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    * The Sandman's Dream Journal o/***

    Like sands through the hour glass, so are the dreams of our nights.

    1. Homeless Camping - Playing it Cool with the Ladies

      by , 03-22-2011 at 04:04 AM (* The Sandman's Dream Journal o/***)
      I was somehow homeless behind my father's old house. I am sad it isn't in the family anymore, but my dad has passed in waking life and we had to sell the house. So, I'm building a fire to stay warm. Last night I really did build a fire in our back yard.

      I noticed the fire was almost out. I was about to blow on it when the new owners of the house started looking out of the house and then walking towards me.

      I ducked down so they couldn't see me, but they kept coming. I started to growl like a dog or some kind of monster to get them to turn away, but it wasn't working.

      Then all of a sudden I was in the house looking out the window the way they must have been looking at me. I saw the fire and realized why I got their attention.


      There were two ladies. They were both really cute. One of them said to some guy, "You're not getting under this bra."

      I realized I should just play it cool. I acted like I wasn't attracted to either of them and tried to look them in their eyes. Tried.


      I was in some kind of race inside of a gymnasium. It was like a marathon, but we had to run the distance in a small gym. People were cutting the corners because the room was small and it would be ridiculous to run in an actual square.

      I wanted to run the full distance (and not cheat), so I tried to take the corners by running on the wall. Others took advantage by running past me on the inside. I thought that was kind of unfair.

      It was very cramped. The room was only as big as a large garage. I ended up leaving the race, though I intended to rejoin it.

      Outside I saw a big boned black lady name Yolanda. I don't know how I got to this point, but I grabbed her by the waste and pulled her into me twice. Then I decided to pull her in and thrust my pelvis into her rear. She was really soft.

      She didn't seem to mind, but then she started acting as though I shouldn't have. I worked hard to get her attention and finally did. I mouthed the words, "Don't get me in trouble." She says, "OK."

      Updated 03-22-2011 at 04:16 AM by 41873

      Tags: dad, fire, ladies, race