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    INeverWakeUp's Super Dream Journal

    A mysterious journey inside the mind of ineverwakeup97, who adventures both lucidly and non-lucidly through his own mind. These adventures can be both fun, dangerous, or make absolutely no sense at all. Either way, his mind is like a great adventure story, so come along for the ride!

    1. 4/6/11(Early Morning)

      by , 04-07-2011 at 12:05 AM (INeverWakeUp's Super Dream Journal)
      Here I am. But where is here? Here, is the Godfather video game. I see I am my own avatar for the game. I have a nice black hairdue, and beard. I have a red undershirt, and a black suit jacket. And finally, black pants. Currently, I am standing in the middle of traffic on a one way road. Everyone looks pissed. I decide to steal a car. But which car suits such a lovely day? I see a nice car, and it looks absolutely different than the other cars. I can't recall a good enough description though. I walk over, and threaten the driver. Without hesitation, the driver gets out. Then, the driver runs away. Pussy. So, I get in the car now. I begin to drive away. As I drive, the cops start to follow me. Fuck! They open fire on the car. However, the car recieves no damage. What the hell?! Now, the cops have caught up with me. Shiiiiit!!!!! They begin to ram my car. But once again, not even a scratch is left on the car! Holy shit! This car is invincible! Then, I ram into both the cop cars. Then, the two cars spin out of control and crash. At that point, there is a bigass explosion. Damn, that probably didn't feel too good, but...SO LONG BITCHES!!!!! At this point, I am going by a school. I turn into the the driveway. I see there is a parking garage. I park my invincible car there. I get out now. Looking at the school, I can see it's a normal brown-brick structure. Three floors. A nice outdoor yard with benches, and hexagon-shaped tables with attached benches. I go over to the yard. I see four very hot chicks sitting at a table. Ooo-la-la!!!!! One has brown hair, dark pink shirt, jeans, girly boots, blue eyes, and C-Cup breasts(being descriptive ). The others looked basically the same, just different clothes. They all smile and wave at me. They giggle a bit too(I'm such a fuckin' turn on with the beard). Then, a blonde chick walks up to me. She starts to bitch at me for no apparent reason. Then, she walks off. (RT) I walk over to her, and...BITCH-SLAP!!!!! She instantly puts her face in her hands. She starts to cry. Oh...fuck. I stat to walk away. I see all the students knowing watching me. Giving me that "You're an asshole" look. Some of them started walking up to me. They whisper threats to me. I keep walking. I finally break away from them. I arrive home exhausted as hell. I see my lizard is crawling on the wall. I pick her up and take her upstairs. I try to put her in her cage, but she jumps on me. Then she starts crawling all over me. Then I awake.
      Tags: godfather
    2. A Weird Series Of Events...3/5/11

      by , 03-07-2011 at 12:51 AM (INeverWakeUp's Super Dream Journal)
      Godfather TOTY

      I begin in a strange room. I am crowded by many people. We're all waking around socializing and having a damn good time. Then, this kid Tom I know started to rampage around like a retard. He was knocking things over, punching people, etc. Finally, he stormed away. What the fuck? People now discussed the strangeness that had just happened. That wasn't Tom's normal retardation...something was fishy. I suggest that Tom may have been on Methamphetamine. Everyone seems to believe that's a reasonable explanation. Meth does cause you to rampage like a violent moron. So, everyone begins to pack up. I have someone give me a ride. He offers to take me to his place, but he has to stop somewhere else first. So, we drive away. Then, a tells me he's being stalked...by a murderer. So, we arrive at a store. The guy splits up to go shop. I browse alone. I come across a collection of scouters. I see a blue, a red, and a green scouter. I take the blue one and put it on. Then, it detects someone. The murderer?! I rush over and I see that it IS a murderer. No doubt it's the one looking for that guy. Shit. What to do?! What to do?! Then, I think of a plan, and I don't like it. I walk over to the murderer.
      "Hey strong man..." I say. I grab his abs. "I love strong men. And you're defiantly one." Well that was gay. The guy looked freaked out now. He told me to get away, and he ran off. Well, that was fucking gay, but it had results. I had to use the bathroom now. I go downstairs and start to piss into a rusty sink. Then, I became
      lucid without dream signs!

      I continue to piss, then I zip my pants up. Oh right...um, this is a bad place to do the Jaws TOTY. Oh! The Godfather TOTY. Now, I use the turn around method. Where is he?! Shit! Then, he jumps through a window. What the hell? Damn. So, I ask him a favor. I ask him to handle my very first rivals, the drunken perverts from my origins at DV. I killed there leader LONG ago. The other three are still alive somewhere. The Godfather agrees and then he leaves. Awesome. TOTY completed! I believe that makes four TOTYs completed. Then, I go back upstairs, but then my
      little brother rudely wakes me up. Shit.
      Tags: godfather, toty
      lucid , task of the year