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    New Dream Adventures of Raven Knight

    This is my new dream journal on the new blog dream journal system of Dreamviews. I'm ready to see how this works out. My old dream journal was getting pretty long, so it is really about time to open a new one so it is more manageable to search through...

    For anyone who is interested in looking at my old dream journal, just click on the following link:

    Raven Knight's Dream Travels

    I hope everyone enjoys reading my new dream journal!

    Color Codes:

    Non-lucid is plain black text.
    Fully lucid is blue text.

    1. Dark Mirror World

      by , 05-09-2017 at 12:31 AM (New Dream Adventures of Raven Knight)
      2017, 05-08

      Dark Mirror

      I am in a place I don’t recognize. I look around to see if I can figure out where I am. After walking for a while I realize it looks somewhat familiar, but at the same time not familiar. It looks like a creepy dark version of a place I have been before. There are run down houses positioned around a cul-de-sac, and the people walking on the sidewalks look distinctly like orcs. I find that strange because the neighborhood looks completely normal for this world aside from the fact it looks like it has been abandoned and now is falling to ruin. I start walking along the road, not sure where to go or what to do in this strange place. The orcs wandering around don’t seem to be paying any attention to me so I pay no attention to them. Then I see a man approaching me, definitely not an orc. Maybe he knows what is going on here. I go over to him and ask him where we are. He says it’s supposed to be his inner world, but it looks like someone has made a mess here again. At first that statement makes no more sense than this place does, but finally I put it together and I realize I’m talking to MoSh, but this sure doesn’t look like his inner world…

      MoSh says we have to find Asuka, so I agree to help him look for her. We go through a rundown looking house that I think is most likely haunted and we come to what looks like it used to be a beautiful garden, but now everything in it is dead. I look at the dead and brown plants and wonder what could have happened here to make them all die. I then realize there is a woman in the garden, but she is down on her knees next to something. I wonder what it is that she is looking at so I go over to see her. It is Asuka, and she is kneeling beside what appears to be the only plant in this whole garden that is still alive. There is a small and somewhat sickly looking plant growing there with a single beautiful flower blooming brightly. I ask what is going on here, and she says she has to save this flower. Everything else is dead, so she has to save this flower. MoSh comes over and seems glad to see Asuka appears to be ok, and he says it’s time to go home. I ask Asuka what has happened to MoSh’s inner world. She looks around and says this isn’t MoSh’s inner world, it’s a mere shadow of MoSh’s inner world. She also repeats that she has to save the flower. MoSh takes her by the hand and tries to lead her away. She keeps saying she has to save the flower and reaching back for it. I tell her I’ll get the flower. I form an energy sphere around the flower, the plant, and a chunk of soil it is growing in and bring that along as I follow MoSh and Asuka.

      As we are making our way out of the strange garden I see someone who wasn’t there when we went in. There is a man standing on and blocking the path to leave the garden. He looks like a walking corpse, and I get a whiff of a foul odor coming from him. He is rotting and decaying. Asuka says he is the bringer of death, every plant he touches dies and decays. She seems worried that he will get too close to the flower and kill it somehow. The zombie approaches us and MoSh ask him who he is and what he wants. He laughs and says MoSh already knows, but he sees a new friend… he might just have to drop in and visit me sometime. I can’t help but laugh when I think of him trying to drop into my inner world and running into my shield like a solid titanium wall, or meeting Vegeta to blast him back where he came from, or the psycho twins Mary and Marty with more weapons aimed at him than he could register sight of before he got vaporized. I tell him if he wants to be erased from existence he is free to try. MoSh says this guy should be erased right now so he can’t bother Asuka or Björk any longer. That makes me think of the song by Björk that comes to mind first, so I add that if he tries to get in he might just end up meeting an army of me. As I say that I form my right arm into an Alex Mercer blade. He doesn’t seem particularly bothered but laughs and disappears.

      MoSh, Asuka, and I go into the house that appears to be a run-down version of MoSh’s house in his inner world. I wonder if I should do something to fix the place up since Asuka said it’s not really MoSh’s inner world. I am looking around the house when MoSh says the zombie man is out front now. I wonder what this guy wants and I head to the front of the house to find him. I look out front and I see the zombie man out there. I think I should go out there and teach him a lesson he won’t soon forget even if his brain is rotting. I go out the front door but now he is gone, as is the whole neighborhood. I look around and now I am in a green meadow with no sign of the rundown house and neighborhood, no sign of MoSh or Asuka, no sign of the zombie. I look and see I still have Asuka’s flower in an energy orb, so that’s good… I am thinking of trying to get back to Asuka and MoSh but I wake up.
      Tags: asuka, mosh, zombie
      lucid , non-lucid
    2. 02/15/13 Zombies and Vampires

      by , 02-16-2013 at 02:10 AM (New Dream Adventures of Raven Knight)

      Zombies in the Dark
      I am in a strange place… it is totally dark, or almost totally dark. I wait for a couple minutes and my eyes seem to adjust to the lack of light. I am in what looks like an underground sewer system. There is a small amount of water sitting in the bottom of the passage. I look around and I see I am not alone there. MoSh is there with me. I wonder if I have managed to end up in a Dark Tower dream as well. I see a small animal pass through a cross passage up ahead. I recognize the animal as a billy-bumbler, an animal from the Dark Tower world.

      Shortly after the billy-bumbler passes I see a man pass, and I recognize Roland. It seems I have ended up just where I wanted to be for a change! I tell MoSh we should catch up with Roland and see if there's anything he needs help with. Before we can act on that, however, there is a slumped figure slinking after Roland. Then another one. The figures are vaguely humanoid, though they seem as comfortable on all fours as they would be on two legs, maybe more so. A third one comes to the intersection and looks towards us. The eyes are glowing gold in the darkness, and the thing hisses menacingly.

      It has sharp teeth that look more appropriate to a shark than a person. It charges at MoSh and me, hissing and snarling. When it jumps to attack us I make sure it lands on my hidden blade. It keeps pushing towards me for a bit longer, snarling and hissing and spitting gross stuff all over me before it dies. It looks and smells like a zombie. I tell MoSh we should get the other two before they try to sneak up on Roland. I don't know what the odds of sneaking up on Roland really are, but I don't like the idea of firing a gun down there… the walls look ready to collapse at the least disturbance. MoSh agrees and we hurry on to follow the two that went after Roland. By the time we catch up I see that Roland has killed one of them with his knife and is facing off against the second. Apparently they failed to sneak up on him. Oy is hiding behind Roland. MoSh comes up behind the second one and takes it out with what looks like a large knife. Roland asks who is there. I answer and tell him it's Raven and MoSh. Roland says he could sense someone there but couldn't see who it is. I tell him there are some mutants creeping in the sewers with us, but we should keep going to find Jake, MoSh and I would help keep the creatures off of Roland and Oy. As we travel, Roland confirms the part of the book we are in, but is then interrupted by some bad singing… followed by even worse singing… Roland says that was Jake. I hear something moving in a passage to the right and I turn just in time to meet a mutant attacking me with a hidden blade to the neck. Roland asks if I can actually see them. I tell him I have good night vision… at least in dreams I do. I hear MoSh fighting one in the other direction, he returns soon. He says they are mean. I ask if he got bitten, for some reason I think it would be bad to get bitten. He says no. Oy is getting impatient. It seems like we have been going in the dark for a long time when there starts to be a bit of light. Oy indicates we have to go down to a lower level. We descend a ladder into a long hallway that ends with a door like might be found on a ship. I remember that Jake is just on the other side of the door. Roland tries the valve, but it is tight. He looks around and spots a vent shaft, then tells Oy to go and look and come back. The billy-bumbler seems glad to cooperate and hurries into the vent when Roland boosts him up to it. I wonder if any of the mutants will come this far into the light. I never get to find out because I wake.

      For the Love of Alex
      I am lying on my own bed, feeling particularly lonely. I am not lucid to begin with, so I just lie there wondering if there is anyone out in the world who would be a match for me. I am thinking there is not. I finally get up and leave my room to find my mother using an elliptical exercise machine in the living room. The living room is much larger than it is in my waking life, and there are so many exercise machines that I can't even see the furniture. My mom says if we are to watch tv we will be exercising. I think this is odd. I finally do a RC by pinching my nose. I can still breathe. I am dreaming! I go outside and look around, trying to think of what I want to do. I think I could complete a task… either a task of the month or of the year. Since I was feeling lonely I decide on a task of the month… get a cupid to make a celebrity fall in love with me. And I know just the celebrity. Now to find him… I fly towards town where there are more people, so there is a better chance of finding who I am looking for.

      I soon spot him. Alex O'Laughlin. He looks like he did in the series Moonlight. Now for a cupid… I focus on summoning one. A cherub appears, hovering in front of me with a bow and arrow ready.

      The arrow has a heart on the end of it. The cherub is actually a bit cranky, and impatiently asks who it is I want to fall in love with me. I point at Alex O'Laughlin. The cherub laughs and says me and every other woman… but I got to him first. He fires his arrow at Alex. The arrow hits Alex in the left shoulder blade and then fades to nothing. Alex looks over at me, I notice the cherub has already disappeared. Alex stares at me for a bit and then comes right over to me and kisses me square on the lips. It is a warm and passionate kiss. Beth, the reporter who falls in love with Mick St. John, is staring, incredulous like she can't believe her eyes. I kiss him back, and we are kissing for a good length of time before I get too excited at what could happen and I wake up.
    3. 12/17/11 Oblivion: The Escape

      by , 12-18-2011 at 01:14 AM (New Dream Adventures of Raven Knight)

      Oblivion: The Escape
      I am in prison. I look around to see where I am. I have no memory of how I got to be there or where I actually am. I finally decide I am in a video game, I am playing Oblivion. Awesome! And it's so realistic. The asshole across the hall starts calling me a harlot or something, and I tell him to shut the fuck up unless he can come over here and say it to my face. He keeps talking, saying I wouldn't be talking like that if there weren't bars between us. I ignore him until I hear him say the guards are coming for me, then I look out again and see the emperor and the blades coming into the dungeon. I get back from the door and wait for them to enter. The emperor comes over to me and says he knows me from a dream. Ooo… sounds kinky… he just gives me a strange look. Then he says today is the day the stars foretold. At the urging of the blades, they leave through a secret passage in my cell. I go back to the cell door and tell the asshole across the hall that I'll be going now, maybe we can meet up for a drink… oh, wait! You didn't get a secret passage opening in your cell, well it sucks to be you!

      I follow the secret passage and I reach the next chamber just a couple seconds too late. The emperor and the blades have just disappeared through a door, which is now locked. Apparently they locked it behind them. One of the blades is dead in the room, along with a few cloaked figures. I find a sword there which I take. As I had expected, two very large rats attack me from a collapsed wall, we're talking rats the size of an English Mastiff or a Great Dane. I kill the rats with the sword and then head into the caves beyond the collapsed wall. I find some treasure chests and a skeleton with old leather armor. I take the armor as well as a few lockpicks and some gold I find in the chests. I also find a bow and arrows. I snipe a giant rat in the next room with an arrow before it is even aware of my presence. I continue along the passages, there are more treasure chests, some of which are locked so I pick the locks… I find a zombie eating the flesh off of a dead rat. Apparently deciding I look tastier, the zombie comes at me. I throw fireballs at the zombie and it is incinerated. No body left behind? Where is the mort flesh? Oh, well. A couple chambers later I meet my first goblin who I also take out with an arrow.

      After a bit more wandering in the caves I find another collapsed wall that leads back to the castle dungeons. I find the emperor and the blades there, resting up a bit after a fight. The two remaining blades want to kill me, saying I might be working with the enemy. The emperor orders them to stand down. I chat with the emperor for a bit, he seems very certain that he is not going to get out of here alive. I stay with them for now, following them through a few more chambers in the dungeons. I snipe a couple of attackers from the shadows where they lie in wait. We soon come to the last chamber where I know the emperor will get killed, he knows it, too. He gives me the amulet of kings just before he is attacked.

      I find I can move this time, though! It's not a cut scene, I can attack the asshole! I attack the asshole attacking the emperor and fight him sword to sword. After a short fight I win. I turn back to the emperor and I see a second attacker standing over the emperor's dead body. Damn… I have never seen a second one! Baurus comes in and says he has failed, then asks about the amulet of kings. I tell him what the emperor said about Jauffre and the one remaining heir. He says to take the amulet and go, so I head into the sewers. I snipe a couple more trolls and rats. I soon find my way out of the sewers and into the wilderness outside of Imperial City. I head straight into the city where I am able to sell a lot of the crap I collected for gold and then get a room for the night. I figure it is a good time to save the game, so I do so and lie down on the bed and fall asleep.
    4. 06/11/11 The Lost Dream Files

      by , 06-14-2011 at 09:19 PM (New Dream Adventures of Raven Knight)
      Hmmm... it seems my most recent dream journal post was lost when Dreamviews was down last night... it's a good thing I keep my own copies!

      Battle at Fort Wagner
      I am in a forested place, I look around and see that there appears to be a military operation going on there. The terrain is a forest similar to the picture shown here, which is of a typical South Carolina forest, so it seems I am already in the proper position to complete a LPTC task and have some fun doing it. Well, I'm not entirely familiar with how the battle between the 54th regiment and Fort Wagner took place, but hopefully I can create an interesting dream version.

      Ok, well first to play some games with confederate soldiers. I find some soldiers in the forest, they seem to be preparing for an attack, most of them are black people… the 54th regiment. I leave them to their preparations and I head towards Fort Wagner, following a map that I have in my mind. I find Fort Wagner standing tall, confederate soldiers manning the defenses… cannons, gun turrets… but it is dark out right now. I change into a small bird and fly right up to and over the outer walls of the fort. I spot a confederate soldier on guard duty in a spot that is fairly isolated, and he looks bored… maybe he would like to play a game.

      I have been reading the book It by Stephen King, so the idea of reading his mind to find out what he is most scared of came to mind. His mind is occupied by sex, killing Union soldiers, sex, his belief that black people, like filthy sewer rats, carry disease and he would be infected if he touched one, sex, and he is considering going off to a private spot to jack off because he is horny. Excellent. My inspiration for this game comes straight from It. I land behind one of the tents closest to the outer wall and transform back to my normal form, dressed in sexy lingerie. I peek out from behind the tent and catch his eye. He can hardly believe what he sees. I beckon him over with sexy gestures. I can see that he instantly has a hard-on… which he follows without question.

      The man comes around the corner and now he sees me naked, I look at him, he has a clear hard-on, I tell him he had better let that out before it just explodes. He starts fumbling with his pants. The tent beside us is empty, so I crawl through an opening in the side, beckoning the man to follow, how about I start him off with a blowjob? When he gets into the tent, however, the naked woman is gone. All he finds is an old black guy, or really more of a zombie.

      I have transformed into a black zombie, with pieces of flesh rotting off of me and a foul odor of decay coming off of me in waves. He tries to scramble backwards from me, repeating "What the fuck?!" Who am I? Name's Bob… didn't he want his blowjob? Old Bob will give you a blowjob. Bob will do it any time for just a dime, 15 cents for overtime! He says to stay away from him, calling me a foul disgusting rotten nigger, he's trying to leave the tent. I grab hold of his leg, the rot on my hand is spreading onto his leg, just as his fear said it would. There is a wet spot on his pants. I laugh at that, asking if he's going to shit himself next. He is trying to call out for help, he can't seem to find his voice. Rot and decay are consuming his body, he tries to kick me with his free foot. His foot is too rotted and it falls off. Now he finally manages to scream, I'm not sure if it is fear or pain, but it is loud. The foul odor of shit is coming off of him… he shit his pants! I tell him he is full of shit, then crawl over him to leave the tent through the hole I entered through. This makes his body completely decay. Outside, other soldiers have gathered. They are staring at the zombie in front of them. Some of them shoot… others stand dumb… Keeping with my theme, I grow giant bat wings and fly up into the sky before turning around and opening up with Vegeta's Final Flash, a blast of energy that leaves the fort as a smoking crater. The soldiers of the 54th regiment have responded to that explosion, and are emerging from the trees to see the smoking crater. I leave a flag in the center of the crater proclaiming the Union victory before disappearing and waking up.

      Hogwarts Martial Arts Tournament
      MoSh and I are at Hogwarts for the final round of the martial arts portion of the Tri-School Wizard Tournament. The first thing I find out is that I have been disqualified from the final round due to inappropriate conduct in an earlier round, apparently having something to do with a fight I don't remember between Nomad and me where things got a bit out of hand… something about ripping Nomad apart… MoSh, however, still has his final round going up against another guy from one of the other schools, I don't recognize the other guy from the books. I am figuring MoSh might be interested in seeing some details of this, so I watch the match and try to remember as many details as I can. The other guy is named Matthew. One point worth noting is that both of them strictly used martial arts moves rather than magic or powers, perhaps it was meant to keep the match more even?

      MoSh starts with an outside leg kick. He then blocks Matthew's kick and answers with a straight right punch. Matthew tries to get off a high kick to MoSh's head, but MoSh easily blocks that. This leaves Matthew off balance and wide open for MoSh's next attack, which knocks Matthew flat on his ass. Matthew tries to sweep MoSh's legs and misses, MoSh throws a kick at Matthew, who rolls out of the way and to his feet. MoSh meets Matthew as he is getting back to his feet with a combo involving an uppercut followed immediately with a kick. Matthew catches MoSh's leg but can't do anything with it. MoSh does an interesting looking jump and somehow manages to kick the guy in the head with his other foot, knocking Matthew to the ground. Matthew stands up quickly, but eats a knee, a big flying knee to the face from MoSh, and he drops down again. Matthew rolls clear of MoSh and stands, trying to unleash a combo from the side. Epic fail. Only one of his punches lands before MoSh unloads with rapid punches and one final hard punch that sends Matthew out of the ring. MoSh wins.
    5. 04/24/11 Nightmare Demon

      by , 05-25-2011 at 04:55 AM (New Dream Adventures of Raven Knight)
      Nightmare Demon
      I am in a strange place that looked like the aftermath of a nuclear detonation. Flat and barren, a hot wind blows across the landscape. The sky is a ominous dark red color, there are three moons hanging up there, three different sizes, and this clearly shows I am not on Earth. I don't pay much attention to the moons in the sky, my attention is focused more on the largest thing in the area. There is a demon there, it is about 50 feet tall at my best estimate, and it is really ugly. It has four arms with razor sharp talons, and eyeballs all over its body that are looking rapidly around the area… except for the ones that are focused on me.

      I dive to the side just in time to dodge a swipe from the things massive claws, it roars some unearthly screech and attacks me again. It tries to stomp me flat, I actually jump up on the thing's foot, it seems to be the safest place to be since it is unlikely to cut off its own foot. The thing throws me off of its foot and then throws a fireball at me, which I roll to the side and dodge. I attack back with my Witchblade sword, the thing's skin is like armor. But not the eyeballs… I sink my sword into one of the eyeballs, and it pops… YUCK… releasing a gush of white goop, the demon roars in rage and throws me off. There is a pod on the demon's chest, and it splits open now. Zombies emerge from the resultant hole. Waves of zombies.

      I use Divide by Disturbed to split myself up into 256 of myself, all of me attacks the zombies emerging from the demon. Still other instances of me attack the demon directly, jumping at it, flying at it, attacking the eyeballs, the weak spots. I'm not sure what caused me to get into a fight with this demon, but I feel if I don't continue fighting someone will be in danger, I need to keep the thing attacking me instead of someone else… MoSh? Sam? I think that could be it. The fight continues for a while longer. Many instances of me have put out many of the demon's eyes, so the demon is dripping white goop and pissed. But I notice that some of the eyes are regenerating… they had been gross holes spilling goop, now they're healing… they still look gross, but I can see the eyeball inside, regenerating.

      I am about to take another attack, but my feelings change… there is no more need to keep this demon occupied... it can go about its own business now. The many instances of me form back into one and I wake.
    6. 07/16/10 Resident Evil

      by , 07-21-2010 at 04:03 AM (New Dream Adventures of Raven Knight)
      Note: Having not have accomplished any of my goals from last night, those goals just carried over to tonight aside from the fact Nomad warned of a Templar attack last night and there was no such warning about tonight. Unfortunately, I was not successful in entering a WILD…

      I was in a city, moving around amongst some buildings. It seemed I was in a neighborhood at the edge of a downtown area as there were both single family homes and a few tall buildings around. I was there with Tigress and MoSh, and we all had large caliber weapons with us. Since I'm not familiar with fire arms I'm not sure exactly what kind of gun I had, but I know there were shotgun shells involved… and another kind of bullet… my knowledge of guns stops with pointing them and pulling the trigger. >.< The reason for the weapons was quickly revealed as zombies came from around a corner and at us. As I said above, I know how to point a gun and shoot. So I did that and fired at the approaching zombies, aiming for the heads. The heads literally exploded as the bullets hit their mark. I found I was actually a better shot than I had realized, so far I hadn't missed a single shot.

      Tigress, MoSh, and I entered a tall building where we knew there were people trapped on an upper level. We had to fight our way through the building and up the stairwell to the tenth floor where the people were trapped. They had become trapped as they had been trying to escape, but the stairwell was completely blocked by zombies and they hadn't had enough ammunition to even try to get through. The three of us shot our way through the zombies until we got to the tenth floor door, then we went onto the floor. Someone pointed a gun at us, but then showed their obvious relief when they saw we weren't zombies. We told them that the path to the bottom floor was clear of zombies now so they could get out of the building and to the shelter. They quickly left. I wondered if there might be anyone else on the level, and apparently Tigress and MoSh had the same idea because they continued searching. I went with her to cover them and to help them look.

      Upon opening an office door I saw a man in the corner, crouched there with a clearly wounded leg, he raised his gun reflexively and fired. He saw we weren't zombies at the last minute and pulled the gun to the side, which caused him to shoot a golden retriever lying at his feet. He shot the dog three times before he stopped shooting, then yelled in horror and grief, and started sobbing over the dog. The dog was just injured, not dead, so I went over and healed the dog right away.

      The man had been bitten by zombies several times, and it was surely only a matter of time before he turned to a zombie. He said he knew that would happen and he wanted to die before he turned. I put a bullet in his brain before we took the dog and continued searching. There were only a couple zombies left wandering around on this level, and we quickly dispatched them. The dog searched out several more survivors in the building before we heard a loud roaring noise from up above. That sounded like our cue to get out of there. The rest of us went back down the stairwell and into the main lobby area. The survivors ran out the door and disappeared into the night, no doubt heading for the shelter, as the crashing sounds from above got louder and closer. The dog had its hackles raised and was snarling menacingly at the elevator door.

      With a loud crash and a blast of dust and debris a huge creature hit the bottom of the elevator shaft and crawled out… or at least part of it crawled out… this thing was like nothing I have ever seen before, it is really hard to even try to describe it. But as close as I can come, the thing coming out of the elevator shaft was like a long tentacle with a mouth in the end, that mouth was filled with razor sharp teeth, and it was pretty clear that the main mass of the monster was still partially up the elevator shaft… Well, no matter what the whole thing looked like, Tigress, MoSh and I opened all up on the thing with all the firepower we had, I found my gun also fired grenades as I shot the grenades up towards the damaged wall where the main mass of the creature would be. There were many explosions, I wasn't sure who had shot what, and finally there was a huge and messy explosion within the elevator shaft, the thing let out an unearthly screech of pain or anger or both… and then the entire building started to shake. Tigress, MoSh, and I barely got out of the building before it collapsed in a massive cloud of dust and debris.

      Now the three of us split up to search through the neighborhood for any other survivors. We stayed together for a while because the dog was leading us to everyone who needed help. As we found a few more dogs, we split up to search faster By the time we reached the other end of the neighborhood I alone had rescued 12 people, 15 cats, and 10 dogs. Somehow the cats and dogs knew to stay with me, and the three of us came back to the shelter being followed by all of these people and animals. The golden retriever with us seemed quite pleased with itself at having led us to all of those people and animals. I was petting some of the cats when I noticed everything seemed unstable, I was beginning to consider doing a reality check but I woke up before I could.

      Updated 07-21-2010 at 04:12 AM by 27700

    7. 07/06/10 The Hoard

      by , 07-09-2010 at 12:02 AM (New Dream Adventures of Raven Knight)
      When we got back to MoSh's inner world, I noticed the dream seemed to be ending. Time to dilate time. I told MoSh I wanted to do something more with him if he didn't mind. He said that was cool. I figured that might not even matter… if he wasn't going to remember me. Either way, I decided to dilate time. I focused on Allura's method of time dilation, dilating time to the point where one hour in waking life equaled four hours of dream time.

      I asked MoSh what he wanted to do. He said he didn't have anything specific in mind, so he would help me with one of my goals. The nature of my goals eluded me at the time… Since I couldn't focus on something specific to aim for, I focused on opening a portal to take MoSh and me somewhere we needed to be. The portal opened. MoSh followed me through…

      Once we were on the other side, I had a look around. I saw a familiar face… I focused on placing the name… Lonewolf! So why had my portal brought MoSh and me to see Lonewolf? There were a couple of women there with Lonewolf. I didn't recognize them. I looked around to take in the situation. I realized there was a battle going on. There were zombies attacking. I figured that was why I was there. There were a couple of other people right there with Lonewolf, but I didn't recognize them. I headed towards the area where the main advancement of zombies seemed to be coming from. There were so many of them… I wondered how it had happened that these zombies were attacking Lonewolf and his friends… I looked into the hoard of zombies. There were also some other things out there that appeared to be demons. I still didn't understand why they would be attacking Lonewolf, but it didn't really matter. They were attacking but that was about to stop.

      MoSh and I were now outside the main gate of what looked like an ancient fortress. MoSh changed into his naga form and flew off. I thought a few extra of me would be a benefit. I used the song Divide by Disturbed to multiply myself. I multiplied myself until there were 256 of me. I considered going on to 512, but I decided against it. The battle raged on. All of the copies of me attacked the enemies with Witchblade swords, some of the Witchblade swords were charged with light energy lightning which made them even more effective against zombies and demons. I had the idea one of my copies was using a fire weapon of some kind… I didn't have time to contemplate why just one of my doubles was using fire… I saw areas of the hoard bathed in green flames. That was no doubt MoSh's doing…

      It seemed that the hoard of enemies knew no end. Cut through endless numbers of them and more just came to replace those. I followed the direction that the zombies and demons seemed to be coming from. I fought my way through the hoard of enemies, past several of my clones, I spotted some more green flames off to my left… I happened to think that a big fight should involve more people… I looked around the hoards of zombies. There were lots of me fighting through there. I also did see a few other people. Sephiroth was a short distance to my right, I spotted Link off to the left… I wondered who else was there. I continued tracking the zombies back until I found where they were coming from. I found that the zombies and demons were coming through a portal as if it was a tunnel, and they seemed to just keep coming. To fix this situation I would have to close the portal.

      There were endless numbers of enemies coming out of the portal… it would be hard to close as long as that was going on. So my answer to that was to power up a large energy blast, using Dragonball Z as my archetype. I powered up a Final Flash of light energy and then fired it directly into the portal. It fired directly through the portal, incinerating zombies and demons as it went. I couldn't see what it hit at the other end, but there was a huge explosion that set the entire portal unstable. The portal itself exploded in a blast of energy that incinerated all of the nearby zombies and demons. The portal collapsed in on itself, finally leaving nothing behind but some dispersing light. I was now standing in a large empty space. I looked around and saw what was left of the zombie and demon hoard moving away from my location. I wondered if the enemies had even noticed that their portal was destroyed and there would be no more reinforcements…

      So I went back into the fray and continued helping the others fight. My copies were starting to disperse a bit too far, and that was getting disoriented. A couple of my copies were in a swamp like area… which was not consistent with my current location. I wondered where those copies had managed to get themselves… The fight continued for a while longer, but now there was a definite end to it all. Finally there were only a few of the enemies left. Before the last one fell, however, I lost the dream and woke.