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    Turquoise Dreams

    WILD with GM

    , 04-12-2012 at 09:32 PM (373 Views)
    Tuesday 4/10/12 5/HTP 10:37pm Bed 11:30
    WBTB 2:47 - 3:35 GM 4mg + Choline 3:14am
    I'm in a classroom with my friends. It feels like end of school year, because we don't have classes, instead we are reading geography magazines. I borrow one from a classmate and lend my magazine to someone else. I remember pushing my head down over my desk and having headrush into lucid dream. The image is something unpleasant and I don't really want to enter this dream, but I know I can change it once I enter, so I say 'I am there'. I immediately touch corner of the white wall to stabilize. I shout, clap my hands, but I guess, it didn't help a lot, because the whole 7 min dream was low awareness.
    I'm walking on a sidewalk with bunch of DCs. Some girl tells her hommies to grab me. They take me to their 'club house'. Rest is explicit. Quite vivid, not much awareness though. This dream makes me wonder, if some dreams are not just in my head but controlled by someone else who created that reality.
    Dreamprofesser likes this.

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    Tags: headrush, wild


    1. GoldenLight's Avatar
      Interesting thought. IMHO I don't think all dreams are 'dreams'. You did go lucid though and that is cool. I don't think all dreams are vivid. Some are and some are just kind of murky too - so that may be a possibility. Just a thought...
      gab and Dreamprofesser like this.
    2. gab's Avatar
      Yes, I believe, some dreams may be in our private dream world with DC being created by my mind, and some in public dream world, where DCs are other dreamers and entitities. This one felt like something created by someone else and me being a DC in his creation. I want more