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    1. Allergies & no dream recall

      by , 04-21-2016 at 03:11 AM
      Allergies are making recalling dreams impossible. Made I'll get some Nyquil Nightmares as a great side effect & become lucid, lol... I guess that's life.
      side notes
    2. Repeat

      by , 04-20-2016 at 01:22 AM
      Non-lucid dream fragment- Me & 3 other people kept trying to get into this house & find evidence & the criminals would show up & they would chase us out... It was like it was happening on a loop almost but we just kept having to come back & each time there would be a little bit different outcome... That's all I could remember.
      non-lucid , dream fragment
    3. I'm marrying a celebrity!

      by , 04-18-2016 at 07:34 PM
      I had what felt like a long dream. I was secretly dating a guy who was a public figure, like in the pop industry or something. People definitely knew exactly who he was & didn't approach him for the most part. He seemed obviously younger than me. He was very handsome & mature for his age. At first I thought he was Justin Beiber, lol but he wasn't, he was older than that & didn't look like him after all. He was very calm & seemed to be in deep thought when he looked at me & when he looked around at all the people. He was very sure of himself & projected this but not in a cocky way. More of a very calm confident person. I've never before me someone who captivated other peoples attention but knew to not push them too far. Not like this anyway.. We were at an event where he was making an appearance. It looked like a benefit w/ many stages where there were competitions going on. For example there were big areas of water that looked green w/ lights in it & big rocks all around it. Like a stage set used for a movie. People were swimming in it & challenging each other to do this or that in the water. I don't know how to explain it. There were people all around us but he was extremely calm & cautious. Like he was trying to protect me from all of these people. I was telling him he didn't have to tell anyone about me & he calmly told me that he wanted people to know. So when someone asked him if he was dating me he said yes very calmly & confidently. His calm energy was very contagious I guess because my demeanor was suddenly very very unusually calm. In fact we were both unusually calm. We then were able to walk around holding hands & he still seemed very serious. As if he was calmly on alert to field any questions about this new romance that would now be scrutinized by the media. But I also felt an overwhelming deep connection w/ him. Not your typical DC experience. It was on the lines of love & a deep emotional connection where you feel like you don't question your relationship. You just know on a deeper level w/o question what you feel is real & true & strong. Like I was in a parallel universe & this was a duel reality of my own. (I have these kinds of dreams fairly regularly where they feel like real people in connection to me.)..... Like I said this dream went on for quite sometime w/ us just walking around & he never did anything to pinpoint exactly what he did for a living. It was like his presence there was enough for whatever reason.... Eventually he pulled me aside & told me that he wanted to marry me & that he wanted to tell people tonight. Of course I thought it would seem odd to people that he had just told them he was dating me & in the same night to propose marriage would seem rather hasty. But it didn't seem hasty to me because we had seemed like we had already been together for a very long time & that because of him being a public figure had wanted to keep this part of his life to himself. It was like he was tired of hiding the relationship. And sure enough he got up on this rock wall thing & addressed the people & stated that he & I were getting married, all with great confidence & a hint of "None of you will challenge this fact because it is what I say it is" tone in his voice. And no-one objected. We were free to roam about & he now had a demeanor of relief when he talked.... So we just walked around w/ each other in a state of bliss.. And then I woke up. Like on cue or something.

      This dream seemed to have a climax building throughout the dream & then when that part was over the calm set in & the dream just faded into the night & I woke up. Definitely a memorable dream. I can't categorize it as lucid because I never had that ah-ha moment & then tried to act upon it. But I did note that I was married in real life while I was dreaming & that this was definitely not an average dream so that it was okay to act this way w/ this particular man. This was something else altogether different in my mind. It was more of a dream that seemed to be rooted in a factual nature. Like this place & this person was part of another life & did not need to be put in a category. Yet, I wish there was a kind of category for things that seem like they are of an "alternate reality or dimension". I woke up feeling very calm & the dream is still there in my mind many hours later just a perfect & preserved as can be. I won't forget this dream because of the intimate nature & realness it possessed for whatever reason.

      Last night was very frustrating. My husband has a restless night & it interrupted my process... I tried to induce SP & I had even more sensations than ever before but was repeated interrupted. I had jerking, whooshing, seeing a light w/ my eyes closed & I had the sensation of weightlessness & the feeling of starting to float. But like I said my husband tossed & turned all night long & it made this process stop & start repeatedly. I was so frustrated. He is usually a pretty still sleeper but does snore & then so I may have to rethink when I try to do this or possibly even where. I may try to lay in our recliner at night & see if that works. I don't know. I guess I'll think on it.

      Explanation of details-Blue
      Side Notes-Purple
    4. The Tourist Shops & Crazy Daisy- Non-Lucid

      by , 04-17-2016 at 07:48 PM
      April 17, 2016- 4:30 am

      Dream #1: I was in this specialty tourist shop. It was decorated in true beach colors of coral & peach. It was surrounded by what I first thought were mountains but turned out to be giant hills located off the shores of some ocean. My dream family owned this place. (no real life family in this dream) The theme here was like a tourist shop but it had high end art that our family had made, too. Which also stayed true to the beach theme. It was actually quite detailed, which still surprises me when I get that in a NLD. My sister was asking me "Hey, do you remember that small shark themed piece that mom did?" Then she was irritated that I didn't remember it. She said we should go to our other shop & ask our dad about it. So we went there. We didn't travel or anything. We just walked down an isle and were there! Boy wouldn't that save on gas, lol. This is the first time I really contemplated travel like this w/ someone else. Even in the dream I started thinking it was odd.... So we got to our other shop which was basically identical to the other one. Our dad was there & she asked him if he remembered it & he found it. It was about the size of a kids ant farm but it was just as she said, shark themed w/ shells & sand & stuff in a frame under glass.... At this point I realize why she is frustrated. She mentions that our mother died & apparently this was one of the last thing she had made....... This dream was starting to take a turn towards being lucid when I started realized how we had traveled but Meesha strikes again & woke me up. I want to close the door but the last time I did that she payed me back by pottying somewhere other than outside or in her litter box. She has her own door so she can come & go as she pleases.

      Dream #2: (I will explain after I tell my dream) This dream was dramatically different! This has my real life family in it. In the dream it was basically a power struggle of sorts. It was my sister Dena & my aunt Lana were trying to get me to talk to my grandma Daisy. It was a big power struggle. This crazy dynamic went on & on in some house around a counter that was actually in Crazy Daisy's house when I was growing up. It looks exactly like a diner counter w/ the Formica counter tops, including the extra shelf like counter above it. You'd have to look it up, I can't really explain it better than that. So anyway, here she comes. Crazy Daisy. She is now in my dream & is trying to manipulate me once again. But I won't let her. I'm very firm w/ her & don't stoop to anyone's level. I'm just solid w/ my answers & don't allow them to wear me down... I choose to opt out of this dream & just wake up... ...

      Details: My grandma Daisy, who is my mom's mother. (I call her Crazy Daisy). She is still alive & I refuse to talk to her because she is a terrible human being & I choose to not have anything to do w/ her. I watched how she disrespected my grandfather when he was alive & she tortured my mother which affected my relationship w/ my mother when I was a kid & was going through a serious trauma in my life... My mom & I are all good now... It should be noted that this woman was also very mean to me as a child.... I would have to go to her house many times a yr & it was pure torture. My mother's youngest sister is a couple of weeks older than me. Her name is Jill... This created a strange family dynamic. So when I'd go there, Crazy Daisy would tell me all about her prodigy prim & proper daughter & how I she was so much better than me, it was quite the production she put on, believe me! She called me really nasty names & it was just pure torture.... She's a manipulative liar & I refuse to have that toxic person anywhere near my family in any way at all.... If she dies, I will not be attending this event & am totally okay w/ that... My mom totally agrees w/ me about her being a mean manipulative liar & all but she says she tries to look past it now & looks at her as this little old lady. This is her prerogative & I respect that but my position will remain the same.

      Side Note: I would not be surprised if she calls me, dies or someone mentions her in the very near future because that happens to me a lot in my life when I dream of someone I don't usually see... example: I had a dream about one of my husband's ex & logged it in my journal & then he calls me from work saying she called him at work & he had to report the call to security. (because she is insane.)

      Explanation of details-Blue
      Side Notes-Purple
    5. DILD, MILD, DS - Royal Gold Submarine

      by , 04-16-2016 at 06:43 PM
      I was running & was guided into something. At first I thought it was a RV but then realized it resembled instead a gold submarine on wheels. My family was outside trying to find out what was going on & I was on the inside w/ my prince & his parents, the king & queen & others that were trying to help us keep others out. I was told that because I was his new princess there was some kind of power grab that others were trying to make by capturing me & that they would be in charge somehow if this happened. I looked down & realized my ring was gone & I started to panic & started looking around for it. I accidentally opened a door a fraction of an inch & for a moment the outsiders were able to see inside so the king & queen acted as though they were having sex as a diversion. While I was looking around for the ring & this weird sex act was taking place, I became Lucid. (I'll explain things later what triggered this). So now that I was lucid I knew I could not attempt a WBTB or a WILD today so I took advantage of just having fun w/ my dream. I started changing things as they all became more & more vivid. There were luxurious pillows everywhere. I was expanding the confined place to make it bigger & safer. I also kept looking for my ring which was found among some nuts & bolts. My prince was my husband & the king & queen were plump & w/ royal frumpy garbs. This was fun. I was looking at all the rivets made of gold & small windows to peek out of. I was really happy w/ my creativity. I was able to hear my family outside more clearly & they wanted frantically to know what was happening & where I was, which was not helping me hide. The floors were made of that bumpy metal associated w/ tools but I don't know what that is called. The whole thing had a futuristic feel to it.... Unfortunately my husband was rousing awake next to me & I knew I had to wake up because, although lucid dreaming is really fun I also knew very clearly that my real life must come first & this cannot interfere w/ that. This is a line I do not want to cross. Therefore I knew my time was up & I opened my eyes & I was fully awake but because my dream was lucid I could remember it very clearly.

      Now to explain. Before I went to sleep I was practicing my MILD mantra's of "Tonight I'm going to lucid dream & I'm going to remember them" & "I will use my wedding ring as my dream sign" because it is not only significant to me it because it has a flaw. It really does come apart. The weld came loose a while back & 1 of the 3 sections is not connected right now. Therefore, I only usually wear it when I leave the house except when I swim, so that I don't lose it at the pool. It's unique & it was custom made. A one of a kind, w/ a one a kind flaw right now. It's been this way for about 4 yrs or so but I kind of like it like that. I know that sounds weird..... Then there was the King & Queen suddenly having sex which simultaneously reminded me of the fact that I couldn't keep sleeping for long... I had a hysterectomy in December & have a set time to try & have intercourse to strengthen the area where my cervix was taken out of.... So all in all I had a successful DILD & MILD w/ my dream sign being my wedding ring.

      Green: Non-Lucid
      Red: Lucid
      Blue: Details
    6. Being held hostage

      by , 04-15-2016 at 02:11 PM
      I was being held in a house w/ some other women by Andy Griffith, lol. The house was we were in was set back in the time which reminded me of The Little House on the Prairie. (this show was on when we arrived at my mother n laws). We kept trying to escape & his & his henchmen weren't physically mean to us but they wouldn't let us leave. They would just stop us & take us back into the house. It seemed to go on forever & we never got out. Non-Lucid
      Tags: non- lucid
    7. Woke up sick today so only dream fragments

      by , 04-14-2016 at 11:09 PM
      Had a dream about being a lawyer & another about being a hotel. But I don't remember the details. I woke up sick & just kept going back to sleep. I guess it just wasn't my day. I have a fever & the toilet was my best friend, lol. I guess sometimes you just have to deal w/ the cards dealt to you. I did write down the lawyer & hotel hoping I'd be able to recall the dream from that but it just didn't happen. This is the first time I've been sick in quite a long time though so I guess it was bound to happen. I do remember these were fairly detailed dreams though which prompted me to try & just leave myself the subject content. I just wasn't my day. Back to sleep I go.
      non-lucid , dream fragment
    8. Twisted Nightmares

      by , 04-14-2016 at 02:34 AM
      I had two non-LD's that were considered nightmares & it was so insane I refuse to post it on here, lol. Today was just an all around shitty day. A lawyer told me today that my husband makes $300 over the allowed amount for me to recieve social security & since I haven't worked in 10 yrs I'm not eligible for disability unless I work for 5 yrs full time, which I can't due to my medical issues, which is why my doctor referred me to the lawyer for disability....And I now have a new medical bill to pay each month till I die & my dr's visits went up astronomically due to DEA regs on my meds for multiple manditory drug tests for each of my meds & classification of meds. I guess I'm glad I don't drink or do drugs because I believe this would definately be the day to do those things.... My husbands job got adjusted because they lost their union last week & I had to listen to my mother-n-law repeat the same things a million times today do to Dementia. (God Bless her). And my problem child daughter came by and threw her crazy self into my path... This day is an actual nightmare. Stick a fork in me, I'm done. Amen & good-night.
      non-lucid , side notes
    9. The Illusionist. (LD) & (6 Non-Lucids)

      by , 04-12-2016 at 07:08 PM
      I was very sleep deprived so I decided to get some rest & make a new plan. First, I reinstalled Jelly Splash on my phone before I went to sleep & played it. The reason for this was to work on details & accuracy w/ bright colors & to just have fun. I did a simple body meditation & relaxation technique that is pretty second nature to me & I slept on my stomach for the first time in about 6 wks, which is how I prefer to sleep. And then I decided I would just sleep, wake up & keep going back to sleep until I got enough rest which turned out to be about 10 hours. I also decided not to log any of my dreams but just to keep track until I had my last one. And low & behold I had 6 dreams! Number 7 was a LD! And I kept w/ my plan by just doing what I wanted to do in it & have some fun. I've been too serious lately trying to achieve the TOTM.

      So here is my LD. I was working as a detective & was investigating an illusionist who managed to steal a lot of money, or so my boss thought. My opinion was that it wasn't him at all & that someone was taking advantage of the timing of the illusion acts he was performing.. My boss said that he would definitely show up at the event that was occurring on this same day in the evening. So we showed up & it wasn't dark yet, it was light out & there were very long lines & because we were detectives we could just weave in & out as we pleased & look for where he might be. We were in this line when I looked across the room & saw all the Chinese lanterns that were hanging about & strings of lights & bright signs. (I think the Chinese lanterns & neon signs may be a dream sign for me. I know the bright lights are) And it was then I knew I was lucid & felt invincible! I knew I could do what I wanted now & told my boss that I knew he was innocent & that I quit. I really wanted to find this guy because he was very impressive & I just didn't believe he did it.,.. He was there, eluding us, but he was there. He reminded me of Roland from Stephen Kings, The Dark Tower series. He would be in one place where I could see him & then he'd kind of roll away & disappear. I searched through the hordes of people & he still eluded me. I thought maybe since I was Lucid I could do something to find him that way, but that wouldn't be fun to me in this scenario. There were all these booths & stages where these little magic tricks were happening & I realized this event was some kind of magician's convention/exhibition or something & an illusionist would only be there for some other reason. They are in a different category than magicians you know, like that would be beneath them to show up at this place & perform ordinary magic.... I could feel him watching me everywhere I went. And then I suddenly realized he was gone. He let me see him & then went around a rack of books & disappeared w/ a smile. And then I woke up.

      Mike & I were just discussing the movie for The Dark Tower Series & how they screwed it up. I was talking about Chinese food today. And I saw a lame magic trick on tv. I know that's where some of the characters came from.... I realized that I had stopped reading my everyday books & have been only reading dry stuff to research the brain about memory... I average 50-60 plus books a year which in 6 wks I've destroyed all hopes of that happening due to doing too much dry research... I have also noticed that other people are having very fun dreams w/ dragons & vampires... I think my brain needs more of that. I may actually reread Harry Potter again due to the incredible details it has to offer which will stimulate my brain the way I want it & it has the familiarity to be easily ready. Not to mention cool magic... When those books came out my husband, our youngest son & me all read the books at the same time which was a lot of fun... I've taken the fun out of my dreams & need to put it back in.

      Updated 04-12-2016 at 07:13 PM by 90317

      lucid , non-lucid , memorable
    10. Family Night

      by , 04-11-2016 at 11:21 PM
      I was caught up in a conflict where my husbands' ex was yelling at me like a crazy person. We were having parenting issues. (In real life she was never a parent to my son. My husband & the other 2 men she had children with all have custody of their children.) Finally my husband came to my rescue..... In real life she still comes to my house all drunk & high & damages our vehicles & a pool we had. Our son is 22 yrs old now & this crazy woman even screams nasty things about him. He's an honor roll student & his grandparents made a trust for him & his other siblings to be used to college. Her mother also had added her too but was recently cut off because she was trying to abuse the trust.

      Dream 2 was about my oldest son. He was selling pot & I stole a big bag of pot from him to teach him some kind of lesson & he got angry & I woke up.... This was all silly but I was just talking about him yesterday about him not paying off his deposit for his electric & we were thinking about taking our name off the account & letting him live in the dark before he defaults & we are stuck w/ our own cut off & a very high bill that we won't be able to afford.

      I think I really need to get some much needed sleep. I feel like a zombie today. Last night we had a thunderstorm & my Meesha cat was not happy about the thunder at all. And then today I was going to take a nap & my daughter shows up & stays all day.. I'm grumpy & need some rest.
      Tags: non lucid.
      non-lucid , dream fragment
    11. Take me to Church

      by , 04-10-2016 at 07:43 PM
      I titled this take me to church because it was fitting & ironically my ringtone, lol.. Dream 1 was just a dream fragment about a boyfriend I had in middle school but that's the extent to which I remember it which was a bummer. Dream 2 was more vivid where details were concerned but not very colorful except I noticed curtains that were a form of deep red which are basically the color of my own curtains in my living & dining rooms. So anyway, I was in this very large cathedral type of church w/ a lot of big winding stairs. Kind of like the ones in the school in Harry Potter, but they didn't move. I was taking care of a bunch of kids, mostly teens & we had to complete 3 tasks that were on these little pieces of paper. I didn't seem to do any task, this was just a given it seems. But we ran out of paper & I sent some of the kids down the stairs to gather some more paper slips w/ tasks but they came back empty handed. So, I decided to go myself w/ a few of them. One of which seemed like I knew them somehow & felt very connected to this older boy. But when I went down the stairs I was told that there weren't anymore available slips but that since it was lunch we could have lunch at this time. Someone led us into a cafeteria where they were starting to put the food away & we started to fill our trays & then I woke up.... It was almost like the dream was supposed to symbolize my quest of learning new information & the tasks represented the TOTM somehow. Like it I did, A B & C, I'd get the answers I was looking for. I woke up w/ the feeling that I should watch some video's on YouTube or something of people playing spin the bottle to trigger it in a LD. I'm hoping I find some because dreams of all sorts tend to have snippets of movies I've just watched or things I've just seen or memories that have fluttered through my brain during the day, etc.
    12. Off to the Mall/Flea Market

      by , 04-09-2016 at 09:13 PM
      Meesha cat totally wouldn't let me remember dream number 1 by meowing the entire time while I was getting her food at 5am.

      Dream #2 was Me & my husband Mike. We woke up & got dressed to go out for breakfast & to go to what seems like a mall/flea market. We went there first before we decided to eat & in hind site would never occur in this order. But never the less we are walking through this place & there all kinds of different things to buy for just about every need you may have, yet it also may have been used, which in some cases is also just fine. We initially were looking for children's toys for our grandchildren because it's always good to look for special buys on these items to save money. Grandchildren are expensive! We found ourselves looking over these back pack wagon things. They were like the rolling backpack concept except it was a fold up wagon with cute themes to them for girls & for boys.... After not purchasing anything, we wandered into some bizarre sweets buffet. There were rows & rows of decadent sweets galore. We went down the rows just grabbing random things but I don't remember how they tasted or if they had a taste. This was odd because we specifically were conspiratorially trying stuff so we wouldn't waste our money & by the end, we were full.... We somehow got home, but not our home in real life & we were in our bathroom, which was also not our real bathroom & suddenly the tub was filled w/ flies crawling out of the drain. We were talking about what to do about this when Meesha woke me up.
      Tags: non - lucid
    13. A Huge Mousetrap Game, Multiple dreams and Dream Induction.

      by , 04-08-2016 at 06:28 PM
      I will start by saying that I was using a new technique that I found on YouTube. It was called "
      Lucid Dream Induction: Dreamwalker" I will add the link at the end. I highly recommend it.

      Dream#1: In this dream it was me, my friends Lindell, Dexter(Dex) & my husband Mike(he was asleep for some reason). These are very good friends of ours & used to be our neighbors. Lindell, whom I call "Lin" is like the male version of me w/ some exceptions so we are always doing goofy stuff.

      Anyway, back to the dream. We were in Lin & Dex's house & were listening to the previously mentioned excercise which at some point keeps repeating do a reality check so it was interjecting itself into my lucid dream which was pretty exciting for me...Dell decides to record us w/ a tape cassette player for fun. Apparently Lin thought it would be a good idea to play w/ this giant Mouse Trap Game, based on the kids version.. Mike was sleeping but we were all getting into this game & we all suddenly realized we were in Lin's dream. Boy did we get excited at this point. He was also very excited because that was his intenion. Lin went near the edge of a higher curve on the mouse trap & leaned his head over the track upside down which was hillarious so we were trying to make the mouse hit him as it came down the track... I could still hear the words from the actual audio telling me to do the reality checks so this was also in my dream & I did them which was so very incredibly weird but in a good way... We all were waking up, except Mike & wanted to try & get back in "Lin's" dream again so they told me to start the audio over... At that moment, I woke up in real life & started the audio over & layed back down & went right back into the dream! It was really cool. I think this is a form of chaining.... For just a short while I was back in the same dream which eventually went into another dream alltogether, which was my 2nd or 3rd dream of the night. I'm unclear if you wake from a dream & do something & go back into the same dream if it is considered the same dream or is it a new dream.

      2nd or 3rd Dream, depending on your definition was very emotional for me. This dream took place at a cabin somewhere. My ex-girlfriend Gail was there (actual girlfriend whom I was in a relationship w/ for a long time & was previously my best friend, she moved away), my husband Mike, me, my kids & some kind of monster. Gail kept trying to "get w/ me" & my husband came around a corner of the cabin while she was grabbing me & got really mad. He was screaming, "I knew it!" and we started arguing w/ me trying to defend myself. We were all trying to get away from some monster I coudn't even see but the car & truck wouldn't start & it was all just all kinds of bad... I was just glad when I woke up... I'm not surprised by this dream at all. My husband & her do not get along at all & I severed all ties from her years ago. I showed her pic to Mike this week from FB. Let me be clear here. I am not friends w/ her on there either but I do check on her every now & then because I will always care for her & she has multiple kinds of cancer & won't be around in a few yrs & its sad. He understands this. She & I were both victim's of domestic violence & she was there for me & helped me to stand up against my 1st husband. Anyway, I'm sure the picture triggered the dream.

      Lucid Dream Induction: Dreamwalker

    14. Yesterday was a bust but today is a little better after rest

      by , 04-07-2016 at 03:17 PM
      I had a dream w/ my husband in it yesterday & my memory just went blank after a few minutes after I woke up, which was unfortunate since my husband was in it. I had taken a nap due to lack of sleep still hoping for a LD but when I woke up I was running really late to go check on my mother in law. Family first. I was glad to find she was having a better day & her Alzheimer's/ Dementia wasn't so bad during our visit. That made me feel good to have her there in the here & present for a while.....

      Today I had a non-lucid dream about trying to get my job back at a Long John Silvers (LJS). I had this job in real life another lifetime ago after I left my first husband & my boss was pretty descent to me cuz I was a single mom. Anyway he said sure & I started working right then in my dream but soon the scene changed & it was another LJS. Again the scene changed all together into another dream. This one was very abstract. It started out w/ me looking for someone in some strange trailer park & I came across a man I'd never met but he was very handsome. He took me into some big factory w/ all of these big cogs & strange ppl. We were all going to watch a movie or something there. It was like among these cogs there were cars & ppl were pairing off to watch some movie. Then for some odd reason my first POS husband was there & wanted to sit by me & the handsome man came over & rescued me from that crazy scenario. Then I woke up.
    15. Gonna take a nap today cuz no dreams that I remembered. Meesha cat strikes again!

      by , 04-06-2016 at 01:11 PM
      Meesha kept up both me & my husband all night! So I don't remember even having a dream. I'm exhausted. So when she woke me up at 5am today I decided to feed her & play w/ her. I think she just needed some extra Meesha time.... Since we got her just around 3 wks ago she hasn't initiated the play, it was always us & now she's initiating the playing herself which is a good thing. I feel a lot better that she now feels part of our family.. So thankful we rescued her from the Humane Society. And I guess we also lucked out & got an actual purebread Maine Coon for such a low price. Anyway, I digress. I will attempt a nap today & hopefully I'll get a LD & successfully complete another challenge for the TOTM.
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