against me, but i didn't expect this... and why the hell wasn't i able to control myself after that? That's so annoying....
      I wanted to avoid fighting her, because i thought that she might be even more mad at me because of that, but she doesn't seem to care about my friendly approaches... eh

      I edited the text a bit, because i see i wasn't clear enough. She had no upper body, just the bottom half and the tentacles were coming out of the waist area o.o
      But i like that picture
    12. Wolfwood's Avatar
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      Was she anything like that?
    13. Wolfwood's Avatar
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      lol @ shark birds.

      It seems winning Lucy over, after it went pear-shaped from those dreams in the past, ain't gonna be a walk in the park. If you beat her... I reckon she'll change. Win, win, win! (at least that's how things tend to pan out in my dreams in similar scenarios).
    14. littlezoe's Avatar
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      Thanks ^^

      Negro is a menthol candy Some of us are doing tests and research on the effects of menthol on dreams on the forum, here is a link: http://www.dreamviews.com/f32/mentho...hancer-133582/
    15. Chrisito's Avatar
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      what are 3 x negros?
      cool dream though hahaha.
    16. littlezoe's Avatar
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      Hmmm honestly, i could hardly tell. I rarely focus on the time itself, but when it's longer than usual, i just somehow notice that... but i couldn't tell how long they are usually. I like to enjoy the dream without worrying about the time
    17. Wolfwood's Avatar
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      I reckon it'd be pretty cool meeting her again -- her mind games seem to make it better. How long do your lucids typically last?
    18. littlezoe's Avatar
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      Haha, yeah you do, but your subconscious mind loves blondes. Influencing the show!
      Aww why? xD

      Now you made me think of Lucy by this black-blonde talk... i think tomorrow i'll focus on meeting her again... even if she might try to trick me
    19. Wolfwood's Avatar
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      Haha, yeah you do, but your subconscious mind loves blondes. Influencing the show!

      I envy you for getting lucid yet again... damn you.
    20. littlezoe's Avatar
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      Hehe, and so the theme is here too: dark haired girls seem mean, and the blonde ones seem more friendly.
      Hah, my subconscious might want to tell me something with that...
      But i find this weird as i find black/brown hair more attractive than blonde...

      Nice zoe, keep it up!
      Thank you, i try

      Ever since i take the menthol candies, it feels like i get lucid much much easier
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