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(the title comes from the second lucid dream) LD 1: I was flying around in the parking lot/middle area of a place of appartments, with a building of apparatments to my left and right and I was flying up to a window and entering? I also had a part with going around a neighborhood entering houses or just walking around with friends. There was also something with a giant pokémon I summoned and it was fighting someone else's, it was video game like. LD2: I'm in a gym's changing room, there are 2 or 3 girls there and I wonder if it's the right room, but it's the boy' room so I just assume they are in the wrong room. So I act cool and change. My nephew(s) and brother is also there with me, they flirt with the girl(s) or she/they flirt(s) with them. They fail xD I'm still acting cool, not interested in flirting with random girls. Then somehow I and a red-haired girl get a long and I don't remember what happened, but we are lovers suddenly. And in bed, not in a gym changing room. We are kissing and cuddling and all sweet and lovely = ) This goodness lasts at least 5 minutes She says she is 50 years old and at first I say or think it doesn't matter then I say that's ridiculous, the way you look, and we laugh together. Even now (at 4PM) I very vaguely remember what she looked like, she had a slightly prominent bone structure (face) and pale skin with slightly colored cheeks, blue + slightly green eyes of medium size. I dont remember the length of her hair but it was straight and not voluminous but at least slightly past shoulder length and the color was orangy red, not deep dark red. And she was beautiful. (still LD2) And near the end I thought of telling her it is a dream and I was wondering how to say it and I also thought of this DJ and of the title "Red is her name" but it ended and I didn't get the chance. I don't remember at which point I became lucid, and I know I was only vaguely aware that I was dreaming. But I wouldn't have cared anyway because it was so nice with her it was worth losing awareness :) When I woke up, I said the first dream was ~15 minutes and the second one 10-15, but I remembered only like a total of 30 seconds scattered over parts of the 1st one and the second one I remember about half I think. Actually the first one I didn't remember at all at first and after practicing mindfulness for a few minutes it came back to me slowly (pretty cool huh, this is how I remember dreams). Notes to self: Now that my sleep schedule is somewhat solid, or solid enough, I can try sleeping a little earlier and occasionally sleep 30-60 minutes longer if I wake up earlier and this way get some cool extra lucid dreaming time. It would be cool to have better recall and for that I can do WBTBs, which doubled (possibly more) my recall, but it can mess up my rythm so I can do this later and for now I'll try to do it only by journaling and trying to remember details every morning (if I wake up in time).
Updated 10-17-2016 at 03:15 PM by 61041
The first part I won't say here, but after a minute I was kissing a girl. It was foggy and dark and her face and hair color changed and I pushed her away from me, I was a little creeped out or repulsed and went away, flew. Then I remembered and told myself (so I'd remember after waking up) that I had had a lucid dream before this one and that I also vaguely remember having a third one that night. Oh and I went outside, trying to make the dream more vivid through commands or will-power but I don't remember if it worked. And I had a non-lucid dream I remember the best part most vividly. Me and a girl in class were doing some math problem and as we were working on it, we happened to be close with our heads because we were writing or looking in the notebook and it was kinda warm-ish. Then we moved closer I think or we moved our heads more sideways so we'd touch heads more and then she was just leaning her head on my shoulder or pushing her hair into my face and I was a little shy and was just sitting there enjoying her warmth. (What the hell was I thinking not doing a reality check xD There's no way this would happen at school) She had long straight blond hair and I don't remember her face (I rarely register faces), I think she had blue clothes over her upper body. Unfortunately I didn't remember the 2nd lucid dream nor the third. My recall is pretty bad unfortunately. But I'm struggling to wake and sleep in time for school and it's a big change for me since I've had an even lazier life before I started college so it's okay. I think I'm slowly adjusting and soon I can make time for remembering dreams and occasionally sneaking in some extra juicy morning dreams :)
The last few seconds of the night I was petting a little white hamster on its belly. It was either completely white or had a bit of light brown on its back. It was somebody else's hamster and the person was beside me. The hamster spread its arms and legs as I rubbed my finger on its belly and made a face (and maybe sounds too) and it was warm. And now all day I'm thinking about getting a pet rat once I live on my own and have more money. Which will be soon. Why not a hamster? Rats are much more intelligent. Ferrets look and move cuter and are bigger so they'd be nicer to cuddle, but they live ~7 years and rats only live 2-3 years so there's a smaller chance of me not wanting to live with it anymore and being faced with a dilemma. Ofcourse as a lucid dreamer of some skill, I can have a good time with animals in lucid dreams :)
nope. nothing for you. i didnt write this one in a way for you to read. [SPOILER=most boring]dragonkin sorcerer but it summoned a minion? i kept summoning more until it was barely enough i had 8 or 9 or 10. girl who loves me, we go to theme park. k and n and there. i love the girl too. she recited some poetry in the bus i just was kinda childish and made jokes i think its because k and possibly n i felt awkward. we also walked together at that thing road with the old man with the thick cigar. we were walking there. she was beautiful and i loved her, she had blonde hair and i think a pale face. i didnt get a good look at k but she had green eyes. the eyes stood out. figuratively. i expressing my love toward my gf well and i may have hurt her feelings.[/SPOILER] mushroomheads. im naked in the hallway at medine yenges house and ezgi opens the door. lots of people are inside and i scream "close the door close the door". cut off perfectly so that 1 mushroom would grow out of my hair. yeah. people had either poofy hair or mushrooms on their head? and they had swords. i was fighting in an army with these people. these people are upstairs at medine yenge i think but it may also have been another dream. about a decade or so ago i had been with these people and i had a girlfriend but i did something stupid and got exiled (this is the story of the dream, this is just a memory, it didnt eggzshooly happen). i got exiled because i warned them of enemy troops attacking them. and it didnt happen. now i see a vision or i just see it by watching from somewhere that a strong army is coming for us. i dont know if i told them this.
Updated 02-07-2016 at 07:54 AM by 61041
I'll type out the amusing failure part. the rest is probably not understandable and definitely not interesting. a guy said something to me about dreams and i said "what if were dreaming right now? how would you know?" and i felt a bit cool about saying that because he was confused and was like "wuuut... am i dreaming?" but i didnt get lucid. [URL="http://imgur.com/a/f9OB1"]entry 3 and 4[/URL] things learned: vertical paper is better and dont wait too long to journal, memories get lost FOREVER. keep the paper by your bed so its easier to get; im very lazy right after waking up also, the scanner isnt scanning the full page. but i dont care.
this is only for me, so dont read it. i didnt write it in a way for someone else to read it, it is probably boring and/or makes little sense. parts from the waterbending night: selcuk dayi acting crazy, black kids scared of us, first one i saw growled. then a kid who is with us chases him and they chase us and we run around. while running i waterbended at them and tried to waveboard. i danced with kirsten dunst, she smiled at me before we danced. i danced badly, movign left to right ungracefully and then i asked her whether she could teach me to dance. i felt her warmth. after running around, there is 1 kid around the corner and then a black kid shows up behind him, theyre shy and nervous and want to be friends. then there are more of them and we become friends. and there was a lady with them a dream in the same night: an rpg like dream, flying around, he is my pupil? or she? old houses, a torn down place, red/darkish skies, were travelers. hes in an old house and im looking out for him. (or her). senel yenge is there and ilknur? i think we were sleeping and just woke up and i was journaling my dream. with senel yenge, he said and to punish you were going to reduce your dick and he used a lazer and it was all game-like and it became like an old school game where his lazer hit and there was an animation of a bar going lower. selcuk dayi was also sometimes pixellated, like tama from gintama when he threw a small piece of food up and caught it with his mouth. i showed the water thing to senel yenge but couldnt get my fingers to move in the same way. in this fa i was remembering the waterbending dream much more clearly than when i woke up. i was also djing but couldnt because uncle was there. and he was intimidating. not really a bad guy a girl saved me i think but i dont know how. not from my uncle but telling me i was dreaming? i think she barged into the room. then i said "this is the girl that tells me im dreaming, she saves me" and i made a mental note to remember that im dreaming when i see her. then i had flashbacks of us in a battlefield and other places and shes actualyl protecting me from physical harm i think. she wore soldier clothes same night: i FAed and was laying in bed and rced by checking the text on my phone and i concluded that the text was contaxt but my eye was tired and my eyelid kept falling down. we are hiding from something. something after us. but not panickng. more people. we had confrontations before. zuko and iroh escaping from a prison cell. i was telling myself to journal this in a fa and maybe iwl. iroh pulled a giant rock from the ground but maybe it had fire. some guy talking about the media claiming to have black things and all theyve left is a sense of adventure or something, it was a song and th e music was nice. he was really fat (a music video) and in related videos there was a cosplay of him with blue hair. hot spring shire guards with white faces (like kiyoshi) and iroh and zuko come and say i honor you or something the guards are honorful among warriors and they want to find someone. bending, iroh, zuko, azula, zuko gets her help but then doesnt need it. earth water protect themselves soka gets nothing. someone says that the forest isnt regrowing or not regrow and then if the avatar goes in trance, the trees will die whenever he transforms. had 8 mana used 3 of it for windfury and there was an earth elemental or earth bender many kids here we i or aang didnt want to show earth bending for some reason. but there was another way, but that wa also earth bending? 2 men bullying a little girl and boy, i was the avatar or watching him and he was meditating somewhere, trying to access the dream and do things.and i thought thats cool sitting in a dream, going in another dream, trying something and when youre back you get guidance from somene. castle on fire. i save him. it explodes. kids put the flame to it prematurely (light the oil prematurely). we all work work together to bring down a castle. we evacuate the kids and everyone else but 1 hero is almost too late but i fly and save him before its too late. many people watching in a big area, it is dark and raining hard. we are victorious. i and that person had a house to ourselves before that? a big flying beast? whore the enemies? im not lucid but everyone knows i have special powers. theres something in the guys hands when i fetch him from the top of the castle or building. and hes happy that he can keep it. i drop him on a window side thing (venster). i hear someone saying "this guy is pretty cool" there are lots of people, aybe 50 who are not of us but not enemies. we had strong enemies and lots of them but we were brave. our enemies are animals not humans, but im not sure (large flying beasts?). maybe the building we lighted up and let explode was theirs. something before happened to make them mad. i remember fighting them before. theyre big creatures, black-grey and rhino sized, maybe they could fly. i dont know how many days this was. 4-8 days. now last night. [URL="http://imgur.com/a/dssnj"]dream 1 and dream 2[/URL] dont worry, i can make sense of those.
slept at 9.30pm Mmkay these are my tags after 6 hours of sleep (it is near bedtime now). Thaddius, dv, chat, paladin. new mechanic, small minions, another dream in the chat someone sends some funny weird videos. I only remember the Thaddius. Vaguely. I do vaguely remember that I dreamed about the chat. I don't feel like making this into a story. I'm just going to copy my notes almost as they are on my phone. its a mess because when journaling i write things down quickly and with few words 19:30 i was lucid i had to be lucid otherwise i wouldnt randomly go kissing girls (but i dont remember this, even when i woke up i didnt remember being lucid, so no points on the competition). FA in a place with lots of bed and a pretty girl in the bed next to mine. i wanted to kiss her and thought shed like it but i was too shy i think. I was in a city in paris in another dream. In another dream my uncle and his family was at our house and they had prepared dinner while i was sleeping in that very room. I got irritated and expressed it but they were like "yeah go sleep somewhere else" or something. It says 2 FA's in a row. so perhaps the dream where i woke up at dinner was the 2nd fa. we were traveling with my dad and brother in a car (no mom? i think she is in my dreams less often than my dad and my brother is the most frequent visitor of the 3) and we stopped somewhere to go to the toilet and wash hands. and people helped me with washing hands (maybe the gave me soap?). i remember looking in the mirror and having my face with weird dots/zits/things and my hair was wet. i think my face looked way different and not even really like my actual face. but, like, whatever, im like, yeah dreams are like pretty weird right. whatever That was last night. Here goes the earlier night. marc, gliding, steep hill with parents, outside at the end (weird pizza), marc bullying someone and i protect, bastiaan. orationem joining the chat while i was talking to someone. which is weird because i wasnt on a computer but just talking to someone in real life. so how can she join the chat and interrupt? (HOWCANYOU) i glide faster than the group, 1 girl is also pretty fast and we pass a red fluffy decent sized ball around. im ahead and higher up so its easier for me. we are friendly with each other and have a good time. in the same building there was a disco and a restaurant. i went to the disco for a few sec and at the restaurant i sat down but i think i didnt eat. i was singled out by the owner and got scolded. then i went outside. ther was a person on a weelchair and i let her go ahead in front of me at a door. outside i first went to another place before the pizza thingy. the pizza thingy guy didnt have a stand i think, he was just standing there selling it. there were multiple people there. before the bullying by marc in the changing room we had gym class. but i dont remember the gym class. some kids were faster than my in sliding and challenged my to go back downhill the steep hill. dream signs: having a good time/being friendly with a girl. my brother. relatives (uncle). dreamviews chat
Updated 01-21-2016 at 08:07 AM by 61041
6 dreams, 4 fragments (I double checked, I know it sounds like a lot) the lucid dream: i was lucid before my memory starts, i dont know what i did, i fee like it lasted at least 5-10 minutes, its possible that it was like 30 minutes, but boo poor recall. i was in turkey we were eating with no table (cloth on the floor as is normal in that part of turkey) and there was a girl (i know who) and i embraced her from the side. she had lots of hair and i felt more hair than her on my cheek, i also caressed her cheek, less hair now but still hair. then she got up and went to the kitchen (when cleaning the table) and when she came back her eye color changed to black (normal black, not demon like, only the middle of her eye) and then she just changed into a friend of me. then i wanted to go flying (i was only barely lucid this entire time, sometimes not even lucid) but he didnt want me to go and we talked for a few seconds and the dream ended. edit: no i dont remember eating so no 5 points for eating
Updated 01-16-2016 at 08:18 AM by 61041
I got lucid even as the dream was forming. vision was still vague and i just appeared in an open field with buildings kind of forming in the backround? and then i woke up, it was like a 5 second lucid dream Another short one: I was at my aunt's house in turkey and i walked outside, expected or hoped for my cousin but 2 aunts were there. I kissed one and soon after the dream ended. (ewww i kissed her) non-lucids: 3 dreams 1 fragment
while falling asleep i was trying to get a dream scene going by imagining typing on a keyboard (ssild?) then i was in a dream (but didnt know) playing a game with my eyes half closed and typing on the keyboard (like i was doing while falling asleep) and my brother started talking and i said "shhh im trying to something" and then i woke up for real.
Tonoght I woke up 3 times to record/recall dreams, pee and to meditate for 15-25 minutes. I remember very little of the lucid dream, but I was sure that I was lucid and that I flew. When I woke up I was also sure that it lasted for at least 20 minutes and that I tried out a bunch of stuff but now I remember it like it was 5 minutes and I did pretty much nothing. That's unfortunate. Poor recall claims some point-victims. I got lucid in the first 2.5 hours of the night. (but not the rest of the night, there can only be one explanation... FAIRES!!) I was outside my house on the rooftops. I think I was on an inclined rooftop once, and I went from flat rooftop to flat rooftop. I landed in my neighbor's (Jan) backyard, but there was no interaction. Then somewhere I got in a house, my aunt and her 2 daughters came into the room and I greeted and touched them and I forgot to turn invisibility off (I don't know where this came from and I was probably not lucid btw so no points) and they got scared. I apologized and comforted my cousin. 2 Non-lucid dreams I don't need to record to get the points. Plus they're boring. First lucid: 10 points Flying: 5 points WBTB: 2 points 2 normal dreams: 2 points Total: 19 points
I don't feel like telling you the whole thing, but I was semi lucid. There were 3 or 4 people, maybe vampires, but they were not fully human and I started fighting them, they were a bit hostile but I don't know if I started the fight or they. I bashed their heads into the wall, kicked them in the head, trying to crush their skulls or decapitate them. I kept fighting for a minute or 2, then as I was losing and the strongest of them lunged for me and I knew I didn't have enough strength to keep fighting. So I sat down and meditated on compassion, sending my enemies friendly wishes, hoping they'd forgive me. And right before his attack connected he suddenly feld my kindness and forgave me. I felt weird when I thought about this, because I first tried to kick their heads off their torso's and smash their heads into the wall and then as I started losing the battle I essentially begged for forgiveness. After that we became friends and spent a few minutes together and the dream ended.
Read only the last 2 paragraphs if you want the part that is not extremely boring. I had a vehicle from another dream, I am not sure if it was lucid or not. The vehicle is round and only 1 person fits inside, it has some buttons for flying. and it doesn't have a window. You just sit inside and fly. It goes faster backward and forward, it's a bit slow and has clumsy controls. At least in the 2 dreams I've used it. I am not sure how it started, or how I got the flying vehicle, but I just started flying. Then there was this guy in a black suit and black helm on a black bike chasing me or following me. I don't think I was running away from him, he was kind of following me around. I stopped somewhere because there were 5 girls. I wasn't planning to have sex, I don't think I was planning anything, I was just like "hey, girls! Let me take a look" and I was trying to judge them to see who I should take with me. I wasn't clear headed here, I should've known that she wouldn't fit in the vehicle, or maybe I wasn't interested in flying anymore, I don't remember. My vehicle was parked on the side of the road and I think it looked like a bicycle or motorcycle. Then the guy in the black suit walked to the vehicle, I think to steal it. Then I got onto the vehicle and raced away. I thought he wouldn't be able to catch up with me but he did. He had a pretty cool bike. So I went up in the air so I could go diagonally whereas he had to follow the asphalt road and go like this _l But he was still too fast so I just went back and forth in this block. So he kept going _l and I went back and forth across this block in a diagonal line. The block was a grass field with trees, probably a picknick site. Then he somehow started flying too. This is where it gets weird because I don't remember what he looked like. At the end of this he was a black bird about the size of a large pillow, I don't know what happened to his bike, if he flew with it, or if he flew as a person, I don't remember his shape at all. Just that he was all black (I saw no skin). I tried to fire a magic ball at him and I spent some effort to charge it but I don't think it worked. His name was with a Z and I realized that it was 1 letter short of a bird name. We were fighting but somewhere he became a dead black bird. So I took the corpse of the bird, spread the wings and assumed the same position it did and started diving downwards. I did this because I was high in the trees and I always have trouble flying downwards, I actually got very irritated, thinking "awww damn it I am up here again and can't go down", and I find it scary to fly high, so I was afraid that I'd go even higher, which is what always happens. But I was very excited to find out that the bird allowed me to fly downward in an angle. I could feel the wind and the speed was picking up and right before hitting the ground I went back upward, quickly made a backflip-like turn so I wouldn't go back up too high. But I was pretty high above the clouds, and the awesome thing was, I was not scared! And it felt nice and the view was awesome. And somehow I could fly properly now without the bird so I looked around to see where I should go and I went to a water theme park. I didn't do anything there and it ended. I felt like I gained some flying skills when I woke up = D The dream lasted about 15 minutes I think. I had 2 boring non lucids which I wrote down on my phone in order to get better at recalling dreams but I won't write them down here and delete them from my phone. Thank you for reading!
I repeated this mantra before sleeping: "If I see a girl I am inside a dream" Which makes a lot of sense because it's been that way for a while... You might be wondering why I include insignificant details, I do that to improve my recall. I feel like every detail I record adds some experience/skill points. The night before last night: I don't remember how or when I became lucid. I remember it as though I was lucid from the start. It was not very vivid (it was like a room lighted by a fairly weak light source, but not exactly) and I was not very lucid. (With lucid I mean clear headed/self-aware/knowing that I am dreaming and can do anything I want) Some people would call it half lucid. The dream lasted about 20-25 minutes I'd guess though it may be about 30 minutes. I was just walking around at first and remembered to not get excited and just breathe, try to be aware of things, clear headed, and remain lucid for as long as possible. Which is my only real dream goal, even though I have things I want to do, for now I just want to improve the stability and length of my dreams. But ofcourse I'll kiss/hug a girl (or have sex) if I see one or I'll fly/use magic if I need to/feel like it. About 3-5 times in this dream I felt it slipping away (I don't remember why) and I was going between FA and the dream. I was able to will myself back into the dream by relaxing, breathing and somehow immersing my mind in the dream landscape or my dream body. So in my half-lucidity I forget my objective and just went looking for a girl. I found her in a big house/inn/restaurant, she had non-volumunious blonde hair (I don't remember what style), fairly small green eyes, she was a bit shorter than me and didn't smile much (0/1/2 times) and it was explained or I somehow knew that she was the girl who accompanied lucid dreamers. Not as an escort, but just as friendly company. We walked around a bit, not doing much. 2 Or 3 times she somehow disappeared. Once we were wearing coats and when it wasn't so cold anymore we took them off and when I took her coat off she wasn't in it anymore. Weird. I found her back, and one other time she just walked away. She also didn't talk and seemed to be bored :P We sometimes held hands. I went outside and saw a fight going on between some people. I don't know how I spotted the bad guys. I tried teleporting but that didn't work so I ran toward them. I threw some small projectiles, I had 3 or 4 sharp objects but I don't think they were knives. I concentrated to aim and throw hard but I missed all throws. I don't remember how the transition happened, suddenly I was fighting 2 hollowified Ichigo's (different forms). So I tried charging a Getsuga Tenshou (from Bleach) and I thought "if I see any red around the sword I'll shoot it" and I didn't get any red. But I swinged my sword anyway and somehow even without the red it did some damage. They had some long weapon or long white thing and I attacked that with 4-5 Getsuga's and somehow it did enough damage and I felt like I won and the dream ended. I think their weapon cracked open a bit. I don't remember carrying a sword either, I was just swinging my arms. Dreams are weird... A nonlucid dream that night was with waterslides, it was boring and I don't recall it clearly. Another ND where I saw something in the distance, momentarily the treetops seemed to become purpleish and/or change shape to show some eyes. Me and someone else got closer and it was an invisble monster but I somehow decided it was Metalgreymon, about house-sized. Then it sort of become less invisible, like when you see the outlines of something camouflaged. I don't remember much from this either. Another ND where my aunt had made some tasty foods and asked if I wanted to take some home and I liked it but I was a little shy so I said no. Another ND where some police was telling kids about a thief and that they should watch out for it. And maybe they can catch the thief when they grow up. Another ND with a girl I had a crush on last summer. I tried to make some jokes and catch her smiling, because her smile was what I liked so much about her, but she didn't laugh. From now on I won't record these boring ND's, it's not worth it.
I was finally able to sleep again! I slept for 8-9 hours after 3 or 4 days of only being able to sleep 4-5 hours a day, very very frustrating. I was in some weird place where I had to stay for thousands of years, with no escape. There were other people already there and everybody had a computer. I don't know what I did wrong and why I'm in this prison. There was also something else going on, but I don't know how this is compatable with the improsenment. There was some man in his 40s or 50s who wanted to hang out with me. We talked some and went to an Italian restourant, there was ice cream at the restaurant that cost like 3-4 times extra if you wanted it to be freshmade a few days ago. There were private musicians at 2 or 3 tables, and we noted that it's annoying to have 2-3 musicians playing a something different at the same time :P Later on, in the prison, I tried to make a ball of energy to fire it at the guy imprisoning us, and it didn't work. A fellow prisoner saw me and he fired a ball of his own, and the prison guard fired one that was 2-3 times bigger than that one against it. I don't know what happened next. There was also a part where I had to do some puzzles with door hinges/locks or something and there were some friendly dogs there. I considered hugging and petting one and didn't do it. I don't remember why.