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    Non-Lucid Dreams

    1. Jump!

      by , 06-17-2016 at 10:19 PM
      I had 1 lucid dream & 1 non-lucid but I lost the non to dealing with life in a timely matter.

      I was listening to a meditation by Lilian Eden. She is an almost guaranteed lucid for me of some kind.

      Lucid: I was lucid from the very beginning which is rare for me. I was in the total dark but I knew where I was & I knew what was going to happen so I just started laughing. I was about to have the floor drop out from under me & into the water. This has happened before. There is a wet washcloth on my face & I get dropped into a dark pool of water. This time one of my sisters was there & I threw the washcloth at her & told her to not be scared. The meditation ended & I woke up. It still makes me laugh. I'm sure it's one of those things that you just had to be there for the funny part.

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      Astral Projection/AP-Brown
    2. A Cat, 2 Dogs, Roommates & a Fire

      by , 06-16-2016 at 04:07 PM
      Dream 1: Non-Lucid dream fragment. Meesha was rubbing up against my feet while I was in bed & I woke up. She wasn't there in real life & she never does this, lol.

      Dream 2: Non-Lucid dream. I went to this apartment & was babysitting a small dog. The owner came home. We were talking & then we heard something coming from the back part of the apartment & these 3 people who were apparently hiding there & they found another dog there that had just been born in the back of the apartment. They were friends of the owner. Suddenly there was a fire in the back of the apartment. We put it out but it had opened up a wall & area that wasn't there before. The owner suddenly said, okay you guys can fix this part of the apartment & you can live there. It was funny.

      I listened to a soothing subliminal Lucid Dream tool while I was sleeping & I woke up in a good mood. It actually let me use the WBTB method.

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      Astral Projection/AP-Brown
    3. Spider bite & my review of a great fiction book called "Lucid"!

      by , 06-16-2016 at 01:50 AM
      I didn't have a lucid, just a non-lucid but I totally lost it due to being woke up with a spider bite on my stomach. It hurts & there is a knot but as long as it gets better I'm not too worried.

      I just finished reading a fiction book that was really great so I'd encourage others to read it. It's called "Lucid" by Jay Bonansinga. It's in the horror section & is a dark book which was cool.
    4. Detective work, My dream house, bad book review & sychronicities

      by , 06-14-2016 at 11:42 PM
      Non-lucid by vivid. I was part of a team of detectives investigating something that seems like a murder but there was no body or anything. It was like the dream started after the fact. I was with this woman with short blond hair which for me is strange. I can actually remember what she looks like even now. I've never seen her before in real life but she was crystal clear in my dream. We are outside in the eating area of a restaurant which seems to also be off of a square or something because there are many other places just paces away with other outdoor eating areas. We are questioning people & trying to find out who saw what etc. Again this place in itself was very clear to me. Then I woke up prematurely because I was having a bad reaction to something I ate in real life, lol

      I recently have talked about all these houses in my dreams & I thought it may be my subconscious bleeding over into my dreams of hating the house I live in & have to wait until I pay it off before I can move. But last night I started analyzing this house subject. For years I would go to sleep & construct this dream house of mine. It's a house I started building years ago almost trying to will it into existence. It was the house I would build if I won the lottery. Anyway, for some reason I stopped building it when I made lucid dreaming an actual lifestyle choice. So last night I started again & my dream that I had was much more visible.

      Ok, I finished reading a fiction book called "Lucid" by Adrienne Stoltz & Ron Bass. I enjoyed the beginning of the book & thought it had potential but it turned out to be a book that would have been better represented in movie form & left you hanging in the end. It also did not explain lucid dreaming other than a couple of sentences which was an insult to those of us who actually have lucid dreams.

      I did start another fiction book, also called "Lucid" but is by Jay Bonansinga. It seems to be a whole lot better. They have tried to explain it in more detail. Therefore, I have higher hopes for this book.

      On a separate subject. I have had a crazy amount of sychronicities lately.

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      Astral Projection/AP-Brown
    5. Boats & Bandits- Also a throw back of an amazing lucid dream I had!

      by , 06-12-2016 at 08:19 PM
      I had 3 dreams. Non-lucid: The first I woke up from & fell right back into it but it changed somewhat in the middle. Chaining/DILD/WILD. I was on a ship & there were these thieves or bandits. There were a lot of people though like this was a luxury ship yet not a cruise ship. It was like I knew a man in the first & in the second. Same man but I just couldn't tell how I knew him. Woke up to feed Meesha & fell back into this ship dream again. The details weren't all that interesting it just had cargo & some animals & people talking about theft. The man was the focus for me just because I couldn't figure out how I knew him. 3 dreams with the same theme was unusual though.

      Throw back from LD4All website.

      The one place I've always wanted to go. Venice!

      PostPosted: Thu 24 Mar, 2016 in LD4ALL:

      WBTB Method. When my cat woke me up I used it! I tried my back first but then I turned on my stomach cuz I have spinal issues & it hurts. Took my Meds, smoked a cig, used the bathroom, fed my cat, read about lucid. Then I thought about Venice because I've always wanted to go & wanted it for a destination in my LD. And I suddenly remembered how much I slept when I was a child. I loved to dream. I had a traumatic childhood & I'd suppressed this. I did my meditation & before long I was having a dream about my childhood friends & then it happened! I was on a staircase in the dream & then my friends were gone & I was outside. It was beautiful! The most vibrant colors I've ever seen even in real life & I was on street in Venice! And then I knew it. I knew I was Lucid Dreaming & I consciously opened my eyes. Lots & lots of ppl & color. And can't say enough sbout the color! I could run really fast & I tried to push past some ppl who weren't happy about that & I knew I shouldn't do that so I flew over them, just like that! Easy peezy. And then I woke up... Talk about a rush! ... And I feel refreshed. Like I did a work out & just feel all kinds of happy! I hope it counts cuz that's where I wanted to go.

      I mention this one because I always wondered why it was so incredibly different than most of the others I've had since. I meditated & did the flip. At least that's what I call it when you are laying there meditating & you go straight from awake into either a lucid dream state or AP state or at least sleep paralysis. I opened my eyes because I could see through my eyelids & it felt so different like I actually went somewhere. I went from meditating to being in Venice where it looked like Mardi-gras. I've always been fascinated by Venice but not once have I ever seen the festivals that actually exist in Venice which exactly like Mardi Gras. This had details that were extremely vibrant & all the details were very intricate. I remember it just as I would if I had taken a trip there on a vacation. Very Memorable.

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      Astral Projection/AP-Brown
    6. NO lucids tonight.

      by , 06-12-2016 at 02:43 AM
      I woke up & knew I was dreaming but my husband kept talking to me right after I woke up so I lost the details but it was just an ordinary dream.
      Tags: non - lucid
    7. No lucids but I've got more books!

      by , 06-10-2016 at 01:32 AM
      No lucids & I did dream but I totally forgot cuz I had to jump out of bed & leave pretty abruptly. I was running late & both my daughters needed me to do shit for them while I did my weekly shopping. SO frustrating. But on a positive note. I went to the library & checked out 3 Fiction Lucid books. I'm really hoping it will spark something good in my dreams! I had never thought to get one that was fiction. I mean you'd think by now that'd crossed my mind, lol. Tonight will be my first night of reading but then I can't read again until Sunday night cuz I will have 2 of my grand-kids over the weekend. We sleep on this double decker futon on the floor in their room when they are here & I read to them from their books... It's something I have done since my first granddaughter was born.... Due to the range of the kids I don't have a frame for the futon so when they are babies they won't roll off. Basically I put 2 futon mattresses on top of each other & it's really comfy. I also use the ends of the crib for a headboard. I always joke that I have a hidden crib in their room, which I do. I've broken it down & used it in various ways verses storage for when any new baby should pop up in the future, lol. I also have 2 other beds for the older kids when they are all here.
      Tags: non - lucid
    8. They got what they dished out-Creepy

      by , 06-08-2016 at 12:33 AM
      This wasn't a nightmare but it was really creepy non-lucid. I was in this factory. It was like I was just watching all of it really instead of being in it. There was this evil woman & man & they were doing horrific things. They were dipping people in vats & melting peoples faces off. It was a whole weird process. Then there were these detectives that came in & were investigating while these evil people who were rather not intimidated by anyone. They thought they could just get away with these atrocities. In the end the detectives gave them a taste of their own medicine & dipped them in the vats & melted their faces. The odd thing was that it seemed that none of these people died. They were left alive.

      I don't know what to make of it all.

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      Astral Projection/AP-Brown
    9. Competitions- Also I reference the documentary "The Nightmare" on Netflix that I just watched

      by , 06-06-2016 at 11:27 PM
      I was in some competition. It started with teams & then it got down to 2 people. There were food competitions where logic was so out of the window & abstract. It was hard to understand let alone explain.

      No lucids lately & I just don't get it. Which is surprising because I saw the documentary "The Nightmare" on Netflix about sleep paralysis & my husband got a glimpse of the kinds of things that I have endured do to sleep paralysis. For me I believe there is something in our bodies to keep us from acting out our dreams but there are definitely other entities present around us all of the time. I would highly recommend this documentary.
    10. Bedroom fears & kissing people

      by , 06-05-2016 at 05:47 PM
      D:1 My aunt Jill & I are kids again. She's only a couple of weeks older than me. We are in what looks like my childhood bedroom but it's hers & it has another window in it. We are covering the windows & hiding from people but I don't know who. Non-lucid.

      D:2 There are lots of people & I'm walking through a college. Mike is with me. We walk into an auditorium. I can't shake the feeling that this is some kind of set up. We start walking into a classroom but it's like the ones with hard wood seats & the rows are like a theater. The professor is walking slowly down to the front from all of the way in the back. He never quite reaches the first couple of rows. Katie, my grandkids aunt is in the front row. She's a little younger than me. Mike looks at her her & leans down towards her & she is looking at him different. I feel someone lean forward from the second row to tap me on the arm & it's Christian. He is my oldest friend & I trust him with my life. I look back & Katie is pulling Mike to him & they start kissing. Christian grabs my arm & looks straight at me & tells me that everything will be okay. Then I woke up. Non-lucid.

      Explanation of details: I was just talking about Jill & my old bedroom. I was also just talking about Katie & Christian. Yesterday we went swimming & when we were walking up the steps I could see that there were a lot of people kissing in the lazy river. I've been looking up people I went to school with lately so that probably explains the class. Or it could be that I deleted a picture of a rented book I had taken. It was the one I returned to the college when Lisa died.

      Side Notes- Too burnt to go swimming again today so maybe I'll take a nap & try to get a lucid.

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      Tags: non - lucid
    11. No recall. Not enough sleep.

      by , 06-05-2016 at 01:17 AM
      I woke up from a non-lucid but my recall sucked from lack of sleep.
    12. Too complicated house

      by , 06-04-2016 at 03:45 AM
      I was in a house & the whole dream was so full of twists & turns that it was ridiculously complicated that even I couldn't sort it out to write it down, lol. Not lucid though.
      Tags: non - lucid
    13. Jim Parsons also known as Sheldon from the "The Big Bang Theory" having sex with my ex-husband, lol

      by , 06-02-2016 at 02:57 AM
      I was in some warehouse like place & talking to Jim Parsons who was being felt up by my ex-husband. I Jim it was in his best interest to stay away from him because he has unprotected sex & shares needles w/ his meth friends, not to mention he probably has aids now & it also homeless. (All of this shit about my ex is true but of course he doesn't really even know Jim Parsons). Later I was looking out a motel window & could see Jim on his stomach with his hands on a window to a room a little farther down & across from my room. My ex was having sex w/ him. Then I woke up. I can't even imagine where any of this dream came from but it was really weird.
      Tags: non - lucid
    14. So tired & frustrated

      by , 06-01-2016 at 12:30 AM
      I was having a lucid dream & going in & out of dreams but never logged a damn thing because Meesha Cat wanted to play all night! Every time I would start to get lucid she would wake me up. This happened like 7 times so I just became more & more frustrated & angry. I finally shut her out of my room but then I had to get up & deal with animal control. They brought another trap for opossums. Apparently there is a serious problem with them this year & I got the last trap they had. One of my friends said her dog has killed 5 already. The consensus is because we had our now infamous tornado in 2011 the animals are repopulating after being displaced.
      lucid , non-lucid
    15. Drunkin' Son & Violating Cherries!

      by , 05-30-2016 at 10:14 PM
      My youngest son had just graduated & we were in this big square in the town. Everywhere was a very elaborate party going on. Outside there were many outdoor food being sold & along the sides of the the square there were indoor restaurants selling high priced meals & alcohol. My son was really wasted & my husband didn't seem to care. I was telling him I didn't want him to drive but the next thing I knew he was driving recklessly with me in the passenger seat. He was driving on the shoulder & I was terrified. I told him he was driving off the road & he pulled back onto the rode again & was like "really"? Then we were suddenly back in the square & he ran off saying he needed to get his bike. I saw him riding it around the square & I still couldn't find my husband... Next I was in front of this ice cream counter outside in the square. There were all of these big cherries in the ice cream. I asked what that was all about & they told me they were like an exotic cherry & that I should try one. I became lucid as soon as I walked up to the ice cream counter so I remembered the TOTM for June so I attempted to put a cherry (they all had stems) up my butt & pull it out. I felt violated! It was not comfortable & felt like I pooped out a turd & was afraid I start pooping everywhere & woke up.

      Explanation of details: My son did really just graduate. There was no such after party or square there & my son is not a big drinker... I would have attempted the Platform 9 3/4 but I could tell I was close to waking up because I was losing the scene. Therefore the big cherry's with stems seemed the most possible scenario. And yes it is not June yet so I know it won't count.

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