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    * The Sandman's Dream Journal o/***

    Like sands through the hour glass, so are the dreams of our nights.

    1. # 63

      by , 06-03-2013 at 05:44 PM (* The Sandman's Dream Journal o/***)
      There was a large gathering of people. My wife was there. I was trying to look at an attractive girl who was nude and rolled backwards putting her legs behind her head. I got a peak at her vag. I wanted to stare at it but I didn't want my wife to get mad.

      Throughout the dream, this same girl had a crush on me, and I certainly liked her. She had long, wavy dark hair. I tried to sit by her the whole dream.

      I ended up in a large circle with a hundred people I guess. We were all looking at a wallet and some change on the floor. The wallet represented business, and we were discussing the negative effects of business, or of business on society, and how if someone picked up the wallet, those effects would come to fruition.

      The crowd then started walking/floating around the wallet, and I closed in and grabbed the wallet and the change. I gave a "gold" dollar coin to the guy next to me since I got the wallet, just to be nice.

      I then started dreaming of Breaking Bad when the guy got some kind of mercury and blew up Tuco's office.

      I thought what I had thought the night before while watching a marathon of the show, that he should have thrown that stuff around and blown up more stuff.

      I was dreaming him walking down the stairs, but then it was me. Once outside, I still had the mercury in my hands, and thought, I'm dreaming! I decided to fly to get away instead of blowing stuff up. I jumped up and started flying. I was on a hill and saw trees very clearly, but as I started waking up, I got heavy. I started coming down and woke up.

      * A couple nights ago I went to a party. At this part I talked to a girl about lucid dreaming. She was very receptive to the information for different reasons. This was a possible reason for tonight's short lucid.

      * I woke up to use the restroom last night. When I went back to bed I decided to SSILD cycle for the first time in a long time. This may have spurred my short lucid.

      My great start to 2013 I feel was due to logging so many dreams and learning SSILD. I have recently stopped logging regular dreams and have not been cycling. It's time to start cycling regularly, and I may need to start logging my dreams again.
      lucid , non-lucid
    2. A Girl

      by , 01-12-2013 at 09:26 AM (* The Sandman's Dream Journal o/***)
      I was in a car with a girl. I was on the driver's side, but I was a passenger. The girl said, "I once dated one of you" referring to having dated a Jew. I slap/pushed her leg for saying that, but she didn't mean anything bad by it, and neither did I.

      Having pushed her leg, I "touched" her, which opened up the field for us to get more personal. We were then in a restaurant and she sat closer to me.

      Someone I know H came over and started acting like a mad man asking "WHAT IS GOING ON" and waving his hands around, then went off into the restaurant kitchen, as he was staff.

      Alone, the girl and I kissed, though that wasn't vivid, and it was only one kiss, though a long one.

      The dream faded from there.
      Tags: car, girl, kiss, restaurant
    3. Kind of Fun Work; Lime Tree; Morse Code Darth Vader

      by , 12-31-2012 at 05:00 PM (* The Sandman's Dream Journal o/***)
      Kind of Fun Work

      I had 2 or 3 jobs. I was actually starting to get tired of working all the time, but last job I was at was phone sales, and it wasn't that hard. I also kind of liked the job and the people.

      The dream was boring to retell, so I'll only say this much.

      There ended up being a pretty girl. Everyone lined up against a wall so the boss could talk to us. This girl said something about me parting my hard in the middle. I held her shoulders and got "upset" about it. I was using it as an excuse to get close to her.

      Then she said that my brother got upset about the same thing. I then "got upset" that she compared me to my brother. I ran my hand down her sides and brushed my thumb against the side of her breast. She quickly told me not to do that.

      I stopped, but she wasn't really so upset about it. If I hadn't woken up, we might have played more of that game.

      The End


      After discussing an example miracle IWL that if my lime tree were full of limes over night, that would be a miracle, I dreamed last night that it was full of limes all of a sudden.


      I dreamed that I explained to someone that the letters Q and K in Morse Code make the Darth Vader theme.

      Updated 01-01-2013 at 05:03 AM by 41873 (Add 2 dreams)

      Tags: breast, girl, work
    4. Asydic Waters

      by , 12-18-2012 at 04:27 AM (* The Sandman's Dream Journal o/***)
      Acydic Waters

      There was a large body of acid water. A guy was up on a bank and as the water came in like a tide, he let some of it splash into his pants (?). Then somebody rode in on the water with a car that was in the shape of a shoe, and was more of a boat.

      There were two waterfalls, if you can call them that. The water was just falling about 7 to 15 feet. Someone asked which was man made. I told him that one was more controlled and not as wild. I said that would be the man-made one, but really, that was no indication that it was in fact man made.

      The guy acted as though I went on too long about it. It made me mad because I just didn't want to tell him something that might not be true.

      I decided to punch the guy in the face, but I had quick-sand punches. I then bent two of his fingers back until they broke.
      Then, realizing it was a dream, I told him to watch this. I looked for a pretty girl, found one, and then went in for a kiss. She resisted, almost gave in, but then didn't. It pissed me off because this was my dream!

      I went home then. I had a strange scooter. There was only one "wheel" which was made of a single cylinder. It was a power scooter; I don't know how I balanced it though.

      I passed a lemon, lime, orange tree, and decided to get some lemons. I got one, then it disappeared. Then I got another one but had trouble getting it in my pocket.

      I was afraid of cars coming up behind me, and they did come up behind me. I got out of the way of three cars, then I woke up.

      The End.

      Updated 12-18-2012 at 04:29 PM by 41873

      lucid , non-lucid
    5. Nice Lips; Late for School; Fighting My Brother; Old Movies; Whisper Awake; Messed Up Sexy Time

      by , 10-14-2012 at 10:57 AM (* The Sandman's Dream Journal o/***)
      Late for School

      I was going down a flight of stairs when I saw a girl sitting at the top on a ledge. I looked at her and told her she had nice -- but I only pointed to my lips to indicate I liked hers.

      She said, "Lips?"

      I nodded. She started talking, but I don't know what she said.
      I went downstairs and started eating breakfast. I noticed I was late for school. It was 11:30 A.M. or so. I used to never be late or absent from school, but I was afraid that I would be in some sort of trouble for just staying out.

      As I left, someone, maybe my mother, was yelling stuff to me that I didn't want to hear. I ran around a puddle. There was a mist in the air. It was raining a very large mist.

      I realized I left my kids at the bus stop. I was horrified that I would leave them there alone. I told them to come on up to the house. It was my Dad's house. My wife came out and reprimanded me for leaving them out there without supervision, and for not giving them breakfast.

      I felt so bad for having just eaten but I didn't give them anything to eat. They had an umbrella, but they were standing out in the rain waiting for a bus that they had already missed, and hadn't eaten breakfast. I felt horrible.

      Fighting My Brother

      My dick-ass brother was being a dick. He was laying out the rules for us fighting. We rarely actually fought, but we were about to.

      He was saying, "If you punch me in the neck, I'm going to punch you in the neck. I can't wait for that." He was tall and thick. IWL he is very tall. I didn't care. I started throwing jabs.

      He ran up the stairs so that I would follow. I decided not to play that game and waited down stairs. He came back down.

      He's an asshole.

      My brother the asshole.

      Sorry, that wasn't dream. That part was a poem I just made up called, "My Brother Asshole."

      Old Time Movies

      I was watching some kind of black and white movies. Two old men were walking on lawn chairs floating in the water. The were connected by something in the middle, but the chairs broke away from the middle piece under their weight. They were in the Bahamas or something.

      E-mail addresses from that era kept flashing. They were all numbers because they weren't as advanced as we are now.

      Whisper Awake

      IWL, my Custom Alarm was on.

      I dreamed I was sleeping and trying to go back to sleep. I was trying to become lucid, so I didn't want to move. I dreamed someone said in a whisper, "I'm whispering. Can you respond?"

      This scared me. It's a strange thing to say unless something is wrong, possibly with me. I woke up.

      Messed Up Sexy Time

      I walked into a restaurant and had a drink. There were two girls in separate beds close by. I was playing kind of cool. They may have asked my name, or maybe I offered. I told one my name and the first answered. I told the second my name, and she said her name was whatever her first name was, and said her last name was my last name. Well, that was all I needed to hear.

      I got a good angle to look up her dress and she obliged. I tried to feel her up, but then just took off my pants. As I took off my pants, I realized that since I was dreaming, I should be able to pull them off by just pulling them through my legs. This thought was a byproduct of always having trouble getting my pants all the way off. I should have become lucid with that thought, but no.

      I decided to get on this girl since my pants were mostly down. When I got back to her, she was turned backwards. I could still do her, but it would be uncomfortable, so I turned her around. Now she had a mans face. Shim still had the same body as before.

      I tried to put it in shims vagina, and I said I would prefer if shim had the woman's face.


      Updated 10-14-2012 at 02:35 PM by 41873 (I added a dream after waking up again.)

      non-lucid , false awakening
    6. The Perfect Girl

      by , 09-15-2012 at 12:37 PM (* The Sandman's Dream Journal o/***)
      The Perfect Girl

      7:00 AM: I was with some guys in my old, yellow Lincoln. I don't know where we were going, but we saw some people in another car. I saw a gorgeous girl in the car and everyone knew I liked her.

      They were telling me I should talk to her, but I'm shy and afraid of rejection, so I told them that I couldn't. Eventually, we saw those people pull off into a parking lot and get out. They were going to a club. The girl took of a layer of clothes and now she was in a black bikini. Her curves were incredible.

      I was thinking about her for the rest of my dream. I dropped my friends off at another party. I hung around for a while outside of where I dropped off my friends.

      Dream skip

      There is a segment where I'm walking around. There is some kind of plug like a cigarette lighter that plugs in outside as though it were a DC plug. I saw someone else take one to keep and I wanted one too, but I was having a hard time getting it without being caught.

      I ended up at another building where I had some stress about finding some place, hanging out with my car, switching my car for another one...just a bunch of weird, random shit. Finally, here comes the party of people with that hot girl.

      I kind of ignore her because somehow I knew I couldn't have her. We were sitting outside in like a covered garage. Everyone except the girl I liked left, and we were left to our own devices. I showed her that I had picked up her pants when she took them off and threw them in the parking lot, and now I was wearing them. They had a suede leather belt like one I used to have. She couldn't believe I was wearing them.

      She started singing and doing her thing. I was trying to hear the song that was playing on her boom box. The band was Excel or Excelsior or something (a made up band), but I started listening more closely and I heard "Institutionalized" playing. I got really excited and talked to the girl. I said, "The Suicidal Tendencies? I used to listen to this in my room and stage dive on my sofa!"

      Then we started thrashing and looking for a place to stage dive. We found a grave yard and we thought about stage diving onto a grave, but decided against it. We never actually found a place, but we got together and started walking back to our chairs. We were getting along great!

      I really liked this girl. She was taking off her shoes, and I knew something was going to happen. I told her that I had no problem being with her and that I wasn't afraid, but I couldn't kiss her because of some issue, and that was the end of that.
      I was very upset.

      The End
    7. A Girl's Test Drive Adventure; Women

      by , 07-15-2012 at 11:20 AM (* The Sandman's Dream Journal o/***)
      A Girl's Test Drive Adventure

      I was walking down a hallway. Someone was behind me. I acted out my thoughts as if a I had some for of terrets. I was nervous, and was thinking about punching the person, so I turned around and and punched, though I pulled my punch. When I realized it was a girl, I felt really bad.

      She was a cute blond with medium length hair. She was sad and I felt bad I had reacted nervously like that. We came up to a door leading out and I said, "Let me at least open the door for you.

      The girl was upset. Outside I realized she was being bothered by the mob. A gutter from a house was across her car, and she was now driving it towards me. Now I'm in the car with her and someone else. We have had someone install new parts for a lot of money.

      Now there is a guy in the car showing us the new steering wheel. It is supposed to be really nice and offer super comfortable, responsive steering. I am very fond of the girl.

      She continues driving. Testing the car, she goes through some tight spaces at a Krystals and a bank. We went through the parking lot and ended up at McDonalds.

      In McDonald's I have a false memory of a cute, heavyset worker. She had short hair and was cute. She liked me. She tells manager and another girl behind the counter that she likes me. Then she is on my side of the counter washing something in sink that would be in the back. She complains about her work just to have something to say to me.

      I tell her she's doing a good job. She hugs me. I took the opportunity to hug her back, close and tight.

      I really don't want to because she's too big for my taste, but she is cute, so I hug her and push into her. Then we break away.

      I see the manager. We know each other, but he is also a false memory. I've come in there with my wife. I'm afraid he'll say something to my wife.

      Now I'm in a car-parts store attached to the McDonalds. Whole Lotta Love is playing through really bad speakers which I also remember as a false memory. I sense the grime everywhere. I think that the poor quality speakers make appropriate distortion for the song where Plant is moaning, but makes the song, but it ruins the song (That is not how I feel in waking life).

      Now I'm ordering and paying for a $6.00 part for my car, while a friend is ordering a cheap part for his car. I look at his receipt to see where I'm supposed to sign.

      The End


      I had my face up to my wife's lower region. As if she had to v's, I cupped one in one hand, and the other in my other hand. I thought about licking her.


      I called for my father and he answered. I quickly realized that it was too good to be true. I called again and he answered again. I should have gone lucid because I knew that he couldn't be answering.

      I discussed it with my brother and asked if he heard Dad answering. He said "Yes." I called again. I don't think he answered again.

      I tried to imagine myself going back to sleep holding a J. M. from my childhood. I couldn't make that happen.

      Later I dreamed that a black girl needed consolation. She hugged me and brought me to her bed. She wanted a little. I started kissing the top of one of her breasts and liked it. I was going to try to get more of it, but I woke up or quit dreaming.

      Updated 07-15-2012 at 02:37 PM by 41873 (Adding Dreams)

      non-lucid , false awakening
    8. Reading My Dad's Book; The Dead Preacher's Wife; The Vampires

      by , 06-29-2012 at 03:03 PM (* The Sandman's Dream Journal o/***)
      Reading My Dad's Book

      My father never actually wrote a book, but he wrote a lot, and talked about writing a screenplay IWL.

      I was reading a book my dad wrote. It had just come back from the printer.

      I was able to make out the words very well, though I only read one sentence. I was busy editing in my mind. Much of the book had been printed the way my dad used to print--all caps. I began noticing letters were transposed, and then I noticed that not all of the sentences were all caps. I wanted to 'tell my dad that he should have let me edit his work before sending it to the printer.

      I tried to not be the editor for my dads big day, so I started to just read. I read a sentence that ended up making sense, but deserved a rewrite. It was something like, "He didn't put 'He didn't do it on purpose..."

      As I read it, I worked out the logic that it actually made sense. It wasn't dream-logic.

      The End

      The Preacher and his Wife Divorce

      The news was covering the death of a preacher's wife. I was viewing the coverage on-site. The camera panned all around a yard that was flooded on 3 sides. The camera didn't show the fourth side of the house. The water was muddy red.

      Then preacher had passed. She was alone and dealing with the estate. The newscaster asked the woman what she was wearing. The preacher's wife said, "A necklace." She wanted another one because her husband rarely got her anything...or something like that.

      Dream skip

      I'm in the same house, but now there is a girl and a vampire. The girl had just been bitten that day. She was starting to feel weird and was freaking out. She was getting upset. The man wasn't mad at her for being upset because he knew she was now a vampire because of him. He tried to comfort her.

      They were lying down on a marble floor to go to sleep. They had no bed, sheets, pillows, or anything. He kept getting closer to her to comfort her. It seems that scene played out twice.

      Dream skip

      The girl is just a girl. She had short blond hair. She was kind of cute. Apparently she had been dancing the night before, but I missed it. I think I'd been drunk and fell asleep. I told her that I would like to see her dance (naked was not the implication). I told her I thought she was really pretty and I didn't get to see her dance the night before.

      She asked if I really wanted to see her dance. I said I would love to, so she got up and shook her hips right there in preparation to get up where she was going to go to dance.

      When she walked to where she was going to dance, she disappeared. Two guys then came out of an adjacent room. I was waiting for the girl to come out.

      One of the guys then stood making himself look really funny. He bowed his legs and separated them really far. This made his legs really thin and long, and made his body short and high up off the ground. I laughed out loud in my dream.

      Eventually the girl came back out, but she looked like a female version of one of the guys...and too much like a guy. I completely lost interest and my dream ended.

      Updated 06-29-2012 at 03:33 PM by 41873

      non-lucid , memorable
    9. Not Memorable: Witch Meeting; Back at the Party; Old Coins and Going Back for my Daughter

      by , 11-06-2011 at 04:20 PM (* The Sandman's Dream Journal o/***)
      Witch Meeting

      I was at a table with a guy and a girl. I don't know what the discussion was about. Another DC walks up. The two DC's at the table start to talk about what we are going to do. The new DC has changed the dynamic of our plan and I get nervous about it.

      A silver or stainless steel pipe cut in half length-wise is now around our chairs binding us as a group inside the piping. Blood is in the half-pipe. It didn't seem odd in my dream. The female character "put" it there.

      I start to tell everyone that "The only way...

      The two DC's already seated are still talking. I am insistent, and so I keep talking as I stand up..."I am going to keep going is if I am in charge of a couple things." I put my arm around the new DC and walk away. I assure the folks at the table this will only take a minute--maybe not even that long. We walk away.


      I come back to a party, though it isn't the one from my previous dream. There are lots of people at a sports bar scene. As I approach the door, a beautiful brunette walks out and to see me. Her name is Dianne. Names are rare in my dreams.

      We are going to go to a less crowded room to hang out. I tell her, "I'm going to go get my pool stick and a pack of smokes." I have a pool stick, but I quit smoking years ago. She says "That's cool."

      I go out to my car, but try to get a better parking spot. It actually seemed farther away when I got there. As I got out of my car, I was now getting off a lawn mower. It had a blade that stuck out. It was covered, but tilted to expose the blade. I had to adjust the blade so it wasn't dangerous.

      I was getting frustrated because I was trying to get back to Dianne, though I was starting to lose that part of the dream.

      I finally started walking back to the party. There were tons of people walking my way.

      I usually don't have so many DC's.

      Old Coins and Going Back for my Daughter

      I was finding coins in a creek--mostly from today's time, but then I found a really old coin. It might have been commemorative.

      Dream skip

      Time has passed. Some friends are going somewhere and I am going with them. I am in the creek to get just a few more coins. I didn't want to leave the quarters. It seemed like such easy money. Then the coins started getting older. I was finding treasure, so I really had to keep getting them.

      Finally, I had as many as I could carry. I went back to the car with wet legs from getting on all fours. We left, but we left my daughter, who I think had my name in the dream.

      I was waiting to see if the driver was going to get her, but he never did. I told the driver I had to get out to get my daughter, so he pulled over. I was now 5 miles from home. I was afraid because I would never leave her out of my sight, much less out of the house alone with no one watching her for that long.

      I started to walk home and ended up in a building. A guy had me look at a TV which was showing a room full of servers. He said that Drew set the whole thing up. This was because some people I know are hosting a forum for a game I am mildly involved in. The name Drew was from a singer on the X factor.

      Someone else came in the room. She looked like a teacher at my daughter's school. It was made known that she actually installed the servers. It bothered me that the wrong people were taking the credit for setting up this room full of servers.

      Dream End
    10. Falling in Love at the End of the World

      by , 07-30-2011 at 01:59 PM (* The Sandman's Dream Journal o/***)
      It was after everything changed. There was no more civilization. At one point in the dream I heard someone saying how they remembered when you could order a hot dog with catchup, so apparently we were eating rations. Maybe there was no electricity--I don't exactly know. There was a greyish hue to everything.

      I spent most of the dream frustrated because there were old revolvers in perfect working order, but they weren't mine, and there were rifles, but they weren't mine.

      I have enough money in waking life to buy a rifle if I want one, but don't want to spend the money right now. I carried that knowledge into my dream and was so mad because there was not buying a rifle now. Everybody wanted them to fight the people who might come around. At one point I told a friend from when I worked at K & C bedrooms that I just didn't want to become a slave in some roving band.

      He said he would work on helping me find my own gun, but it never happened. I took a rifle and saw a cartoon of a Monopoly character running through a cartoon town. I got him in triple sights on a rifle, aimed ahead of him, and shot. A pretend drawing of a bullet arced onto the paper and killed the man. I really wanted a rifle then.

      Then I was outside. There were a bunch of people, some on a bridge to one side, and some coming up from behind on another side. Right in front of me was a beautiful girl that I recognize from somewhere--probably a movie star or something. She was fantastically gorgeous. Her blouse was unbuttoned a few buttons.

      She came up and kissed me square on the mouth. She was leaving her boyfriend. I hugged her close and I kissed the side of her breast. I actually felt her breast mush in. (Why did it have to be a dream?) She had a nice body. I heard her boyfriend telling me I better buy her two cars. I looked at her and told her I can't do that and if that is a problem she shouldn't have kissed me. She said she was only joking when she kissed me.

      I told her that I had kissed her once before a long time ago, so it wasn't a joke when she kissed me now. I kissed her on the mouth again, then held her close and kissed the side of her breast again. It was vivid and wonderful.

      I had taken 1 Spirulina and 1 B-Complex that night.

      Updated 08-01-2011 at 03:02 AM by 41873
