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    First time going through an object!

    by , 04-07-2013 at 01:22 PM (436 Views)
    This was the night before the agents thing. As I fell asleep I was counting from 100 to 1, telling myself I would become lucid this night. Most likely I lost consciousness before counting 50 and I don't remember anything below 80-75 but that's where the power of this lies, you take the affirmations down with you as you fall asleep and switch to your dreaming brain.

    In the first scene was in the waiting room to get on an airplane (seems weird but that's what I remember, although I don't remember any planes or destinations) and I only remember women. I was there for about 30 minutes I guess and I guess you can already guess what was going through my mind :lol: I didn't get it though.. The girls weren't willing :( Perhaps I wasn't aware of my dream strong enough to do whatever I want

    The next scene I was in a shop. I don't know what I did there but as I got out I decided to try to put my thumb through my hand. 2nd or 3rd try it worked and I got excited. It bursted the clarity of the dream for a second but it didn't do much more. I don't know if I remember the task from the comptetion (#11) or from the stabilizition class but I put my hand through a wall, it worked. Then I went inside myself but then everything went black and I lost consciousness. I didn't wake up immediatly, I probably slept a couple of hours after that, at least it felt like that. Going through my hand or the wall didn't really feel like anything, as if they were just holograms.

    Sweet dreams

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