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    #DV is alive; alien probe?

    , 07-06-2013 at 04:15 PM (164 Views)

    Last week or so, I seem to be waking up just a few minutes too late. I still know I had a long dream, remember a few fragments and feelings, but that's it. Need to get back to my schedule.

    Last night, bed 12:30am - 5;55am

    4am - IRC was a real thing. #DV and other channels were real buildings. When people talked, text appeared underneath, like a subtitle, scrolling up, as new text appeared on the bottom. Text highlighted when username mentioned.

    I'm running between buildings. There is a sniper, but if you make it first 15 sec, he can't get you. Or at least so they say. I ran up the long stairs into the building, sit on a toiled and lean to the left, so he can't get me.

    Oh yeah. I think I may have been probed by aliens last night. Had this dream, going through some medical exams with lot's of others. Kinda like what you see in movies, when bunch of recruits stand in line going from one screening station to another one.

    So I come up to this contraption. Two chrome stirups. You kneeled on them and held on to the something behind it. Then I felt the probe and doctor was talking to the MRI? tech, if he got the picture. hrm.

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