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    Instinctually Vivifying the Dream State with Water and Waves

    by , 12-03-2017 at 06:03 PM (316 Views)
    Morning of December 3, 2017. Sunday.

    Dream #: 18,612-04. Reading time: 2 min 15 sec.

    We live in Wavell Heights in Brisbane (where we have not lived in real life for years) in a different version of the Stadcor Street house. Zsuzsanna’s older sister Kathy is visiting. (We have not seen her much in the time I have lived in Australia. She appears as when I first saw her in 1994.) She makes fun of me by mimicking and exaggerating my visage. (This was a subliminal tie from a recent random thought of my deliberately silly facial expression from a post on my music site.)

    I become annoyed by her antics. I calmly state my IQ without anger and remark she does not know what she is talking about or doing. I inform her intelligence and appearance are unrelated. I say I can create or do anything. Suddenly, we are outside, yet we are also still in the house. On the front lawn is a bucket full of water. I wave my hand and focus, and its surface separates, rises, and parts (like Moses parting the Red Sea). “Oh, you have got to be kidding me,” she says with a baffled and slightly worried tone.

    From here, we are still in the lounge room of the house, but the south wall is missing. I walk through the area while continuing to focus and wave my left hand. An ocean is south of us, yet it also seems to be part of a wide canal. I move my hand towards the direction I want the waves to roll. They grow larger and larger, though I allow the ocean’s surface to become still at times. The intensity and vividness are incredible, and how it is responsive to my thoughts and intent is intriguing and satisfying. I decide to let it become still as some of the water is spraying into our house through the open room. Zsuzsanna and Kathy stand behind me, watching.

    Suddenly, I falsely recall (with accommodating dream content) our two youngest children are down near one area playing. I walk around to look down into the big canal, and there is a beach inside the area closest to our house. It is mostly gray boulders. Our youngest son and youngest daughter are lying on their backs over the wet rocks, asleep, and dripping water. I am worried about their status. I go and pick them up. They are so small they fit in my hand, and I carry them into the house and place them on our couch. They have not drowned and seem to be okay, stirring slightly, still asleep.

    Dreams are concurrent processes and not at all what popular culture thinks or propagates. It is crucial to understand Kathy is the preconscious simulacrum in this dream. Its purpose is to augment discernment and cause me to emerge into wakefulness, often by way of imposition as here. However, in this case, I instinctually hold the state and summon water induction to sustain and vivify my dream. It stems from the status of being in the dream state and is unrelated to the whole conscious self of waking life. Our sleeping children dripping with water validates this causal factor in a straightforward, familiar way.

    Throughout my life, I have instinctually modulated my dreams to sustain and vivify them by way of creating or manipulating water, though, at the beginning of every sleep cycle, it is usually already present and accommodating.

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    Updated 11-11-2019 at 08:14 AM by 1390
