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    Non-Lucid Dreams

    1. Just non-lucids

      by , 05-13-2016 at 04:23 PM
      Just non-lucids. Had to get up early & get around fast so nothing to log.
      Tags: non-lucid
    2. Attacked During Astral Projection

      by , 05-13-2016 at 01:13 AM
      AP: We went to bed about 30 minutes early last night, about 9:30. So I tried a new technique of visualization. I laid down on my back keeping still, prayed, did a breathing exercise & used a protection of light all around my body. I changed the way I clear my chakra's by visualizing them spin & sent the negative energies away from my body w/ a stream of bright light, there's more to it than that but I'd have to use a diagram & I'm just not going to. I also added a visual walk through of a place that I would like to use in a lucid dream. I visualized the 9 & 3/4 challenge. I also asked in my head that I'd like to meet my spirit guides. Personally I think all of these things just prepare me for more lucid dreams..... With that being said I also did the mantra's like: I will have a lucid dream tonight. I will remember my lucid dreams tonight. I will astral project tonight. I will meet my spirit guides tonight. I will remember to ask for help from my spirit guide's in my dreams tonight. You get the idea. On week nights I usually stay up & read but my allergies were really bad last night & I felt a tingle on my lip & because I have an event soon, I took my meds to stave off any cold sores..... Ok, here's where things get weird. I frequently have my husband snore next to me when I'm trying to get into a state of paralysis & I'm always trying to telepathically tell him to stop before I actually bother him. I've been doing this for the last couple of months & also hoping maybe I can astral project w/ him even though he doesn't even practice lucid dreaming, because he gets about 4-5 hrs of sleep a night during the week. I have told him all of this so he won't be freaked out if this was to ever happen... It's just a quirky thing I do. But last night I was doing my meditation & it seemed like I irritated him, like he heard me twice in a row because he jumped & mumbled. After this I finished my routine & drifted into a dream, just a normal dream & woke up from it but my body started the vibrations & sound.I was in a state of sleep paralysis but I didn't realize I couldn't move yet, just that I wanted it to happen. My body started to vibrate w/ the normal hum & he started to snore again so I tried to telepathically tell him to stop twice & then I figured I might just be screwed because he wouldn't stop. So I reached over to touch him but it wasn't with my real hand but my astral hand. I reached over to find that I grabbed a cold small finger. It was above his stomach. It felt not wet exactly but like your hands feel when you get out the bathtub or pool kind of wet but really cold.... My brain reacted very fast, like my instincts & mind were trying to figure out what it was. It was like. Child, no, not child, definitely not my husband, alien, entity. I tried to yell his name twice but nothing came out. And then I was being pulled out of my bed & through my house by a force, not like hands or being grabbed. It pulled me through my bedroom, dining room & into my living room to the front door. My house is small so from my bed to the front door is about 40 feet.... Again my brain did the same thing as I can see I'm about to go through my glass front door. All at once I remembered my last astral experience & I knew if I put my hand on that door I would not go through it. So when I reached the door at a good speed, I put my hand on the glass & I felt it was cold & I put my feet down & whatever entity it was went through & away. I immediately was scared for my husband & I popped back in my body & sat up in bed. I was really pissed off. I had never thought about anything attacking my husband before but I sure did then & it pissed me off. I was gonna get back into that state & go looking for it! But my husband kept snoring again & I was too distracted. Finally, I got out my books & tried to find something similar to this but I haven't yet. But now I do understand it better. I don't think it was bothering him at all. It was just messing with me. And messing with me is okay. I can deal w/ that. And no I don't know what it looked like, I can only describe the finger. I also believe I was more vulnerable than usual. I don't drink or do drugs but I did take a medication that I don't take regularly which would make me very attractive to entities. It wasn't even a feel good med, lol.

      Explanation of details-Blue
      Side Notes-Purple
      Astral Projection/AP-Brown
    3. Bad dream & Fever

      by , 05-11-2016 at 08:51 PM
      I had a bad non-lucid. My first husband's dad told me that my ex died & my husband was comforting me in the dream. I woke up sad, even though he did unforgivable things to me & my kids there will always be some connection to him. I did ask God to forgive him for his sins after I woke up just in case this was a kind of sign that this will happen..... I have a fever right now & have a million of things to do to prepare for my trip which I can't talk about yet to people about. Being sick is really bad timing.

      I have been trying to prep for:
      Advanced Task i - Find platform 9 and 3/4 at Kings Cross Station and run through the wall. (WaltersDreams)
      Advanced Task ii - Create an imaginary friend in the dream that no one else can see or interact. (Sensei)

      I added this video for the Platform 9 & 3/4:


      Still having trouble inserting video so if someone could help with that, it would be nice. I chose the insert video & put the link in and got this which I don't think will display more than the link. Sigh.
    4. Mothers Day

      by , 05-09-2016 at 01:46 AM
      Didn't get much sleep because I was making a picture collage for my mother because of Mothers Day & for my daughters & sister & such. I couldn't hold on to my dream this morning but it wasn't lucid. Tonight should be better though. Also my daughter did lose her baby so that was even more distracting through the night.
    5. Charlie Sheen & Jon Cryer are vacationing w/ me

      by , 05-05-2016 at 03:40 PM
      Not a lucid dream but at least I was able to remember a dream tonight after the last few crazy days I've had.... I was on vacation with Charlie Sheen & Jon Cryer but they were playing there characters from their show "Two & a half Men" which was funny. So Charlie was Charlie & Jon was Alan, just like on the show. We were in this really nice cabin & there was all of these ditsy women there, too, fawning over Charlie per usual like the show. We had been listening to music a lot & Charlie had a melt down & wanted to leave so we were all piling in these nice ass cars. Then Charlie flipped out & started putting lighter fluid on everything & wanted to burn down the cabin. So Alan said he'd be right back & I followed him & he was asking Charlie if he was sure he wanted to do this. He said "ya man!" So Alan looked at me & we both thought the same thing. If he was going to burn it down, we were going to get out a bunch of the electronics, like the stereo's & all kinds of things like that. This place had all kinds of cool stuff. Then Charlie comes back in and tells us he is lighting it up & tells we are crazy & should get out before we die. We both looked at each other & back at him & started laughing because he called US crazy when he went off the rails & wants to burn the house down. We just figured we might as well get some good stuff out of it if he's going to burn it all up anyway. So we finally get in the cars & the house starts to catch fire & we drive away.

      I tried to insert some funny out takes below.

      Tags: non - lucid
    6. I hate opossums!

      by , 05-05-2016 at 02:15 AM
      Yesterday I had to call animal control to get a damn trap for an opossum that keeps trying to come in through Meesha's cat door. So I baited it with black currant jam on bread last night & today I lost all of my dreams to a stupid opossum! Animal control came in like 5 minutes of me being awake & they came & shot it. Unfortunately it is not the same one. The one we saw was a big male so there are more of them!! Sigh. I live in town, not in the country. But I've had dogs since 2004 until this last fall so we've not really had a problem before but we did have a baby one get inside our house in August I think.... In 2011 we had a major tornado hit our town & a lot of the animals got displaced. Just regular dreams but no time to log them & no lucids, just f'n opossums pissing me off, lol.
      Tags: non - lucid
    7. Bikini line & puppies

      by , 04-30-2016 at 09:53 PM
      I'm taking antibiotics right now so my dreams are all over the place! I was in this really beautiful water & was swimming around but every time I would get out of the water I would check my bikini line & shave my hair there, over & over, lol. I saw my grandpa Jacobs & my aunt Jill (she is only 2 wks & 3 days older than me). I kept thinking that them being there was weird. There were these puppies. I don't know why but we kept coming across all of these puppies. Yup none of this made sense to me either!....

      When I woke up I tried to go back to sleep because I instantly thought. Be a dragon, be a dragon, be a dragon. I guess the prep for achieving the first task in the TOTY was trying to kick in. So I guess you could say that was my first failed attempt at TOTY.
    8. Roller Coaster House

      by , 04-29-2016 at 05:18 PM
      Non-lucids only.

      had a dream about my cousin Brad & we were in his childhood house. His room was in the basement. I wrote down a couple of things about it but it was illegible so basically I couldn't really remember enough to write about it.

      Meesha kitty was bored because of all the rain so she kept waking me up over & over which lead to chaining my dreams. About 6 or 7 but I wasn't writing them down because I was so exhausted & would just fall back to sleep.

      I was being chased by some guy but I had this other guy with me. We were in this big white house & couldn't find a way out. So he started to create this roller coaster which went through & around the house. I watched it assembling itself in the air little by little, which was pretty amazing. It was a detailed process. We never got out. We just kept riding while he would try different ways to try & catch us. We just kept laughing at his attempts..... My mind amazes me sometimes! This was very visually appealing!

      I've noticed that this big white house keeps appearing in my dreams.

      Side Notes-Purple
      Tags: non - lucid
      dream fragment , non-lucid
    9. Restless night

      by , 04-28-2016 at 02:26 AM
      I had dreams but because I got woke up so many times I just couldn't keep them fresh in my mind. My husband was all over the bed during the night & Meesha cat brought him a live mouse as a gift in our bed & after he left she brought me one too! She keeps bringing them in from the alley, lol. I think she killed the mother & is pillaging the rest. I can add this to my autobiography of weird shit that happens to me if I ever get around to writing it, lol.
      Tags: non- lucid
      non-lucid , side notes
    10. Japanese Mall

      by , 04-26-2016 at 06:15 PM
      Non-Lucid: I titled this Japanese Mall because I don't know of a better description. I was in this building in Japan that had rows & rows of people selling things in what looks like a farmers market style stalls. It also was vastly huge like a mall. There were wall to wall Japanese food court style stalls for lack of a better word. It was rather dull looking in places but others there were bright colors & neon signs. But, in between the food stalls, there were doorways that lead up to small compartments where people had bunks in small little nooks where people lived or just slept. There was an upper level in here also. I walked around trying to not be seen accompanied by a young Japanese girl. We did a lot of walking because she was trying to show me around. She was very mysterious as we looked through the isles picking things up & looking at them. Apparently I was going to be living here.... Because I was a white American woman she was trying to introduce me to people & wanted me to interact w/ them so that they would get to know me & wouldn't tell authorities that I was there. I felt all of these people she was introducing me too would be needed soon to protect me while I was living there. Protecting me from government officials due to some kind of war that was coming.... We ducked into a door in the wall & went up some steep stairs until we arrived in a small room w/ bunk beds. Then her father came in & she had to explain that I would be staying there. He wasn't angry but seemed rather frustrated. He was saying that the government would most likely soon start infiltration the area & would go to door to find out who wasn't Japanese & that it would be difficult to keep me hidden. As we walked around more, I was introduced to key people who would now be assigned to watch over me daily, I was being shown places to hide. It seemed her father had much more influence over all of these people & the people were much more welcoming than before. At some point the environment began to feel tense. The raid was beginning & we were running to hide. And then I woke up.

      I have no idea where the Japanese anything came from. I don't even like most Japanese food. Now if they had been Chinese it all would have made more sense. I used to work with my first husband in a Chinese restaurant. He was a Chinese chef but he wasn't Chinese. I love Chinese food! I even have a secret black sauce recipe from the restaurant that we worked in, lol.... I think maybe the characters were Japanese because it would fit more with the conflict in the dream & America's history w/ them.

      Explanation of details-Blue
    11. Auditorium

      by , 04-24-2016 at 07:47 PM
      I got really sunburned yesterday & did a lot of yard work for my elderly mother-n-law, so my body is very unhappy w/ me. I had a dream that I was in an auditorium, one I've never seen before. The dream was too erratic to explain. The scenes were constantly jumping around. Maybe it was due to the pain I'm having. I did notice that the people in my dream were mostly from my childhood which makes some sense. Lately I've found a couple of my childhood friends & talked to some others that I've stayed in touch with... Tomorrow should be a better day since I don't have any obligations & my husband will go back to work per usual after the weekend. Also my sunburn should be a little better & my pain level should be better. Today I am working on a dreamscape that I would like to have. I'm going to meditate about it & try to get a good visual.
    12. She became a ghost to hide in plain sight.

      by , 04-22-2016 at 11:13 PM
      Non-Lucid Dream: I was in the driveway outside of this big white house in the country. One of my daughters was there & she needed a place to hide from her kids' father. So I hurried them inside of this house. We heard someone arriving outside so we start to panic. But instead of it being him, it was a social worker. When the woman came inside she saw my daughter, who was now floating all around going up & down halls & up & down stairs. She had somehow made herself look & act like a ghost! This was so amazingly funny to me but I kept my cool when the social worker started freaking out. She was hysterical yelling & telling me that that was my daughter & that she was a ghost & I kept saying "what ghost?" and "are you okay" & other such things acting as if she was having a nervous breakdown in from of me. I figured there was no way she could grab her or tell anyone this because they'd never believe her anyway. It was quite the production watching her freak out. She ran out of the house & my daughter & I busted up laughing. She was still a ghost, lol. I don't know where the kids went. Then I woke up.

      Explanation: Over the last 2 days I've been reading 2 books. Yes, sometimes I read 2 books at a time. I like to read. One is called "A Graveyard for Lunatics" by Ray Bradbury & the other is the first Harry Potter book. So the appearance of the ghost like this was triggered by these books. The daughter reference came from me talking to someone about her problems just yesterday on Facebook.

      Side Notes: Nebulus was telling me about Synchronicity the other day. I've always wondered what all of these little things that inter connect were called. The amount of these that I notice in my life are very vast. Seriously, I have these "Syncs" all throughout my day, evening & dreaming. I'm quite aware of them when they happen & the majority are not typical everyday things either. Any way I looked up Synchronicity & got this.... The reason I decided to read the Harry Potter series again was to enhance my dreams & get out of the too serious stuff & just have fun. Ironically the books make for not so strange bed fellows for lucid dreamers due to Harry having dreams, magic, flying & detailed descriptions of environments.... I originally read the series when my youngest son was a kid. I used to take him to the store for the book releases at midnight & stand in line for our reserved books. (I should mention my husband was also reading them) So when the last book came out my son did't want to go with me to the store that night so I bought 3 books so we could all compete to see who could get it read first. I won, lol. So the series has a sentimental value for me also.


      Explanation of details-Blue
      Side Notes-Purple
    13. Repeat

      by , 04-20-2016 at 01:22 AM
      Non-lucid dream fragment- Me & 3 other people kept trying to get into this house & find evidence & the criminals would show up & they would chase us out... It was like it was happening on a loop almost but we just kept having to come back & each time there would be a little bit different outcome... That's all I could remember.
      dream fragment , non-lucid
    14. I'm marrying a celebrity!

      by , 04-18-2016 at 07:34 PM
      I had what felt like a long dream. I was secretly dating a guy who was a public figure, like in the pop industry or something. People definitely knew exactly who he was & didn't approach him for the most part. He seemed obviously younger than me. He was very handsome & mature for his age. At first I thought he was Justin Beiber, lol but he wasn't, he was older than that & didn't look like him after all. He was very calm & seemed to be in deep thought when he looked at me & when he looked around at all the people. He was very sure of himself & projected this but not in a cocky way. More of a very calm confident person. I've never before me someone who captivated other peoples attention but knew to not push them too far. Not like this anyway.. We were at an event where he was making an appearance. It looked like a benefit w/ many stages where there were competitions going on. For example there were big areas of water that looked green w/ lights in it & big rocks all around it. Like a stage set used for a movie. People were swimming in it & challenging each other to do this or that in the water. I don't know how to explain it. There were people all around us but he was extremely calm & cautious. Like he was trying to protect me from all of these people. I was telling him he didn't have to tell anyone about me & he calmly told me that he wanted people to know. So when someone asked him if he was dating me he said yes very calmly & confidently. His calm energy was very contagious I guess because my demeanor was suddenly very very unusually calm. In fact we were both unusually calm. We then were able to walk around holding hands & he still seemed very serious. As if he was calmly on alert to field any questions about this new romance that would now be scrutinized by the media. But I also felt an overwhelming deep connection w/ him. Not your typical DC experience. It was on the lines of love & a deep emotional connection where you feel like you don't question your relationship. You just know on a deeper level w/o question what you feel is real & true & strong. Like I was in a parallel universe & this was a duel reality of my own. (I have these kinds of dreams fairly regularly where they feel like real people in connection to me.)..... Like I said this dream went on for quite sometime w/ us just walking around & he never did anything to pinpoint exactly what he did for a living. It was like his presence there was enough for whatever reason.... Eventually he pulled me aside & told me that he wanted to marry me & that he wanted to tell people tonight. Of course I thought it would seem odd to people that he had just told them he was dating me & in the same night to propose marriage would seem rather hasty. But it didn't seem hasty to me because we had seemed like we had already been together for a very long time & that because of him being a public figure had wanted to keep this part of his life to himself. It was like he was tired of hiding the relationship. And sure enough he got up on this rock wall thing & addressed the people & stated that he & I were getting married, all with great confidence & a hint of "None of you will challenge this fact because it is what I say it is" tone in his voice. And no-one objected. We were free to roam about & he now had a demeanor of relief when he talked.... So we just walked around w/ each other in a state of bliss.. And then I woke up. Like on cue or something.

      This dream seemed to have a climax building throughout the dream & then when that part was over the calm set in & the dream just faded into the night & I woke up. Definitely a memorable dream. I can't categorize it as lucid because I never had that ah-ha moment & then tried to act upon it. But I did note that I was married in real life while I was dreaming & that this was definitely not an average dream so that it was okay to act this way w/ this particular man. This was something else altogether different in my mind. It was more of a dream that seemed to be rooted in a factual nature. Like this place & this person was part of another life & did not need to be put in a category. Yet, I wish there was a kind of category for things that seem like they are of an "alternate reality or dimension". I woke up feeling very calm & the dream is still there in my mind many hours later just a perfect & preserved as can be. I won't forget this dream because of the intimate nature & realness it possessed for whatever reason.

      Last night was very frustrating. My husband has a restless night & it interrupted my process... I tried to induce SP & I had even more sensations than ever before but was repeated interrupted. I had jerking, whooshing, seeing a light w/ my eyes closed & I had the sensation of weightlessness & the feeling of starting to float. But like I said my husband tossed & turned all night long & it made this process stop & start repeatedly. I was so frustrated. He is usually a pretty still sleeper but does snore & then so I may have to rethink when I try to do this or possibly even where. I may try to lay in our recliner at night & see if that works. I don't know. I guess I'll think on it.

      Explanation of details-Blue
      Side Notes-Purple
    15. The Tourist Shops & Crazy Daisy- Non-Lucid

      by , 04-17-2016 at 07:48 PM
      April 17, 2016- 4:30 am

      Dream #1: I was in this specialty tourist shop. It was decorated in true beach colors of coral & peach. It was surrounded by what I first thought were mountains but turned out to be giant hills located off the shores of some ocean. My dream family owned this place. (no real life family in this dream) The theme here was like a tourist shop but it had high end art that our family had made, too. Which also stayed true to the beach theme. It was actually quite detailed, which still surprises me when I get that in a NLD. My sister was asking me "Hey, do you remember that small shark themed piece that mom did?" Then she was irritated that I didn't remember it. She said we should go to our other shop & ask our dad about it. So we went there. We didn't travel or anything. We just walked down an isle and were there! Boy wouldn't that save on gas, lol. This is the first time I really contemplated travel like this w/ someone else. Even in the dream I started thinking it was odd.... So we got to our other shop which was basically identical to the other one. Our dad was there & she asked him if he remembered it & he found it. It was about the size of a kids ant farm but it was just as she said, shark themed w/ shells & sand & stuff in a frame under glass.... At this point I realize why she is frustrated. She mentions that our mother died & apparently this was one of the last thing she had made....... This dream was starting to take a turn towards being lucid when I started realized how we had traveled but Meesha strikes again & woke me up. I want to close the door but the last time I did that she payed me back by pottying somewhere other than outside or in her litter box. She has her own door so she can come & go as she pleases.

      Dream #2: (I will explain after I tell my dream) This dream was dramatically different! This has my real life family in it. In the dream it was basically a power struggle of sorts. It was my sister Dena & my aunt Lana were trying to get me to talk to my grandma Daisy. It was a big power struggle. This crazy dynamic went on & on in some house around a counter that was actually in Crazy Daisy's house when I was growing up. It looks exactly like a diner counter w/ the Formica counter tops, including the extra shelf like counter above it. You'd have to look it up, I can't really explain it better than that. So anyway, here she comes. Crazy Daisy. She is now in my dream & is trying to manipulate me once again. But I won't let her. I'm very firm w/ her & don't stoop to anyone's level. I'm just solid w/ my answers & don't allow them to wear me down... I choose to opt out of this dream & just wake up... ...

      Details: My grandma Daisy, who is my mom's mother. (I call her Crazy Daisy). She is still alive & I refuse to talk to her because she is a terrible human being & I choose to not have anything to do w/ her. I watched how she disrespected my grandfather when he was alive & she tortured my mother which affected my relationship w/ my mother when I was a kid & was going through a serious trauma in my life... My mom & I are all good now... It should be noted that this woman was also very mean to me as a child.... I would have to go to her house many times a yr & it was pure torture. My mother's youngest sister is a couple of weeks older than me. Her name is Jill... This created a strange family dynamic. So when I'd go there, Crazy Daisy would tell me all about her prodigy prim & proper daughter & how I she was so much better than me, it was quite the production she put on, believe me! She called me really nasty names & it was just pure torture.... She's a manipulative liar & I refuse to have that toxic person anywhere near my family in any way at all.... If she dies, I will not be attending this event & am totally okay w/ that... My mom totally agrees w/ me about her being a mean manipulative liar & all but she says she tries to look past it now & looks at her as this little old lady. This is her prerogative & I respect that but my position will remain the same.

      Side Note: I would not be surprised if she calls me, dies or someone mentions her in the very near future because that happens to me a lot in my life when I dream of someone I don't usually see... example: I had a dream about one of my husband's ex & logged it in my journal & then he calls me from work saying she called him at work & he had to report the call to security. (because she is insane.)

      Explanation of details-Blue
      Side Notes-Purple
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