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    Tiny Print

    by , 04-13-2015 at 10:13 AM (298 Views)
    Morning of April 13, 2015. Monday.

    My family and I seem to be living back on Duffy Street, though the apartment unit on the other side does not seem present. However, one feature also reminds me of the very large antique wooden expanding table in the living room in Cubitis. I notice a large envelope (somewhat like an A4 manilla envelope though white) from the Department of Education on the table and I see that it had not been opened. I decide to open it as it may be important information. I notice an email address on a piece of paper inside but do not note what it is.

    Somehow, even though the envelope was fairly thin, a thick though digest-size catalog comes out. It is a softcover book listing educational resources (including math and science lab items including model dinosaurs) as well as playground equipment. Looking through it, I see that the print is so small that it is inherently unreadable. I go outside into the backyard (which then seems somewhat like being on either Barolin Street or our present house rotated ninety degrees to the west) and show it to my wife and youngest son. My son says that even he cannot see what anything says after my wife says she cannot read the tiny print. As in another recent dream, some of the writing seems related to statistics tables or other data and is printed sideways on the page.

    Yet again, this was related to something my wife was seeing and thinking about which I could not have known about, yet which entered my dream - something that has been happening almost continuously, and it has clarified for me why I dreamt so often of my “mystery girl” (validated to have been my wife in every detail) long before we made contact (and oddly enough, seemingly before she was born). I now wonder, along with the conscious Blue Pearl event (which seems to be some form of telepathy) how many other people are bonded this way and perhaps either know or have no idea (or even have an iota of belief in such things). I have read of others experiencing the Blue Pearl, but not so obviously linked to another person and validated as such (it is often attributed to “higher entities”, even “angels” of some sort - also related to healing and a feeling of ecstasy).

    In this case, it was related to my wife looking at a book (which my youngest son had wanted): "What the Dinosaurs did Last Night" (Refe & Susan Tuma) and contemplating the nearly unreadable tiny print (especially for a children’s book). I found it hard to believe that a children’s book would have phrases in print that seems only about half the size of the print in adult paperback novels and bordering on being too small to even see. Obviously, very poor judgement was used in the making of the book (relative to type), though the images and plot are fairly well done. Looking it up on the Internet, even the first Amazon review I see reports “The font size is way too small”.

    In another dream or offset section of this dream, I walk into the garage, which now seems related to the apartment on Duffy Street (again, the other apartment unit and the adjoining garage not present). I need to get a printer to print some pages of affirmations and dream-making declarations. I see my (fictional) long cream-colored printer. I go to get it out and notice that there must have been a bit of flooding in the garage. There is something that resembles a cup-holder on the right side of the printer and where at least two sets of cords are connected from the bottom of that section. When I pick it up, water comes out and I am aware that I will likely not be able to use it until it is all dried out.

    This is actually the second time I dreamt of a computer printer being filled with water, the last time being relevant to one in a kitchen sink (from January 22 of this year). The cord concern seems based on a real-life event where a plumber temporarily triggered the safety switch and power outage due to an extension cord socket being partly filled with water while lying on the wet grass.

    Other dreams involving water in a problematic or unlikely area have related to a desk drawer, a window sill, a mopboard (skirting), and a transistor radio (from years ago), though in all these cases, being an actual spray or implied conduit.

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    Updated 09-28-2015 at 01:10 PM by 1390

