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    The Butler did it

    by , 07-21-2018 at 09:00 AM (303 Views)
    Morning of July 21, 2018. Saturday.

    Reading time: 3 min 2 sec. Readability score: 80.

    In my dream, I am Cadbury (the butler) from “Richie Rich.” Nothing in my dream had anything to do with anything that had been on my mind lately, though was based on dream representations from many years ago. It was surreal but intriguing.

    Two girls are visiting a neighboring castle in one scene, though the backstory implies that their father does not want them here. They live in the castle where I am serving as a butler. I am in an unusual room that looks as if it is part of a garage. The girls are annoyed when two of their pets come over; a dog (like Toto from “The Wizard of Oz”) and a cat (our youngest cat from real life). They are talking to the owner of the castle when this occurs. I take the blame, and they make comments while calling me Cadbury. Perhaps I had left a door open. The girls round up their pets, and we make our way back to our castle.

    We come to an area where we have to walk on a very narrow ledge before reaching the front entrance of the castle. It is high above a large body of water. Without giving it much thought, and before getting onto the ledge, I push one girl (the one carrying the dog) so that she falls to the water far below. The other girl does not notice and keeps going despite how difficult it is to stay on the ledge. Her cat walks across on its own. I realize that I am carrying a small empty plate in my right hand. I let it go, as I have to have both my hands free to hold onto the corner as I put my legs around to stand on the ledge. It falls far below into the water as well. I vaguely wonder if it will serve as evidence if they find it, as it would have my fingerprints on it. I soon become very annoyed in trying to walk on the narrow ledge and decide that I have to try to get into the castle by a different route.

    I find myself walking on parts of a submerged house. It is near another small residence. The castle is now at a distance. I try to balance myself as I eventually find myself walking in another area near the castle. It is an entire section of the castle that had also been submerged on purpose and is face up. It had been this way for many years. There may have been a conspiracy with the past residents of the castle. Thus, this big section was deliberately submerged. Despite its size, it still moves up and down somewhat as I walk upon it. As I walk, I make larger and larger waves that eventually slam into the castle, going under the door. The sense of weight and momentum and the setting, in general, is incredibly vivid and realistic, as is the sound and movement of the water.

    “Cadbury, what have you done?” calls out a voice. The large wooden door opens, sliding upward. Two unknown men are present. I see mud on a big television to the right, but I see no evidence of water anywhere, even though an extensive amount had just washed under the door. “You were told not to use this entrance,” one man says. I assume he is the owner of the castle and my boss.

    We stand near the entrance. One man gives me a drink that seems to be red wine. The castle owner makes some derogatory comments about me and wants me to clean the area.

    “I shall be taking my leave of you, sir,” I say formally. “I do not like you, and I do not like this place.”

    The other man says I can still stay and seems very friendly. I wake at this point.

    The last part is the typical meeting of my dream self with the preconscious and in this case, the interconsciousness as well. The preconscious avatar, whose task it is to wake me with dominance and annoyance in some cases, is my “boss.” The interconsciousness is often more cheerful and helpful.

    It partly relates to marrying and being with Zsuzsanna instead of a classmate. There is too much to it to get into here. Zsuzsanna (before I met her in waking life) pushed Susan off a castle structure. That castle was in orbit around Earth.

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