Walking on the Moon and an Interesting conversation
, 01-12-2012 at 01:59 AM (808 Views)
I was sitting in my living room watching some T.V. with a girl who I seemed to be rather intimate with. We were sitting next to each other "cuddling" while watching something on T.V. After a couple minutes we headed up stairs for some reason and went into my room. Once inside we stood at the foot of my bed talking with each other. "So... do you want to?" I asked hesitantly. I could tell I was blushing a little bit. She just smiled at me and slightly nodded her head.
At this point things started to get a little fishy. I walked into the other room for a second and thought to myself, "Wait a minute, that's my ex-girlfriend! We broke up last year!" It was true, I was with my ex with whom I was no longer with. I did a checked my hands real quick and my right hand had 6 fingers while my left hand was missing a pinky. My suspicions were correct, I was dreaming! Just to be safe I preformed a nose plug RC and it worked! I could breathe through me nose.
Immediately the TotY popped into my head but I couldn't think of which one to do. I summoned a dart board with 8 spots for each task that wasn't done. I grabbed a dart from the dresser next to me, closed my eyes and threw it. It had landed on the '60s. Awesome, to the moon! Knowing that I had to beat Neil Armstrong down the ladder I couldn't just teleport to the moon, I had to go up with the space ship and everything. I snapped my fingers while picturing the rocket about to take off in Florida.
In the blink of an eye I was standing in front of a massive space shuttle. It was even bigger in person! I started to walk over towards it when I heard "T-minus 10, 9..." I knew it was about to take off so I ran as fast as I could towards it. Right as I was about to get on the platform the rockets ignited and massive billow of smoke and fire came over me. It felt just like the last TotY dream. I immediately jumped up as high as I could and was out of the fire. I looked down at the space shuttle and aimed right for the window. I dove down feet first this time and crashed right through it into a small holding tank type room. There were 4 other people in the room with me. Neil, Buzz (Aldrin), the third guy nobody really cared about, and then there was one more. The pilot from my last lucid.
WTF! I thought I had gotten rid of him! "Long time no see, eh Burke?" He said, sarcastic as always. "Well look who it is. I thought you left after the hindenburg dream." I said back, equally as sarcastic. "Now now, this is no place for fighting. We have a job to do." He sounded just like he did last time. "What do you mean we?" I asked. "Hey, we're one in the same, remember? Now be quiet, the shuttle's about to take off and we have to let these three do their jobs." "Hold on--" But before I could finish my sentence the shuttle lifted off from the ground with immense force, pushing me down to the floor (which was really the wall).
I couldn't really breathe nor talk due to the force from the take off, but after about 10 seconds we were floating in space. "Wow, that was fast," I said. Normally these things took several minutes just to leave the atmosphere. "We'll be there in only a few minutes," The person whom I assume is Neil said. "Now, in order to see who goes first, I say we draw from a hat." "No, no, no, you'll cheat! You always cheat!" Buzz said. "I vote the new guy holds a number behind his back and we guess it." "Doesn't matter to me," I replied. "That sounds good," The third guy chimed in. This whole time the pilot from my last lucid just sat there, silently, staring out the window.
"Alright, I'm thinking of a number between 1 and infinity. Neil, you go first." I said. "Umm, zero." He said. "You dumbass, zero isn't between 1 and infinity." Buzz chimed in. "It's my choice and I'll make it however I want." He replied. "Guys calm down, just pick a different number," the third guy said. "Oh, a wise guy, eh?" Neil said. At this point it escalated into a 3 stooges type fight where they kept smacking each other on the back of the head and poking each other's eyes. "Hey guys," the pilot said a little nervously. "Not now, we're in the middle of some--" Neil said, interrupted by a smack from Buzz. "Seriously, you might want to stop." He persisted, but they paid no attention to him. I looked out the window and noticed that the moon was coming up fast. Really fast.
There were bits and pieces of arguement flying all over the place until finally a huge force knocked us all up against the ceiling. "What the hell was that!?" Neil demanded. "I warned you guys," the pilot said. I looked out the window and noticed we were on the surface of the moon, the shuttle still in one piece. "Me first!" "No, me!" "I called it, move out of my way!" They kept bickering even after crashed. "Hey! Idiots!" The piloted shouted. "You're not going anywhere unless you put your space suits on." After hearing this they all ran as fast as they could to the corner where the suits were kept. However, there were only two. One person was meant to stay back and moniter everything. They started fighting again, arguing over who should go out.
Getting rather annoyed by this I snapped my fingers and summoned another space suit so they could all go out at once. The pilot then looked at me as if he was expecting something. I had no clue what he was thinking and just stared at him while the other were putting their suits on. *Snap!* "Oh! The TotY! Thanks man, you're the best!" I said. I had to beat Neil down, why would I help them out? I walked over to the door, opened it up and jumped right out. The others, who had just finished putting their space suits on, saw me get out and all sprinted towards the door to be the 2nd man out. If they weren't first, they sure as hell weren't going to be last.
Once I stepped out I looked over my shoulder and saw the earth rotating slowly, just like in the pictures. The three astronauts got out and, once they finally shut up, looked up and around in amazement. "Wow... it's... beautiful..." One of them said. "Yep, quite the sight, isn't it?" I replied. "Hey buddy, how come you don't have a suit on, yet you're just fine out here?" One oft hem asked me. "Oh, umm. Well, you see..." I stuttered, trying not to tell them I was a dreamer for some reason. "Wait I know why. It's 'cause you're one of those alien thing-a-ma-jigs I've heard about!"
Wait, what? He thought I was an alien? The pilot at this point burst out laughing, obviously humoured by the comment. "What's so funny?" I looked over at him. "Hey now, don't be asking obvious questions!" I was a little irritated, but knew to keep my cool around him after flipping out for a tiny little insult before. "Yeah yeah, I know... Say, isn't this where that one guy from the forum had a base or something?" "Oh, you mean Nomad and Raven, yeah, but I don't think it's open right now." He replied. "What do you mean by 'not open'?" "Don't worry about it. Now, shouldn't you try another TotY?"
"I guess... but where are you getting at by saying 'don't worry about it'?" I asked. "Seriously, I said don't worry about it, yet here you are, worrying." He sounded a little annoyed, oh jeez. "Alright alright, I'm sorry." I tried convincing him. "No you aren't, don't try and lie to me." "I wasn't lying--" "Yes," he interrupted, "you are. Do you not learn anything? What did I say last time?" I thought for a second, "Umm... as I recall you said 'it's time you learn your place' and then proceeded to kill me." It was true, he did say that. "No you dumbass, about you, and me? Us?" "Umm... that we share the same-" then it hit me. We both share the same mind. He knew what I knew and what I meant.
"Exactly. God, sometimes I swear I have to beat the sense into you!" He disappeared. Next thing I knew I woke up. Damnet, he woke me up again. He didn't even give me a chance
Oh well, it's all in my head, right? *Braces for him to pop up out of nowhere and hit me* At least I got one of the tasks done.