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    * The Sandman's Dream Journal o/***

    Like sands through the hour glass, so are the dreams of our nights.

    1. #58 - Free Style

      by , 04-13-2013 at 02:41 PM (* The Sandman's Dream Journal o/***)
      I had two or three beers last night.
      I had three cups of coffee yesterday which I think helped me become lucid last night. I woke up in the middle of the night and couldn't sleep for hours which happened somewhat recently as well.
      I checked in to DVirc last night.

      I was looking at a couple of red 4x4's and I knew that I was dreaming. I didn't even do an RC.

      I started flying straight up and I felt like a rocket. I even heard the jets. I went above the tree line and started thinking, "I hope I don't get heavy." I focused on the sound of the jets and tried to just ride it.

      Soon I saw stars, but I wasn't in space. It was more like here and there, there were spots of light, stars, hanging in our atmosphere. It was still awesome.

      Soon after I did get heavy. I didn't exactly fall back to Earth, but I did dream-skip to Earth. I was on a country road. This was a similar theme to a recent lucid also, but this time I didn't really see the road.

      I heard a noise and thought I'd go check it out. I followed the sound through some brush. It was really interesting to follow the sound. I was excited as I got closer and closer. I came upon a baby owl in a nest. I was afraid it would bite me if I wasn't lucid, but I was, so I picked it up. It was sweet, so I put it on my shoulder.

      Now I went back to the road. A car wizzed by. I tried to step in front of it. This was similar to jumping off a small cliff and into a river in a recent lucid. I find I like to court danger when I'm lucid. Why not?

      Then I heard a cop following this car. I was going to wait for it and step in front of it, but it never got there.

      Dream skip

      I'm in a metal pre-fab building. I forgot the junk that was in it, but I decided to leave and FAILED in my attempt to phase through the wall. I was pissed! I've been having trouble phasing which used to be a natural ability for me. I know the wall isn't there but I still cant pass.

      I ended up ripping the wall like cloth, but it took effort. This development really concerns me.

      I ended up in a room with E. I wasn't going to do anything with her, but decided that I'd had a pretty varied dream, and maybe it was time to enjoy some female activity. She left, and I ended up trying to explain to another girl whom I was not interested in, the difference between a 1964, '69, and 70 half dollar.

      The stupid DC wasn't listening to me. The dream started breaking up here.

      Updated 04-13-2013 at 02:44 PM by 41873

    2. Not Memorable: Witch Meeting; Back at the Party; Old Coins and Going Back for my Daughter

      by , 11-06-2011 at 04:20 PM (* The Sandman's Dream Journal o/***)
      Witch Meeting

      I was at a table with a guy and a girl. I don't know what the discussion was about. Another DC walks up. The two DC's at the table start to talk about what we are going to do. The new DC has changed the dynamic of our plan and I get nervous about it.

      A silver or stainless steel pipe cut in half length-wise is now around our chairs binding us as a group inside the piping. Blood is in the half-pipe. It didn't seem odd in my dream. The female character "put" it there.

      I start to tell everyone that "The only way...

      The two DC's already seated are still talking. I am insistent, and so I keep talking as I stand up..."I am going to keep going is if I am in charge of a couple things." I put my arm around the new DC and walk away. I assure the folks at the table this will only take a minute--maybe not even that long. We walk away.


      I come back to a party, though it isn't the one from my previous dream. There are lots of people at a sports bar scene. As I approach the door, a beautiful brunette walks out and to see me. Her name is Dianne. Names are rare in my dreams.

      We are going to go to a less crowded room to hang out. I tell her, "I'm going to go get my pool stick and a pack of smokes." I have a pool stick, but I quit smoking years ago. She says "That's cool."

      I go out to my car, but try to get a better parking spot. It actually seemed farther away when I got there. As I got out of my car, I was now getting off a lawn mower. It had a blade that stuck out. It was covered, but tilted to expose the blade. I had to adjust the blade so it wasn't dangerous.

      I was getting frustrated because I was trying to get back to Dianne, though I was starting to lose that part of the dream.

      I finally started walking back to the party. There were tons of people walking my way.

      I usually don't have so many DC's.

      Old Coins and Going Back for my Daughter

      I was finding coins in a creek--mostly from today's time, but then I found a really old coin. It might have been commemorative.

      Dream skip

      Time has passed. Some friends are going somewhere and I am going with them. I am in the creek to get just a few more coins. I didn't want to leave the quarters. It seemed like such easy money. Then the coins started getting older. I was finding treasure, so I really had to keep getting them.

      Finally, I had as many as I could carry. I went back to the car with wet legs from getting on all fours. We left, but we left my daughter, who I think had my name in the dream.

      I was waiting to see if the driver was going to get her, but he never did. I told the driver I had to get out to get my daughter, so he pulled over. I was now 5 miles from home. I was afraid because I would never leave her out of my sight, much less out of the house alone with no one watching her for that long.

      I started to walk home and ended up in a building. A guy had me look at a TV which was showing a room full of servers. He said that Drew set the whole thing up. This was because some people I know are hosting a forum for a game I am mildly involved in. The name Drew was from a singer on the X factor.

      Someone else came in the room. She looked like a teacher at my daughter's school. It was made known that she actually installed the servers. It bothered me that the wrong people were taking the credit for setting up this room full of servers.

      Dream End
    3. Rare Coins Found; A Brush with an OGF, HUGE Tatooed Construction Workers; Strange Movie Scene

      by , 03-26-2011 at 04:36 PM (* The Sandman's Dream Journal o/***)
      Rare Coins Found

      I was floating down a large creek in a boat with a few other people I don't see the boat or the people. A lot of my dreams are like that.

      Someone mentions that someone gave a person named Oro (gold in Spanish) some silver...or something like that. I thought that was odd. Then we past some rocks. There were coins spilled all over the place.

      I looked at a nickel and saw it was a war nickel (in waking life minted 1942 to 1945, 40% silver with a large mint mark above the Monticello). I saw the S above the Monticello, so I said, "Hey, a war nickel!" On closer inspection I noticed that all the coins were silver, and many were very rare, special pieces. It was a treasure!...but it wasn't ours!

      We started picking up as many as we could. I filled to sport-coat pockets full, and of course I filled my mouth with them

      Dream skip: We are all in a building and I get the feeling someone suspects we found the coins. I try not to look suspicious. I can't talk obviously or I'm busted. Someone asked why I have my hands in my pockets. I look like, "Whatever. I'm just walking around."

      I tell someone about the coins in my mouth and he says, "Just take an aspirin." He was no help!

      That's all I remember.

      A Brush with an OGF

      I was with a girl who used to torture me in waking life. I put my hand on her shoulder and very slowly inched towards her breast. She let me and I felt very relieved, but I never actually got to touch her. I just know that in my dream, the point was that she let me. It was like a dream saying, "Yada yada" right at the good part.

      Anyway, then she was across the table and I couldn't be close to her. A sweet, sweet beauty but so, so cold! That's the way she always treated me in waking life and that was the end of that dream.

      HUGE Tatooed Construction Workers

      I was in a strange house. I looked out a window and saw a huge construction vehicle. It was like something you see on a PBS special about huge vehicles that you never get to see in waking life. I was amazed.

      There were guys lined up on the ground all...doing something...at the side of the vehicle. They were like 7 foot tall body builders, all tattooed, every last one of them. I saw their builds. Just as in waking like, they had different body types, and I just looked down the line, amazed at how someone got a special crew of monster sized people. They must have been working on a very special project.

      I kept going down the line until there was another truck. This truck was smaller, and had smaller guys, but I was thinking that if it weren't for those huge guys, these guys would all look pretty big to me.

      Then there was a guy in a bobcat driving on top of two construction vehicles. He needed to be up hi for some reason, but what a ridiculous balancing act.

      The End

      Strange Movie Set

      I was on some kind of movie set. A scene was acted out where a guy lost his head. I forget how he lost it, but when he was supposed to lose his head, he would press a button on his neck and his head would pop off.

      His head was separate from his body, talking, asking if they should do the scene over where his head is cut off with a sword instead of however he lost it the first time.

      The End