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    The Internal and Subconscious World of DropTherapy

    I have a new* naming convention for characters:
    J - first appears in Issues and was my enemy for a while. (Jacob)
    N - my former crush. (Nicole)
    M - my ex. She convinced me that school ended after third period in one of my dreams. (Maddy)
    C - his first appearance is in Lost in the Green Building. (Carter)
    mmkk - His first appearance was in The UFO. (Kia)
    Z - While he isn't really a friend of mine, his first appearance is in Fake Gangs, a small Laptop, a crappy movie, and Bull of Heaven. (Zoe)
    A - mmkk's little sister. She first appeared in the same dream as Z. (Aliza)
    K - C's friend. (Kyle)
    MB - another friend of mine. (Megan)
    V - K and C's friend.
    W - C's Ex (Willow, now William)
    Ed - J's new name (Edynn)

    *this is actually outdated and I'll be calling them by their real names.

    1. Shit, the Car Got Impounded Again!

      by , 08-14-2021 at 05:04 PM (The Internal and Subconscious World of DropTherapy)
      I remember being out in the parking lot of some place with my mom's boyfriend's car. I had to go and get something and when I returned a shorter mexican person told me it was being impounded again. I freaked out and started crying profusely, thinking about what my mom or her boyfriend would say considering in the dream we had just gotten the car out. He said I could make an appeal to get it sooner and until then there was a guy who drove a truck who I could call to get to school beforehand. That person came in and it turned out to be an acquaintance from sophomore year of high school. They said "hi Madison", and then left.
    2. Cardboard Airplane

      by , 08-13-2021 at 05:03 PM (The Internal and Subconscious World of DropTherapy)
      We were at the park in my trailer park. My mom was taking care of baby ducks and her boyfriend convinced me and her to get into a cardboard airplane and fly around. That didn't last long, though, because my mom had to get back to tending to the ducks and her boyfriend had to disappear somewhere else, so I decided after being freaked out, I would be the one controlling the plane. I flew a dosen feet over the trailer park and blasted a song from kill 'em all by metallica. Eventually I started to lose control a bit so I had to go back down. My mom was at the park telling someone why she had these ducks. She said something like "I started a chicken coup because I felt bad about accidentally starting a military coup"
    3. Cross-Universe Therapy

      by , 08-12-2021 at 05:00 PM (The Internal and Subconscious World of DropTherapy)
      I was messing with a really advanced 3D art program from 1994. It creates realistic clay sculptures out of sketches/outlines.

      Afterwards, I was talking to grandma about her death. I asked her if she knew she had dementia and there was a really long pause. A photo of me from when I was younger changed progressively after I asked this question from youthful happiness to surprise/fear. I was heading to the parking lot and talking to my mom about a photo of me from a timeline where I didn't transition afterwards, and I look like an out of proportion, uglier version of anthony green.

      Afterwards, we were on a car ride to my therapist's office that lasted quite a while. Once I got there, I saw a variety of staff, including the manager from work most people don't like. Her and a few other people were instructing a class full of people from different dimensions where certain countries were the world superpower. I was the US, there was a gay kid from the Canada universe, etc. The Canadian kid, who looked between the ages of 14 and 36, really showed an interest in me, as he kept talking to me. He was trying to tell me something but I cut him off with a firm and flat "I know". I then apologized.

      During the lecture, he wrapped his arm around my stomach and pulled me closer, although I resisted this and escaped his grip. When the therapists and whatnot left, I used that time to check my phone to see if the person on the SCP foundation wikidot site I had asked to take a look at my idea had responded. He did, saying "I can't. I have a lot scheduled with friends, sorry". His forum signature was a graphic with four colorful cartoon dolphins overlapping each other. The instructors came back in and the lecture continued.
    4. Cross-Universe Therapy

      by , 08-12-2021 at 05:00 PM (The Internal and Subconscious World of DropTherapy)
      I was messing with a really advanced 3D art program from 1994. It creates realistic clay sculptures out of sketches/outlines.

      Afterwards, I was talking to grandma about her death. I asked her if she knew she had dementia and there was a really long pause. A photo of me from when I was younger changed progressively after I asked this question from youthful happiness to surprise/fear. I was heading to the parking lot and talking to my mom about a photo of me from a timeline where I didn't transition afterwards, and I look like an out of proportion, uglier version of anthony green.

      Afterwards, we were on a car ride to my therapist's office that lasted quite a while. Once I got there, I saw a variety of staff, including the manager from work most people don't like. Her and a few other people were instructing a class full of people from different dimensions where certain countries were the world superpower. I was the US, there was a gay kid from the Canada universe, etc. The Canadian kid, who looked between the ages of 14 and 36, really showed an interest in me, as he kept talking to me. He was trying to tell me something but I cut him off with a firm and flat "I know". I then apologized.

      During the lecture, he wrapped his arm around my stomach and pulled me closer, although I resisted this and escaped his grip. When the therapists and whatnot left, I used that time to check my phone to see if the person on the SCP foundation wikidot site I had asked to take a look at my idea had responded. He did, saying "I can't. I have a lot scheduled with friends, sorry". His forum signature was a graphic with four colorful cartoon dolphins overlapping each other. The instructors came back in and the lecture continued.
    5. An Astrophysicist Moves Into the Trailer Park

      by , 08-08-2021 at 04:34 AM (The Internal and Subconscious World of DropTherapy)
      I remember being in a large room with a bunch of different people, some I knew and others I didn't. 80's George Carlin was there sitting at a seat diagonal from me and we were all sharing music and media and whatnot. I shared my music with a disclaimer that my music is written and performed in my own language and when I prrssed play, everyone left halfway through the song and george carlin displayed mild contempt.

      After that segment of the dream, I was just in my room minding my business when all of a sudden I see someone drive a trailer exactly like ours into the lot next to us. Their trailer was modified to rest off the ground and had two large red jet engines at the back. Me, my mom and her boyfriend grew curious and decided to enter from the staircase descending from the bottom. The owner and occupant was an approximately 5'4" thinner lady with brown hair. My mom's boyfriend told her his name, prefaced by the statement that if he had his ID he would show that to her as well. She told us her name and that she's an astrophysicist or something like that. The entire trailer looked completely different on the inside, almost like some kind of lab. Eventually I was tasked by someone there with sorting her miniature collectible snow globes of varying sizes on the shelf by her bed.

      I think I had another dream shortly after or before where I explained weirdcore to Edynn but I don't remember for sure.
    6. Metametadream

      by , 08-06-2021 at 08:31 AM (The Internal and Subconscious World of DropTherapy)
      I remember being in a grocery and/or record store and seeing someone summon the in-dream goddess of death to play some gothic rock. The goddess of death was on vocals, although you couldn't hear her microphone at all. Afterwards, Metadream, a musical project I'm doing with a friend, was getting ready to perform live in a different record store, although in this universe the other member in the project was on drums and it was a standard rock band with a couple of other people, including a heavy set short guy with long, dark hair. In this dream, everyone in Metadream had an Armenian background, and I wasn't involved in the project at all. I don't remember getting a good look at the other member but his existence was implied. Somehow, the bathroom and bedroom of my old house was on a level above the store, and I used its facilities before the show played. I also remember talking to the drummer about a few miscellaneous things, and he said something about wanting to get in his bed and just work on stuff or something along those lines. I told him I needed to take a piss before the show started and he said "okay, see you there!", After which I laid in a thinner twin bed with no frame on the ground. I remember the vertically oriented wooden beams supporting it (that somehow didn't count as a frame in my dream) lacked one of them and I almost fell while trying to get up and go to the bathroom.
    7. Window Girl's Third Concert

      by , 08-02-2021 at 05:15 AM (The Internal and Subconscious World of DropTherapy)
      I was at the store where me and my mom work, and I was making music in probably the third isle or something. A little bit later on, the cast of rick and morty, which was three people at the time, came and helped me out. I remember one isle being kinda entirely frozen, not in the sense of the items stocked, but just the entire isle was blue and cold. Meanwhile, radiohead was playing live by where the registers usually are and a girl I used to go to middle school with was doing insane acrobatics off the ceiling with a rope. In another section of the store, Window Girl was getting ready to play live. The entire crowd was sitting down as there were no chairs, and footage from their previous show started playing, which in my dream was their second show. In reality they have only played live once. I was enamoured by how much better they were playing in this fictional second concert. Once they actually started playing live, everyone had a good time, although I remember at the end one of my friends realizing that part of the tiled flooring they were sitting on was boiling somehow and he jumped up. The band helped him out and Edynn specifically started giving what I'm assuming was promotional stuff to people, including me.