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    Few days ago, loads of point

    by , 03-17-2014 at 10:58 PM (367 Views)
    I am in class and something is wrong with my friend. He seems bothered by something and I try to solve it. I had some succes but I don't remember what was wrong anymore. I remember some policemen or people of authority being there, I also don't remember why. I was really concerned about my friend and really trying to help him. but then I get lucid, I don't know why but I just feel I am dreaming, I just decide it without reality checking. This concerns me now I think about it and in a second you will know why.
    I am lucid and don't give a damn about my friend anymore and run straight out of the balcony, it's a 3-4 storey building and as I am dashing towards the ground I see that I am in a village in Turkey. What I also realize as I am diving head-first towards the ground is that I should have done some better reality checking and that I had better be dreaming or I will be smashed into the ground. I pull it off to fly at the last moment. I fly around a bit, this time it is really enjoyable, I feel the wind and the gravity better than normal, normally I don't feel anything at all while flying. I go to the grandma of a girl I like and ask her where the girl is. They seem to be having a fight or something. I go to the girl and she seems pretty mad, she is chaotic and going crazy. I try to calm her and talk to her, she calms down. Her hair is really messy. I remember the competition and decide to get super-speed. I do it by "sprinting in place", like in the cartoons and the take off, it works. I run really fast for about 20 meters. I do it a couple of times. Then I try to teleport a couple of times. The girl is watching me now, she is interested. The teleporting does not work. I suddenly see a girl flying around, I decide it is a lucid dreamer (wtf o.0) and go after her. I don't have very good control to gently approach her so I just grab her long hair as I get near and grab her. I don't know what I did after that.

    Next dream starts lucid and I am flying.
    I am flying around in a big room and the flying girl from the previous dream is there. I wanted to make her my team mate so I could get team points in the competition but I started the conversation wrong and couldn't even remember DrKwack's name so I failed. I don't remember why I did afterwards but it didn't last very long

    I also had a false awakening where stuff happened that I cannot explain right now:
    I got my phone to note the dreams I just had, but the phone didn't work. Then I started eating the battery of my phone, it tasted like chocolate, actually it [I]was[/I] chocolate and I thought to myself "why is it still not working" while eating the battery. I really can't explain this..

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