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    My Brother-in-Law’s Plan

    by , 02-12-2014 at 08:12 AM (781 Views)
    Morning of February 12, 2014. Wednesday.

    Dream #: 17,222-01. Reading time (optimized): 2 min.

    My dream had a precognitive thread as a suspicious frame appeared on the dream journal website. It implied how you could preserve your anonymity by signing your name to a petition. “Preserve your anonymity by signing your name?” I blocked the source site.

    In my dream, my older sister Marilyn had passed away. I would not call it precognitive as I already had one that revealed a lot of what was going on before I learned of her illness.

    In real life, it seems unusual how so many people I had known were having issues (one of my friends seems to appear about twenty years older than me even though we are the same age). Even my jovial best friend Toby had a heart attack, which I learned the same day a brother wrote to me that our sister would not make it another day. On this same day, I also learned that a female classmate around my age (born the same year) had died in 2008.

    In my dream, my brother-in-law, Bob, is going through the house and working out what to do with everything. He is dismantling a small wooden cradle. I wonder why he does not ask if I want it. Zsuzsanna and I have a baby, but perhaps I should not say anything out of respect. Sister Marilyn never had children but did do a lot of babysitting. I get the impression that he is dismantling their crib because there is no hope of having children as a couple now. It may be a play on “cradle to grave.”

    My brother-in-law talks for about ten minutes. I feel unusual being in the house. My mother is gone, my father had died years previously, my sister is gone (in my dream), and Toby is in trouble. There is a brief appearance by sister Carol who tells me of Marilyn’s death (but she had already died in real life).

    He is talking with an unfamiliar girl, telling her he will be using many aliases. (He cannot read or write in real life). I am unsure what his plan is. Perhaps he intends to get loans (a play on “alone?”) with the people at the businesses or banks thinking they are communicating with several individuals. I think this will cause him to get too many different bills for the same thing, though he does not seem to mind that prospect.

    He announces “R” names for picking up his mail, and the girl writes them on a notepad. There is already a stack of letters. At least two include a petition regarding privacy, overdue bills, and possibly business models and donation requests. There are no other addresses. He will receive any mail with his aliases (as with “general delivery”).

    “Ronald? Or is that too much like McDonald?” I suggest.

    There is a short pause. My brother-in-law calmly says, “Yeah…” and leaves via the front door. I feel foolish over the name recommendation and slightly regretful at not giving him additional possible aliases.

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    Updated 07-21-2019 at 06:58 AM by 1390

    non-lucid , false awakening
