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    Memorable Dreams

    1. miniature people (lucid)

      by , 02-18-2016 at 04:21 AM (Dreamerino Journalino Ginino Sanino Manino Lucidinos in my Journalino Cappuccino Expressivo Crescendo Penguino Languini Amigo Panini Kapparino Lollerino Trollerino Rhinorino Hornerino Adventurino's Ferrarini Pepperoni Mozzarello Spiceroni Ninő Casinő)
      [URL="http://imgur.com/a/GHDWh"]nr 10 and 11[/URL] (2 a5 sized entries on an a4 sized paper)

      nr10 is lucid, nr 11 nonlucid

      about nr10: the dream characters were more elaborate than usual and felt almost like real people. at one point i could force a girl (non physically, i have some control over the actions of dcs, if i want them to want me, they will) to want to have sex with me but i didnt because she seemed reluctant initially, because i wouldnt feel good about it. at some point i told a guy that this is a dream and that i am dreaming right now. i asked him if he dreams and he said i was crazy and superstitious (or religious). later on i used powers to light lamps and looked for people to give dream powers so they could be of more help (we were in a survival type situation in a warehouse and had to work together) and i was looking for a responsible person. (this goal was forgotten moments later) i also thought of asking a girl if she could listen to me summarizing my dream so i can remember it better when i wake up and said "hey.. can i ask you something?" and there the dream ended.

      pretty cool.

      edit: this past week ive actually been getting lucid once a day on average. yes. holy crap thats amazing. yay for nose plug rcs and counting down from 100 thinking "lucid dreaming" on every count. now the next huge step is to learn how to prolong dreams. if i can do that... its happening! its finally happening = D

      according to laberge: rubbing and spinning are effective
      yell clarity

      Updated 02-18-2016 at 08:23 AM by 61041

      lucid , memorable , side notes
    2. Girl singing, dojo

      by , 02-16-2016 at 04:36 AM (Dreamerino Journalino Ginino Sanino Manino Lucidinos in my Journalino Cappuccino Expressivo Crescendo Penguino Languini Amigo Panini Kapparino Lollerino Trollerino Rhinorino Hornerino Adventurino's Ferrarini Pepperoni Mozzarello Spiceroni Ninő Casinő)
      These are dreams of the past few days.

      [SPOILER=spoiler to not crowd my dj page]Avatar shark croc against the stream downwards give up. i knew i was dreaming but not clearly, i could only spend extra effort and maybe only at the last moment.

      in bus with selcuk dayi we crash. bear in car. ilknur tries to talk to me. huge beasts on road dayi says they should watch out. (rather than driving to the other side of the road to avoid them)

      at school breakdance try to impress ym teacher with silly moves. Blac guys. i do turtle but have backpack so keep doing forward flip. take bag off do turtle then my elbow not touch belly so handstand. then dinner ready we hop skip over things because table is set and filled with foodplates.

      here i have the lucid dream in which i did the totm.

      standing guard. "you cant handle the truth" hearthstone. *wtf does this mean :P* it sounded exactly like this [URL="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9FnO3igOkOk&feature=youtu.be&t=44"]Youtube you cant handle the truth[/URL] i dont know why i heard this and what it has to do with hearthstone or standing guard

      tall dutch girl 2.50 big chamber with statues. stairs. nose plug lucid. 1 min. float around cant land. help girl while worrying parents. airport. she needed help crossing street. duran abi gets close while driving by on motor. another car she almost didnt see.

      "i am not your leader" necropost fa

      basketball cant drible. breakdance impress people

      swimming pool. jumping on top of the water without sinking. making front flip but theres no room coz too many kids. lot sof kids sleeping by the pool. another but on a beach. serkan on a boat. same dream? i ask if 3 meters is deep enough to dive. he says in the wedstrijdbad (with the duikplank) it is enough so its enough here.

      at guney or enes. then i go away on bike. lars house is far. hes there smoking weed. i see daniek from tbl

      i did the (nose plug) rc but nothing happened i did it multiple times and mentioned it. failed rc lars said do it again and i did and got lucid. mom in room, room is dark, i get a slight notion of maybe this is scary and she closes in on me with a slightly croaky voice and i get scared. i say "but i love you" maybe twice and the dream ends.

      hearthstone. playing wolf team with david out and serdar, david has stronger armor but not to cheat us he just happened to have it. guney bora huseying amca. and guney abi and a girl in love.

      rekt as priest in tavern brawl (where you create your deck by discovering and you get chickens and spare parts). someone house is turning inside. rotating and changing. david en mischa? turkey. middle part unchanging. im sleepy thinking is hard. im home late in köy.

      on yt, saw daniela andrade (who was actually victoria justice from victorious) it said "voice demoted" kid says "i wasnt after the fuck" kripp says he should believe in himself and gets 4 random minions in a generals game and theyre tanks. kills 2 enemy tanks and goes on to destroy a building.[/SPOILER]

      2 paper dj entries.

      [SPOILER=number 8]fighting dad and protecting bro after fighting bro after he did something to me and i kicked his knee.

      girl singing to me. she had light brown sweater. i was djing. it was hey there delilahs tune but different words. i think she was singing about what i was writing (asking what i was writing). it was beautiful. (now i just listened to it and the song sounds like crap, but when i woke up i had the impression that that was the music) occasionally we looekd into each others eyes and i looked into her eyes almost all the time. near the end i saw my dad there and i felt awkward by being touched by the music and expressing such enjoyment.

      naruto fighting someone (i called hi naruto but hes a random here) fights then forgives him then cages him then takes his powers away (like avatar). both had spiderman powers. i found it cool and rewinded it/watched it/experienced it again. now im looking at it from a few meters away. kind old lady with sweet voice "why dont you take that lady out" and that was my mom. so i go with her and shes annoying and angry and isnt waiting for me to catch up. were both on the bicycle.[/SPOILER]

      [SPOILER=number 7]this is all 1 dream with multiple paragraphs.
      standing around near the house or walking outside, try to amuse kids by pulling something out of my pocket (by summoning) but hands are empty). friend told me about the prostitute graves, he went there and looked around (he wasnt interested in 96 past the hour) even when lucid i spent some tiem trying to cheer up my gf. she was disappointed or sad or angry at me about something. (not a waking life gf, only in this particular dream) her gf was there too. this was inside. my friend had dark hair. gf brown or dark.

      when walking outside i thought i should summarize the dream so its easy to remember because lots of things happened. if i had remembered what happened inside and thought about it i would have remembered it after i woke up.

      dojo. i suck and get owned they mistake me for one of them. (im not a martial artist).

      i go outside and rub my hands a lot it really works feeling the dream and watching my hands

      went outside with a friend and said "look my phone says its 96 past the hour but thats imposible, theres only 60 minutes in an hour" but he didnt care.

      this is enough. typing is tiring and i just hope i wont lose the paper. this lucid was ~15 minutes.[/SPOILER]

      Updated 02-16-2016 at 04:52 AM by 61041

      dream fragment , lucid , nightmare , false awakening , memorable
    3. Indoor theme park (lucid)

      by , 02-07-2016 at 06:48 AM (Dreamerino Journalino Ginino Sanino Manino Lucidinos in my Journalino Cappuccino Expressivo Crescendo Penguino Languini Amigo Panini Kapparino Lollerino Trollerino Rhinorino Hornerino Adventurino's Ferrarini Pepperoni Mozzarello Spiceroni Ninő Casinő)
      [URL="http://imgur.com/94oSvJw"]dream 5[/URL]

      as far as i can remember, i was lucid from the start. it lasted about 10 minutes, vividness was normal and my mental clarity/awareness that it was a lucid was i think a 5. (on a scale of 1 to 10)

      indoor theme park/playground. there was a big skate ramp and people were saying its impossible to go off it and come back by bouncing against the wall. i dont remember having skates or a skateboard but the experience was like i had them. so i just went weeee off the big ramp, did some spins or stunts or something, bounced off the wall and came back. people were impressed.

      i dont remember this clearly but it was like i was having 2 different dreams at the same time. the scenes occasionally switched from one to the other. both were in the same theme park even. but i only remember 1 part of the dream where i actually remembered both "dreams". it was when i was getting beaten up by a giant black spider, bigger than a car. the getting beat up was slightly different in both scenes

      i asked a dc how to travel in time and he made a bucket full of butter mixed with something buttery. i dropped that on the spider after taking 2 hands full myself. it tasted alright.
      lucid , memorable
    4. Waterbending practice

      by , 01-28-2016 at 12:48 PM (Dreamerino Journalino Ginino Sanino Manino Lucidinos in my Journalino Cappuccino Expressivo Crescendo Penguino Languini Amigo Panini Kapparino Lollerino Trollerino Rhinorino Hornerino Adventurino's Ferrarini Pepperoni Mozzarello Spiceroni Ninő Casinő)
      for those who came just to read about the bending, i put the other parts of the dream in spoilers.

      [SPOILER=no bending here]i am flying and suddenly i realize that i am dreaming. i try to land but it doesnt work (as always) i can go left right and up with ease but going down is harder, there is a big tree and i grab the tree and pull myself downwards. the tree changes subtly and it gets a bit bigger and richer (more branches, more leaves, thicker trunk, further from the ground) and i pull myself down by grabbing branches and then i reach the floor. there is family there (but not from waking life, i think, just random dcs i think of as family) and it is like a picnic site. grass, trees, in a greeny place.

      the dream here is a bit more colorful than waking life and it is vivid, i think my lucid dreams (at least lately) have been very often more colorful than waking life. later on the colors become slightly less rich but nowhere near dull, it is similar to waking life.

      i dont know where i went from this open foresty/greeny place but im in a more mundane place now. but im not sure about the details. there were streets but no cars, not like a western street with big buildings and a nice asphalt road and a sidewalk and stuff, but closer to this. [URL="http://i.imgur.com/NrFbp.jpg"]click for picture[/URL] i dont remember the environment clearly but this is the general idea[/SPOILER]

      then i suddenly decide to waterbend. i dont know the sequence in which i did things but ill just describe what i did. i could form a tennisball-sized ball of water and control it through the air, moving it left, right, up, down, pretty fast and meters away from me, it was pretty cool. i got excited and remembered spellbee's competition but then realized that its already ended. i could also hold to 2 water droplets above my palms and i could twirl 2 fingers in opposite directions and the balls would follow. but its hard to rotate 2 fingers in opposite directions but it kind of/almost worked and the balls did make orbits above my palm.

      [SPOILER=no bending here]i was quite excited and joyful about this. at some point i tried to waveboard while running away from something (explaining that is boring so i wont). i talked partly to myself and partly to the kid who was with me and i tried to do some movement with my feet to pretend i had a waveboard but it didnt work, i also tried it with a bit of rock sticking out diagonally from the ground but it didnt work.[/SPOILER]

      sometimes i pulled water off the ground by waterbending, sometimes there were multiple droplets in the air. once, when we had pursuers, i used the snow and water on the ground to throw water at them. it was powerful enough, like in avatar the last airbender.

      [SPOILER=no bending here]this is really fun, this has a lot of potential. i want to practice bending skills and be a master mage. i want to drop lightning, make walls of fire, conjure huge amounts of water, or do mass telekenesis and stuff like that. also simpler stuff, like creating small lightshows or maybe conjuring animations that appear in front of me. also earthbending, thats fun too. stomping on the ground, making rock rise from the ground and then punching it away seems really cool. i could create elementals to accompany me. probably if im this good at summoning stuff and controlling elements, i can do pretty much anything in my direct environment.

      at the end im in a building and there is a girl who looks like mary jane from spiderman (kirsten dunst) and we dance, but i cant dance so i just hold her and franticly move left and right :P then i think something like "a lucid dream and you finally spend time with a girl, you couldnt resist huh." i ask her to teach me how to dance and i dont remember that she did, i held her a bit and i think this is either the end or very close to it.

      i think this dream lasted for 10-20 minutes, ill add 15 minutes to the counter in my signature.[/SPOILER]

      Updated 01-28-2016 at 06:08 PM by 61041

      lucid , memorable
    5. Diz dream was pretty nutz

      by , 01-19-2016 at 11:21 PM (Dreamerino Journalino Ginino Sanino Manino Lucidinos in my Journalino Cappuccino Expressivo Crescendo Penguino Languini Amigo Panini Kapparino Lollerino Trollerino Rhinorino Hornerino Adventurino's Ferrarini Pepperoni Mozzarello Spiceroni Ninő Casinő)
      This way a few months to a year ago. Maybe more than a year? I'm not sure.

      This entire dream was quite vivid and colorful. Even moreso than real life. You know how animated movies are more colorful and pretty than real life, right? This dream was that way, at least the way I remember it.

      Chased by Alto and Bianco Angelo. Or maybe only a Bianco Angelo. It was throwing spears at me and i was dodging them while flying. I think they looked like Credo's spears but I'm not sure. *Now... Some stuff happened but I forgot what. Then I started flying really high and it started zooming out and there was a village or multiple villages and I was still going higher. Then I left this place and landed somewhere else.

      [URL="http://pre03.deviantart.net/9ad2/th/pre/f/2013/012/8/6/dmc4__angelo_credo_by_salliby-d5r8mjn.jpg"]Picture of Credo (in demon form) [/URL]
      [URL="http://orig04.deviantart.net/b5c0/f/2014/228/6/a/alto_angelo_by_dumbass333-d7vg9vs.jpg"]Picture of Alto Angelo[/URL]

      In a garden I think? I'm pretty sure. I ate some fruit from a plant or tree, even when I woke up I didn't remember what it looked like. But it was fresh and juicy and very tasty. Even better than a real life juicy and fresh fruit. Then there was a gate (wooden? the memory is so vague it almost feels like I am randomly guessing) and either beyond it or before it were 2 people. I think we became friends right here, I don't think we were friends before. It was a boy and a girl. They weren't siblings nor bf and gf. I don't know if they were friends before this.

      So then we had to get away from something, I don't remember what. Or maybe we didn't have to get away and I just wanted to fly. There was a carriage and I decided to let the carriage roll off whatever thing this garden was on, because it was like a like a cliff, and have my new friends hang on to me while I flew. So we did that and I either couldn't fly up because they were too heavy or I didnt want to, but I was controlling the flight downwards after we jumped off this edge off the carriage. It was like we were in between cliffs of mountains, because the way down seemed endless and there were huge rock walls around us.

      So we were falling down (but the fall was slowed because i was still using some power to fly) and occasionally I just barely dodged horizontal poles/lines/things that were just sitting there. After a bit of falling there was something sticking out of the rock wall (I think it is called a ledge) and there were people on it. There was also a little bar selling things food/drinks. So I landed there with some difficulty.

      The people here were able to fly and some were expert fliers. [SPOILER=Not flyers xD]The importance of grammer![/SPOILER]

      And I think I asked someone to teach me and he pointed to a teacher and I asked him. He either didn't respond or said no, I think. I bought something, but I may also have given him the food to get him to teach me. Then I embraced my friends and I think the dream ended as I was embracing them. At least I hope it did, that would be quite nice :)

      I woke up feeling happy, because I loved having friends and I was excited about seeing them again (in the future). I still might, since I journaled this and won't forget it anymore. I was also happy because that's what happens when you wake up from a cool dream, right?

      tags: friends. flying. vivid. colorful. ate fruit. Credo. Alto Angelo.

      Updated 01-19-2016 at 11:24 PM by 61041

      lucid , memorable