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    Several Intruders

    by , 05-14-2015 at 11:14 AM (387 Views)
    Morning of May 14, 2015. Thursday.

    My family and I are presently living where we are in real life, on W Street. I seem to be the only one home at first, though I eventually notice my two youngest sons playing with toy cars on the living room floor in the last segment of my dream. The house in-dream is larger than it is in reality. It seems to be nighttime throughout most of my dream.

    I eventually hear someone talking to me very loudly and clearly through the fully closed and locked back door. Thus, as there is obviously a trespasser in our backyard I become very annoyed. At first he seems to be demanding some small change but then seems to be requesting a wine bottle or two (we have no alcohol in reality). I decide to go and tell him off and possibly knock him unconscious with one of my long steel barbells. When I open the back door (while holding a barbell), I see that he is apparently a homeless person with a long beard and perhaps around forty years old. There is also a younger man (of about thirty) farther out and on the east side of the yard to my left. He is seemingly my (unfamiliar) next-door neighbor who seems annoyed by the drunk but also annoyed with me even though he is also trespassing in my yard - as there is a tall wooden fence between the properties that cannot easily be climbed over. I have a brief dream within a dream (though not very clear) of throwing them both over the fence. I close the door and go back into my house, but there are eventually somehow a few other unknown males roaming around in the rooms. I become angrier at this additional set of impositions.

    At one point, two unknown females (about eighteen or possibly younger) enter the house through the front door. As with a few other dreams, the window area on the north wall relative to the porch and beyond is almost skeletal or unfinished, allowing passersby to get into the house easier if they choose, by coming in through the “window” or between two vertical planks. The girls seem very dominant and unimpressed by my ordering them to leave and they act as if my house is just a convenient shortcut (though they eventually leave the same way they came in, but return briefly). After a time, I start to walk around, asking aloud “Where’s my pistol?” I notice a couple toy plastic squirt guns on the table and make a note of it. I talk about calling the police, but do not (not even being sure of where the telephone is in this case).

    At one point, another unknown male bumps into me when coming through the living room (as I am standing near the front door) to leave via the front door - another intruder who had somehow just gotten in through the back door and wandered through the house until deciding to leave. This elevates my anger and makes me feel displaced in my own home. It feels despicable and ridiculous to have to put up with this.

    I eventually see another male near the porch’s (fictional) outer screen door as if trying to get in (it is locked at this point at least). The porch is rendered differently than in real life at this point. It seems more elongated eastward and has a wider and far more logical footpath-facing entrance rather than being very narrow and illogically perpendicularly offset to the left as in reality (thus extremely inconvenient, if not impossible, to use the front entrance for carrying out furniture or larger items, including baby prams - an extraordinarily stupid architectural design for a residence, in fact, requiring furniture to be lifted up and over the higher porch wall by up to three people).

    The last male attempting to get into our house (for no particular reason) has a very strange appearance and is also muscular though with odd skin. He has black veins in his forehead that are somewhat reminiscent of plant roots and extend down a bit on the sides of his face (and for a moment I ponder on whether it is some sort of eerie tattoo I am seeing - or perhaps he is somehow not fully human). I open the door and push him back and vividly feel his weight and presence. Out on the street, to my right, are more annoying people who are just mindlessly staring at our house. The level of vividness is quite pronounced to near-lucidity, though I do not become directly lucid at any point. There is no feeling of being actually threatened at any time, just pointlessly imposed upon.

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    Updated 03-14-2017 at 06:47 PM by 1390

