Lucid Dreams
This dream involved me going into other people's dreams by reading their dream logs and then going to bed. The first dream I went into was Mrs. Puff's dream. I was in the middle of a field at night where there was a blue dog turning into a werewolf. I hid in the house that it was in but I was too big to fit in. The next morning I was a cow and in the dog house next to it. I then woke up, read about another dream, had that dream, woke up, and then had one of my dreams. In the dream, I woke up, went downstairs, and I noticed that my grandma was going up to wake me up. Once I got to the kitchen, I remembered reading about an article where lucid dreams would be REALLY realistic. The dream was realistic, but blurry, as if I didn't clear out my eyes at all. I looked at my hand and said "yeah, this is a dream," but I noticed something was wrong. This wasn't just a regular dream, this was the setup for a nightmare. I grew cautious and anxious and saw a vacuum cleaner exiting my grandma's room by itself. I said to my grandma "hey grandma, I'm dreaming," and she responded with "yes...," and then approached me with a sinister grin on her face. There was also a chunk missing from her right cheek, but it wasn't like I could see her mouth, it was instead just a white area. She didn't do anything to me because I had a false awakening and lost lucidity. I then went through a few other dreams, woke up, and noticed just HOW realistic the lucid dream had been, The only difference being that I wasn't bumping into walls in the dream.
I was at a grocery store with my dad or some similar figure. I'm not sure what we were looking for, we were just there. My dad was telling one of the employees something ridiculous. When he said it, the employee's face slowly turned to anger. He then ran out of the store as soon as possible. I went to get something at my house when I noticed there was always one person riding a scooter in the distance. I also noticed the hair in my eyes. I then gained lucidity and said something about my bangs having a use outside of blocking my vision. The person on the scooter then came up to me and asked me to make a penguin who screams like a piano appear out of nowhere. I tried to do it. I don't know if I did, but he was congratulating me as if I did. I then woke up to write about my dream, but the W key didn't work.
WOOHOO!!! Another LD! Okay, this one's strange because of the lack of a reality check. The whole dream was lucid. I was in PE. FOR SEVERAL HOURS. It was NIGHT TIME and we were still doing PE. For this reason, cops came to investigate and i'm assuming stopped the period. We then went into the locker rooms, where there were a few GIRLS hanging around, and I looked at a clock, remembering the clock reality check. I was lucid before this i'm pretty sure, but I did it anyway because it was cool looking. I looked away and looked back several times before it turned glowing yellow. I then decided to seduce one of the nearby girls with a song (probably a 13 year old's version of a sex drive going wild during the lucid dreaming progress). It worked, but it was the wrong girl. The next day, I left the locker room and saw K and a clone of himself. The clone jumped off the edge of the hall way. (in my dream the horizontal hallway was raised several feet above the ground and K's clone jumped into the plants below.) I then continued to explore the school, going where K was going, and I saw a random 8 year old stare at me with blind eyes. I then went by the blacktop and overheard some other kids talking about how the school now accepted 5th graders. I then left. There was someone by the front entrance to help me leave, and for some reason, the entire front entrance was cramped and had these watch towers peppered all over the place. I accepted the man's help and we eventually found ourselves in a huge field being chased by something. We then found a structure you would normally find in a park. The person saw this, and started a youtube channel with a baby and called it ugly baby. To watch a video of theirs, I had to crush the baby's head in. The format of their videos was a sort of factual top ten list video. I then woke up. 5TH LUCID EVER WOOOOOOO!!!
Updated 08-07-2018 at 08:02 PM by 89498
I was up in my room at night time when I looked at my hand. My pinkie finger bent like my thumb and I had six fingers. I then gained lucidity. I then went into the kitchen and straight to mmkk. "Dude, check this out!" I said to him a couple of times because I was so exited. I didn't do much after. Either that or I just don't remember it.
Updated 09-24-2017 at 08:31 PM by 89498
This Dream had multiple parts to it. In the first part, I was playing quake on multiplayer and then died. In the second part, I was in my front yard, looking at how there were two moons. One was about the size of a small dog in the sky, and the other one appeared normal. I looked at my hand and noticed that my middle and index fingers were one centimeter each, and that I had about seven fingers. I then gained lucidity (or at least partial lucidity) and one of my mom's friends came out and started singing a song. I threw a purple plastic cube at him and attempted to not say "that is what your music felt like". The next part was referencing another dream I had where I was on death row for something and then got my head amputated with an axe. In the background, there was a TV that was showing an old black and white film with some kind of Ogre or something on it. There was blood everywhere. When the person cut my head off, the audio of the TV stopped and everything went black. In this part of the dream, I was reincarnated as a female and was telling my friends about my past life. There was this one guy outside the window of the house that was asking me out to dinner. The strange part was that he was in his mid-30's and could have possibly been my friend's dad in real life. Later, I saw a person who appeared to be 14 years old telling me about something. Soon, we became friends. I then woke up. This is a basic sketch of the room where I was executed.
Updated 09-18-2017 at 02:37 AM by 89498
I was looking at the night sky in my back yard when I saw this peculiar planet in the sky. I called my friend over and showed him the object. All of a sudden, It became a cube with characteristics of a Nintendo Game Cube (color, specific shape, etc...)seconds later, It moved and flew right by us. We immediately tried to catch it. My friend helped me on to the chicken coup in my backyard to try and get it. While he was explaining the plan to me, I was thinking (which is REALLY weird in dreams, by the way) "I'm in a dream" over and over again until I was whispering it, and then saying it, and then shouting it, and then screaming it until I reached lucidity and decided to dance on top of the chicken coup. My first effort at using this to help me catch the UFO was when I jumped off, flailing my arms like a bird, It was only effective enough to send me gliding slowly. The second effort was when I jumped off and went flying like superman, which proved to be pretty effective. We kept trying to catch the UFO until my friend's little brother entered the back yard through the laundry room (which for some reason had a trap door that lead to it) in the corner of my back yard. I was like "Oh no..." shortly afterwards I woke up. AT 3:10 OR SOMETHING.
EDIT (9/17/17): I was walking down the street with a group of friends that don't actually exist when an alien spaceship crashed right in front of me and turned into a robot. My friends were running and screaming all over the place as the creature was shooting lasers everywhere. I then looked at my hand. Instantly I said out loud "this is a dream, isn't it?" due to the fact that my hand was twice as long as it usually was and appeared to have shorter fingers. I then gained lucidity and decided to roam this world that I would only be in for what felt like a few hours. fragment #1 : i was at a school, trying to take revenge on a bully. there was a hole in his pants. i snuck over there. "what are you doing?" he asked. "nothing, i..uh..." i said. he then shoved my head to the ground. he stared at me angrily for a few seconds, but then smiled as he said "nice attempt, kid" and let me free "but the next time you try that, you'll be on the ground crying." fragment #2 : i am a big fan of amy rose from sonic the hedgehog. remembering that in my dream, I go to my next-door-neighbor's house. I think of a good reason why she would meet me, and then i concentrated on the door. i opened the door, and out came an old lady. she started to lick my arm. "and now for the last of the glue..." she said. "done." so... yeah. that one backfired on me. EDIT(9/17/17): Fragment #3: This one is basically a vivid scrap. I remember my friends and I were stuck in a maze of glowing light cubes, attempting to find a clear exit.
Updated 08-07-2018 at 07:57 PM by 89498