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    International Oneironaut Shared Dreaming Journal

    This is the Official IOSDP Shared Dream Journal!

    The Rules for posting entries are the following:

    1. Only post dreams on the dates of the shared dreaming attempts. Please do not post your dreams you have on non-attempt days unless they have to do with the location or you believe they are significant in some way (if so describe why you believe they are significant). On the attempt days please post all of your dreams.

    2. Title the entry like this: # Shared Dreaming Attempt-(name's) Dream
    For example: 8th Shared Dreaming Attempt-Atras's Dream
    For non-attempt days, title them like this: Shared Dreaming Attempt-Name's Dream

    Title the Experiment entries like this: # Shared Dreaming Experiment-(name's) Dream
    For example: 1st Shared Dreaming Experiment-Katsuno's Dream

    3. On the first line in the place where you write your dream please put this: (Name's Dream) in bold and point 5 font and any color you want. If you have any confusion with this, just look at the entries I have put in for an example of how to head it.

    4. Do not provide a link to your entry, make sure that the actual entry is written down here.

    5. Do not post random things that aren't related. If you do this I will disable your access to the dream journal .

    The Link to the Results Thread is here:


    1. 63rd Shared Dreaming Attempt- BiscuitHappyz's Dream

      by , 01-30-2012 at 07:55 PM (International Oneironaut Shared Dreaming Journal)
      BiscuitHappyz's Dream

      I was in a small car with some other people, driving on a straight highway, lined with pine trees. We were heading towards some hotel-looking buildings at the end of the road.

      I'm so sick, I thought, of pine trees. Especially in my dreams. It's really annoying, that for about one and a half decades my subconscious has been constantly analyzing the environment around me and simply concludes; 'Pine trees'. Pine trees take up nearly 90% of vegetation in my dreams, the remaining being grass. It would be nice to see an oak occasionally. [/pine tree rant]

      Anyway, as the car approached the buildings at the end of the road, I began to see the BB&T tower of a nearby city poke out between them. I had seen it many times in waking life, and I often noted it as the tallest building in the small city.

      http://static.panoramio.com/photos/o...l/16665800.jpg (Notice how there are little to no pine trees in this picture.)

      I the dream, however, I was nearly one hundred miles away from that city, and should not have been able to see it. But it had the sense of scale like that from the Citadel in Half-Life 2, and it seemed to be that my brain recognizes it as such a ridiculously huge building that one could constantly see it from any point in the state.

      (The Citadel)

      Then the car turned sharply right and headed off into a large a amount of pine trees, and thankfully, I woke up as that happened.
    2. 37th Shared Dreaming Attempt - Vesterguard's Dream

      by , 09-26-2011 at 11:53 AM (International Oneironaut Shared Dreaming Journal)
      Vesterguard's Dream

      non-lucid - Notes - lucid

      26-09-11Again planned on doing a wbtb, but this is just not the technique for me unless it happens naturally, which it does quite a lot. My recall has taken a dip, like a massive dip. I only remember forgetting more dreams than actually recalling them.

      My intentions were same as before, decide what to do once I am awake during the wbtb. I only managed to think of Chichén Itzá firmly a couple of times. Anyways here goes.

      “Mountain temple, in my honour”

      The dreams starts out in birds eye perspective and I am looking at the mountains. In the midst of all the dark grey cliff tops covered in snow there is this temple to me, it looks a lot like La Sagrada Famila and there is a small city below.

      I was a warlord or deity/demigod. I had constructed a temple high in the mountains. Some of the walls leading up to the main temple building from the city below looked a bit like the artwork of the original front entrance of La Sagrada Familia. The walls kept growing longer and longer throughout the dream.

      Below the temple there was a city that I had constructed and continued to develop through the course of the dream. The houses were mainly constructed out of brick walls though it looked crude and pelleted and less like actual masonry.

      I am walking through the city trying to find a spot where I can build more homes. The way this works is by me finding a piece of wall and trying to put down a house where I want it to be constructed. I am walking under this bridge, I think I have a brief moment where I think to myself that it is completely illogical that the bridge is where it is. The bridge means that there are only a few selected places where I can put down the housing. The invisible plan I am dragging around for the house lights up in blue when I find a suitable area.

      I can only put two or three rows of housing under the bridge and I abandon the idea and start walking out in the city again. I then look up and realise that I haven't utilised the upper floors of most of the buildings I have already placed. This will be a great way to achieve more space for my followers. I don't think I actually need more, but more space might lure more, which might have some sort of benefit.

      As I am standing contemplating the difficulty of what I am about to endeavour into, Guilermo of weeds walk up to me with a Glock in his hands. He is out to get me, though I can't exactly remember why so, but I know he has a fairly good reason. I look around and see that it will be difficult for me to run.

      A stranger shrouded in darkness comes up and somehow wrestle the gun from Guilermo, think in retrospect he might have used telekinesis because it happened from a far. The stranger proclaims that there is only one shot left in the gun and it is useless or something. Guilermo pulls the trigger into his own finger and one shot is fired but doesn't cause him harm or even pain it would seem.

      I flee back to my flat (apparently forgetting that the temple is for me). And soon thereafter Michael L comes knocking on my door. He has basically assumed the role of Guilermo and is out to get me now. I think I manage to beat him up a bit and wrestle the gun from him.

      I go to bed and wake up shortly after to the sound of Michael and another bloke in the room. We take a trip down strange lane as Michael explains that he has found a neutral party to rationalise why he has a right to kill me. This guy Michael explains is called Jesper and he knows both of us.

      I explain that I don't know him, and then Michael explains a bit more about him. It turns out that Jesper is a good friend of Michael's family and that he has once been in their house with my dad when they were working as builders. So I object to this allegedly “neutral” party and start beating up Michael again. I end up punching the wall pretending it to be Michael's head, which seems to work as I am gradually getting closer to the wall with each successive punch. In the end I have bashed his head into oblivion with my knuckles and I am making holes in the wall.

      I then start talking to Jesper trying to justify my actions, and maybe keep him around a bit so he doesn't go running straight to the cops. Jesper tries to explain that Michael was just disappointed in me. I say “Why did he always bring a gun when he came seeing me then!?” Jesper replies with suspicion in his voice. “It was a Glock” I say. “Shit” Jesper replies. I think he just figured out where his Glock had gone.


      I am talking to Jesper that I bought this car in a second hand shop and that it was quite a good deal. Still in the room as the violence went down. The car came with a purse a rather large red handbag and I am a bit embarrassed about this. I do hope the keys are in there as I am rummaging through the bag. I pick out a bundle of keys and notice that not only are there keys to the car, but also a hell of a lot of other things. I remember one key in particular being fairly wide and blue/green. I was excited in finding out what these keys were for.

      Wake up.

      Notes: That stranger surrounded in darkness could well have been another dreamer. I had no idea why he was there or what he intended. I always seem to have a vague idea what DCs are plotting, though this guy/girl was a complete blank.
    3. 34th Shared Dreaming Attempt - Mayatara's Dream

      by , 09-20-2011 at 04:31 PM (International Oneironaut Shared Dreaming Journal)
      Mayatara's Dream

      Dogs and cat
      With my mom on a car on the highway. We see a disoriented dog on the other side of the road and we're afraid he may be hit by a car. As soon as we can, we turn around to go get him, but when we arrive there it is too late, this dog and another dog we hadn't seen, were squashed on the road.
      A bit further ahead we see a wandering cat on the side of the road and we save him from the traffic, but the poor cat doesn't seem very happy with his new situation and as soon as we stop the car on a later point in our travel, he runs away.

      Lord Voldemort in 1940's
      We keep going through the road and at a certain point we get stuck on a traffic jam at the entrance of some town. I look around and all the cars are from the 40's. I wonder if it's some old car convention, but then I see that people are also dressed as in the 40's and everything around, buses, houses, etc, all are from the past.
      I make a silly question to my mom: if she remembers people dressing like that when she was a kid and she clarifies that she ain't that old and I think "Ups, you're right, you were born in the 50's. Sorry!" The mystery of why we were suddenly in the 1940's remained.
      The traffic wasn't moving at all, so we got out of the car. People couldn't really explain what was going on, but there were rumors of something terrible happening in the nearby town and of dead bodies all over. Then, an horrendous vision: a dead black baby came floating down the gutter by the side of the road and the ladies screamed and turned away their eyes, horrified.
      I decide to go find out what is going on. I leave my mom behind.
      At the entrance of the town there is a property with a palace and I feel a really dark energy there, so I go inside to look for the villain. It is Lord Voldemort! Strangely enough, he knew who I was and he was waiting specifically for me. I feel confused for a while, but he had clearly gone through the trouble of dragging me to the past and to a very specific place, causing a lot of chaos, just to get me.
      He magically shuts all the exits of this palace and although inside it I have all that I need and he offers me all sorts of gifts, I am not allowed to get out of there. He is working me and playing mind games with me, but I don't understand what he wants from me. If he wanted to kill me, he had many chances of doing so. I try to kill him several times, but I fail and still he doesn't kill me, just threatens me with horrid consequences if I keep pushing him.
      Every once in a while he kills someone in front of me or informs me of something horrific he did and I feel my anger growing. That's when I start realizing this might be a "Darth Vader - Luke" kind of thing. He probably wants to recruit me to the Dark Side. I resist the negative feelings and just keep looking for a way to get out or to find a weakness in him that I can exploit.

      (Unfortunately, this time, I can't recall the conclusion of the dream...)
    4. 33rd Shared Dreaming Attempt - Evolventity's Dream

      by , 09-19-2011 at 09:27 AM (International Oneironaut Shared Dreaming Journal)
      Evolventity's Dream
      September 18, 2011

      (Regular Dream) Fell asleep by 1AM, woke up at 11AM.
      -Another dream about someone's penis. I'll save the details this time.

      -The sun is shinning very brightly outside. It's a great day in summer to go swimming. I'm in the complex pool at the shallow 3 foot deep end. I'm near the stairs, facing the sun. My shirt is off and of course, thoughts of security persist. I look at my chest and see that it's lit by the sun, masking anything I'd be insecure of. I go under water and try swimming. Knowing that I haven't swam in a very long time, it feels new and foreign to me. I have a difficult time moving my body through the water, barely able to direct my path or even see my path. My sister J* had arrives to swim too. I swam towards the deep end and came up near the mini steps on the side of the pool. I swim back to the deep end, almost slamming myself against the side of the pool when stopping.

      -I'm in the back seat of a car. There is a driver and another passenger in the front. We're dressed up like common gangsters seen in movies. I suppose we're trying to make a scene in front of the other drives who pass by looking at us. We're on the highway. Another car rides along side us, they are real gangsters. They chase us. From a third point of view I witness our car crashing, and rolling many times with flames. I try to hold onto something to secure myself.

      -K*G* and I are near McDonalds at midday. I don't recall how it comes about but a group of girls also nearby were going to fight or chase us. I hop into the back a Jeep with K*G* and Pen*. The other girls are riding their van towards us, trying to crash. (Glitch) I'm riding a scooter away from them towards the apartment complex. One of the girls continues riding down the parking lot along with my scooter in front of her. If I don't move my scooter she'll fall. (Glitch) We're all walking together down the parking lot in a tense situation. It seems we've been fighting for hours. I ask them if they want to stop because no one is winning. "I'm done, I'm done." I say.

      -I'm brushing my teeth with that weird but good Homeodent anise flavored toothpaste. I'm using a brush with a gap in the middle of the brushes. It's wide so that it brushes both bottom and top teeth at the same time.