White Helicopter and Clock Tower (with comparisons)
, 07-30-2018 at 01:37 PM (432 Views)
Reading time: 3 min 53 sec. Readability score: 57.
Many specific patterns linked directly to the dreaming and waking process and its autosymbolism have been occurring continuously in my dreams for over fifty years, most occurring one or more times each sleep cycle.
White Helicopter and Clock Tower.
Morning of December 31, 2012. Monday.
A white helicopter flies over a mostly featureless green field. It flies to the left of a clock tower that displays five minutes past ten. There is a vague apprehension of the rotor blades hitting the tower, but this does not occur.
Vestibular system correlation of this nature is by emerging consciousness definition, represented by the clock tower which also correlates to the ultradian rhythm at the end of the waking process.
Now I will look at other dreams (posted previously) that are a model of the same dreaming and waking process.
In “Brother Earl’s Flying Saucer,” from November 29, 1976, this same waking process renders a spacecraft that my older brother Earl supposedly built. The spacecraft looks much like the Flying Sub from the television series “Voyage to the Bottom of the Sea.” It flies to the left of a clock tower. Regardless of a couple near misses with the tops of buildings, it successfully flies away.
In “Not Quite Paris,” from June 13, 1978, I non-lucidly choose to place my focus closer to the process of vestibular system correlation. In this specific case, it is the Eiffel Tower, not a clock tower, but it is still the reactive representation of the emerging consciousness.
In “Helicopter Ride into the Beautiful Mountains,” from February 8, 2017, the right side of the helicopter I am flying in taps a commercial building, but surprisingly, does not result in a mishap.
In “Failed Flight (Wing Knocking On Eaves),” from October 1, 2014, the wings of the Cessna that someone else is flying is tapping the eaves of a building I am in on the fourth floor. I see it through the windows to my right. Instead of crashing into the building’s exterior wall of which is perpendicular to the section of the building that I am in, it stops and falls.
In “Computer Tunnel?” from September 11, 1983, a low-flying airplane crashed into one of two skyscrapers. I am in a wheat field and run through a tunnel with walls like a printed circuit.
In “The Future Delegates,” from September 11, 1982, while hugging, my “dream girl” (Zsuzsanna) and I jump from atop an airplane as it approaches a burning city and one of two skyscrapers. (Note that this was the precognitive form of Zsuzsanna before I knew of her in waking life, before our contact in 1991 and before we met in 1994).
In “Amusing Helicopter ‘Rescue’ (with Pierce Brosnan),” from May 19, 2016, a miniature version of Pierce Brosnan (as James Bond) in a miniature helicopter “rescues” an effigy of me from the top of a high building. I place a tiny human-shaped pillow (meant to be “me”) into a small bed in the miniature helicopter.
In “School-Bus-Plane Over Ancient Greece,” from November 16, 1969, I am on a flying school bus. Ahead, through the front windows, I see scenes of ancient Greece; the Oracle at Delphi and the Temple of Athena Nike. We seem to be ready to land. There is a sense of looking into the distant past.
Thousands of other dreams that I have experienced and resolved since early childhood use this same basic template. Astoundingly, most people seem to ignore everything that is in plain sight (no pun intended). They prefer to pretend that the dream has “symbolism” related to waking life when such a process is typically not even viable. (Consider how difficult it is to read in dreams, or for that matter, even think at all other than in lucid states.)
This type of dream is an extension of the flying, falling, or rising dreams, which has nothing to do with real-life factors other than in rare cases. It is a result of the vestibular system correlation of the waking process, as the reactive representation of emerging from sleep and is not symbolic in the conventional sense. A tower or other high building of the emerging consciousness becomes the focal point in some cases, though not always. It is all about correlating illusory physicality and increasing dynamics of the conscious self as in waking life. Whether or not you maintain either non-lucid or lucid dream control, such control has little to do with real life, but the extent of knowledge of the dream state and specific level of sleep.
What does the conscious self possess that the dream self does not? There are many factors. One is the inability of the dream self to viably discern where his physical body is as he or she sleeps. That is a no-brainer, but many people do not even seem to have the slightest grasp of what it means or the nature of related reactive representation in the dream state. They go on to pretend there is a correlation, corrupting the “I am” of the dream state with the “I am” of current waking life, thereby on a path of misconception.
Once anyone of reasonable intelligence dismisses the notion of waking life “interpretation,” or things “indicating” other things (relative to dream self to conscious self) new opportunities and clarity of mind develop. People who only pretend to understand dreams are easily recognized and dismissed. The causes and effects of the dreaming and waking process are more clearly understood, and non-lucidly or lucidly controlled. (Contrary to popular misconception, lucidity and dream control are unrelated, and in fact, many dreamers have less control when they are lucid than non-lucid. That is because of how the reticular formation functions. Many people who talk about “becoming lucid” have no understanding of what the dream state is.) “Bad” dreams become very rare and the potential for prescience increases. However, as can be seen here (with the September 11 dreams), prescience often correlates with the patterns of the dreaming and waking process.