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    Dream Warrior and Explorer of the Dreamplane

    1. 19 Jan: Ronaldo hitting on me and I try to meet Avalokiteshvara lucid

      by , 01-19-2023 at 09:10 PM (Lucid-schizo-dreamer)
      non-dream dream semi-lucid lucid FA / AP

      Walking up an alley of a park with a younger sister or cousin. On arriving at a terrace where there is a restaurant, we are cut off by barriers and cannot pass, because Ronaldo has booked it to have a private lunch there and no one can go throughit. I am upset and try to go around, but then he arrives by car and also blocks my way. I try to just ignore and move on, but something happens and he ends up also taking a walk in the park, almost side by side to us. As I reminisce to my companion about this place and some memories from my childhood, I notice he is listening and curious to know more. He asks me something about a street ahead and I suddenly remember stuff about it and drag him along in my revisitation of the place. I stayed there in a pension for some time and as I remember more details, I basically offer him a tour to this small town. He totally abandons his lunch plans and just joins us for good. Then we pass by a small place I mention has great veggie food, very basic but delicious and I invite him to have lunch there with us. He makes a bit of a snarky comment because of the veggie food, but then is really surprised to see that it is a very simple place with locals and not some fancy modern joint and I see curiosity won. I swear to him he will not forget about this place, either he likes the food or not, just because it is so authentic. By chance my dad is there with my aunt Ana and other people. They are waiting in line because there are no seats. I join them waiting in line and Ronaldo says we don't have to because of who he is, certainly they'll get us some table. Of course people recognize him when he enters and talk about it and some are very welcoming to him, but those that are sitting and eating with friends and family aren't bulging for him to get a seat and the fact is there really are no tables. What people do is they rearrange the tables so we have an area where we can sit on the floor if we want. I am ok with it, but he is not and so we just leave and continue our tour outside.
      My dad reminded me that not only we spent some vacation on this town, but that we own an old house on this street. I am surprised and can't remember that at all, but he says it is that small property that appears mentioned on the IRS form and somehow it makes sense to me. He says it's just a couple blocks away, so I go look for it. Spot some folks building up a new house in the place where I thought was ours, can't figure out which one it is, so then we return and keep waiting for a table at the restaurant. By now Ronaldo is definitely feeling the hots for me and he grabs me by the waist and grabs my ass and pushes me against a wall, about to kiss me. But then my dad suddenly appears and ruins the moment. Ronaldo goes get some air for a minute and my dad comes talk to me. I guess he must be really proud that I am snatching such a rich famous guy and indeed he is, but also makes some comment about his manners and I have to agree that he is not exactly being a gentleman with me. I am not sure how I feel about it.

      Walking by a boardwalk by the sea, recognizing some places. Seeing them with so much detail and thinking I don't wanna go there, because it is a place from another dream I had one day and nothing good came out of it.
      Then realize I am dreaming and it is a very stable lucid. The first thing that comes to my mind is to summon Avalokiteshvara. I really don't know why that was my first thought, but I did. Unfortunately, I immediately get surrounded by a pack of menacing growling dogs like dobbermans and rotweillers and I have to climb over a wall to protect myself. They keep jumping at me, viciously trying to attack me and I realize they are the protection mechanism or agents that always come if you try to liberate yourself, or meet those who can help you with that. I hadn't met them in a while. Then I remember that they have no power over me unless I give it to them, so I point the palm of my hands at them and slowly push them away with a kind of force field that makes me untouchable. One by one, the dogs step down and leave. I keep walking down the boardwalk while repeating mantras and continue to call for the deity. Don't see it anywhere but some lady approaches me offering me t-shirts. I say no and she insists that I follow her. I feel she is up to no good and accuse her of trying to distract me. After insisting a couple times, she walks away but I keep an eye on her as she walks towards the ocean and stays on the sand at the beach nearby. Wonder if she may be a manifeststion of the deity inviting me to come along and I rejected her, but I don't feel it. She passes by me again and leaves a box on the sand. Some girl says this is a gift to me but I am still suspicious of her intentions, so I don't touch it. The box opens by itself and contains gold statuettes of what initially also look like deities, so for a while I think this might be a sign. But as I look closer, the statuettes represent just common people in sex acts, like one lady going down on another and a threesome where someone is banging another from behind. Don't know what all of it means, but I think this is just Mara tempting me with distractions. Then I wake up.
    2. 15 Nov: Cannibal apocalypse and hiding in underground bunkers

      by , 11-15-2022 at 08:12 PM (Lucid-schizo-dreamer)
      non-dream dream semi-lucid lucid FA / AP

      People snapped and turned cannibals. I am barricated with Zilla and some other folks at a school, but we gotta move somewhere else. We know of some secure underground complex which has as entrance at the city park.
      Strangely, downtown life seems to still be going very much as normal and we assume the madness hasn't spread here yet, but will. We even pass by some kids from another school playing football at their yard, oblivious. But we don't say a word to anyone. We reach the underground bunkers and there are plenty food reserves down there. We know that when the crisis is all over the place, eventually the government will come and use these bunkers, but we hope that if we're already there, they'll allow us to stay or else we'll fight to stay. The bunker spreads out into weird caves all over seven floors. On one floor there is a giant ballroom with black and white chess floor.
    3. 7 Sep: With the guys and taking a train to somewhere

      by , 09-07-2021 at 05:36 PM (Lucid-schizo-dreamer)
      non-dream dream semi-lucid lucid FA / AP

      With Nighthawk and Riverstone. We've been talking about this and that and Nighthawk says he misses me. He is sitting to my right and I hold hands with him, My heart is full and I drop one tear down my right cheek that only he can see, because Riverstone is to my left. Then the guys discuss something in private and Nighthawk leaves without even saying goodbye and I feel heartbroken. Riverstone says they talked about us all being together but him being afraid we would have to cut ties with everyone else and I say I don't care as long as we have each other. Then I spot him standing down the road, which goes down hill. Slowly he walks back to us and although we say nothing, my heart warms up again. Then we take to the train station to go somewhere and they simply jump over the gates, not paying tickets. I feel uncomfortable and stop. Then the lady from the ticket office starts yelling we have to pay. Riverstone is adamant in not paying and says to ignore her and I insist in going back to pay. I am disappointed at them. I pay the 3 tickets and it's like 60 cents.

      On the train, I meet Zilla and our girl gang. The train fills up after a while, to the point where I feel a bit claustrophobic, so when it stops at a couple stations later, I briefly get out just to get some air. Finally at the last stop everyone gets out, including me and my friends, but I notice I can't find my bag. Now the train is actually a bus and I run to the front door to meet the driver. I ask him to not leave while I go inside and look for me bag. He pretends not to understand what I am saying. He speaks to some dude inside with him in a mix of french and english, so then I try speaking in english and he still says he doesn't understand. I speak in french and then he starts looking at me like he does understand. But he keeps being rude and denying me entrance, so I force my way into the bus and look for my bag under every seat and on overhead compartments. Can't find a thing and he mocks me. I finally give up, but have the feeling he kept driving the bus and we are somewhere else entirely different. So I ask for his help, because I have no ID, no money, no cards and I am lost somewhere in the middle of this city. He does not care. So I get out, thinking about asking a local for the nearest police station, when I realize we are still at the exact same place where people descended from the train/bus. Then wonder about my guys and I hear them yelling from across the road, where they were sitting in a park bench. I run to them and hug them in tears, thanking them for having waited for me. They don't understand why I am so emotional about it, because from their perspective it was like 5 mins and they were always seeing me from their seat. So they say "of course we waited". Then we keep walking to whatever destination we're heading.
    4. 9 Jul: Lots of nonsense and prisoner in a house with an astronaut for whom I fall in love

      by , 07-09-2021 at 05:00 PM (Lucid-schizo-dreamer)
      non-dream dream semi-lucid lucid FA / AP

      At my home, my dad is staying at the house too. I want to dress or undress, so I go to the 2nd floor/attic looking for privacy. But then I feel a presence in the darkness and go to the end of the floor to find that my dad is actually sleeping in the bedroom at the end and just woke up. He is surprised to see me, I say I didn't know he was there. Then things turn to a deeply uncomfortable vibe as he gets too close to me and I can feel his boner. I get down the stairs fast but he also comes down. He turns the tv on and there's Ronaldo and other football players gossiping about something, and Ronaldo takes a stand on some issue that no one else seems to care, showing character and. I then turn around and my father is gone and instead there is Riverstone. He is also watching tv on the couch and switches to some remake of an old 60s series. I find it really stupid. It is some kind of super heroes show, but one of them is a clown that comes from the sea and meets the others on the beach bringing an ominous message. Then they embark on a boat, but I think some fall overboard. I think I hear something behind the curtain on the window behind the tv, so I move the curtain and see the window covered in all sorts of insects, large and small. We are grossed out, we get up and shake insects that started crawling over us. There is even a snake on the floor and we run in horror and wonder how these insects entered the house.
      Then I go meet my mom by the riverside and I see a dog supposedly fighting a racoon or something at a pier, but soon realize it is a staged fight and the animals are rather playing with each other and someone's editing the sound to make it look like a fight. When mom arrives, she is driving an SUV or jeep and she asks me to get in quick. In the hurry I bump with the door on a car next to this and then our door breaks and falls on the ground. She says "never mind, just take it inside the car and we leave". So we leave, but soon after I shout to her that we need to stop as stuff from the back sit are rolling through under my seat and falling to the outside, like her purse and other items. She halts and helps me pick them up and some dude looking like a drug addict takes the chance to approach the car and sneak inside to steal something. But I block him and force him to put it back. He kinda resists but not an actual fight, so he caves in and puts things back. Then he asks for some money and agree to give him some change. But then all my coins and mom's are either silver and gold or special edition collectible coins and I don't want to give him those. He looks increasingly interested in the coins and makes some snarky comment that we are rich and can give him one of those, but I tell him we are also poor despite what it looks like and we can't afford to give him any of those coins but will keep looking for usable money in our purses. Then Alicja comes by and starts conversation with us. She's heading to a seamstress workshop and I go along. Bring a bunch of my unfinished projects for her to finish I guess. Then walks in some famous dude, kinda reminds me of Tony Stark but a bigger playboy. He brings along his girl to have a dress made for her, but she comes in half naked, with the fabric for the dress just covering her front, her butt exposed. She seats quickly on a chair to my side, to hide her back and gets some sympathy from some other lady also seated. Then what seems like a perfect copy of her comes in, fully dressed and also sits by her side. They take some time to realize, but when they do they are shocked to realize they are versions of the same person. And the first one seems to have no clue of what's happening, but the second one goes straight to the guy, and yells at him for allowing a time paradox to happen with his crazy experiments.

      Inspired by a movie I watched during the day, I dream I am sharing a surveilled house in Russia with this gorgeous dude who is an astronaut, his supposed lover which is a bitch and some other dude. Me and the astronaut have been talking a lot and we are clearly in love and going crazy with desire. I am willing to risk everything for a frugal moment of passion with him, but it is close to impossible. There is a meeting in the house, a round table with them 3 and a bunch of other people from outside and I am just standing in the back listening. At some break he comes to me with a book on space stuff, and we get really close and flirt a little bit discreetly. Feels so nice. But his woman sees and attacks me for being so interested in the damn book. Then some genius autistic fat kid joins the meeting and someone pranks him by pulling a chair when he is about to sit. I try to warn him and hold him, but he falls. He still thanks me for being kind. After they are all gone, someone brings us some food for the fridge, the astronaut's woman is gone for a while and I signal him to meet me at the most back room of the house. I get there and it is a dark dirty unwelcoming room. I see images of when the family living there raised a pig on this room. I feel for the pig and see him being taken to die in my mind's eye. There is a stiff bed and I lay there while waiting. I fall asleep and I am out of body watching myself as vampire bats come from god knows where and feast on blood from my leg. I lose hope that he will come, but he does. Unfortunately so do other people and ruin our chance together. Some dude comes talk to him saying he has news about the UFO report. That the government reduced all the supposed unsolved cases to just ten and most were scooters(?) and drones. We realize it is a complete sham to cover up the story and reduce its significance. Anyway, they then announce he his going to get reinstated and receive all the honors and we'll all be free. We get separated and I don't know anything about him for some time. Then it is announced a big event that I watch, maybe on tv, where they all come riding on horses, with strange theatrical fantasy costumes. I see his woman in a sort of wedding dress, so I presume they are also getting married, but then she marries some much older dude and only after much effort I see my astronaut in the back. He is all groomed and fabulously gorgeous. I also see some figure dressed almost like death, all black, very gothic, whispering something to his ear and he abruptly leaves the event. I know he is coming for me so I rush outside to a park. I see in my mind's eye he is also running up a hill to a park, can't tell if it's the same. But I wait and look around. Instead I am approached by a big black dog sniffing me, I pet him, then his owner comes by in a bike and calls him. He runs towards him and knocks down a man in another kind of 3 wheeled bike. I offer help but he manages to get up alone, then looks concerned with 3 guys approaching. They look unfriendly and the others go away, leaving me alone with them. They surround me but do no harm, just laugh and tease me a bit and disappear. Then 3 spectral black ghosts also pass by, turn around and go back. I am getting a bit scared, not knowing what all these mean but have the feeling I am not going to meet my love. Then lots of people come to the park to run, walk their dog or play with their kids and they don't seem disturbed by the ghosts at all.

      Updated 07-09-2021 at 05:06 PM by 34880

    5. 15 Mar: Environmental talk and a couple festivals at a park

      by , 03-15-2021 at 09:57 AM (Lucid-schizo-dreamer)
      non-dream dream semi-lucid lucid FA / AP

      At the grocery store, some lady is messing with some guy over his plastic bags and trying to convince him to switch to cotton bags. I am thinking to myself how that ain't necessarily the best option and remembering a video I've watched about it, but I chose to stay quiet because I am sure I'd just add confusion. But then they start talking about environmentally-friendly options in general and other customers join in the debate. At some point the cashier asks us if anyone has tried Iberdrola or Coopernico as energy providers and I say I am a Coopernico client. Someone else claims Iberdrola is 100% renewable and someone else claims they also have nuclear. I am not sure but I say I think not. I still argue that Coopernico is better because it is a national co-op but no one seems to care much about that.

      I pass by a festival at a park. The actor Diogo Morgado is playing DJ while dressed as Jesus and embarrasses himself. Everybody laughs at him and someone tells him to get a girlfriend. He strangely replies that I am his girlfriend. I say no way and I get out of there and go for a walk. I am told there is a more underground festival going on at a hidden place in this same park. We have to step on some tires piled up against a wall and go through an opening on that wall into a derelict building with a maze of walls. Across corridors with no roof and some small rooms, lots of punks and hippies sell their crafted jewellery and vegan food. Then some creepier stalls where they pierce us with nails. A dude insists that I go through the procedure, I argue I don't have money but he says he borrows me the money and I pay back later. I run away. There is a food court with tables on an open area. I sit with some friendly looking people but a bunch of lesbian activist girls come bully another girl because she ain't activist and they claim she has to and fight for their rights. I don't like their attitude and shout that it is ok for someone not to be an activist if they don't want to, but they ignore me. I get tired of being there, so I go away through the same place I came.

      Evening is falling and I decide to just go for a walk in a quiet place of the park. There are big beautiful trees and no people. Until I spot a dude acting suspiciously, following me from afar. I decide to levitate to a height he can't get me. He tries to reach me by jumping and then he climbs to some kind of terraced building to be at my level and I find his attempt funny, because he is basically stuck there. But I get closer to ask him what he wants from me. He says he just wants to talk. Says he sent me a work related email back in September and he never got my reply. I say I am sorry but surely I never got it or I would have replied. Ask him why he didn't try again or called. Tell him to resend it that I will reply on same day. He is pleased and goes away.
    6. 10 Sep: With a hacker friend chased by agents

      by , 09-10-2019 at 09:50 PM (Lucid-schizo-dreamer)
      non-dream dream semi-lucid lucid false awakening

      I have a friend who is a hacker or whatever and he has done amazing things. I am part of his activist group. He is being searched for by the authorities, but he leaves in a really strange place. A 10 sq mt glass house on top of a storage room, in a park, by the side of a kindergarten. One day I come by to tell him they might have found him and tell him to at least shut all his curtains. I help him out and just then, a van with 3 suspicious people stop by the kindergarten. A lady is driving and the two dudes wear shirts with the kindergarten logo, but they carry metal suitcases and enter through some backdoor to a service area. Clearly they are here to spy on him. I tell him he needs to leave asap as they are just gathering info to send in a SWAT team or something, if it isn't already positioned. His front door doesn't even close properly. I ask him for some alternative exit and he opens a trapdoor to the storage beneath and from there, there is a back door they provably don't know about because it is invisible from the outside. Then we make a quick run to some trucks stopped a few meters away. But they already had some big guys surveying the area who spot us and come after us. They were taken by surprise, so we have a head start. We split and I enter a warehouse. More agents come and one lady surprises me with a taser. But I grab something like a metal lid from a shelf and protect myself from her shot. Then manage to go around her and snatch the taser from her. She struggles a bit but I manage to get it and hit her with it. Then another guy comes and is also tasered. Then another. I run away. There is some sort of heavy metal festival on the park outside. I run to the crowd but I don't mingle so well with the people which is mostly wearing black and covered in tattoos. There is a lesbian film festival going on at a building, after some food stands and I blend better with the ladies there, but they still spot me. I mingle with the crowd of the metal festival again and head to closer to the main stage, where there is more chaos. Then a bunch of people in black faux leather surround me and tell me to lay low and I understand they want to help. They effectively make a human shield hiding me from my chasers. They safely escort me like this to a safe place at the periphery of this festival and take me to meet some old lady with grey hair that looks a bit like Judy Dench, at some corridor of a service area of a building. She tells me they are going to help and that they will come to take me soon to a safe place, but for now they must release me again in he world. She asks me to stay inconspicuous for a few days. I ask what about my friends and she tells me not to worry because they are also taking care of it. Then they tell me to cross the door and go back out and I find myself in a hotel lobby.
    7. 16 Jul: Stray kittens, duckling and vegan food

      by , 07-16-2019 at 09:28 PM (Lucid-schizo-dreamer)
      non-dream dream semi-lucid lucid false awakening

      Some animal rescue organization tells me there are some cats at a derelict building, which they feed, but fear for them because the building was vandalized during the night. They ask me to go check. When I arrive there I find Rinpoche in casual clothing feeding some kittens and surprised to see me. There is no time to talk as some other people immediately also join us. We look after the kitties.

      Later I walk through a park and find a baby duck walking by himself in a strange place. I kneel and he jumps on my lap. I cuddle him in delight. Then spot a lake with other ducks and take him there. But he jumps out of the water and again to my lap. I feel like adopting him but not the best idea.

      Go to some expo, don't know what about, but spot some food area and go there. They have Mexican and South American inspired food, all vegan. I wait in line to order something. Try to read the menu but don't know what anything means.
    8. 21 Mar: Guru and kung-fu master

      by , 03-21-2013 at 03:02 PM (Lucid-schizo-dreamer)
      (...) I had fallen asleep at a train station in the dream and when I wake up I am somewhere else and the first person I see to my left is my guru. He is in some sort of public appearance... It is still fuzzy to me what is going on. Or eyes cross but I can't tell if he recognizes me. I look to my right and there is an entourage of lamas and monks. Then he gets up and everybody else does the same. He moves towards me and says "Hi (my name)! I haven't seen you in a while. How are you?". "Oh, you remember me!", "Off course, silly." Then he puts his right hand over my right shoulder and grabs my left wrist with his left hand and walks with me for a while. I feel his warmth and notice my icy hands. While he is asking me questions I cannot help to feel extremely hot and cold at the same time. At first I ignore, but it becomes so extreme I cannot continue the conversation and I wake up . My body is icy cold, but I am completely drenched in sweat.

      (...) I am walking through a park when some guy asks me to take pictures of him doing kung fu poses to send to his friends back home. I agree and then three more people join him, apparently part of the same tour group, making poses for the pics. I relish their skills and they introduce me to their master. It's an extremely amiable old chinese man. I tell him I am now learning martial arts in real life, but kenpo not kung fu. He says that's nice and offers to teach me some signature moves from his school. He demonstrates as he attacks me, but he is kind enough to do it gently and instead of hitting me full force he says "bam, now I hit you in the head.", etc. Unlike the kung fu fights I was used to play in my dreams, now the fights feel extremely realistic. Then he asks me to attack him and show what I know. I feel a bit embarassed, but instinctively apply a series of kicks and punches which he defends with ease. He looks amused at my inexperience but not so much with the last kick, which actually surprises him. He says he wasn't expecting that, since it is a more advanced move. I said I had learned it already and then he exchanges some remarks with another chinese guy. He says that they know the move but teach a version of it to only the more advanced students."
    9. 26 Nov: Buddha is a teenager in blue jeans

      by , 11-26-2010 at 10:07 PM (Lucid-schizo-dreamer)

      01:00 GMT

      Wrathful deities
      A chase, confrontation with some wrathful deities. I escape some place through a narrow window and deliver something to someone.

      05:35 GMT
      Cookies and kids
      One of my last days on some very nice sunny city. It’s already end of the day and when passing a street I find this amazing bakery selling traditional pastry from this country/city. There is a lady baking the cookies on some open kitchen and selling them directly to the passer-by. Because these cookies are so famous, you have to get a numbered ticket and wait ages for your turn. I see my number and the amount of people waiting and I decide it’s not worth it, but then the baker tells all the other people to wait because she will take my order first. Really? Why? The other customers are not happy about it... It’s really hard to choose the best cakes and cookies so I ask for two of each, hoping they will still be ok in a few days when I get back home. Some cookies are still being baked and I have to wait a bit. Meanwhile I am allowed to enter the kitchen and I start talking to some ladies working there and I help them with some tiding up of the place. They have some old food in the fridge and I throw it away. Then they kick me out, because apparently they have to bake a huge load of cookies for a kid’s excursion next day.
      On the next day me and my BF join this excursion and help take care of the kids. We go in groups in vans and we stop at a parking lot in front of the ocean. The kids are being taken to the beach. For a brief moment I wonder how we got into this? I don’t feel like taking care of dozens of kids all day. I then have this underlying feeling that I’m not obliged to actually do it
      I’m half aware this is a dream - so I turn around to see what else is there to do. I see a green hill with a zig zag earthen path going up, flanked by Buddha’s statues of different sizes. I tell my BF “Let’s go there:”, but he won’t turn his back on the kids, because he doesn’t have this intuition it’s a dream. Divided between two dreams, I wake up.

      08:00 GMT

      Buddha is a teenager in blue jeans
      At some bookshop I see a magazine, like Times, with a cover story on Tibetan Buddhism and it has pages and pages with amazing photos of teachers and famous practitioners and incredible Himalayan landscapes. I so want to buy it. On the cover it says £2, but I ask the cashier how much it costs in EUR. She tells me it’s 8000 something EUR and I LMAO. I ask “Are you nuts? It’s like 2.5 EUR.” And she replies that it’s not a simple conversion of prices, there are taxes and whatever. I still say “Are you aware of how much is 8000 EUR? Even if you’d say 8 EUR, it would be too expensive! Can you please just pass the mag under your bar code scanner to check the price?” But she says no and that she will call a colleague to ask. I’m about to give up. She comes back and tells me “If you come after 20h, when we’re closing, we can make a 50% discount on the mag, it would only cost 4000 EUR”. I say nevermind and start realizing this must be a dream.
      Then the store becomes a bus and I think “Hum, why don’t I just materialize a lot of cash to pay for the stupid mag, just for fun?”, so I visualize I put my hand in my pocket and come out with 10000 EUR in cash. There’s someone by my side, not sure if still the same lady, surprised that I can do that and I say “Oh yeah, it’s just dream money. How much do you want? Just say it and I’ll make it appear.” But then my pockets are also filled with crumbles from cookies and lots of dirt. I empty them to find out what more is there, but then realize I’m wasting my precious lucid time. As I walk to the front of the bus I throw everything on the floor – money, magazine, bag, even a coat and I feel so light. The bus driver doesn’t know what I want to do, I smile and I cross the windshield – he and other passengers freak out. I lift of and fly high to see where I am. I see a road ahead of me, flanked by houses, up above a beautiful blue sky, down below a sea or a lake to my left and green hills to my right. I see a gate for what seems to be an amazing property with a park and decide it’s a good place to sit and meditate. But when I arrive there I see families with noisy kids all around. Oh well, I’ll have to endure. I look for a green spot to sit, but then all of the ground is muddy and uninviting. I recall my need not to drift or feel discouraged. I focus on the Buddha. I don’t visualize the Buddha image, but I sense Buddha’s presence and hold on to it. Then I find a covered passageway between two houses and in the middle of it there’s an amazing tower-like covered veranda with a central low pedestal with a base to sit on which is perfect. I sit there and it has a view over the whole park and the sea in the distance. The sun is setting and beautiful golden shades reflect on the water. But I realise all this is also distraction and as I am getting lost on it, I feel myself waking up. I hold on to the dream and I slide back in. I try to visualize the Buddha, but it’s not working. I feel myself waking up again, but I still hold on and slide back in. This time in front of me is my black kitten hugging another yellow kitten and I find it extremely sweet, but remember I must stay focused. Not trying to visualize the Buddha anymore, I instead try to just feel the Buddha’s presence more strongly. I do and then imagine that this presence becomes a ball of light that enters my body through my crown chakra. I feel a very powerful effect, like a force field around my head. I start to hover, feeling this amazing radiant light coming out of my chest, but then I see again all these people on the park, playing ball and whatever and this slight distraction was enough to call it off. I start to wake up again but slide back in one last time. Now I try again to really see the Buddha, so I summon the Buddha and wish that he is there on my back when I turn around. I turn around and there’s this round faced oriental looking teenager, who looks just like a Buddha, but he is wearing jeans and a checkered shirt. He looks just like he is just another kid in the park, but very lonely. He looks bored and just sits on a tree log watching the others playing. I’m like “WTF? Not what I had in mind.” The sun is setting and people are then leaving the park. Some lady comes with a couple of other teenagers and tells them to keep the Buddha-boy company. They look extremely bored by that, they don’t feel like baby-sitting. But then the Buddha-boy tells them not to worry, because he won’t be any burden to them. He’ll either stay quiet if they want or just be as interesting as they want. The other kids feel bad for their first reaction, ‘cause they feel he is actually not that lame and they tell him they are actually not that cool to hang around either. Then the Buddha-boy says “Then I’m sure we’ll get along, ‘cause I am myself a dick.” And they all laugh. I watch them leaving and I wake up.

      9:15 GMT
    10. 18 Nov: Trying to go to the moon

      by , 11-19-2010 at 10:49 PM (Lucid-schizo-dreamer)

      So I have decided to just post the more intesresting nights. I just have so many notes on my paper DJ and have no time to type them all to post on DV. It's a pity, because many potential shared dreams are left out, but it's just impossible for me to keep up...

      23:30 GMT

      Fighting a sinister character
      The feeling I have is that I’m aware I’m dreaming and I’m experimenting something with the dream and with the DCs, but I don’t remember being lucid.
      I remember from the point in which I’m in a very dark room with a very gloomy DC. I’m not afraid, because I have this underlying feeling it is a dream and because it has something to do with freeing other from the illusion that he can hurt them. We’re maybe measuring forces, but he wins, because all of a sudden he manages to kidnap all other DCs (I think they were dreamers) and lock them inside some sort of pitch dark dungeon. I’m left outside on some dark corridors and I can feel their presence behind a thick and humid stone wall. I can’t cross this wall, but I find a spot where I can send a rope through it in the hope people will grab it and use it to escape out. But it doesn’t work and at some point even that week spot (kind of portal) closes in and they are totally isolated.
      But I don’t give up. I climb the wall and near the ceiling I find it is a kind of false ceiling and I can enter it and crawl over this room where they are imprisoned. For a moment everything shakes violently but the place holds on. I find some entrance point, just by some big lamp hanging from the ceiling. Using again the rope, I go down and I find in there my parents, grandparents and some kids with their own families. My grandpa is proud of me, but when I say up is the only exit, he gets disappointed.
      Then the bad guy comes in and we fight and there’s some nonsensical scene with toy choppers and dinosaurs. I think he wins, because then he controls where we go next and he takes us all by car to my home village. There’s some sort of happening there, very public and he intends to humiliate me. There’s a group of kids dressed in a funny way singing some strange song about fruits –their group name is something like applepearnutsandgingerbread – and the guy tells me my job is to go join them and sing along. I say no way, but I’m not really feeling mortally embarrassed, I just find it stupid. But I go and I kind of sabotage the whole thing for not being so upset – it was meant to crush me, but I actually find it embarrassing-funny. And all of a sudden thousands of people appear out of nowhere and invade the village with banners and posters and they disrupt the whole thing. The bad guy disappears and me and my family take refuge in a building just on top of a staircase in front of us – like the town hall or something.

      2:00 GMT

      Gibberish, gibberish and Buddha’s blessings

      I’m in Australia or New Zealand or even the Cayman Islands... I don't know, but people speak English. And I find my ex-friend Vera. We talk briefly about what we’ve doing with our lives and then we take a bus to go home together. Our home town is suddenly just a bus ride away from this remote place we were visiting. When we arrive there, there’s a tornado ripping it a part, which hits the bus very briefly. People are in panic and I open the bus door and tell everybody to get out. I run to the door of my mom’s building. When I get there I look back to see if anybody else is coming so I can hold the door for them, but nobody’s coming. Then a friend comes but to say “Hey, you left the bus without paying for your ticket”. “Are you kidding? We’ve been hit by a tornado and you’re worried about that?” He says everybody else paid for their tickets, that’s why they are taking so long to arrive. I think that’s totally absurd and I think I’m about to become lucid, when I see my black cat escaping through the door I left open. I run after him and catch it. I head to the elevator and intend to go to the 9th floor (although in reality, my mom’s only 4 floors). Anyway, I open the elevator door and it’s a fridge with shelves. I take away the shelves so we can enter it but then I have to put the cat on the floor and that’s when I notice this cat is totally white and with blue eyes – not my cat at all, I could I have made such a mistake? I let the poor kitten go his way and he jumps right out of a window that is on my side. Then there’s some guy packing the elevator with books. He says he is moving and I say I need to go to 9th floor and ask for priority – he can ship his books later. He disagrees and says I can go with the books. “How do you do that? No space!” He insists and pushes me in, trying to fit me with the books and hurting me in the process. I say I give up. I look through the window again and I see a park outside, green grass. I think I float outside the window and as I walk this park, this book guy ends up joining me and we’re having a very melancholic kind of walk – I’m still mad at him but at the same time I like him a lot, and we walk in silence. Then two ladies I know touch me in the shoulder and tell me there is some Buddhist event taking place just nearby and I decide to follow them. I turn back and see a bridge on my left and a building on my right. In front of this building and facing the bridge, there’s a kind of alter with something being shown – among other things, there’s a special box which I’m told contains the cornea of a Buddha. It does looks like a dried cornea and I think “If it is genuinely the relic of a Buddha, then may the blessings from seeing it shower down on all sentient beings.” I had no time to get lucid, but I was then fully conscious when I made that wish and I felt those blessings flowing to me like an electrical current, when I woke up.

      6:00 GMT

      Jumping mirror portals
      Doing tourism in what seems to be France. I’m loosely following a group, but I get stranded and just roam alone for a few streets. Then I encounter a second group and because they seem to know where they’re going, I follow them. They are being guided by a French girl who leads them into an old church. We pass a front door and an entrance lobby and there’s a group of steps to go down to a desk to buy ticket. I start floating and I look to my right and I recognize one of the guys on the tour. He looks at me like he also recognizes me and I get lucid. I decide I will not simply sit down and instead I want to go to the moon, because I haven’t been there. I can then meditate in the biodome, by the koi pond. Why not? I turn back and on my way out I see a mirror on the wall and use it to jump. First I try to summon my warrior me, but the way I look doesn’t change and I don’t care, as long as I arrive there. I jump and all goes black. I have this freefall sensation for a little longer than usual and I start feeling SP effects. Strangely, instead of loud horrible noises, I start to hear amazing celestial music, like I never heard before. I am totally high with this music, when I feel like I landed somewhere. I feel I am there on the moon, but all is still dark and when I try to open my eyes I feel my “real” eyes opening, so I stop and just wait. Then a place forms in front of my eyes but it is not the moon, but some room and there’s a couple there. The guy is lying down on the bed and she is tending over him. They are surprised to see me and are about to address me, but I’m like “No, this is not it! I have to go!”. So I get out of the room and on the hallway I see another mirror and jump again, thinking once more about the moon. Same SP effects and I feel my awaken body on the bed. Once again I wait for the image to form and I find myself again in the same room with the same couple! Bullocks!
      I decide to see what they’re doing anyway. The girl is cleaning up his wounds he has all over his body and when she is about to pull his pants down to reach his leg wounds, he grabs it, in a mixed feeling of shyness and arousal because I’m there. I also feel a bit uncomfortable and aroused and for a moment a threesome crosses my mind, but I decide to turn my back on them and focus on something else, like trying to aim to the biodome or meditate somewhere else. There’s a mirror on the room and I jump a third time. This time I wake up.

      8:00 GMT
    11. 13 Nov: Family matters and future

      by , 11-15-2010 at 08:15 PM (Lucid-schizo-dreamer)
      23:00 GMT

      Stormy flight
      On a big plane flying into a storm. But just an observer. I think there will be the day when I will be in such situation.

      Looking at a map of Barcelona with my BF and asking him what he wants to visit – I suggest we should see stuff I haven’t seen yet, but he wants to check some important spots I already visited and I have to agree to go there for a second time.

      Deadly parents
      I’m watching some spy thriller movie and then I am inside it. On the margins of a river and someone’s just explained me that in this particular place there are some strange undercurrents, probably resulting from some underwater structure, like a tunnel entrance to some secret facilities. I’m lying belly down on the grass, watching for suspicious movements, when I detect on land some kind of entrance to a bunker. I go check it quietly, think it’s safe to go in but then I’m spotted by some ugly guy coming out of it. He holds a big knife in his hand and then a second guy joins him in trying to kill me. Luckily I also get some backup from a colleague and as we are on pairs, facing each other and waiting for someone to make the first attack, all of a sudden, the enemy guy’s are my mom and dad and my partner is my BF. My mom is holding the big knife and I’m like “Sorry, what!!!?”.

      2:00 GMT

      Future attached to past
      It’s night. I see the city nightlights and against the dark sky I see a spaceship just like Enterprise. That’s when I notice I’m in the future. Day comes and I also see airplanes moving around, but they are different, more like rockets – although totally similar to today’s airplanes, they lack any wings or tail and they lift off and land vertically. Yet, they still look more like planes than rockets. They are everywhere, like they are the buses of this future time. City looks pretty much like current day cities, though. I am walking through a park amongst the buildings and I see an old steam-engine train as an open air exhibit. I meet a lady there with whom I talk about the past and present times. I get from her words that people in this age are very attached to “old” times. They have this incredible new technologies but they avoid being too innovative, because they don’t want to break with the past so quickly. That’s why they make ships resembling planes, they keep their ancient machines exposed on their parks. They are a bit too obsessed. I tell her they shouldn’t be so attached to old days, because everything changes and even that steam-engine will rust out there, for as much they try to preserve it and will disappear from people’s memories one day. She seems disturbed with the idea.
      Then I see a guy appearing to be doing a stunt over a monorail sticking out of a skyscraper side. I ask what’s that and I realise they are just testing if it’s safe to ride a bike through these narrow trails up there. They want to implement them between skyscrapers so people can go by bike through them. I say they are crazy – why not simply making some pods that would glide through the rails? Once again, it’s their obsession with keeping it low tech and not go to far from their roots.

      Avoiding dad
      Seem to be on some sort of Inn on a ranch. The whole place is a big long one-floor building, where there’s a cafeteria, rooms, etc. My father is looking for me everywhere and I’m trying to avoid him at all cost. I see him entering the main door and I’m further away, in the rooms area. I go inside one room and meet my mom and grandpa there. Mom is reading a magazine, I eat some snack with her and we laugh about some picture on the magazine I say could go to Fail.blog. They are announcing an exhibition related to some event and there are some pictures of the event’s mascot and on one, something on the background makes it look like it has a huge phallus coming from between his legs. And because it is a kind of kiddie mascot it makes it even more outrageous. I say I have to leave because my dad will find me there eventually. I pass by the cafeteria, but I spot my dad inside and he seems to be with some kid. I have this feeling that he has a secret family I don’t know about and I don’t want to face it right now, so I go over some handrails and get out of this place before he sees me. I go around the building and exit this area. Then I’m in some other place sitting on a table with two other guys, who happened to be sitting on that exact table when I sat there to eat something. One of them is Indian, they are teachers and they are talking about relationships and how to deal with kids in classes. The Indian guy asks a very specific question: how to deal with a student who is very flamboyant. The other guy just doesn’t know what to answer to that.

      4:45 GMT

      Something about a meteorite falling and then it is an alien with tentacles.

      ESP and lucidity
      Home scene with my BF, my aunt and her kids. We’re talking about or trying out some ESP tricks. Something about robots. Then I’m lucid and decide to write the dreams I’ve been having on my DJ. I forget to wake up and just do it on the dream. I remember the radio was playing and I was thinking about how nice would be to have a radio show on Lucid dreams. My dad was asleep. Then I realise I was still asleep.

      7:30 GMT

    12. 10 Nov: painting, park and parkour

      by , 11-12-2010 at 02:49 PM (Lucid-schizo-dreamer)

      23:00 GMT

      Painting in group
      With some people working on something, split in groups of 4 people. We’re preparing paints – each group prepares 2 colours but we’ll all share it. Each group has to make a painting, but for that first we need to agree on the subject and then somehow combine each individual style. I picture it won’t be easy. I notice a very interesting girl and also a guy, whose profiles are just amazing and I propose we paint their profile portraits. But my proposal is totally ignored and my 3 colleagues are already sketching something totally different for which they didn’t even ask my opinion. But they were the majority, so I let them. It wasn’t till I actually see the drawing that I got really disappointed. It was some drawing of a hill with trees and houses, but very badly drawn, like the guy who did it had no talent whatsoever to drawing. I decide to go to toilet.
      I then realise we’re on my late grandma’s house. I feel her presence very strongly and I say out loud that I miss her.
      For a brief moment I was lucid, but then I simply went to pee. I noticed in the end that there was no bathroom door and I felt surprised that this doesn’t disturb me at all although there are these people around in the house. Then a brief moment of lucidity again. One guy just passes by, tells me something all smiley and goes meet the other guys on the living room. I hear the others joking about a potential romance between us two and I feel they are totally deluded.

      Feeling insecure on a park
      After the previous events, I’m on the exterior and I sense it might be in London or in Brussels. I’m near a park and looking for a spot to plant some seeds. I walk over some brick wall, I step on some leaf covered ground, but don’t like any spot. Then I see a tall iron gate entrance for a more reserved area and decide to take a peek. It leads to some alley but then I see two guys approaching with a suspicious look, seeming interested that I’m walking that way, so I give up on my intent and just go around this area.
      Later at night I come back to this place, this time with company and also there are more people actually going across this alley, so I feel safer. Strangely, I conclude this alley is home of many homeless people, which gives it still a bit of sinister feeling. But then I stumble on my own wallet on the floor – I hadn’t even missed it! I check it and all documents and money are there. I am surprised that being so afraid of people’s intentions on this area, not one of them had taken my wallet – of course they could have not seen it, but I felt they simply didn’t want to pick it up.

      Brussels and parkour
      With my BF and it’s definitely in Brussels. We only have one day there so I ask him what he wishes to visit. I suggest taking a tram to the Africa Museum, because the tour to get there is already very nice, but then we can visit the beautiful park around it. But then he mentions he hasn’t even seen the city centre and I agree he should do that.
      Later I’m (we’re?) watching a parkour competition. The contesters have to climb and do their tricks up and down a very narrow and tall building, very art nouveau, with lots of structures on the façade. I am delighted watching the skilled people competing and say to a friend I would definitely love to learn to do this. Then a fat girl from the group I am with surprises me by also competing. I think “if she can do it, why shouldn’t I?”

      6:40 GMT

      Updated 11-12-2010 at 05:29 PM by 34880

      lucid , non-lucid
    13. 1 Sep: Dates and attempt to lucidify dream companions

      by , 09-02-2010 at 10:53 AM (Lucid-schizo-dreamer)

      23:00 GMT – Sleep

      No dreams recalled

      1:30 GMT

      Late to a movie and cloned cat
      I’m with my cousin C. on her car on the way to the movies. It’s late evening and we’re already late. She is speeding and I don’t feel comfortable. I ask her to slow down. Then we really get too late and she ends up dropping me home, no movies.
      When I arrive home my cat is now two cats, although the same one. He/they are on top of the table in the living room. Then I notice the window is open and run to shut it – the cat might fall 3 floors if he decides to go for a walk. Then the table is also wobbly and I fear it breaks, so I just grab the cat – only one, the other copy runs away.

      2:30 GMT

      Stone house
      I am seeing this old stone house with Riverstone and Nighthawk. An old guy shows us the property. I don’t know what we’re doing there. The old man then leaves for a while and we start exploring every inch. Nighthawk opens a squeaky, mouldy wardrobe and finds a really old scrapbook. He invites me to sit down and look at it, as I always like this kind of stuff. So we sit down on a small dusty sofa and we start turning the pages. I really didn’t pay much attention to what is was inside. I was more focused on the body heat from the guy by my side, if you know what I mean. Then someone screams with a loud pitch voice through a small window just above our heads. I am cool, no reaction, but Nighthawk freaked out. He gets up abruptly and goes out grumpy. We approach him, making a bit fun of the situation but he is really not in a good mood. I really hate seeing him like that, looses all the charm, so I go out through an opposite door, leading to a terrace. I see the area around for the first time. It’s amazing. There’s a river way down there and a path at my right leading to other part of the village where we are. I then become lucid and instinctively fly down to this road to explore. I look to the sky and the landscape around and I am awed with the brightness and white light that permeates it. But then I look up again to the house, and there are the guys still on the other terrace looking now to me, maybe wondering how I got down there so fast. I realise they are not DC's but are actually sharing a dream with me so I decide not to go explore the dream but to go back and try to lucidify them both – would be awesome!
      I fly back and enter the house through the door I came out from. They are inside now. I tell them to go sit that I have something to tell them. They look curious and excited. They go out to that second terrace where I haven’t yet been. They sit at a wooden bench on this terrace. The landscape here is also breathtaking. Everything looks so damn real. For a moment I am in doubt if I am still dreaming – what if this is actually real and I say it’s a dream and they will mock me forever? So I do a reality check, just to be sure. I look at my hands. They look normal, besides being a bit more red than normal. But something goes wrong! “Oh no! I am waking up!” So, I woke up and despite my efforts, I couldn’t come back...

      Starting life over and love in the hay stack
      For some reason I am Rory from the Gilmore Girls and I fell on water with some other person. It’s night on some port and the situation is dangerous, although I never feel I am in danger. My mom Lorelai is looking for me, screaming for help, but I’m just there and I can get out of water whenever I want. I just decide not to. I think how convenient that everybody thinks I’m dead. This way I can be free and start all over somewhere else.
      So I leave myself be taken by the current to a place more down river. I get out and there’s a big storage house, with lots of big machines and I’m not Rory anymore, I’m myself. Then I see police coming. I think they are looking for me but no, there’s some other guy, a criminal, also coming to hide here. What are the chances? I try to hide but realize there’s no time and they will see me. So I decide to lead them to the guy, this way distracting their attention from me. I do so, the guy is arrested and they are so thankful, they don’t ask me any question. I lay down on some hay stack and rest for the night.
      Later on, it’s morning and I wake up with the sound of voices. There’s a group of people talking by the door and I spot Nighthawk among these people. Coming from the other dream? He comes to me, holds me, seduces me and asks me if I want to be his girl. I’m delighted and I play along. We’re all mushy mushy, I am enjoying it a lot, but then the dream transforms.

      High speed skating and a wild hog
      I find myself inside a car, in the driver’s seat. The car is parked on a steep hill and the break fails, so it starts sliding backwards. Yaics, I have to stop it but can’t find the break! I almost hit this group of people walking their dogs, but move the wheel barely missing them, until I finally break. I get out of the car and I go half-lucid. I don’t know where I am and why I went there from this other so pleasant dream, so I decide to have some fun. I put some inline skates and slide down the rest of the hill at high speed. I am having so much fun, I scream of contentment. I pass through a group of youngsters who is sitting on the floor meditating. I feel a bit bad for disturbing them and almost killing them, actually. I remember the face of one black girl in great detail.
      The hill ends at the gates of some park. I am trying to see what this park is when a girl with a wild hog on a leash passes by me. I am like “wow” and is everybody else around who is both afraid and fascinated with this scene. People gather around the girl and the wild hog at the gate and I can’t come in. Then a couple asks me if I know if the copy house in front is open or definitely closed. I have no clue but just by looking at it, it looks like it’s not open for a long time. I suggest they look somewhere else.

      5:10 GMT

      Fetish with traffic
      There’s this two couples who like to make love in the traffic. So while one couple drives, the other is usually on the back seat doing it. But the police has already caught them a bunch of times so they came up with this truck with a cabin made of glass walls that you can see to outside but not to the inside and they have a bed there and all – really elaborate stuff just for this fetish thing they have. I am watching them having their way from inside this cabin they are driven along a highway and across a bridge. Weird stuff. I swear I have no fetish of this kind. It reminded me the movie Crash.

      Romantic walk becomes crappy
      I find Nighthawk again and we’re in the middle of some park. It’s already late evening. I invite him to walk with me, hand in hand and try to find a quiet comfy place to sit and nestle. The walk is being quite nice but then it starts to rain. I don’t care, it is not wetting me, it’s just dream rain. But he doesn’t believe that, he is getting soaked and gets really annoyed. Tells me he wants to leave. Oh boy. Ok, let’s go. We find his mom outside the park and they decide to go have dinner at a restaurant. The dream started to suck.

      7:30 GMT – Wake up

      Updated 09-11-2011 at 10:45 PM by 34880

      lucid , non-lucid , dream fragment