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    * The Sandman's Dream Journal o/***

    Like sands through the hour glass, so are the dreams of our nights.

    1. # 69

      by , 07-29-2013 at 06:24 PM (* The Sandman's Dream Journal o/***)
      I've been trying to log only my lucids, but my memory fails me now. I'm convinced that steady journaling of my dreams aids in more complete memory of all my dreams. I'll set up another page for my regular dreams so I can continue logging only my lucids here.

      I've been lazy with my cycling, but I woke up at around 5:00 AM and decided to cycle. I didn't do do much, and the cycling was disturbed by itches and other discomforts, but it didn't seem to matter. I ended up going lucid. This technique is like old faithful for me.

      # 69

      I was in a strange house. I don't really remember what was happening, but someone was leaving top-shelf alcohol in my glass. I would finish what the person didn't drink, but I knew something was wrong. After finishing the end of a second glass, a woman appeared and said something about it not being community alcohol, though she said it some other way, and did not get upset about it at all. In fact, she started pouring me more.

      I liked her even though she was about 10 years older than me. She was sexy and I think I got to see her breasts.

      I started thinking I might be dreaming, but was afraid to take the woman. I looked at my hands and they were split so that I could see air through a couple fingers. I put fingers from my other hand through the cut slits in the other fingers to prove I was dreaming. I still didn't believe it, but I took the woman and paid close attention to whether she acquiesced or not. She never flinched.

      Soon I was with a girl who was much younger than her, but I think she just turned younger. I put my hand up her shirt and felt her up. I pushed her bra up and saw her tits. Then I undid my pants and put her hand on me.

      Then two guys walked in. One had an assault rifle. I started to beg for him not to kill me, but then I stood up and started to beat the shit out of him. My punches didn't have the umph I would want, but I kept punching and got the better of the guy with the rifle.

      I never got back to the girl before I woke up.
    2. Sanding a Pool Stick; Fight

      by , 12-28-2012 at 04:00 PM (* The Sandman's Dream Journal o/***)
      Sanding a Pool Stick

      Someone was showing me how to sand a pool stick tat had been marred up and down the stick. The stick had these circular designs like stains or something.

      The guy used something that looked like a saxophone reed. He said something referring to the sanding tool like, "They are expensive, so they are strong, flexible, and ___________."

      He then sanded the stains and grooves out of the stick with this tool.

      I woke up at this point and remembered exactly what he said about the tool. I wanted to remember it because dream quotes are important to me, but I went back to sleep and forgot exactly what was said.


      I was at some kind of party. Someone had a problem with something I said. I tried to explain to him that he didn't understand the context and to just not worry about what I do. He was acting like a prick, so I put my hands on him, pressing on a pressure point, and hoping to get him to decide not to fuck with me. He wanted to fight.

      I really didn't want to fight, so I told the guy I was going to tell someone at the party. I was hoping this would make the guy decide we really shouldn't fight, but the guy didn't care. I decided I would just fight the guy.

      I went out and was ready to kick the guys ass, and quickly found I wasn't very flexible. I had my jeans on over my sweats. I quickly took off my jeans without him attacking me. I then felt much better, but then we didn't fight anymore.

      I then went into some apartment or dorm. I think someone is going to be expecting me to be in it and steal something, or do something else wrong, so I hide behind a little wall. I can still see someone walking up some stairs, but suspicious, and looking for me. I can see their feet and so they see me, but then just walk up the stairs as though they hadn't, or they saw me and then the dream changed so that they actually didn't see me.

      The dream was vivid. I should be able to remember it in greater detail.

      The End.
    3. Nice Lips; Late for School; Fighting My Brother; Old Movies; Whisper Awake; Messed Up Sexy Time

      by , 10-14-2012 at 10:57 AM (* The Sandman's Dream Journal o/***)
      Late for School

      I was going down a flight of stairs when I saw a girl sitting at the top on a ledge. I looked at her and told her she had nice -- but I only pointed to my lips to indicate I liked hers.

      She said, "Lips?"

      I nodded. She started talking, but I don't know what she said.
      I went downstairs and started eating breakfast. I noticed I was late for school. It was 11:30 A.M. or so. I used to never be late or absent from school, but I was afraid that I would be in some sort of trouble for just staying out.

      As I left, someone, maybe my mother, was yelling stuff to me that I didn't want to hear. I ran around a puddle. There was a mist in the air. It was raining a very large mist.

      I realized I left my kids at the bus stop. I was horrified that I would leave them there alone. I told them to come on up to the house. It was my Dad's house. My wife came out and reprimanded me for leaving them out there without supervision, and for not giving them breakfast.

      I felt so bad for having just eaten but I didn't give them anything to eat. They had an umbrella, but they were standing out in the rain waiting for a bus that they had already missed, and hadn't eaten breakfast. I felt horrible.

      Fighting My Brother

      My dick-ass brother was being a dick. He was laying out the rules for us fighting. We rarely actually fought, but we were about to.

      He was saying, "If you punch me in the neck, I'm going to punch you in the neck. I can't wait for that." He was tall and thick. IWL he is very tall. I didn't care. I started throwing jabs.

      He ran up the stairs so that I would follow. I decided not to play that game and waited down stairs. He came back down.

      He's an asshole.

      My brother the asshole.

      Sorry, that wasn't dream. That part was a poem I just made up called, "My Brother Asshole."

      Old Time Movies

      I was watching some kind of black and white movies. Two old men were walking on lawn chairs floating in the water. The were connected by something in the middle, but the chairs broke away from the middle piece under their weight. They were in the Bahamas or something.

      E-mail addresses from that era kept flashing. They were all numbers because they weren't as advanced as we are now.

      Whisper Awake

      IWL, my Custom Alarm was on.

      I dreamed I was sleeping and trying to go back to sleep. I was trying to become lucid, so I didn't want to move. I dreamed someone said in a whisper, "I'm whispering. Can you respond?"

      This scared me. It's a strange thing to say unless something is wrong, possibly with me. I woke up.

      Messed Up Sexy Time

      I walked into a restaurant and had a drink. There were two girls in separate beds close by. I was playing kind of cool. They may have asked my name, or maybe I offered. I told one my name and the first answered. I told the second my name, and she said her name was whatever her first name was, and said her last name was my last name. Well, that was all I needed to hear.

      I got a good angle to look up her dress and she obliged. I tried to feel her up, but then just took off my pants. As I took off my pants, I realized that since I was dreaming, I should be able to pull them off by just pulling them through my legs. This thought was a byproduct of always having trouble getting my pants all the way off. I should have become lucid with that thought, but no.

      I decided to get on this girl since my pants were mostly down. When I got back to her, she was turned backwards. I could still do her, but it would be uncomfortable, so I turned her around. Now she had a mans face. Shim still had the same body as before.

      I tried to put it in shims vagina, and I said I would prefer if shim had the woman's face.


      Updated 10-14-2012 at 02:35 PM by 41873 (I added a dream after waking up again.)

      non-lucid , false awakening
    4. Fight at School; Girl; Art

      by , 07-17-2012 at 03:42 PM (* The Sandman's Dream Journal o/***)
      Fight at School

      I was in a school setting. It reminded me of my elementary school at one point, but nothing else about the dream had anything to do with it.

      It was very crowded. A black guy wanted to fight me for some unknown reason.

      He ended up getting brass knuckles. This idea was carry-over from a movie I recently saw. I was terrified. I got a broom stick or a mop handle with nothing attached to it and hid it behind a door so the guy wouldn't see it when he came after me. I wanted the element of surprise.

      At one point I saw some school officials and I said, "I hope you're going to protect me!" I figured it was their job to protect students, though they didn't seem to care.

      Eventually the guy reached out and gave me the brass knuckles. They were thinner than they would be in waking life. He looked at me as if to say, "Don't worry white boy; I'm not going to hurt you."

      I was so relieved. I gave the brass knuckles back to the guy.


      A girl Bv came up to me. She was looking at my clothes. She said, "Are those boxers?" I said, "Yea." She said, "Can I see?" I showed her the top of them. My hip bone was showing. She was acting like she wanted me, so I said, "Come here" and led her down a step and around a corner where nobody could see. I wanted her to put her hand down my drawers, but then she backed away. She said she couldn't. I was very disappointed.


      I was in a bedroom, but much of it was set up like a shop of sorts. People had come over to buy stuff. At one point they went into another room. A guy was in the room as if an employee. He straightened up the place while the customers were in the other room. I told another DC that he was doing a quick "puff and tuck" which is a term we used to use at a bedroom store when we had to straighten up.

      I found it odd that he would do a retail straightening up in a bedroom, but he was gay and he liked making sure everything was just so.

      Then the people came back into the main room. Now they were looking at art that was in the room. The manager of the old bedroom store told them to hold on. He wanted to show them something. He left and came back with some art that I had done and given him many years ago.

      This art was in the style of art I did many years ago with particle board, india ink, glass chips, and little stones to make stars and planets. The wood was cut into a semi circle. Another was an oval canvas.

      I got a pretty good look at one of the pieces. There were three planets in a nearly straight line. There were also glass chips that made up curved lines. The were either colored glass, or I had painted a representation of reflection nebula around them. The constellations were labeled Enceladus and Titan (not constellations in waking life, but moons of Saturn.)

      This is carryover from a sound project I've been thinking about.

      I would like to try to make this piece of art just to see something from a dream on a regular basis, but I'm not set up for it. maybe some day.

      Updated 07-17-2012 at 05:22 PM by 41873

      non-lucid , memorable
    5. Trying to Help

      by , 04-08-2012 at 03:32 PM (* The Sandman's Dream Journal o/***)
      Trying to Help

      I see my first girlfriend walking in with a heavy pack on her back. She was leading a cattle drive and was beat. Lots of people were coming in, but she was one of the main people in charge.

      I asked her if I could take her pack. She asked why, probably cause she was already almost to her room or whatever. She just looked so tired, I wanted to take it. Her pack was huge--stuff all over her back.

      When she asked why I wanted to take it, I remembered something I read on enlightenment. I thought about telling her, but it was too much to go through. When she asked "Why," I just answered, "Why not?"

      Someone then asked me if I would "take this." It was some metal object. I said, "OK." Then the guy turned and walked away. I asked, "Where should I take it? How far?" He said, "Five miles." I said, "I can't take it that far." The guy walked away and didn't seem to hear me.

      I tried to get his attention, but now he was ignoring me or something. He didn't understand me. I asked if he spoke Spanish in Spanish. He didn't answer. I told him in Spanish I couldn't take the object. He had that blank look on his face.

      I tried to motion with my hands I was not going to take it and the deal was off.

      Dream Skip

      Bruce Lee was fighting Dr. Oz, who apparently knew Karate. Bruce did some weird power-up scream. His body and face contorted a bit, then he ran at Dr. Oz and beat the shit out of him before Dr. Oz could move a muscle, though he was still standing.

      Dream Skip

      There was some fighting competition that wasn't fair. It was some weird games scenario with people who were skilled fighters and in control of the game.

      There was this weird thing that played out twice. Someone had to fight someone from a lower level. It was not a fair fight. A boss type person said, "OK, you don't have to fight them." When the less skilled fighter feels a bit of relief, they realize that now they have to fight someone above the other person--the bosses boss.

      So, in the second fight like this, I watch it unfold. First this girl has to fight her boss, a guy. She gets a reprieve, and then finds she has to fight the guys boss, a woman. She had a weird red head thing on. it was like a padded tube that fit around the sides of her head.

      I somehow got involved. I was not looking forward to fighting her, but I was going to. Then I started feeling more confident. I controlled one of her weapons, though it was like her clothes or something. The she said, "Aaah, I can kick you!" She was wearing boots with heals and some kind of fur jacket. Very sexy.

      I put my foot on the underside of her boot and pulled it off. Then the same with the other boot. Then I got on top of her and started kissing her face. This was wonderful. It didn't get too hot though.

      Dream Skip

      I was talking to my dad and told him that I wanted to tell him about my dreams of him because he's gone now, and while I had the chance, I wanted to let him know that I dream about him and always wish I could tell him I love him.

      Dream Skip

      I beat the shit out of my older and bigger dickhead brother. A family elder was mad at me for cussing and for being violent. I told her that I would blow up the fucking world!

      Updated 04-08-2012 at 04:55 PM by 41873 (Remembered a dream)

      non-lucid , memorable
    6. Fire & Ice; Fighting my Brother;

      by , 03-26-2012 at 03:50 PM (* The Sandman's Dream Journal o/***)
      Fire & Ice

      There were a couple purposeful fires in my backyard. I do burn at home.

      Instead of logs, there was a structure of wood beams approximately 12" x 12" x 12' long. There were two beams standing up and one resting on top. The flame was intense and rolling.

      I told someone to watch the other fire while I watched the big one. The fire was too big, but there was nothing else to catch fire, so it was OK, but I needed to be able to douse it with water if it got out of control.

      I looked away. When I looked back, there was ice in the middle of the top beam.


      Fighting my Brother

      My brother and I do not speak iwl.

      I threw a pine cone at my brother. He threw it back at me, but I caught it, or it hit my jacket and fell into my hands. I threw it back at my brother worried that this time I would miss. I threw it and hit him again.


      I was fighting my brother again. I was ready to beat his ass. I knew by a false memory that he had already won the last fight we had, but I was ready to go again.

      I was wearing a leather jacket. It was zipped up. I took it off as I would take off a t-shirt, and I was ready to go. I threw a few punches and the dream was over.
    7. Lucid Fighting and Other Fun

      by , 10-05-2011 at 02:54 AM (* The Sandman's Dream Journal o/***)
      I don't remember how I became lucid, but two days ago, I did. For some reason I ended up fighting people. Some of my punches were not effective. Others, while I didn't really hurt anyone, flew like Bruce Lee. I hit several people one after another.

      I also had interactions with women. I commanded them to take there clothes offer. A heavy-set black woman did. She was not attractive, but she didn't gross me out. Strange.

      I knew I had to be careful or I would wake up. In fact, I was so awake during parts of my dream that my dream went black...an unfortunate effect of being extremely aware I am dreaming is that I don't really dream.

      I got my dream back and saw another lady. She was kind of pretty. I told her to take of her clothes and then I saw wrinkles on her neck and sharp teeth like a shark or something. The rest of her looked OK. (?) Lol!

      Not the best lucid for me, but I was glad to finally have another one.
      Tags: fight, sex, women
    8. Ready to Fight

      by , 06-26-2011 at 04:40 PM (* The Sandman's Dream Journal o/***)
      I was in a restaurant and recognized characters in white or yellowish hoodies. They were going to kill
      me and someone that I was with. I tried to get my friends attention to warn them. I don't think I was
      able to warn them, but I got up and left the room before the evil people could kill me.

      I was in a building that had lots of rooms because I kept running through different rooms to get away.
      On two occasions, two small men would come through an open doorway to get me. Instead of running away,
      I ran after them. They weren't expecting that and they ended up running away. Then a single guy came
      through an open doorway. I ran after him and surprised, he ran away too.

      Then I was at my dad's old house. I had a '65 limmo/charger in the garage. I was with 3 women in some
      kind of costumes. One was a '50s waitress or something. Then there was one that I really liked, but I don't
      remember what she was wearing. I think she was in black. Then there was another lady that I don't remember
      anything about.

      I commented on how odd it was that I was with three women.

      My dad lived on a corner, so as we walked up one street, we had to pass the other street that ran along my
      dad's house. I told the ladies I would come back for them. I went up to my dad's house trying not to be
      noticed by the bad guys. I made it up to the garage where I saw my dad. My dad used to be
      a trigger to lucid dreaming, but not so much lately.

      My dad was showing me cap guns I could use to scare the bad guys. Then the guns he was offering became shrapnel guns.
      The idea was like a .22 where there was a small projectile, but still a low caliber weapon. I thought it would be weak compared
      to what the bad guys had.

      My dad started showing me knives then. I thought that was worse than the guns. Then, when I decided I should at least get a
      couple shrapnel guns, I found the knives more accessible. I loaded up on throwing knives.

      I went over to the car in the garage. I uncovered it and got in. I was hoping it would start because it looked as though it had been
      parked for some time. Before I got a chance to drive it and pick up the girls I was supposed to pick up, I dream-skipped.

      I was in a house where the bad guys were still after me. I was looking out windows waiting for them. I had a shotgun. I was going to
      be ready to blow them away. I decided that they would likely shoot a machine gun through the windows before they even got to my
      place, so I found a window that they would hit last. I positioned myself so I could blow them away.

      I remember cocking my shotgun. There was a handle on the shotgun slide I had to pull back and push back forward.

      That was the end of the dream, but I had a hard time getting my shotgun ready, and I remember feeling great that I was ready. I
      also remember taking a practice shot, but it may have been a mental practice shot.
    9. Monitor/Komodo Dragon Scare -- Pounding a Kids Head into a Dresser

      by , 03-11-2011 at 03:13 AM (* The Sandman's Dream Journal o/***)

      I was lying down and there were two monitor lizards or young Komodo Dragons--one at my ankle and one at my foot. I didn't see the DC, but someone asked, "But what if one of them bites you?"

      I was terrified. I didn't move hoping they wouldn't get excited and therefore bite me. I waited and decided I better pull my leg back. I got away, but it started to try to bite as I pulled away. A-a-a-a!


      I was looking for a bathroom in my dream. I had to go in waking life. I ended up finding a bathroom and for some reason deciding I should take a shower. I started two and was grossed out by two pair of underwear on either side of the bathroom floor.

      I was about to get undressed to shower when some kid comes in. He saw I was going to take a shower, so he leaves and starts telling everyone as though I'm doing something wrong.

      I didn't attack him, nor he me, but we were all of a sudden fighting about it. He was pinching me. It didn't hurt that bad, so I didn't flinch. My face did not show any pain. I picked him up and started pounding his head into a dresser.

      The End
      Tags: fight, lizards
      non-lucid , dream fragment