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    * The Sandman's Dream Journal o/***

    Like sands through the hour glass, so are the dreams of our nights.

    1. Running from the Cops; Polar Bear Attack

      by , 01-01-2012 at 05:14 PM (* The Sandman's Dream Journal o/***)
      Running From the Cops

      I was in a car with a few other people. They had done something wrong. One guy had a gun pointed in his mouth. I didn't want him to shoot himself so I tried to shoot his hand ...which was in front of his face.

      I shot at him twice at close range (missing?). Then I thought that it was perhaps not such a good idea to shoot him for, as mentioned, his hand was in front of his face.

      Dream Skip

      The bad people are gone, but I'm in the car with someone else--a friend. The police are looking for us. There is a police helicopter. We have all the guns. I start stuffing them around the car to hid them. I can still see them, so I try to hide them better.

      Eventually, we approach about 20 cop cars, all with their blues on. We are stopped by a red light, but the cop cars are beyond the light, so they kept going.

      The End

      Polar Bear Attack

      I was somewhere really cold with some friends and my brother. My brother walked out about 20 feet from camp and ran into a polar bear. He was too close to run away, and the bear jumped him.

      I was terrified. I wasn't going to be able to save my brother, but a friend, a short chick from my childhood E. G./V. ran out and tried to help. The bear's attention was diverted and it got off my brother.

      There were two walls forming a corridor leading to the bear now. In other words, I wasn't really shielded by any wall. I was looking down a wall leading to the bear. Anyway, the bear started chasing me.

      I had some binoculars and threw them at the bear's face. I missed. That sucked because he kept chasing me. As he got closer, I threatened to throw the binoculars at his face again.

      The End
      Tags: cops, guns, polar bear
    2. User Dream

      by , 07-11-2011 at 03:54 AM (* The Sandman's Dream Journal o/***)
      I was with my first girlfriend. She was smoking a blunt
      She threw the end of it on the ground and I was a little disturbed.
      She wouldn't do that in waking life. Anyway, we got in her car. It
      was her Camaro. She had a weird tray with marijuana on it. There
      was also a pipe. I tried to explain that she was asking to get in trouble
      because if she gets pulled over for anything, she's in trouble for the
      weed also.

      All of a sudden, we are getting pulled over. I am now not in the car,
      but outside, hiding behind a staircase handrail. The police find me.

      They look in my eyes and think I'm stoned. I don't smoke, so I know
      I'm not, but I'm worried because my eyes feel so heavy. I know I look
      high. I tell the cop I don't smoke and that I have a CDL, so I can't anyway.
      They don't care, but my dream ended there.
      Tags: cdl, cops, ogf, weed