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    Choi's Journey of the Conscious Mind

    WILD Before Sleep Is Possible!

    by , 02-28-2012 at 05:41 PM (731 Views)

    The technique I will describe now takes effort, and if you fail it might result in insomnia...[/COLOR]

    Ok this might be my last journal entry, but I want to share the method to help you guys succeed.
    And it must be added that this is not a new technique, this is what every WILD guide explains, but this is my version because it took some time to learn it... And I still need to pracctise it.

    I have already told you about this method in an old thread that can be found here:

    But I will explain it in a little more detail and add some new things that he have told me and that I learned from.
    First of all I have to tell you that he is not a lucid dreaming pracctioner or anything like that.
    When he was a little kid he invented this method to fall asleep and cure his insomnia!

    Last night I tried his method and I managed to come to the point where I could no longer feel my physical body.
    But I was still aware of my breath, my eyes and my thoughts.
    I started visualizing a random house and walked around in it, and at one point I felt my consciousness switching and suddenly I were there. I was now lucid and was amazed of consciously entering a dream without previous sleep.
    I walked out from the house and the dream ended up like all my lucid dreams seem to end... I lost lucidity while talking to someone. Although I was still aware of the dream so I remembered the whole dream and it was a long vivid dream.
    It felt like more than 30 minutes, but as you all know it's impossible to have vivid REM dreams for more than 15 minutes.
    So I am not sure how to think of that. ( Mind creation? Doesn't matter had sex, I mean time dilation :cheeky: )

    Anyway today I asked my friend Fredrik to tell me about his falling asleep technique again, and this is what he told me:
    Well the goal is to fall asleep, but what I do is that I lay still with closed eyes and focus on my breath and I focus my vision between my eyebrows and keep it there. Then I will feel my body slowly getting more and more relaxed, I will feel the tingeling start from my legs and work it's way up. Then I just keep having this meditative state and I will at some point not be able to feel my body anymore and my mind is calm without thoughts, and the only thing that remains is my breath.
    I sometimes stop right here, because the next step is really scary, but I really want to fall asleep so I have to do it...
    When my only awareness is the breath, I take a deep breath and then gradually slow the breath down and make it smaller and now the scary part. After a while I will no longer feel my breath and it feels like I am going to die!
    But if I just stick with it I know that I am going to fall asleep. Then something strange happens.
    I start to see a bright white light and I will get a sensations of levitating and I just keep floating up and when that sensation stop, I am and up in the clouds and here I just relax as much as I can and I fall asleep, and then I wake up the next morning feeling completely rested.

    I was shocked and asked him "Why the H*LL don't you stay aware so you can lucid dream?!".
    And he answered "Oh I wouldn't want to risk having insomnia after waiting and doing all that, the goal is to fall asleep after all".

    And I was like :eek::panic: GAAAH!!

    I tried to convince him in every way possible, but it was no use he wasn't interested in lucid dreams. :shock:

    Anyway I on the other hand can use this knowledge to my advantage and now you can too :shadewink:

    Just gong to add some tweaks. Because I did this last night, but I wasn't aware of the breath method, he told me about that today.

    I have experienced most of the steps he described, although the eyefocus thing isn't really necessary that's just his anchor and he relax that way. As long as you stay still and stay aware you will still be able to do this, the meditative pure consciousness states comes naturally, you can even think of what ever you want. The problem is just that a wondering mind can easily make you fall asleep unconsciously. I do this by listening to a guided relaxation so that's my anchor :)

    One thing that might be painful to hear is that I timed this and it took about 1 hour to do.
    Although it didn't feel booring at all, I was excited the whole time :)

    The reason to why I will not write down my dreams here anymore is personal. I have realised that they tell too much about a person, even though the dreamer is the only one who can analyse them. So that's one reason.
    The other reason is that they are annoying to write down in the morning :P

    I have also started believing in obe's and astral projection and I know most people are sceptic, but just try this:

    This is just a theory but when I did this technique and realised that I was no longer able to feel my body, I started visualizing and I ended up in a dream. Because I was focusing on my thoughts.

    My friend Fredrik on the other hand, he focused on the (body) and the feeling of breathing and I think that he actually got an out of body experience.

    I am not going to argue about these phenomenons, because frankly that's something that is up to the person who experiencing it to decide. I'm just hoping that this text helped someone :D

    It will take time, but if I some day(night) manage to control the dream and make it last longer and being able to go to Hogwarts or something like that. I might post in this journal about it ;)

    Thanks and bye for now!

    Choi :sleepmeditate2:
    sinoblak, gab and Alyzarin like this.

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    Updated 02-28-2012 at 09:28 PM by 49122



    1. Alyzarin's Avatar
      Thanks for the info! I'd actually be willing to bet that the eye focusing thing helps a lot. It sounds like he's focusing on his pineal gland (the third eye) which is involved in sleep and relaxation, and that would cause it to activate. It's a technique used in lots of different meditation styles. I've been looking for a way to do this too so I may have to give this a shot. Just yesterday I read that if you do an intensive exercise before going to bed it's actually pretty easy, too.
      sinoblak likes this.
    2. sinoblak's Avatar
      I will try it. At least this version fits my schedule better than just waiting for Sunday to come for a DILD. Thanks.
      Alyzarin likes this.
    3. Choi's Avatar
      Oh right the pineal gland is located there how could I forget!
      Hehe good luck Alyzarin = ) .. and sinoblak :D
      Alyzarin likes this.
    4. Ctharlhie's Avatar
      Congrats on the bedtime WILD, but, 'as you all know it's impossible to have vivid REM dreams for more than 15 minutes'

      Otherwise this is pretty cool Interesting to think that your friend may be unintentionally accessing meditative states when he falls asleep, you really need to enlighten him to the possibilities of him controlling the dream
      Alyzarin and Choi like this.
    5. Ctharlhie's Avatar
      This sounds alot like Tibetan sleep yoga
    6. Choi's Avatar
      Yeah I heard from Michael Raduga that REM only last for 15-20 minutes, but I refuse to believe it haha.
      Anyway I have done everything in my power to convince my friend ...

      Yeah Sleep Yoga :) Indeed it is!
      Alyzarin likes this.
    7. Alyzarin's Avatar
      Some people just aren't interested in lucid dreaming. Can't blame 'em for having a different set of interests....
    8. Choi's Avatar
      Ok that's true, but now when I might know a frequent way to lucid dream, my new goal can be to spread the information.

      Let's start a new religion ! Haha. Ok I am a little over confident now, but I am so d*mn excited, if it works tonight I will tell you tomorrow.

      Ok it's not going to work just like that it takes pracctise, but I hope that I am ready for it.
      Alyzarin likes this.
      Updated 02-28-2012 at 07:25 PM by Choi
    9. Alyzarin's Avatar
      Haha, I look forward to hearing your results. I think I'm going to try to work that exercise plan into my routine somehow. I want to use as much possible to raise my chances! Of course, I've only had one WILD before and it was by accident and bypassed any conscious sleep paralysis, so... I may need to improve that first too before I'll see much success.
    10. Choi's Avatar
      Yeah, but don't look for sleep paralysis, that comes when you start to dream. So you will still be able to move even though you will feel numb.

      I know this because the body will send out signal to make you move as you might now. Usually my nose starts to itch really much and before I learned to ignore this I allways moved when this happend. And that itching means for me that I am only seconds away from feeling my body dissapear. Ok maybe that is the paralysis, but I would not try to move to find out ^^
      Alyzarin likes this.
      Updated 02-28-2012 at 07:41 PM by Choi
    11. Ctharlhie's Avatar
      "Yeah I heard from Michael Raduga that REM only last for 15-20 minutes, but I refuse to believe it haha."
      Don't believe it. In fact, take more or less everything Raduga says with a pinch of salt, he offers a useful framework for DEILD/WILD, but he's basically winging it in terms of hard facts. Towards the morning, sleep cycles can be composed almost entirely of REM, I believe. Nina would be a good person to go to, she seems to know everything there is to know about the physiology of sleep.

      Also, why not just try this exact thing, but after 4-6 hours sleep? Easier? Yes. Longer REM? Yes. Just because doing it at bedtime works for your friend doesn't mean it's the right way of going about it, he was none-the-wiser to lucid dreaming after all and doesn't have the benefit of our knowledge of sleep cycles. In fact, you should tell him to wake himself up during the night and do this then, see what happens
      Alyzarin and Choi like this.
    12. Ctharlhie's Avatar
      "Yeah, but don't look for sleep paralysis, that comes when you start to dream. So you will still be able to move even though you will feel numb."
      This is true, proper REM atonia before dream entry is rare when WILDing and probably reserved for those few 'natural' WILDers who have some kind of predisposition towards it.
      Alyzarin likes this.
    13. Ctharlhie's Avatar
      Also, having done some research, after 7 hours sleep REM periods can last 45-60 minutes, and that's not taking into account that you can dream in Non-REM too. I get 9 hours sleep on a good night and for a while I did WBTB targeting the last sleep cycle of the night with pretty good results, and if you've already slept over 7 hours it doesn't feel so sore getting up in the night and you don't have a feeling of losing loads of sleep
      Alyzarin likes this.
    14. Alyzarin's Avatar
      Well I've experienced sleep paralysis before, just not before successfully WILDing. It happens to me every now and then when I wake up. I also had it once when falling asleep once before I knew what WILD was and it kind of freaked me out and I moved. :T Usually though when I meditate I can get into the same thing Choi's friend described, with the reduced sensation of breathing and the bright light. I can make that happen almost any time of the day, but I have some natural anxiety and if I take it too far it can bring that out too much. I don't try to do it anymore because of that, but it could probably work if I was exhausted enough....
      Ctharlhie likes this.
    15. Ctharlhie's Avatar
      I've had multiple waking sleep paralysis experiences before getting into lucid dreaming, they're aren't pretty
      Alyzarin likes this.
    16. Alyzarin's Avatar
      Whenever I have sleep paralysis when waking up I'm just extremely confused.... I hear lots of people say that they feel like they just can't move whatsoever, but that's not how it is for me. I'm always able to move for a second or two but it feels really weird, and then I snap back to where I was before. I'm also hallucinating a lot, but in really weird ways. My eyes are almost always open so the input it really confusing too. One time I woke up into it and heard a girl sigh and felt someone move in my bed, so I shot up and saw her there, and she grabbed me and tried to tell me that she was my sister from an alternate dimension, but I pulled back and she wouldn't let go so she got yanked off my bed and that caused me to topple over with her, and she climbed on top of me and started melting. Along with her the rest of the hallucinations melted away and I realized I was sitting up in bed.
      Choi likes this.
    17. Choi's Avatar
      Haha I would love to experience a hallucination like that! I never experience visual hallucinations, but I can hear some really weird sounds if I wake up after a dream in the middle of the night. And to test if this is a dream or a waking sleep paralysis hallucination I try to control the hallucination.
      I learned that from Radugas books. If I hear a sound I try to imagine a sound I want to hear, and if I am somehow are able to change the hallucination I know that I am in a dreambed and I can just get up.
      Alyzarin likes this.
    18. Alyzarin's Avatar
      That sounds like fun. I never think to do reality checks, I just go with it. :T My sleep paralysis hallucinations are almost entirely visual though, at least when I wake up into it. The other night I saw one of my pillows with piano keys all over it. It's weird stuff.
    19. sinoblak's Avatar
      This technique really works. At least for me.
      I had my first WILD, and it was a pretty long, stable, and vivid one. Thank you, Choi.
      Alyzarin and Choi like this.
    20. Choi's Avatar
      Awesome! You have to tell me about it = ) I'll send you a PM!