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    "The Four-Fanged Snake of Swamp Garden"

    by , 11-16-1975 at 04:05 PM (538 Views)
    Morning of November 16, 1975. Sunday.

    This dream repeated in a few variations. It is sort of a “trick dream” in that it includes what I think is a clever variation on the outcome of presumed events. I have had many like these but mostly when in my early teens. It is a typical “every man” archetype (or warning of mainstream western mentality) very similar to “I’m Eager Beaver”, which include people who pretend to know about dreams but have no clue, living behind a facade, shaping them into something far from the Source and with as much distraction and deception as possible.

    The location is usually based to the east of my Cubitis home. It is not a large cow pasture in the dream, though, but a place called “Swamp Garden” (I do not believe this name was in the earliest version) - which is not really an area for tourists or anything - it is just what it is called by the locals. It is actually supposedly a dangerous place of which a lot of legends were supposedly born. I am not quite sure why it is called a garden other than the plants seemingly growing in rows like in a vegetable garden. There are cases where people go in to get special herbs and such. It does not seem that big of a swamp - it is actually quite sparse.

    One of these legends of Swamp Garden related to a large mythical snake that supposedly has four large, equally-sized fangs in the top of his head (rather than the usual two main ones in rattlesnakes). It is possibly just a mutation. It is somewhat like a rattlesnake and also somewhat like a blue racer according to what people have reported. When I was young, a lot of myths and folklore were spread about various kinds of snakes, though I had heard nothing of a “four-fanged snake” in real life. The dream, in its variations, was sometimes more like a documentary (where I am following the character but not directly present) - other times more like a lucid sequence.

    One of the people making a documentary tells of two bold encounters with the four-fanged snake. Over time, though, a clever twist is related in the dream. It turns out that they were two different snakes, one with a wider bite, so that the smaller snake, when coincidentally biting him on the back of the hand in the same general location - seemed to create an impression of four fang marks (supposedly caused by the one bite of the legendary creature). He becomes well-known for his encounter even though it was not what it seemed. He dramatizes the event through recreations of the encounter and makes it out to be long and eventful (even though in actuality it was just a couple brief nonvenomous snake bites).

    On my own private journey (I am not filming anything or making a documentary), I actually encounter the snake, but there is no drama or fear. He remains in a large bush as I walk about in the area, but I am able to confirm that it is a large snake with four fangs. There is also a part where I also see a blue racer which is glowing and moving through a mist over the ground.

    In one of the final versions of the dream, I stand on an embankment and say, almost lovingly, “I know you’re out there…" This was one of those dreams which starts out occurring mostly in fragments - then later becomes almost epic - then in versions later on, becomes slightly fragmented (though sometimes more personal) again.

    Later, this came to be like a personal symbol for "every man” in mainstream culture in a way; for example, so-called psychics (who supposedly control their “abilities” and charge people for “advice”) as compared to so many people who experience spontaneous precognition on a regular basis far more than “commercial” psychics and never become known at all through their lifetime (which can only be a good thing). The swamp here represents the mystery of the Source, and the four-fanged snake, an aspect of the Source many people seemingly never confront in a lifetime for whatever reason.

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    Updated 06-15-2015 at 06:22 PM by 1390 (Enhancement)

    Tags: snake
