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    Side Notes

    1. Starting

      by , 12-27-2010 at 10:12 PM
      Have had a few people mention that they'd like to read some of my dreams. I have 11mos writting down on paper because I like to draw pics of things I see as I'm a visual person. Haven't written anytihng down on paper since Sep, so all on Word and no pics. Oh well

      Anyway, I'll put up a few good ones that I've written down before starting on recent stuff. I'm only going to put interesting ones up. (Also, I use lots of abbreviations [spelling mistakes because I'm trying to be quick in typing and don't care to correct it]. I also write down one word things that may sound weird to you, but I know what it means. Last names will be written as "XXXXX" as I use last names sometimes as clarification. Any other discrepencies, eh, just comment and I'll sort it out). Hope you like it

      Format- Date(night of going to sleep- morning of waking up). Time(going to sleep). 2nd time(woke up from dream). (Sometimes I forget time I went to sleep, or time I woke up)

      5/18-19. 12. On some sort of fam trip. Hiking from somewhere on a ridgeline. Some steep parts. Get to a flatter area. Chopper comes by us. I have to them and one guy waves back with a hand signal. See a plane and dad says it’s an A10, but I say No. Get to a dirt road. Desert like. (have been in this place before in another dream). Turns into a little gift store. Looking at displays on the geology of the area. Play with a fault moving thing. Mess it up and try to fix it but the instructions are in Russian. Then I’m on a quad. Then I’m with some lady driving down the dirt road and she’s asking if I ride anything and asks me about them

      5/24-25. 2. Vin Diesel there. Group of us climbing a rock dome thing. Group starts to slide off. Vin starts to slide off opposite side. Use our climbing rope to get the guys back up to safety. All back up on rock when planes and A10’s start attacking us and strafing . I get to the end of the rock we’re on and take cover. Best spot because they can’t line up for it. Go back up on rock, but get back down. Then I’m fighting baddies in a town. Shooting at the, both sides have horrible aim. I stay at a section of a hall and outside and hold it. Some lady likes my help and grabs my hand. Then I’m at the rock again. Run around it. Start to get strafed so dodge into a large crack which leads back to the city fighting

      6/15-18. 12. Somehow lost in SD. Try to get directions for a guy that looked like the guy that took Ferris Bueller’s red car. Find a way, but ends up being the wrong way. Map I’m using is lame. Tell dad to pull off when he can to read map better. He says the area’s not a good one, and tell him to find a good area, but he pulls off anyway! I tell him to not stop and keep going to a safe spot. I’m then alone and then get picked up by a big huge black guy and he threatens me. Then talks about home taxes. I manage to escape. I hide behind a small garden fence and he shoots at me. I’m wearing kind of a big poofy jacket. Then escape to a rival gang of engineers. Then meet up with dad

      6/25-26. In a school? German girl from Mesa Verde tough. Talking with her. Something happens and I get in trouble with a lot of women. They corner me in a small store. I try to talk sense into them, but they don’t listen. I punch a few and push a few coz they have me cornered. Get away. Walking back to class. Some black guy is mad at me for some racist thing. Back at class and I approach the German girl, but she’s apprehensive. I explain I’m not sxist and the other stuff of the rumors. She cries, but believes me. She asks for my name and I tell her, but she keeps writing it down wrong. Baerin, or something. I correct her. We’re in a computer lab, so I get on a comp and go onto FaceBook and see German girl’s status that’s about trusting me? Her name is Baeron or something similar

      LD! 6/23-24. 11. Driving around in Norco? Jump into the air and fly. Become lucid! Fly more. “stabilize” “clarity”. Land. Fly more. Go onto a pipe. Fly to another. Lucid for maybe a minute. Go to xxxxx’s house. Different. Cindy there. Then go to Kyle’s house. It’s like there’s an extra line of houses next to the 15. He has these broken pale green Things. I eat one but it tastes bad. State to clean them up because they’re in a few places

      LDx2! 7/6-7. 12. At Ashley xxxxx’s house. Checking out her room, small, yellows. See a calendar and flip through it. People’s pictures on their birthday. Some look like Mai xxxxxx, Josh, and Chingy. Then I’m at some business place. Star Trek like. I’ve just come through a transporter and my fingers get messed up so try to transport only my hand to fix them. Count my fingers by sight but miscount, so move them as I count and count 7(2 completely extra) and become lucid! Doesn’t hold and I lose lucidity but keep dreaming. Try to fix my hand again, but doesn’t work. Count fingers (same as before) and I have 6(coming out the middle of a finger, but seems to be like it was a pin and not actually attached), become lucid again! Start to lose lucidity again. Dream fades into a poor video quality look and darkening. I’m looking at a girl. Then back into dream and my fingers are fixed. Hit on girl working at the computer bank

      10/10-11. In neighborhood. Normal house. Sweed flag. Old lady lives there. House worth 1.6M. Shows me around. Wine cellar and crazy huge in back. Restaurant. Look around. Similar to another dream. Rocky/ faux look. Then in a field/ lawn. Then riding in a parking lot on a moped, but really a small motorcycle with some friends

      11/14-15. 930pm. I’m a zombie. Guy tries to run over some other zombie and me. I hide. Now foggy. Some camp? Now Theresa and I in car. Kids hit car so I try to run them over. Then Theresa and I go hike. Find Bri’s house. Some animals

      LD! 12/20-21. Classroom stuff. Go get pencil. Put away chairs for academy. Xxxxx mad. Then looking in mirror in bathroom. Long hair, LD! Got short(loose LD). Then a little long. Then home, sleep. Get up to go to bed. Was on living room floor. Xxxxxx home. Then dad wake up. Turnouts on floor, a set not mine

      Edit: Sorry so long

      Updated 02-14-2011 at 09:20 PM by 28615

      lucid , non-lucid , side notes