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    A different house and a prom that never was

    by , 01-07-2014 at 08:49 AM (475 Views)
    Morning of January 7, 2014. Tuesday.

    My family and I seem to be living in a completely unfamiliar larger house in a rural area. Although the environment is not stressful, it still seems somewhat “off” in some ways. It does seem part of a larger one-storey apartment building at times - or two or three buildings very close together or partly connected. It is possible that aspects of this place will turn out to be related to a place we may live or visit (as with relatives) in the future, as that has often been the case in the past (with considerable detail) since earliest memory. There is a point at which I clean up a bit in a back room which seems to be some sort of immediate-outside-access utility room or ground-level open (on two-sides) porch. I pick up a few things and move some potted plants for the most part. There are at least two other older people in the area, a woman and a man (but not living together). Our living area seems to be the biggest, though. Not much happens. I remember a strange argument with an elderly lady that has something to do with getting (and having) more even when one does not want or need more. This is perhaps vaguely related to my wife’s mother, who always spent a bit extra to have a lot more vegetables and fruit, but which always sat around rotting and going to waste. She turned her entire lawns into gardens which then went to weeds and caused problems for the property owners. She even sent us a large box of bananas once (which my wife is allergic to) and they were rotting at the post office. Another time, she wanted to give my wife a large bag of bananas (that were already in a state of decay), but did not seem to know her own daughter’s health history (I guess because she was too busy fabricating it for hospitals and agencies). The idea of having a lot of something which you neither need nor want seems somewhat futile, but the woman in my dream seems to think that is “the” (right) way to live, apparently, an odd twist on “having enough”, I suppose. I feel sort of unusual trying to explain our situation to her (and how we do not want rotten food sitting around everywhere), but I am not sure if she sees me as intelligent.

    This, in part, may also relate somewhat to a local grocery store (the only one that does this, in fact, actually the only store I ever saw do this in my lifetime) that tries to sell fruits and vegetables in an advanced stage of rotting (set on shelves in larger plastic bags, often leaking), for not even that much of a markdown. Thus, that one whole side of the store sometimes smells really bad. Can you imagine carrying a large leaking bag of rotting grapes to the checkout and trying to maintain a casual, sane expression, because I cannot.

    The other dream related to going to what at first seems like a class reunion. However, I do not know anyone there and they are all much younger than me, so the “reunion” makes little sense. However, it may also be that the newer students are attending the reunion as a sort of courtesy or a celebration of the fact it has been serving the region for so long (as it seems members of the city council are there). There is some sort of yearbook which has very unusual writing in it, including some rather strange and rude paragraphs regarding male genitals (which loosely relates to a real-life event which I will describe at the end of this entry), which one younger male points out in a humorous sense. Time passes and I do not see anyone I actually know. However, it turns out that I am the prom “king” and am paired with LR - she was more like a nemesis in real life in my middle school years. However, I do not see her anywhere, either. I get a vague impression, though, that we will have to go up in front of everyone and that I will have to make a speech. I am not thrilled over the idea of standing up and making a speech, so I decide to leave just prior to when they are announcing the prom’s king and queen. Interestingly, my wife told me that she had been thinking of the movie “Carrie” (with no clues or recent history as such, or making any mention of it to me) which has a paranormal-related prom scene. These “funny” little connections (and seeming telepathy) happen all the time, even steadily after twenty years, sometimes even in a fully conscious state now.

    I never went to a high-school prom or class reunion in real life, although I did go to the eighth-grade prom (but not with LR) - and, though I was on two of the lists, did not win any of the titles thank goodness (one for “most talkative’, one for "best-looking”). In real life, at the eighth-grade prom, someone had put on a 45 of Chuck Berry’s “My Ding-a-ling” and the chaperone looked appalled, immediately taking off the record as everyone did a seemingly aggravated collective groan over the act.

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    Updated 06-15-2015 at 04:32 PM by 1390 (Enhancement)

    Tags: prom
    dream fragment
