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    The Internal and Subconscious World of DropTherapy

    I have a new* naming convention for characters:
    J - first appears in Issues and was my enemy for a while. (Jacob)
    N - my former crush. (Nicole)
    M - my ex. She convinced me that school ended after third period in one of my dreams. (Maddy)
    C - his first appearance is in Lost in the Green Building. (Carter)
    mmkk - His first appearance was in The UFO. (Kia)
    Z - While he isn't really a friend of mine, his first appearance is in Fake Gangs, a small Laptop, a crappy movie, and Bull of Heaven. (Zoe)
    A - mmkk's little sister. She first appeared in the same dream as Z. (Aliza)
    K - C's friend. (Kyle)
    MB - another friend of mine. (Megan)
    V - K and C's friend.
    W - C's Ex (Willow, now William)
    Ed - J's new name (Edynn)

    *this is actually outdated and I'll be calling them by their real names.

    1. Shit, the Car Got Impounded Again!

      by , 08-14-2021 at 05:04 PM (The Internal and Subconscious World of DropTherapy)
      I remember being out in the parking lot of some place with my mom's boyfriend's car. I had to go and get something and when I returned a shorter mexican person told me it was being impounded again. I freaked out and started crying profusely, thinking about what my mom or her boyfriend would say considering in the dream we had just gotten the car out. He said I could make an appeal to get it sooner and until then there was a guy who drove a truck who I could call to get to school beforehand. That person came in and it turned out to be an acquaintance from sophomore year of high school. They said "hi Madison", and then left.