• Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views

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    Memorable Dreams

    1. October 15th - November 15th 2015 Hotel Fun, Stars Galore, Duck Down Teleport

      by , 11-17-2015 at 01:26 AM

      10/18/15 dream action DILD = float

      10/20/15 no induction but awareness up=Open Beta 1-4 during day, waking life inconsistent=wife jumper cables

      10/22/15 dream scenario initiated/general dream sign, odd sign in carnival setting


      10/25/15 LD#1 don't remember trigger but did hand RC. LD#2 waking life inconsistent=little girl outside my bathroom.

      11/1/15 I am killed but realize when I come back into the same dream that I am dreaming. 1st time for this exact dream sign.

      11/7/15 at least 2 LDs. SSILD/FA theory. LD#1 wild style entry flying through HHs. #2 FA but notice different people that wouldn't be here when waking up at home.


      posted written details of the above LD here: http://www.dreamviews.com/tasks-mont...ml#post2178472




      11/12/15 Awesome surreal NLD:


      LDs #396-410
    2. October 10th-12th 2015 Alpha Has an Effect!! Lava Planet Fantastic!!

      by , 10-12-2015 at 06:14 PM
      first Yuschak Extended Play Trigger (8, 500, 300 elemental)
      (see previous DJ entry/entries for what I am doing here with pictures)


      float up to investigate brightness in distance

      but two moons stacked vertically and colorful planet further to right and redish-purple instead.

      LD#2: all sexual

      10/12/15 playing with fingers trippy DILD

      10/10/15 sex with wife, visual off DILD

    3. September 18th to October 9th 2015 Learning to Play

      by , 10-10-2015 at 02:39 AM
      I may only add text descriptions by request since I don't really have any interaction in my DJ lately and the pictures are all I really need in order to quickly remember the dreams...and it is a lot of work.

      C RRC C I S RC



      (10/08/15)............................................... ..................(12/22/13)



      (2nd LD)






      Above for LD's #383-391
    4. September 5th to 15th 2015 - Starry Night!!

      by , 09-18-2015 at 12:12 AM
      Once again the pictures are mainly for me to quickly relive the adventures and I will add text for anyone else reading.

      Tue, 15 Sep 2015:
      Awesome!!! Not sure I remember anything else the rest of the night. 1054pm to bed. No waking noticed during night until LD is over ~525am 6.5hrs so no induction done.
      *Standing outside at night I look at the stars and I am astonished at how many are visible! I think this must be a dream but it feels so much like waking life!

      I look at my hand and at first glance appears normal but I start counting and get up to at least 7 fingers on left hand before stopping, fully lucid.

      I look back up at the beautiful sky and fly up into it joyfully. It is beautiful and I am feel myself getting more and more ecstatic and remind myself not to get over excited like a newbie...

      its just so beautiful, so many stars with some typically gray clouds as noticed at night. Having flown up quite a bit I decide to level out in altitude and scan the surface below. The light starts coming up though I see no sun per se.

      I noticed on the landscape below there is writing, map style, with text reading Louisiana Purchase and The River Authority.

      I look closer and land on ground. Open saloon style with Fraggle Rock like characters up to my upper stomach, soft spiking separated thick strands of fur!
      <but smaller nose, thicker hair that came out more like spikes narrowing to a point

      Cool! I interact, touch even consider alien sex but move on. Store aisles exploring.

      Rub hands furiously...better not too much or might activate sleeping waking body hands i think to myself. Cool, exploring once again but see Selena Gomez, irresistible, swoop off her clothes and we go at it.

      See younger sexy female and switch, Selena is upset. Younger hispanic,

      Spoiler for sexual content:
      feels like early night LD but is actually 6.5 hours in. #382

      Fri, 11 Sep 2015:
      Some dream where I produce something involving higher technology (virtual reality related?). I produce something to keep the person in front of me interested to continue.
      Something with real estate?
      *SSILD after longish period of browsing VR articles. Performing the cycles seemed a little bit hard to get the visual part at first because of all the screen viewing during WBTB. Finally was able to focus on the black backs of my eyelids and not all the color popping. The dream entry was wild style but I don't think I maintain consciousness all the way through. I am air swimming to enter the dream world fully from this Netherland I'm in. I begin to fly and I can hear sounds in the distance and I get inspired to find the stadium like I've been wanting to do and I tell myself after I turn it will be down and below me. it works on the second turn but everything is not clear yet . A stadium is down below in a slight fog when I head down there.

      I am flying around the stadium imagining awesome reactions from the crowd and seem to get some faint oohs and aahs. I also experiment with flipping through the space inside the stadium

      and it feels very realistic doing big aerial upside down circles later going down for cheerleaders but find an average looking female in short shorts, still awesome!

      Later false awakening and go back in DEILD style from inside dream realm I feel I never returned to my physical bed...and find girl Friday awesome again! So in this second entry I am confused at first that I may be waking up and writhing around in bed with my wife wondering what I'm doing or dreaming about, but I do my motion trick convinced enough with that to say I'm still dreaming and feel another dream forming. I feel around in the darkness of this still forming dream and know that I will reach out and find girl Friday and I do!
      <a representation of my Girl Friday
      I am so excited to see her and kiss her passionately and I remember how I plan to waste no time by removing clothes manually and instead just swooped them off her in a single wave of my hand.
      Spoiler for sexual content:
      it feels very realistic! When I eventually wake up for real I can feel the difference and that's where I came up with the conclusion that those previous re-entries to dreaming were from a dream state and not from a partially awakening state. it makes me want to poll other people that are very experienced with DEILD. Almost forgot! One scene fade I could see myself up close just one side of my face and one eye due to proximity to myself it seems. Pretty accurate representation of me. Could I have been out of body, I ponder briefly. #380-381


      Wed, 9 Sep 2015 - SSILD, 2 aha moments: boldness and sex with multiple partners and then later with a caught FA caught of wife in bed when I knew she already left for the day. #378-379

      Mon, 7 Sep 2015 - *430-5am phone browsing. Very unfocused at first with intention to do SSILD. "As soon as I am inside a new scene I know that I'm dreaming." 2 aha moments. One was taking off flying over pews inside big empty 1.5 story church to catch up to something and the other was boldness..seeing some cute girls in the busy hallways outside of the empty auditorium of the church, I think it was at a church also. Hallways somewhere. I had sexual experiences with so many girls. There was a cute somewhat overweight white girl with smallish breasts but still sexy/exciting undressing her. A girl with sexy shorts on. Some I call out to them and they engage with me. Some I have to catch up to. All tons of fun. Towards the end I am carrying one lighter skinny sexy thing and alternate between cradling and holding her front and center
      Spoiler for sexual content:
      as I walk around.
      I wake affected. Felt like a longer, maybe 8 to 10 minutes LD, possibly more. I remember waking and being very satisfied when I had a longish LD without G. #376-377

      Sun, 6 Sep 2015 - I decide to go back inside the sports arena after leaving and it is quite far away and I get the idea to fly and do fly and fully realize I am dreaming. I speed up flying and when I get there it is a completely different place. Fun messing around with a DC sitting on picnic style table in a restaurant. #375

      Sat, 05 Sep 2015 - A Girl Named Snow!
      WBTB with SSILD. I come across three siblings that I have met before either as a false memory or in a previous dream. Two brothers and a sister. they can see I'm struggling to remember their names and one of the brother says her name is Snow. Oh yes I know, good to see you all again. Snow is very pretty and pure, innocent.

      We go off on our own. We like each other. I give her a kiss it feels so wonderful. I ask her if she wants to have sex and I realize I am dreaming. Start to remove her clothes unbuttoning her jeans and unzipping them and pulling them off and I think about just mentally removing them but I continue since I'm already half way done and remove my clothes too. visuals get a little weak but I continue and begin intercourse and visuals come in and out. I eventually wake smiling big despite turmoil IWL. #374
    5. August 9th to September 3rd 2015 The Mines of Glowing Mountain

      by , 09-05-2015 at 12:33 AM
      Continuing catching up using pictures, primarily for my own enjoyment/recall/reliving my adventures. I will come back to edit and add text descriptions next, since the pictures convey the jest of the dream only to me and won't tell anyone else reading enough about the dreams.

      9/3/15 I see two co-workers (J and K) in the office wearing bikinis

      I realize that this makes no sense, that I am dreaming and have a little sexual fun with J. She was not sitting like this and she had a floral print bikini on instead, but it was hard to find a picture so this will have to do. #373


      9/1/15 - non-lucid but vivid, up in a beautiful mountain pass

      Another beautifully vivid non-lucid riding an ATV down a long stretch of beach with little streams rolling in from the land to my right. I am fording the streams as I ride down the beach. Awesome!

      8/31/15 semi-lucid sex with younger female politician in her chauffeured car.

      8/30/15 -
      Spoiler for sexual content:
      Counting 2 LD's in this series of lucidity. The only pictures I would use here would be disallowed. #371&372

      8/22/15 - I am looking at a model of an old mining area

      somewhere like Colorado and I think it must be beautiful view from up there at the top where the old silver mine was and especially from this tower like hill at the top of the mountains

      when I get the inspiration to fly up there and when I start floating I fully realize that I am dreaming! I have such a joyful flight! I fly slower, then medium speed, then fast and faster using arm pointing much like Superman. I see forest areas below

      then as I approach the top of the mountain a cool fog is rolling in over parts of the mountains.

      I look for clearings and go to the highest clear sections and turn around for the view back down I was imagining earlier when looking at the model. Instead of a city down below I see long stretches of glowing mountains

      and old lava flows...but there is warmth rising from them

      as if there was a recent lava flow and also the glowing! What the mind comes up with is so beautiful!!! I am immensely enjoying this experienceand at some point get lost in it, turning toward the left and seeing some old town and becoming semi-lucid and eventually non-lucid as I make my way to a city and cars driving and a car having trouble with a parking garage gate hitting it...a taxi and then a convertible and then guys head. I make my way into a huge movie theater megaplex. One movie "4L" I had been wanting to see but was it any good? They had names for each theater and some were "Nationwide" as in the same theater was named the same name and had the same movie nationwide. Wake thinking about the theater and then feeling the elation still in my heart, I quickly recall my lucid adventure just before it!

      *I am in a busy restaurant setting and I'm surprised to see L from Texas - E's sister and suspicious I'm dreaming. I look at my hand unclear...want to make sure in front of family before doing anything crazy. At some point I convince myself sufficiently and let her
      Spoiler for sexual content:
      Spoiler for sexual content:
      *BTS w/same intention but toyed with "As soon as I start dreaming"
      I got lucid in a restaurant again and I see a young female sitting by herself and I float up to her and I offer
      Spoiler for sexual content:
      and when she looks up I notice how gorgeous she is and very innocent looking

      and I just want to kiss her. I give her a nice big kiss open mouth kiss and then move towards
      Spoiler for sexual content:
      and she giggles a little bit so I give her a little playful slap on the cheek and she bites my hand. Not wanting it to turn bad I ignore the bite and tell myself that she's biting very softly , just a little nibble. I then work my hand out of her mouth and move on and either wake up or move into another lucid dream.

      *Later we are at some house needing to take off before these bad guys come and me and my son get out of the truck and get it started but my wife is taking her time but the bad guy hasn't noticed her yet. She's taking her time jumping in the truck and the guy catches up my first thought was to back up over him but then I might hit my wife so I stay patient and eventually she hops in and we peel out and get away just in time. As I'm going up this one street it looks like it's dead ending but I figure I'll just bust through the gate and keep going in case they're following us in a car. but as I head up toward that dead in the car jumps a small hill we go unrealistically airborne and I realize I'm dreaming again! I take the truck and fly through the air for a little while before waking up. #367-370

      8/21/15 - Strange image flashes on computer screen and think this must be a dream and look at my hand - 6 fingers. Float around throughout house then outside and get frisky with a cute female. Later get lucid again and thinking wow, this is my 3rd LD but I can only remember 2 so just counting 2. #365&366

      8/20/15 - Became lucid twice from unrealistic sensations of being out of control. One was out of control on a bike and the other a backwards free fall. Also semi-lucid racing down three huge ramps at mall. #363&364

      8/15/15 - Mantra "As soon as I enter a dream, I realize I am dreaming" + visualization of realizing using previous non-lucid dreams front the night. I find a gorgeous brunette

      in this big indoor oblong arena.
      Spoiler for sexual content:
      and after a while I see a pretty, unassuming blonde

      and motion to her.
      Spoiler for sexual content:

      Later LD, the shorts I still can't forget

      The shorts were slightly looser than this but just as short AND she pulled them up to highlight her gorgeous shape as we
      Spoiler for sexual content:
      It may be hard to convey, but this dream was super-hot and is sticking with me weeks later as of the time of creating this online entry. #361&362


      8/9/15 - Become lucid exploring an abandoned house looking for a cute female to fool around with. None found. #360

      Using the "If I were dreaming (I would)" mantra or mindset a lot during this period IWL.
    6. June 30th to August 5th 2015

      by , 08-12-2015 at 06:27 PM
      Continuing to enjoy reliving my adventures through a quick glance at pictures. This time, more so than in the past, I am just picturing my favorite LD moments or sometimes the moments where transitions occurred.

      8/5/15 Unplanned WBTB after game but saw potential car burglar outside and woke up substantially. Some issues going back to sleep for maybe 15 minutes and at some point I decided to set an intention by about 530am knowing I only have about an hour and a half to get to sleep and slip an LD in. I started with saying the next thing I see I will look at my hands and realize I'm dreaming but quickly changed it to as soon as I enter the dream I will look at my hand and realize. I'm in some apartments like courtyard running out of an apartment. Like I'm rushing somewhere but maybe somebody was chasing me and the edge of the swimming pool I was planning on running on but the edge was less than 1 foot wide for me to run on and the water has flooded over or crested over that side of the pool but I run across it and then I see a strange light skin black guy older man just standing on the other side of the pool...

      and immediately realized that I'm dreaming and start flying. I peek into a nearby apartment to see what's going on inside

      and I can kind of see a family sitting there on their couch and blinds are mostly closed and at first they can't see me but then one of the females says someone is out there so I go and knock on the door after thinking about phasing through the window but not wanting to lose the scene. They answer the door and I go in and see a good looking daughter

      and I think well I'm going to keep this all very good in the schema. I'm here to ask your daughter for her hand in marriage. The mother looks happy and the daughter looks happy I kneel down

      and strangely she also kneels down also on one knee and I pronounce ourself married. I say but we have to
      (consummate the marriage) have sex right now and after some balking from the mom I said no that's what we have to do for this to work and they agree and
      Spoiler for sexual content:
      in front of the family (no father seen) this goes on for quite a while and eventually someone else knocks on the door and of course they are aghast at what's going on and I keep going I might have said something to the people that came in it was a black family a black woman and a son and daughter. The kitchen is now fairly crowded.

      after a little more sex
      I wake up smiling ear to ear and noticeably affected. #359

      8/2/15 First lucidity recalled in a Las Vegas dream.

      We leave from a parking garage, guys in one car and ladies in another. I realize I should have waited for wife so we don't get separated and lost. I turn right and the road quickly turns to a gravel road and I think that's weird...we're are just minutes from a Vegas parking garage and I am hitting a dark gravel road.

      I turn around driving back to the garage to see if I can find the car with my wife and at some point we are suddenly walking.
      Wait a minute, we were just driving...I'm dreaming. We see a police officer and I pat his shoulder and back like we're old pals after considering other actions but I decide I don't want any drama. I fly off and after void I come to a series of scenes in a wide hallway full of girls of all ages. In and out of void and so many sexual experiences! DILD Long, maybe 10 different partners.

      At the end of all the sexual encounters I hear a knock, I'm curious but decide not to open it. After some seconds and anticipation the door opens slowly anyway and creepily with light peeking out through the darkness. I either fear a disruption to my lucid dream or maybe I got too creeped out. I use blasts from my hands then a scene destroying 360 sphere of destruction. I somewhat regret not seeing who was coming!

      Void. Stay patient and scene forms. I am approaching a futuristic skyscraper.

      Huge endless skyscraper flying up, up up and down it. Amazing visual and experience.

      #357 & 358

      7/31 Searching through an outdoor nighttime scene I recognize the "finding my way" dream sign and realize that I am dreaming and start to fly. Void. Try Dolphin movement to transition from void. Seem to enter next dream non-lucid. SSILD after unplanned WBTB. #356 (no pics used)

      7/26/15 See visuals form then darkness. Try to stay patient. Some floating attempts and decide to roll in bed. Some eye squint vibrations to propel myself into full dreamworld. Get view of recliner in room and some difficulty climbing over. Realize I don't have to have trouble and float over and around but heading to door goes black. Stay patient waiting for scene to reform around me deciding to just find Girl Friday wherever I am and not having to leave to search for her. I am calling out for her while looking through the house and find her. I take her into a bedroom and
      Spoiler for sexual content:
      Just laying in bed and kissing. I end up with a shirt on and avoid taking off my shirt when to avoid visual issues (happened before when pulling shirt off over my head - just rip it off or will it to be gone). Visual issues came up a few times during kissing but were resolved until the last time when I felt myself back in bed. Before that as the time was going and going I started to get sounds of various people outside of the dream room pulling on my lucidity. I told Girl Friday that this is all a dream, mostly to remind myself to not get pulled away by someone "discovering" us but also to keep her DC cooperative and with me.

      *In some rural home with a neighbor across the way. Wife or someone is pulling out and I move my soda(cup lid and straw) out of way in driveway. Maybe not far enough so I just move it further then just onto an outside table? Thoughts of ants getting to it. As the car pulls away I hear Girl Friday's voice call out "help" twice

      and I realize I'm dreaming again as I get the urge to fly after her. I find real joy in flying here and I realize the beautiful landscape reminds me of parts of (redacted)! Mostly green and lots of wildflowers! I catch up to the car but then it disappears so I fly swiftly over a barbed wire fence and up this beautiful hill. It is so much fun...a lot of my flying of late has been more utilitarian.

      Very nice LD after repositioning several times in bed after longer LD and setting intention for Girl Friday to find me whether it is calling for me...pulling me out if bed...just find me again! And she called out for me!! #354-355

      Slacking/lazy on vacation

      7/14/15 SSILD, FA caught by looking at hands after suspecting. Had trouble focusing on hands but eventually saw 6 fingers but didn't get very far. #353 (no pictures used)

      7/5/15 First lucid moment recalled was WILD style with dream forming amongst dreamlet like visuals. I eventually see a version of bedroom and am at the somewhat rare groggy molasses stage where I have to crawl out of bed and down the hall. I'm able to float up over the loft and as I head towards the front door there's a picture frame window that I figure I will phase through but the floating took me just a little too high towards a wall so I decided just to drop down and walk out through the door. There are four doors opening one after the other and the last one has a big foreboding lock on it so I decide instead of messing with it I will just turn the knob now and it will open up and it does. Not long after I get outside the dream fades to void but stay patient and I survived multiple dream fades and just keep on keeping on! Had several scenes with multiple female DC's several times walking up to a pair of youngish females and checking them out and choosing one after first reminding them that they are very much interested in me. (sexual)

      Later that morning, got lucid again: I was in a car with a couple of other people and realized I was dreaming and wanted to get the DC's reactions and also to experience what I've done before (making the car fly up into the air). At first it was hard to tell if the car was lifting off the ground but then it started going higher and higher! #350-352

      7/2/15 18 year old ghost twin blonde girls. I say "embrace the opportunity to communicate, not fear…how much I've missed them since passing." Someone else in house is causing a disruption and I get the idea to float up and away and when I do I fully realize that I am dreaming. The landscape I am flying over is somewhat cartoonish. I come across a cartoonish devil character, not scary at all, mostly human looking with short horns and in ordinary human clothes. I rub my hands together and remind myself I am dreaming. At some point I drift into a non-lucid scene. (Oh well...no induction at all this night). #349

      6/30/15 I catch the nude in public dream sign (myself nude in college leaving class)
      (yes it's blurred)
      I have "interactions" with all kinds of sexy women, send a boy toy my wife's way and end up with a hot one in a net top. #348

      Updated 08-13-2015 at 07:33 PM by 61674

      lucid , memorable
    7. June 27th 2015 Stately Interior Encounter, Day City Flight Phase Through Video Screen to Night Club

      by , 08-11-2015 at 12:50 AM
      Continuing to play catch-up by focusing on my favorites and just brief descriptions of the others.
      (Posting pictures first then will come back to finish)

      In the last lucid I thought to myself "This is the 4th LD tonight, amazing!" one LD was with son's girlfriend. 1st LD was in the one in the large stately interior floating around

      and finding the beautiful and perfect bodied brunette hesitant at first.

      After that short hesitation we make out and have sex, particularly intrigued with how realistic and amazing her butt felt. The last LD was probably an FA as I was laying and see my son naked and did an RC where my hands look normal the first two or three glances and finally I was able to get the visual of an extra finger!

      from there I float up drop my shorts and fly saying to myself well that definitely confirms that I'm dreaming! I fly around a bright sunny beautiful green landscape with some buildings intermixed

      and I play around with the idea a body part is swinging around to knock down things on the ground! I see this one building with huge video screens and one has a beautiful Asian model and another has a some ethnic dancer maybe Latin and sexy.

      I swoop around planning to fly into one of the scenes but am forced just above the screen so I swoop back around landing on the ground and walk into the screen with confidence. I end up in a scene outside of a club or bar that has a small concert but different people playing instruments

      and a group sitting up against the wall one of them is a younger woman that looks cute. I go into the place and I remember to rub my hands together and I also clap kind of loud, interesting. I walk around looking for a cute girl and I come across this blonde and we start talking and I said hello are you Danish and she says no I am Russian I was just looking at this Danish poster. we start kissing and her breath is a little bit strange maybe like she's a smoker. that goes away and we get kinky there in front of everyone!

      Counted this series of LD's as #344-347.

      6/24/15 On a long free fall from a water slide tube ride, expecting to get knocked out, I land softly and look back and up and see others on the ride and ending by flying down on parachutes when I think to myself this has to be a dream. I look at my hands to confirm. I don't get very far before waking to my alarm. #343

      6/21/15 naked with wife; later hear what sounds like small explosion in kitchen, cabinets and pipes busted, water leaking onto floor thinking "please let this be a dream!" I think this is the first time thinking such a thought in such a worried state. Look at hands to confirm. I find Girl Friday and you know the rest! #341-342

      Can't edit to add tags…saves time I guess.

      Updated 08-11-2015 at 02:24 AM by 61674

      lucid , memorable
    8. June 13th 2015 Green Eyed Dream Girl, Sex in Restaurant, Riding Roller Coaster Through Mall

      by , 07-28-2015 at 01:10 AM
      (forgot to add color coding)Looking at my past LD journals with pictures inspired me to get back to doing that after taking two months off. I can quickly relive those nights by scanning through the pictures I find that remind me of the scenes. I will at least try to catch up with my favorite LD's not logged here over those last two months.

      June 13 2015
      Sex in void materializes after scene with beautiful green eyed bright blonde dream girl!!! (hair's wrong, but otherwise, pretty good representation)

      Starts with kissing very realistically and on to sex.

      Uncle D, dirty jeans tall old guy fight I blow myself bigger and taller and face him down after realizing I'm dreaming again. I can and I play with getting taller and then getting smaller, up and down.

      then about 20 guys show up after a brief thought of the possibility of getting overwhelmed, I calmly punch one at a time, I am in control here!

      Restaurant sex one main partner but multiple women
      Spoiler for sexual content:

      I look for other cute DC's and float through the restaurant and towards the far end but start uncontrollably floating up through the roof and into the void. I stay calm and do different motions until the next scene forms. One is kind of an undulating swim like a dolphin and the other motion is a funky walk.

      Arcade some look looking for girls right age..most too young.

      One little boy in black shroud somewhat creepy but no fear I pick him up

      and mom comes and hand him to her she's cute and looks a bit gypsy or mystical with heavy eye liner. I think of past nld's with hoards of coins and go to change machine and just materialize coins, two fist fulls.

      I see a big screen game and think about Sensei or someone who mentioned playing a game in dream and throw some coins towards it. Two game guns materialize, revolver style, and I shoot at objects and characters on the screen

      and then turn my arcade guns on the arcade patrons with varied effects. None bloody...either fall down or look at me silly. Bored with anymore of that I walk further down and start thinking ok this being an arcade let me make this an amusement park and I walk forward and say OK when I turn left then the entrance to the

      Roller coaster will be here. Sure enough there are two swinging wooden and metal gates kind of small

      but I say okay I'll sit down in front of these gates and mentally push the gates open and the rollercoaster will start all this mentally of course and sure enough I start zooming out and up a steep angle fast swooping around before some slower parts of the roller coaster. I can see the track forming in front of me.

      It's a fairly impressive and narrow track but that is not important it's the motion and excitement of a roller coaster. I am in the front car or perhaps the only car of the roller coaster. I soon find that the coaster has taken me into the middle of a huge open area in a six or seven story mall at least

      and I'm going up and down and every direction mentally changing the speed when its not going fast enough and mentally changing the ups and downs when I want it to be more thrilling. I am laughing out loud in the dream and feeling true joy and amazed and how I can experience all of this in my dream at will!!! I look around more to take note of any stores and they seem mostly like mall food court restaurants and none of them seem recognizable but there are some retail stores mixed in.

      After a bit more zooming around and
      finally feel myself back in bed I'm smiling your ear trying to stay sleepy and dreamy while I recount my adventures and try to figure out if I can go back to sleep without getting up to pee. Counted this series as #339-340

      6/7 Female is naked and I become lucid. I turn her into Girl Friday. 337

      6/12 DILD seemingly out of the blue with no induction and a poor day. The way the car is not driving straight despite keeping the steering wheel steady cues me in that I am dreaming. 338

      Updated 07-28-2015 at 10:13 PM by 61674 (add color coding)

      lucid , memorable
    9. May 29th, 30th, 31st 2015 Backseat, Wife, Half A Day With Girl Friday, Lucid Nap!, 2 Houskeepers Fun

      by , 06-01-2015 at 04:34 AM
      *Super brief notes*
      May 29th 2015
      -I see the dream forming around me and find myself in the backseat of a car which I will to drive around wherever it may.
      -Wife in bed with me but she has a particular younger woman's body. Wife's DC seems jealous at my interest in her modified body and I joke with her and say "but it is on you!" and laugh.
      -FA immediately recognized, think of finding Girl Friday, hear loud blender sound as I float down over the stairs and find my wife in the kitchen. Get frisky in the kitchen. As I reflect on the dream I think about how the stairs were on the opposite side and how I could have just made this a house which Girl Friday would already be in.
      -FA immediately recognized again, remembering my adjustment idea I turn away from stairs and towards a bedroom where I decide Girl Friday will be. I find her in the bedroom and we have a long romantic and sexual afternoon also bringing in another woman at one point. We leisurely hang out in the living room with much kissing as I lose myself in this dream world. When I wake I reflect back on what felt long half of a day spent with my Girl Friday and feeling like I am fully living and experiencing another world at night! My first experience with very strong time dilation. Count these as #332,333,334 ; 8mg G + 500mg C

      May 30th 2015
      Lucid nap with Girl Friday on my lap and the woman who joined us from the night before; sex. #335

      May 31st 2015
      -A scene forms around me outside of a motel and I go to a room with the door ajar and the sound of the shower running. I find two housekeepers in the shower and join them; sexual pleasuring; guys come in that want to attack me and I float up and send a blast of fire in every direction in what I perceived to be a mile wide ball of fire. #336

      -semi lucid with 2 girls kissing in front of wife and I at some club. We both seem to be turned on by it.
    10. May 23rd and May 24th 2015 Any Moment Could be a Dream! Threesome, Mall, and Flight with Vampires

      by , 05-25-2015 at 06:13 AM
      Sunday had a very lengthy LD series for me! I am loving this!!
      Sat, 23 May 2015:

      *another good "any moment could be a dream" example! I am towards the back of our house talking with my wife and son I remove some coins from my pocket and drop them in a small pile of coins. I don't believe anything strange or dreamlike happened at all. I believe the trigger was simply what I have been reminding myself throughout the day in my day practices, that any moment could be a dream! I I'm thinking along those lines and I decide to see if I can float up and I can and I start flying. I fly over our back yard and think of locating Girl Friday. I reflect on how much it felt like I was completely in the waking world before I started flying and I thought for a moment what if I'm just visualizing this so I look to see how crisp the visuals really are and I definitely realize that they are too solid to be visualization and I am happy but the dream visuals are not fading as I'm flying but I do decide I should slow down just in case. I see a house up and to the left and I decide that will be where Girl Friday will be. I drop down to the window and look in and the house is completely empty. I try to look away and then back in but my dream starts fading and I end up back in bed. #328

      Sun, 24 May 2015:
      Quick notes but also waited half the day to start recording my dreams. I did create a quick mnemonic device to remember the various scenes but should have recorded more details right away.
      -something in big long indoor warehouse and
      I realize I can just fly, I am dreaming and I take off flying and a circle back around to continue flying in this indoor scape this fades after a little bit to me trying to stay in the dream realm, wandering through the void and hopefully into another scene.
      -school classroom I am looking for a seat. there is 1 that's part of the double desk like all the others but someone is already on the other side but I have no choice as I see the other desks are all full.
      Hug my good friend intimately and tell her it must be weird for her but I really like her (semi-lucid possibly).
      -waves to 4th story splashing. We are standing on a rooftop 4th story and waves come crashing over

      but mostly just risking getting a little wet as most of the waves don't make it up there. we go down and we mention what's happening with the waves and a lady says that's why they don't allow structures to be built on top of cliffs. Upon waking, I reflect on how I missed the dream sign.
      -complex: we're trying to go up in elevator I believe for floors once again the elevator entrance is packed and there's a long line and I see a side door labeled stairs and say let's just go up the stairs but when we open the door it's an entrance to an elevator and I wonder if this is a service elevator we go in it anyway and it stops at the next floor which feels like the one where we saw the long line and a bunch of people try to cram in. one person gets out but somebody else gets in but the doors won't close and me and my friend say let us out he gets out first but people are still in my way and by the time I get out I'm having trouble finding him and I'm going through these halls and I see some random guy in a lab coat. I start to call out for him
      but then I realize that this is a dream scenario and I decide this will be cool to explore this huge complex I seem to be in. I go through different passageways through big wide halls. I start thinking it would be nice to run into a beautiful woman in here and wouldn't you know around the corner comes a beautiful if not somewhat girl next door with longish curly hair brownish blonde. I reach out for her and tell her you are the one I've been waiting for, we have been waiting for each other and we start making out. I decide to bring another female in on the action and a sexy female appears in a black outfit. She has short black leather shorts that are very tight and sheer black stockings with high heels - also black, and a tight black top.

      She has dark brown hair and when I tell her I want her
      Spoiler for sexual content:
      and she gets very excited and gets to work. After we had our fun I started exploring the complex again. At one point I see something cool through some glass windows

      but no door so I decide to phase through. It seems to be working but then I get stuck in the molecular structure of the glass and then into the void but I'm used to this situation and know it can lead me to a brand new scene.
      -mall I'm excited to find that I have arrived at a very busy 2-story mall full of plenty of DC's to choose from!

      I walk through the crowd looking for as suitable mate. I see one cute girl walking the other way in a very crowded pathway and try to get her to stop but she is resistant and keeps walking the other way. I keep looking but it seems most of the DC's are either too young or too old . As I am passing the food court it gets particularly crowded and I'm squeezing between bodies of people and I decide it's time to float up above the crowd.
      I fly over all of the DC's looking for a beautiful mate and I get to the edge railing and look down and it looks more interesting on the floor down below.

      I sweep up over the railing and down to the floor below but the visuals start fading so I float back up reaching for the railing hoping visuals will come back. I wake and adjust my position in bed and reflect on my dreams. A little later:
      -construction I end up in a building that looks like it's under construction

      and there are a crew of guys testing fire sprinkler system and I can hear them feeling it up with water. I hear the sound pipes make when water is rushing through them . I go different ways into this building to see if there's anything interesting but it is kind of drab so I start looking for the exit and there is one which it's like a big long covered porch open air. I start flying through this area to the outside which is a city scene. there are some trees and some hills in the distance but the first thing I see is a sign that says something First Baptist Church. I fly forward and I can hear some voices behind me and I look back and I can see for figures taking off flying from the same spot I did coming up behind me

      so I slow down to greet the first two to arrive.
      they are to younger girls and I ask them who is that behind them. one says that is our protective father. their father is flying with their young sibling in his hands.

      He looks like a big ,strong, foreboding pale vampire with light hair maybe white or gray but I have no fear.
      I wake up shortly after. I woke and repositioned to a more comfortable position between several of these LD scenes, so I am counting 3 LD's. #329-331

      This felt like I was in the dream realm for a big chunk of my night! I wake up feeling like I have lived so many experiences in one night much like a lot of my recent LD's with the G+C combo (8mg+500mg).

    11. May 21st 2015: Sex, Consoling Crying Girl, Astronaut Pilot, Becoming Tree

      by , 05-22-2015 at 12:23 AM
      Thu, 21 May 2015:
      1st feel transitioned to dream but float to confirm. Slow! Yes. Darkish. Wife gets out of bed and goes to toilet. I wonder if she did in waking and go in front of toilet and dance around to see if I get a reaction. Not really but she looks up and either she has no face or it is blurred and hard to make out. Shortly after back in bed needing to turn over.

      Later after a WBTB, I get comfortable.
      I feel I have transitioned again but when I make a small move to get out of bed it feels like I risk moving my waking body and waking up. I try to float again but nothing and then I mentally push my whole body towards the right front corner of my bad and my dream by jumps up on to the corner of the bed! I walk out of the room this time and out to the loft

      and I think about my day time visualization: floating up and then over the loft and I do. I float down to the landing or ledge where we could display items but we don't. From there I float down to the floor. I get some audio of my son asking me what I'm doing but I know it's just from the dream I head to front door and I walk out. Before I walk out I can hear what sounds like a crowd of people outside and I like that I will be able to walk through the crowd and pick out some beautiful DC's! as I walk out there is a crowd and I find one girl.
      Spoiler for sexual content:
      and then I think how I wanted and planned to go about things like this more consensually. I cross the street and there are 3 women wearing choir robes like you might see in church. I think about the church connection but continue over there with my dirty intentions. I look at them with the look that I know they all want a piece of me and one by one they go to work
      Spoiler for sexual content:
      and there's a little girl nearby that approaches and starts crying. I decided I had enough and switched to consoling her. I no longer felt like I was naked but neither did I put on any clothes or really consider this. I tried to commit to memory what she was saying as she was crying but that part is gone. She hugs me back as she cries.

      I walked back to the other side of the street and there was another woman crying a little more gently, whereas the girl was more sobbing. I was going through the dream details in my head to better commit them to memory when I felt what was a false awakening but I wasn't sure at first. I was back in my bed and my wife was playfully touching my arm but then started tickling me under my arm and I kind of moan like she is going to wake me up but I tried to feel if I was still asleep and decided that indeed I was. I did an in dream wild again (like earlier in the month) closing my dream eyes until a new scene forms through my closed dream eyes or maybe I open them up gently but either way I was in a long room not very wide but plenty of space. There were a number of pieces of equipment to the end of the room in front of me and this pilot or astronaut in a suit

      like a pressure suit and there was a small one man rocket or flight craft that was warming up its' engines

      and pointing towards the ceiling though there wasn't really a ceiling or a sky but mind you this all felt very indoors. he gets down from the rocket contraption having started the warm up process and is talking to me and something in my head makes me wonder what they wear under that suit and he hears my thoughts and unzips his outfit and shows me that he is naked underneath. I see his penis and everything. he's zips it back up and continues to prepare. I look back towards the part of the room I was in before that was basically behind me when I was facing the astronaut guy and my son is sitting and doing his studies and back towards where the astronaut was there is now a TV and something risque is on TV. it seems to be some r-rated version of MTV where some chunky lady is walking around without a top on. I start to lose a little lucidity here as I wonder if we should change the channel but after a bit I realized it doesn't matter regaining some lucidity. I start thinking about how it seems like the scene is going on for a long time and I start thinking about my goals. I jump to memory peg number 5 and after a bit of a scene fade I find myself standing over my wife

      who is sitting in a chair in our dining room. number 5 is the smell task of the month and I remember how I smelled her hair earlier in the day freshly washed with a nice scent to it and the dream seems to replicate the scent but it was a little more faint almost as if the dream accounted for the time that has passed since the fresh washing of the hair. I then think about how I reset memory peg number 2 back to the lucid dare to become a tree and I start stretching out my arms like the branches of the tree and my feet down like the roots and I get the sensation of my torso and arms growing and expanding upwards

      but I'm not too sure how much of a tree I became with no mirror around. I then thought of memory peg number 6 and this is the talking to the monster under your bed for task of the month. I decide that there is a bed just ahead and I walk that way but I don't see one and the dream is fading a bit and I decide that I will just arrive back in bed, my dream bed and then I can get out of bed and talk to the monster from there but it doesn't work
      and I soon find myself back in my actual bed needing to urinate but I stay still and try to reenter the dream but eventually realize I am too wake and need to relieve myself before trying anything else. when I go back to bed I do get a lot of great visualisations that seem to take legs which like in my previous LD aftermath several days ago I wondered if I might be in a dream state with the amount of effect I have over what seems like HH's. very long lucid series! 8 milligrams of G + 500 milligrams of choline. #326 & 327
    12. May 16, 17, & 18 2015 Dream Girls, Flight with DC over England; Beautiful Aurora!; RC miss,Wait! RC!

      by , 05-21-2015 at 10:31 PM
      < Don't worry, you don't have to read the whole thing to comment >

      Sat, 16 May 2015:

      SSILD: maybe I was already asleep because when I thought I was still trying to get to sleep, I was noticing how the things I was imagining were folding into my HI's. I was having unusual control over them or influence of the HI's so maybe a short NREM stage. I lost track of my awareness though until a little later.
      I am in a home setting that is unfamiliar when I look back from waking perspective recording this dream. I'm in a family room and my son and his girlfriend and others are there including members of my extended family. At some point I seem to be losing clothes and end up in my underwear. It seems like my son's girlfriend is trying to go look at my junk bouncing around in my underwear. I don't want my son to see that so I move behind the couch. At one point everyone starts looking at me like I did something wrong and my first thought is what did I do?
      But then I realized this is a dream scenario! I am dreaming! My son's girlfriend comes over to me as I'm sitting on a chair and leans over me and I can see down her blouse . her breasts seem smaller than in waking life, though I'm only guessing, because I've never seen her naked of course…except in dreams that is. The previous one with her started off non lucid and I felt so guilty! Some of those feelings came in here but I mentally reminded myself that this is just a dream. (Memory gap) we are driving in the van with openings between the two front seats and my wife is getting frisky
      Spoiler for sexual content:
      and this cute lady in a short skirt is in the backseat pretending that she is sleeping but I can see her eye slightly peeked open.
      I think of her joining in and regain my lucidity . (memory gap) I'm in a new house and there is a lady actually it's the same lady from the backseat and she has a baby in arms and a little girl who is maybe 5 to 7 years old. I talk to the baby and wonder if I disturbed his sleep. I have lost my awareness again. ( memory gap) she's going home and she is outside of her door holding the baby carrying something else and trying to deal with her little girl and I asked her if she needs help. she says sure and brightens up her smile and tells me to come on in!

      this is when I realize I'm dreaming again and get my awareness back. she is sitting on a chair and her short skirt alluringly and the kids are now gone. start
      Spoiler for sexual content:
      before another memory gap. A guy brings me outside and wants to show me something. We take off flying. He says we are passing over England and Manchester City. I look over at him and it is my son.

      We are flying together high up in the sky. I wonder if we are high enough that I can see the shape of the British Isles and after moments of looking for it I am suddenly in a blank space with a solitary standing elephant-dude figurine. Primarily colored in soft blue and white.

      Several memory gaps, perhaps my awareness work needs to be stepped back up during the day and have come to rely on the G + C combination which I did not take this night. I really wanted to be lucid tonight because I wanted and natural lucid dream before my next G experiment the next night. On the other hand I am hopeful that this could be some sign of "breaking down the wall" that Thomas Yuschak speaks of. #323

      Sun, 17 May 2015:
      *Longish dream+DILD: we are in some foreign country, possibly India and I am waiting in our vehicle at a small airport drop off area and the doors are locked but after a little while people start trying to open the doors and before long many people are trying to open the doors. one guy gets in and then lets another in and soon the truck is packed. It is like a van sized SUV. One last guy crams in and I thought he was going to sit on top of me or something but he went crawling to the back. I was in the front passenger seat. one of the guys that got in started driving. He seems to be the patriarch of this family and he is driving too fast and I told him to be careful driving so close to the other cars. I asked him what is going on, why is everyone so frantic? he says that the Muslims want to vote (so I assume that they are protesting and rioting). I think to myself why were they not allowed to vote? This goes into a false awakening where all of the people in the van and some additional people are in a big room sleeping and people are starting to get up and wake up and I notice how dark it is. I asked couple of girls near me why is everyone getting up? What time do you go to bed? And one answered sometimes 12 or 1 and then I realized I asked the wrong question. what time do you usually wake up? and she answered around 8. I see a clock or somehow know that it's 6 a.m. and I ask why is everyone getting up at 6 a.m. then? No answer, but some one by the window says but there is an aurora borealis happening right now. I say "well I'll get up for that!" I go to the window where they are peeking through the blinds. aluminum style 1 inch or 1 and half inch blinds. I look up and all of the clouds in the sky seem to be glowing a little bit but I don't see what he's referring to at first and then I notice the lower set of clouds closer to the horizon are glowing more so and the colors are undulating. As I look more, it gets more impressive!

      I say out loud this must be a dream! Somebody sees react like yeah yeah. I try to look at my hands but it is too dark in the room although it does look like there is something about my hands I moved to the nose pinch RC can do it several times to be sure
      before I think about starting to mount various women in front of all these people. I'm able to breathe through my pinched nose and I lookout after night display some more. it is so beautiful! Let's start shooting back and forth across the sky along with a laser gun sound effect that is interesting but the lights are so beautiful! After a while of looking at it i turn my attention to looking for a suitable mate and walk through the room passing several girls that are too young including a little blonde girl . I see a beautiful girl, probably 20's, holding the hands of two younger girls and leading them into a room.
      Spoiler for BEWARE-negative schema (but resolved). NOT sexual content:
      I decide I will just fly up through the roof and I do! This leads me to a series of different scenes all seemingly underground with no windows but some more interesting than others. one was wide open and what would look like maybe a big space station somewhere on a planet perhaps

      and I spend a bit of time flying quickly through there enjoying flying indoors. At one point I came to somewhat of a dead end but there was an opening that led to a very dark hallway and I wasn't interested in exploring that way

      so I turned around and flew some more and eventually I fly into another scene. This next one was full of DC's. They all look like military or worker guys in dark blue jumpsuits

      and I think about how in the podcast Sensei talks about how in some place, some powers don't work and sure enough here I don't have all of my normal dream super powers. I take a few swings at two of the guys and they kind of laugh at me. one guy takes me by the arm almost as if I'm being arrested or at least taken out of there. he's a boisterous guy that seems like a bit of an asshole . we look across the room and theres is a guy dressed a little differently, dressed like a movie star in casual attire. the guy who grabbed my arm says that guy is an asshole. As we approach I feel like messing with them and I start to say hey this guy says you're an... But the guy fills in and says something like yeah he is a whole lot of something trying to playoff what he really said about him using words that sounded a bit like what he really said, "a whole." I chime in and said no he called you an asshole. I think I'm forgetting some parts but at some point
      I feel myself back in bed and with a strong urge to reposition myself off of my sore left shoulder. After trying to stay still for a few minutes I eventually have to turn over and maybe I waited too long because my shoulder is still sore. It was worth it though! #324

      empowering non-lucid: Water park amusement park bathroom mini golf. Guy kicks my wife. I fight him though he is bigger. Guy says they will break up fight if I get off him. I do but guy starts fighting me again and I quickly break his neck with head twist.

      Mon, 18 May 2015:
      Later driving into fancy neighborhood #lostMyWay trying to find my car parked outside. Became a covered area suddenly from aerial view (map?).
      Go into a big resort like place and try to pass through to get to where we are heading. #Wife #son security system starts to drop down as if I am not authorized to pass but moves back up as I back away, then down again as I approach. Finally a flying droid thing stays with me until #security arrives. He holds a fork like stick to my balls while questioning me. Must you? I ask. Later they let me go and with family back inside car
      and I think about how dream like that was...why didn't I RC? I should now! Hands hmmm...look away and look again
      ..yeah I just counted 6?...hard to see one of my fingers!
      Nose pinch yep! Tell family I'm going to take off and fly out of car a little and see youngish girl reminds me of one I saw that day. I walk up and I remember my plan to make it feel okay and remove any negative thoughts and ask the girl (brownish blonde, more blonde) to take off her clothes.
      Spoiler for Strong Sexual Content & language:
      5-6min count as 5 for contest. #325

      Late am btb: HI's to quasi dreams? Very good fantasy visualizations with GF and C and friend. Later even said time to RC...hand look 3 times but then quickly felt back in bed so didn't count as a separate LD.
    13. May 5th and May 10th 2015 LD's Brief Notes: TOTM's, Starry Sky, Ancient Canyon

      by , 05-13-2015 at 11:53 PM
      May 10th
      (already noted in TOTM thread if you read this there)

      Brief notes…

      -DILD: in an office waiting for Ken. Is he even coming to work today? I remove my earplugs twice. I decide to look around office while I am waiting maybe there is someone who can tell me if he is expected to come in today. Cute women...hmmm…wait! I am dreaming! Go around the office a bit checking out the women and then into the void.

      -visuals come back with women around, have sex, some fading in and out of the visuals

      -I think of the smell TOTM, memory peg#5 and settle on smelling the perfume of a woman I am embracing - it is very nice and familiar floral note from somewhere in the distant past, possibly reminiscent of lily of the valley (void)

      -waiting for the fade to fade - I eventually find myself at a long table like in a school cafeteria. I look around excited that the I have managed to get another dream scene after another trip to the void. With me turning around from the table to look around at the rest of the room I loose some visuals and think TOTM. I think of the wind carrying me task and the wind generates with no effort and lifts me up easily and pulls up towards those typical white ceiling panels, up and through and to another level of them above and then I get swept sideways up and sideways into an outdoor red sandstone canyon with village structures and tents below.

      It feels like I am in some ancient place and just enjoy as I get swept down the canyon and up a bit for nice views in spots. (void)

      -Later I think of the fun wind task again and get swept up towards the night sky. I can see some stars but the more I look, the more stars that come into view. So many beautiful stars in a beautiful night sky that I almost want to cry.

      -during one of the trips to the void I did some dancing in the void - some concern about moving my waking body and decide to just float in the void and stay patient. Getting some nice lucid time on my G-nights (usually Saturday night/Sunday morning). 8mg G + 500mg C. Chemical enhancement experiments started after LD#300.
      #321 & 322

      May 5th

      College freshman girl "if dreaming" thoughts cue me in. I'm walking down the school hallway and it's the beginning of the school year, there are new freshman students arriving. I see one girl who is very attractive and I try to make eye contact before we pass and I also have a glance looking back towards her. I think if only she looked at me with a strong stare it would be like one of those moments in dreams. Wait a minute! I am dreaming! I go to the nearest girl and immediately start making out with her and getting fairly frisky. I have been given freedom, dream freedom! After a bit of that I wake directly to my alarm. My alarm ended this one but likely also near end of REM. #320
    14. May 3rd 2015 One of My Longest LD's: Sex and Exploration

      by , 05-05-2015 at 12:09 AM
      I am zooming along at a good pace and there is a fork in a covered retail and food area like an outdoor mall with mostly covered sections. I veer to the fork at the left and something about the decision or the way I made the action cues me in…wait a minute, I am dreaming right now! I go around the shops looking for something interesting to check out. I see a few DC's here and there, including a couple in some kind of dessert shop.

      I fade into a false awakening of being in a laying position in bed but I feel like I am still in a dream and in my dream body with no visuals at first. I start to see a view of a wall next to the bed mostly obstructed by a sleep mask. I am doubtful that this is my actual sleep mask and is in fact a dream sleep mask and I am in our old bedroom at M Blvd so obviously this is a false awakening.

      I go for the TOTM to do an in dream WILD. I pull down the sleep mask and search in the darkness of my closed eyes. It still feels like I am laying in bed but I can see the room again and it seems like the same room. I decide to float up out of bed just in case I start moving my waking body. After a few seconds of nothing I start to float up in the laying position

      and I immediately jump down onto the bed up and down joyful that I held onto the dream realm. My wife is in the bed
      Spoiler for sexual content:
      I move on out of the bedroom door. There are two females in the living room area, one particularly petite and the other average sized. I thought about some things that I had read from some who want to put some moral taboo on dream sexuality and I decided that such thoughts were BS. I reminded myself of that decision and held each of their hands and led them into the bedroom on the other side of the living room.
      Spoiler for sexual content:
      Spoiler for sexual content:
      After a while the visuals started to fade but I just danced my way through the void until the visuals came back up and I found myself in a very different house.

      I decided it was time to go outside and headed toward what felt like the front of the house. I came to a door and reached for the handle but all I could see was a dead-bolt lock with the key side facing me and no key in hand. Instead of summoning a key I decided that the door would be unlocked and would open with a simple push and it did. I look out to a huge field with many large trees and brush hiding what may lay below.

      I fly up and out over the landscape at a leisurely pace a little ways and start to get some declining visuals and decide to fly back towards the house that I came out of. As I approached it, it was a large stately house with several large balconies on the left side of the house.

      It looked like either the sun had just set or that it was just before sunrise, a little darker than when the sun is fully out, but with that special lighting at those times. I see several windows with lights on and think about peeking into them to see what I might come across but instead go to a door on the left side of what looks like the back of the house.

      As I enter there are a few DC's in the large room and they are introducing me to two blonde women that are coming down large and wide wooden staircase.

      This is obviously a mansion house of a wealthy family that has many craftsman features, the kind of features that you don't often see any more except in restored homes. The home didn't feel old at all however. I wasn't looking for any more DC interaction and decided to explore the house instead.

      I went up the stairs sort of float walking my way up and turned back towards the back of the house and into a great study.

      I was planning on looking out the window to the field I flew over earlier to see what it looked like but got interested in the various intriguing items on display. One was a little statuette that looked like it was made of stone with faded paint. It was fairly simple, not intricate, figure with what looked like a crown on their head, not unlike a chess piece that was made to resemble a person. I decided I would try to morph it and it shortened and curved into the shape of a figurine of a small girl leaning over something…interesting. I see a figurine of a polar bear and without really thinking it morphs briefly into a deer with large antlers before becoming a brown bear.

      I look around to my left and there are what look like a lot of nicer antique souvenirs. One is a wooden stick looking item stained darker and with some decoupage design on it that looked like something you might find in a nice tiki bar. The dream started fading again but this time I eventually could feel that I was truly back in bed. I tried for a while to see if I could drift back to sleep without moving but eventually had to a adjust my position and was too awake. #319

      Took 8mg G + 500mg C around 620am after going to bed late at 2am (started G experiments one time per week after LD#300). I estimate that I woke from the above series around 8:40 first trying to get back to sleep and tossing and turning a little before eventually looking at the time on my phone showing 8:58am. Continuing "this could really be a dream right now" daytime practice with RRCIS but slacking a little too much.
    15. March 26th 2015 LD#300 is a WILD! I am so happy!

      by , 03-26-2015 at 08:15 PM
      Thu, 26 Mar 2015:
      *** short LD x2 + WILD=No.300!!!! 1030pm quick bts@1240am wbtb recording dream only but took at while @420am (5h50) first awakening @1240 had some vague recall of ideas. Decided not enough to use for bts visualizing and didn't record.

      420am wake from an "I was just there" dream. Facility similar to SD in C(25 minutes W NW) or one of my past workplaces. End with helping special needs adult who was with C from work section near mailroom and a little girl. Actually before the facility we are in a store like Target or Kmart and I'm there with I think my #Dad and #Brother. My brother is pushing a shopping cart also and a little fast and draws the attention of a manager that is up on a platform about 1 story higher. I notice this and motion like I am telling my brother to act right and get the manager to back off.

      This transitions shortly after to me driving outside the aforementioned facility and was going to park in front of the main entrance and use my badge to get something I forgot inside. I don't want that manager guy (mixing the work facility with the store) to come though so I look for another place to park more out sight and get further from entrance trying to find an actual parking spot almost parking in an area that was painted off with gray border that I decided meant "no parking."

      Eventually park to the left of there and I think I hear employees coming out at the end of their shift. I think about heading to my car but they will wonder why i am out here. Now I need to hide behind a crop of shrubs and small trees on a small hill above the parking area and there is a trail off to my left that I later realize has a fork that runs right behind me as well. At first it looks like some will walk towards the couple of cars in the lot below and others off to my left walking towards perhaps the train station but cut over to the fork towards me and see my feet sticking out from my hiding spot as I lay belly down on the ground looking around at where everyone is heading. When they find me it seems both groups have converged on me and I'm discovered and get up. My story is that I was going to surprise someone. "Who?" They ask like they are interested in who has a secret admirer or something. "It depends on who came by" being vague or secretive they might figure.

      Talking with the ladies, I see an ID picture of C (mentioned at beginning) and this transitions to me indoors with her a little older and a little girl maybe 5 and a special needs adult. C asks the little girl to come with her while she goes to the bathroom outside(?) in case she needs to call for help and I tell the little girl who looks maybe half Black and Hispanic "yes just come back here and knock on the door like so and I can help." During this I am having a bit of a challenge keeping the special needs person from falling over holding onto him(?) as he leans various ways but mostly backwards while he is putting on his shoes or something. 5am finish typing on my phone (quieter). time flew by though.

      ***League game, Mom, DEILD

      I'm getting ready for a game and the game before us that seems to have implications on who we might play in the playoffs. it seems the underdog won tonight...could affect our playoffs. Oh no I think I'm not fully suited up yet and I look up and some guys are playing Basketball and my teammates are all gone and I realize that I'm dreaming. I float up a little bit in the gymnasium before waking up. On waking this reminds me to check status of playoffs and related email when i get up later. 298

      I'm in the car with my mom who's driving and the road looks a little strange as I look closer it looks like the road has been taken out by some disaster but there's still a strip of it left and I ask my mom if we are sleeping and then I realize yes this is just a dream. I float up out of the car a bit before waking. 299

      Yesterday I was thinking how I have shortchanged my LD count in the past whenever I had a really short LD often not counting them but I decided that was not right…so I counted those last two but will not make any adjustments to past counting…too much trouble and probably not very significant.

      Trying to get in a super comfortable position after my wife leaves and has set the alarm I am determined to get back to lucid dreaming and hold on to it for number three hundred! Not a super impressive lucid dream but it was much longer than those last two and I achieved my first WILD in a little while! (FM and CL if reading: still no G yet, only apple juice but may try soon). I am very happy with how my overall wild transition went seemingly never losing consciousness as well. I was getting significant HI's (just imagery). Even reposition myself somewhat slightly and get back to the HI's. In the sequence that led to the dream entry it started with a white shape, somewhat complex, on a black background. It was like a morphing white circle with some gashes cut into it mostly along the right and bottom making the white parts in that section look like curved knives. Mentally reminded myself to only observe it passively but in retrospect I think I was already fully in a dream based on the next sequence and the stability of the white on black HI.

      In the next sequence I am looking at a movie screen size and shaped image forming in front of me taking up most of my field of view with just blackness on the edges, formed from the previous white circle on black, and I start to get imagery that I thought was coming from my waking life eyes of the wall that I'm facing towards, from my position in bed...but I see that if I keep my eyes just a sliver open that I can continue to see the imagery and block out the view from my room. this was all part of the dream however because I realized that I'm still wearing my sleep mask and I would not be able to see the wall in my room at all.

      I come more and more into the image and eventually I'm fully in the scene but it is not clear yet. I stay patient and before long I am in a beautiful sunny daytime scene with green grass and houses and a wall nearby that I go for, to rub on the cement wall to stabilize the visuals. It works. I float up a little bit but then I decide to land.

      There are a lot of people around now and I'm checking out the DC's. I walk up to one group and at first they look at me curiously but then look absolutely terrified and run off! This is not something I've seen since purposely trying to scare DC's. Interesting. I see more people whose path I'm going to cross and as we approach each other the same thing happens, they look terrified!

      I see a restaurant whose whole front wall is all big glass windows, so you can see inside and it looks like it is full, hosting a busy party with DJ lights despite being daytime outside it looks a little darker in there. It has an interesting symbol on the outside that gives me the impression that it is Asian Restaurant of some kind. I make my way towards the restaurant passing a few other terrified groups of DC's and I stand outside the door thinking about what I want to do next and I decide to go in, it could be interesting. As I go in the visuals start to fade but I remain calm and I can still make out shapes of people moving around and eventually decide to walk back outside the restaurant and observe from the outside where had no issues.

      Eventually I got down on the ground laying on my stomach with my head propped up on both my hands, my elbows on the ground and just watched what was going on around me in wonder. After a while I could feel a little pressure on my left shoulder and was feeling like it was my waking life shoulder tired from laying on my side but I was able to shift back to my dream body and feel myself completely off of that sore shoulder and back on my stomach with my head propped up by my two hands, elbows on the ground which was a weird shift in orientation from side laying to a more upright straight on forward position.
      Eventually focus shifted back to my sleeping body and my shoulder who wanted me to turn over into a more comfortable position and I transition completely to my waking body and woke up smiling big and turned over to my other side! No.300

      Side notes: RC's had more impact yesterday after the LD where I almost couldn't believe I was dreaming and felt totally awake. I did drink 6oz of apple juice this night a little after 9pm, after one night off from apple juice and 10 days or more off before the two nights before that. AJ always seems to help with vividness and putting me "there." This is also the 3rd night in a row with LD's and 3rd night in a row where my only focus during wbtb was on recall. Upon btb I am only visualizing becoming lucid in the previous dreams. No mantras or SSILD. I have also been better about checking off any daytime worries or thoughts quickly and getting back to dreamy thoughts.
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