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    Turquoise Dreams

    1. Work so realistic

      , 10-16-2016 at 08:23 PM (Turquoise Dreams)
      Last night bed around 9 pm - 4am

      When I woke up in the morning, I could not recall any dreams. I recalled one later:

      [12:11] <@gab> I had such a vivid dream about work last night that I had to ask coworker today if it really happened
      [12:11] <@gab> I remembered it as I was throwing the load looking towards the floral department
      [12:12] <@gab> I still think it could have actually happened, but coworker said it didn§t
      [12:12] <@gab> plus they would never do what they did in my dream, haha

      So in my dream, I'm walking down the isle 10 towards the back. I hear PA calling someone to assist in floral department. This person was not from produce and they ALWAYS call only produce, because they claim we are one department.

      So sharon says on PA: "such and such, help in floral. You are welcome, produce." As in we were thankful they didn't call us.

      I was so weirded out by this recall. So, haha, today I was saying mantras half out loud "I am dreaming". So next time I'm sleepworking, i wanna get lucid.
      Tags: work