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    AndresLD's (somewhat) Crazy Dream Adventures

    Fragments (Planet of the apes, Temple of Time, Training DBZ)

    by , 07-04-2016 at 06:38 PM (338 Views)


    I was in a different planet. There was almost no vegetation, it was very arid. I saw two bonobos walking up a mountain and talking to eachother in a foreign language. I tried to follow them but they got lost. I realized I was in Earth but it was now dominated by non-human apes.

    I was coming out of the Temple of Time and started getting shot at. I looked around and saw Skull Kid hoding a sort of arrow machine gun. I hid behind a wall, pulled out the light arrows and shot him in the head. He ran away.

    I was with a group of people in a dark place; it might have been a simulation inside the chamber of time in Kami's lookout. We were being taught how to control our Ki. I wanted to learn to fly right away but knew it would take time. I put my hands facing each other and tried to create a small Ki ball, but instead my hands just got a little warm. I thought it was good progress.
    MadMonkey likes this.

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