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    Chronicles of Ethos

    1. Possessed, Underwater Combat (February 29, 2012)

      by , 03-08-2012 at 05:03 PM (Chronicles of Ethos)


      This dream is a little fragmented at the beginning. I was lucid and fighting Micheal Myers in a dark place. I probably became lucid because Micheal Myers has been a dream sign for many years. I think I was fighting with him in an old abandoned house in the middle of the night. I can only remember the final moments of the fight. Micheal grabbed by throat and lifted me up into the air. He held me against the wall and tried to strangle me. I used the dragon morph to transform my foot. I swiped him in the eye with my claws and he stumbled back. I clenched my hands together and hit him hard in the face while he was still dazed. He fell to the ground and was still covering his face from the pain. I pulled out my sword and stabbed it through his chest. I then ended it by lighting him on fire with a fireball. His body evaporated into sparks and I saw his angry spirit fly away.

      The next thing I know, I'm standing on the side walk of a small neighborhood in the middle of the day. For some reason, I was now a little girl of about 5 years old. There were 2 women talking to each other about something next to a baby carriage. I then started to hear a creepy whispering voice in my head.

      "Kill... Kill them..." It said.
      "What? No!" I said in my mind.
      "Do it... Do my evil work for me.... Let me live on inside of you!" The voice shouted.

      I realized that this was Micheal Myers speaking to me. Suddenly my body and mind became possessed. I walked in a zombie like state towards a kitchen knife lying on the sidewalk. I picked up the knife and walked towards the baby carriage. When I lifted my arm to stab the baby, I regained control of myself again.

      "What the hell? I'm not going to kill a baby!" I said in my mind.
      "Do it!" He shouted.
      "You can't make me!" I yelled back.
      "You will obey me." He said.

      I lost control of my body and lifted the knife again. I thrusted the knife down towards the baby. In a fit of rage, I regained control of my left arm and swiped it in front of the knife at the last second. I managed to stop myself from killing the baby by stabbing myself in the arm. After Micheal lost control over me, I pulled the knife back out of my arm and dropped it. The two women then finally took notice to me and the baby. We were safe now that people were aware of the weird stuff happening. The last thing I remember of this dream is Micheal saying goodbye.

      "You bastard..." Micheal said before disappearing from my mind.

      Underwater Combat

      I'm not 100% sure, but I think I was Claire in this dream. I was in some school building that reminded me a lot of the Lucid Academy. I was following a group of classmates to an indoor pool. On the way there, someone shared half of a cookie with me for reasons I can't remember. It was unbelievably delicious. When we walked into the pool area, everyone excpet me rushed in and jumped in the water. I looked around the room and saw a guy standing against the wall with a large box. Inside the box was powdered donuts for sale. I pulled a small pouch of gold coins out of my pocket and bought the whole box from him. I ate a few donuts and then gave the box to some other guy to "bank" them. Things are a little fragmented from this point until the end of the dream.

      I looked at the pool again and saw that everyone disappeared. I then saw a few people come back to the surface for breath and quickly dive back down. There was something down there and I was curious to see what it was. I saw a hole in the floor next to the pool filled with water and a ladder. For some reason I felt like going down that way. I jumped into the water and started to sink.
      I became lucid after jumping into the water because it didn't feel right. The water just felt like air. While I was underwater I thought I had to hold my breath even though I was still passively breathing.

      As I floated down to the bottom, I finally noticed what was so interesting under the water. I was now floating in the sky above a small village. I could see a bunch of people down there playing around with dream control. They were doing things like flying, super speed, shooting fire, summoning, and a bunch of other things. I can't remember what exactly happened when I reached the bottom, but I know some sort of free for all lucid battle started.

      I think I was hiding behind a small shack where a man was trying to sell apples for the first half of the battle. I was too confused about what was happening to get involved. I then remembered that I needed to breathe, so I flew up to towards the surface. This one guy who was dominating the competition noticed me as I flew up. He flew at me from below on his black dragon. I could sense him and the dragon coming towards me, so I dodged to the left. He glared at me as he flew by, which made me think he was taking the game a little too seriously. The dragon then swung its claws at me as I pulled out my sword. It tried to swipe me a few times, but I deflected its claws with my sword. They decided to fly away from me when I got to the surface.

      At the surface I saw Chris standing next to the hole. I can't remember what was said, but it was something about helping me out in the fight. He jumped into the water with me and we dived back down to the bottom. The first thing Chris did was charge at some guy who had transformed into an anthropomorphic tiger. I saw a cloud in the sky that resembled a dragon. That reminded me of my ability to summon dragons.

      "Summon dragon!" I shouted.

      A dark blue dragon wearing armor came out from behind the cloud. I jumped onto its back as it flew past me. I saw some people standing on a few clouds, shooting fire, lightning, and other spells at the people below. I flew the dragon over the clouds so it could attack. The dragon breathed a blue fire on all of them and knocked them out of the game. I then remembered that I needed more air, so I jumped off the dragon and flew back to the surface.

      When I descended back down to the village, I saw Chris standing on top of the apple shack. He was shooting at people with a bow and arrows. He must have been having fun because he was laughing the whole time. Then someone came out from behind a house and shot a hundred of these tiny energy balls at Chris. Chris kind of passed out from that and just layed on top of the apple shack. I climbed on top of the apple shack, grabbed Chris, and started flying towards those clouds again. The man tried shooting that energy pellet spell again, but my dragon flew between us to protect me. When I reached the cloud, I layed Chris down on it and got on my stomach to try hiding. The sound of an energy blast and seeing pellets fly by told me that he found me anyways.

      I charged ice magic in the palm of my hand, rolled over, and started shooting bursts of ice magic at him. He took cover behind a stack of a crates. He then shot his energy pellets at me and I took cover behind the cloud, which was surprisingly protective. We continued this for a while and got no where. Eventually I decided to just shoot at him the second he comes back out from behind the crates. He didn't expect that and was soon frozen solid. I stood up and took a good look at the village. It seemed like me and Chris were the only ones left. Then of course, that one guy and his black dragon appeared in front of me.

      I noticed that Chris was still holding his bow, so I took that to help me in the fight. The dragon was trying to charge a ball of shadow fire. I pulled the bow string back, created a fireball in the shape of an arrow, and shot it at the dragon. The fire arrow exploded when it hit the dragon and disrupted its spell. I did this a few more times to try and weaken the dragon. My dragon then suddenly flew up from below and finished them off with its blue fire breath. It looked as if we had won the battle. Chris started to wake up a little. I then remembered that we both had been underwater for a while and needed air. I picked him up and swam to the surface. I woke up when I reached the surface this time though.

    2. Draflam War, Teaching Dream Control, Lucid Fragment (February 19, 2012)

      by , 02-28-2012 at 05:31 AM (Chronicles of Ethos)

      I should probably mention that I used Daydream Awareness again. I don't feel like going into detail about my daydreams anymore though.

      Draflam War

      The dream started off with me standing inside the void with Claire. She was talking about the Aranians and Draflams while I was playing with a little ball of light. I think she mentioned something about being a rouge Draflam and the stupid war between two kingdoms. I was too distracted by the floating light to absorb most of the conversation. She saw that I wasn't paying attention and slapped me in the back of the head. I started paying attention and became lucid after realizing that standing inside the void isn't an everyday thing.

      "Hey! Pay attention!" She yelled at me.
      "What?" I asked.
      "We need a dragonborn. You're our secret weapon." She said.
      "Alright, teleport us to the battlefield." I said.

      Claire then took the little ball of light away from me. She focused it between her hands and expanded it until we were both sucked into it. I fell onto my back and was staring at a dark cloudy sky. I got up and looked at my surroundings. I was in the middle of a large grassy field next to a hill in the middle. Far in the distance behind me was an army of medieval style soldiers marching towards the field. They were the Aranians. In front of me I could see several groups of men in red robes getting into defensive positions. They were the Draflams. I saw a few of the red guys run behind the hill.

      "I'll go kill them!" I shouted before turning into a dragon.
      "No! Wait!" Claire yelled.

      I kind of ignored her and ran behind the hill with fire in my claws. I stopped when I saw a huge mass of red in front of me. There were like 50 Draflams just standing there. I stared at them for a moment and they stared at me. Then they all pulled out these weird short swords and started charging them with magic. I quickly turned around and started running back towards the hill. They chased after me and started shooting some explosive spells at me.

      "Holy shit! Claire, kill them!" I screamed.

      I looked at the top of the hill and saw that Claire was already shooting lightning bolts at them. I realized that this battle was going to be a bloody mess for us if I didn't use my powers. I then remembered that I can summon dragons and that Claire can ride them. I held my one hand out and pointed it at the hill and I pointed the other at the sky. I started thinking about a fire dragon and an ice dragon.

      "Summon dragons!" I yelled.

      A red dragon then jumped over the hill and landed in front of me. He breathed fire on the Draflams that were chasing me and started to attack them. When they were all dead, Claire jumped on the dragon and flew towards the other Draflams. I looked up at the sky to see where the other dragon was. I saw a white dragon dive down from the clouds and land in front of me. She waited for me to give her a command. I saw the Aranian army run by me. They had giant fireballs and flaming arrows flying towards them.

      "Go and help the Aranians. Defend them as much as you can."

      The dragon nodded and flew above the army. I watched her to see if she would do a good job. A giant fireball flew towards them, but the dragon froze it with her ice breath and smashed it with her tail. To deal with the arrows, she would blow them away by flapping her wings. My attention then switched to a stone fortress on the other side of the hill. I figured that was our main objective. I saw Chris in an Aranian uniform trying to break the door of a tower open. I decided to run over there to help him out.

      "Why do we need in here?" I asked him.
      "We need to take out those ballistas so Claire can attack." He said.
      "Alright, let's do this." I said.

      We both charged at the door and busted it open. A Draflam tried to stab Chris from behind, but I swiped him with my tail blade. A couple more ran towards us and Chris pulled out his sword and killed them. We climbed up the spiral staircase together and had to fight many more Draflams. We got hurt a few times on the way up, but I don't feel like going into detail. When we reached the top I saw a lot ballistae at the top of the tower shooting at Claire and the fire dragon. I was sick of killing those Draflams and felt like taking them down with one attack.

      "Chris, duck." I said.
      "Oh crap." He said before diving onto the floor.

      I charged a huge amount of electricity in me until I felt like I had enough. I then held out my hands and released a wave of lightning in all directions. When they were all dead Claire flew back towards us with the dragon. Me and Chris jumped off just before the dragon shot a fireball at the tower. I grabbed Chris and flew us down to the ground safely. Claire jumped off of the dragon and landed on one of the fortress walls.

      "What now?" I asked Chris.
      "I'll go clear out another tower. You should destroy that gun over there." He said.
      "Okay." I said.

      I looked across the field to see some huge turret shooting at the Aranians. I saw a row of tanks on the other side of the field past the turret. I knew that if I could just get in that tank I could destroy the turret. I ran across the field and hoped that the gun wouldn't target me. Of course it still started shooting at me anyways. I used that purple energy thing as a shield without thinking about as I ran across. When the gunner realized he couldn't shoot through my shield he just started shooting the tanks. He managed to blow up all but one tank. I got in the tank and started shooting at turret. It blew up after 3 shots. That's the last thing I remember before walking up.

      Teaching Dream Control

      I was talking to a girl over AJAX chat about lucid dreaming. I became lucid pretty early in the conversation, but I can't remember many details. The girl I was talking to was the same one from the Lucid Contract dream. From our chat on AJAX I learned that her name is in fact Molly. When I became lucid I got a little excited and told her that we were both dreaming. She denied it at first, but she then said she did a successful reality check. We started talking even more about our lucid dream and about dream control. I remember that we even started reffering to me as a dream guide. She said something about dream control being impossible for her and I started to argue with her on that.

      "If it's so easy then why don't you tell me how to do it?" She asked.
      "I'm not good at explaining things." I said.
      "I bet that means you can't do it either."
      "Oh I can do it. Want me to show you?" I asked.
      "Go ahead and try to prove it Mr. Dream Guide."

      Challenge accepted. I pushed my chair out of the way and stepped back a few feet. I ran foward and jumped into the computer screen. I ended up teleporting outside of Molly's computer just like I wanted. I scared the crap out of her when I came out of the computer and landed on her. I got up off the ground and laughed at how much fun it was to teleport through a computer.

      "Is that proof enough for you?" I asked her.
      "How did you jump out of my computer???" She asked me.
      "It's called teleportation. You should learn it sometime." I said.
      "What else can you do?" She asked.
      "Well I can fly." I said.

      I took a few steps back and then levitated into the air. I flew around the room for a while. I can't really remember the rest of the dream.

      Lucid Fragment

      I was in some half destroyed city that was experiencing a war. I was wearing one of those fancy nano suits from Crysis. I had a pistol and I was running towards someone who had their back to me. I was planning on using a sneak attack. When I got close to him he quickly turned around and fired his shotgun at me. I slowed down time and bent backwards, just barely dodging bullets. I became lucid right after doing that. I knocked the shotgun out of his hands and he ran away. I activated my suit's super speed function and chased him down. When I caught up to him, I jumped into the air, and kicked him in the back of the head. I didn't bother doing anything else to him since he was already knocked out.

      I ran back to the spot I encountered him and took his shotgun. I saw girl lying under truck with an LMG shooting all of my guys. I got on the ground and started crawling towards her from behind. When I got close enough, I started "firing" my shotgun at her. It must have been out of ammo or something. She noticed me and pulled out a pistol. I jumped on top of her and tried to keep the gun pointed away from me. I eventually got hold of the gun and pointed it at her. I was about to shoot her, but then I decided not to. For some reason it felt too evil to do. She then kicked me in the groin and I woke up.

    3. The Dreamer Base Mystery Box, Short Lucid, Shadow Man Chase (February 5, 2012)

      by , 02-06-2012 at 06:38 AM (Chronicles of Ethos)

      The Dreamer Base Mystery Box

      Before I went to bed I kept daydreaming about accepting a quest to find the DB mystery box. I daydreamed about finding it guarded by a dragon, but I didn't open it because I wanted it to be a surprise. I also daydreamed about asking the elf for her name because it's weird to always say "the elf".

      This dream started out with me standing in the middle of a city during rush hour. I was standing on a sidewalk waiting for the light to change so I could cross over. As I was about to cross I stopped because I noticed a familiar face down the sidewalk. It was the old man again watching me. I walked over to him because he looked like he had something to say to me.

      "Ahh, hello dragonborn!" He said happily.

      I became lucid right after he said "dragonborn". I had a bunch of flashbacks for a moment of all the dreams of the old man or me being dragonborn.

      "Woah, I'm dreaming?" I asked.
      "You were quicker to figure it out this time!" He said laughing.
      "...Have any quests for me?" I asked him.
      "Yes, I want you to go and find the dreamer base chest. It will be dangerous, so you best find some friends."
      "This sounds familiar... Who should I bring with me?" I asked.
      He lifted his cane in a gesture and nearly hit me in the face before saying, "You'll find someone there..."

      He was pointing towards all of the cars slowly driving threw rush hour. I had a feeling he was hinting to one person in particular. I sort of used the dragon morph on my eyes to give me a much more powerful vision. Things became more vivid and I could zoom in on objects. I scanned the drivers in each car until I came past something I recognized. Although his hairstyle was different and he had facial hair, I recognized his energy as Chris. He was driving a taxi and it didn't look like life was treating him too well. I ran around all of the cars and then jumped on the front of the taxi.

      "Hey Chris! Life's a bitch isn't it?" I teased him.
      "Where have you been??? I've been looking for you!" He said.
      "What do you mean, 'where have you been'? You're supposed to be my dream guide and you're driving a taxi!" I yelled at him.
      "...I needed a job." He said embarrassed.
      "Come on, we have a quest." I told him.
      "I'm a little busy right now." He said motioning towards the backseat.

      I glared at him for a moment and he glared back. A woman then got out of the back seat and walked towards me. It took me a little bit to think it through before I noticed she was the elf.

      "I'll help you find this treasure." She volunteered herself.
      "Hey, it's the elf!" I said excited.
      "My name is Claire." She said.
      "Alright, we'll go find that chest then." Chris said.

      I got in the back of the taxi and Claire sat in the passenger seat. Rush hour apparently ended during our chat and we drove through the city with ease. I was starting to wonder where the chest would be and how we would find it. I then noticed Chris playing with radar/GPS that finds treasure. We started driving on a country road, and we talked about things that I can't remember. We were about to drive over a bridge above a river, but the bridge started rising. Chris tried to make the jump, but it failed and we landed in the water. As the taxi went underwater we all swam out as quick as we could. The river's current was to strong for us to fight and it carried us into a tunnel under a mountain. Claire guided us through the tunnel until we came to a large hole above.

      We all climbed out of the hole and came into a very large cavern. It was covered with ice and snow and it was freezing. On the far side of the cave I could see a chest. I ran towards it, but a full grown white dragon swooped down and stopped me half way. She tried to swipe me with her claws and I rolled past her. She took in a deep breath and jumped behind a rock as she tried to freeze me with her ice breath. Chris then threw a couple snowballs at the dragon and got her attention. She started chasing him and as Claire fired lightning bolts. The plan was working I guess.

      I ran over to the chest as fast as I could. I knew it had to be the DB mystery box because it had a green diamond shaped lock that reminded me of the Dreamer Base logo. I dragon morphed my hand and slashed the lock off with my claws. Inside the chest I found a large white gemstone. Except I don't think it was a gem, but maybe a dragon egg. When I turned around I came face to face with an angry dragon mother. I looked to my left and saw Chris lying in the snow worn out. I backed away slowly and placed the egg back inside the chest. The dragon then flew by me and snatched the chest away. That's the last thing I remember before waking up.

      Short Lucid

      The dream started with me in my old home in Loudonville. I was fighting with my sister about a magic lightbulb or something. And by fight, I mean she tried to stab me. She was mad because I made a lightbulb powered by light magic instead of electricity or something like that. So as she tried to stab me I ran and locked myself into my room. I became lucid when I realized that I haven't lived there in years. I ran back out my door and up the stairs while rubbing my hands together. Unfortunately, rubbing your hands together doesn't do much when your alarm goes off.

      Shadow Man Chase

      My alarm went off, but I went back to sleep after daydreaming anyways. Before this dream I daydreamed about fighting another shadowman again.

      I don't remember much of this dream. I was on a large space ship and just wandering aimlessly. I then became lucid though when I saw a shadow man. I quickly created a ball of light in front of me and summoned a full grown white dragon out of it. The shadow man started screaming and he ran away. I got on top of the dragon and chased the shadow man. He jumped up to the ceiling and phased through the vent. My dragon then jumped up and started climbing upside down on the ceiling with its claws. I kicked open the vent and a goblin fell out. The dragon looked down at it and growled.

      "You can eat him later! Get the shadow man!" I said.

      The dragon crawled into the vents and I dropped down to the goblin. I grabbed the goblin's head and rammed it into a wall. It knocked him out a lot easier than I thought. I looked over to the other side of the room and saw the shadow man fall out of another vent. The dragon soon followed. I ran over there so I could fight him, but the dragon had already frozen him with its ice breath. I was then going to shatter the ice, but the dragon ate it. That's the last thing I remember before waking up.

    4. Dragonborn Magic (December 29, 2011)

      by , 01-03-2012 at 01:13 AM (Chronicles of Ethos)

      Haven't wrote in my journal lately because I was busy with holiday stuff and generally unmotivated. This dream is important to me because I learned two very useful abilities.

      Dragonborn Magic

      I can't remember much of anything from before I became lucid. It was night time and I was in a field. There were also grey clouds in the sky and it was starting to snow. I was by myself and surrounded by a low fence that was generating a force field. Chris and some other guy were in another one not too far away. They were fighting with a woman, who was an elf, and casting spells at each other. So now my current goal was to figure out how to get out of the force field and help them.

      At this point I became lucid. I put my hands up in the air and kept making a throwing motion. I was attempting to cast a magic missle spell, but I just couldn't get it to work. I don't think I was really focusing on the spell enough. After trying at least 10 times I gave up and something interesting happened.

      "Why isn't it working?!" I asked myself. It frustrated me because I was doing the exact same thing the other three were doing. Instinct suddenly started to take over like it did when I first used time control. I jumped into the air and roared loudly. A powerful wave of blue energy came out of the roar and blasted through the force field like it was nothing. I noticed that the others were now fighting in the center of the field and regained complete control of my actions again.

      I jumped over the fence and then noticed my dog standing in front of me. She started to push me as I rubbed my hands together. After I had won the fight with her over stabilization, returned my focus to the fight. Instinct kind of took over again and I held my hands out flat while looking into the distance. I shouted, "Summon Ice Dragon!" A few seconds later I saw a shadowed figure flying out of the fog. The dragon flew very fast and was able to reach me in only about 10 seconds. It was full grown and looked very tame. I made a few steps forwards in an attempt to mount it. My dog tackled me before I could even touch the dragon and I woke up.


      I learned the draconic roar and how to summon dragons. I feel like this is related to the dream I had where the old man told me I was Dragonborn. I wonder if I'll gain other abilities from it...