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    Deep Inside The Lucid Dreamer's Subconscious

    1. March 21, 2018 Non-Lucid

      by , 03-21-2018 at 05:11 PM (Deep Inside The Lucid Dreamer's Subconscious)
      The dream scene was out in the country at this massive white house. The idea was I had the house to myself so I was throwing a party for my friends. Only moo and kolby were there so far so we go to the store next to the house. In the store there's a package of beer that I buy. Someone tells me I bought on a March Madness game that I lost which made me feel bad. We get back to the house and I realize the package of beer is actually just pepsi and packets of water. So, we go back to the store and ask the worker who's a woman about 50 years old if we can get a refund. She says that she has to come inspect the package back at the house so she comes with us. My friends keep bugging me that we need to drink or something but I'm trying to get this situation settled first. I'm yelling at my friends to do something for me and I'm getting upset. Several more of my friends arrive including grayson kyle and sam. I briefly greet them and then get back to this refund.

      By now the worker has turned into my buddy johnny's mother. We're in this sewing room they use to have when we were kids. The dream goes somewhere else, I think to another house close by near the ocean.
    2. March 20, 2018 Non-Lucid

      by , 03-21-2018 at 05:05 PM (Deep Inside The Lucid Dreamer's Subconscious)
      I was on vacation at this tropical beach with my family. Out in the ocean were these massive tornadoes. The news was reporting that it was dangerous and I was beginning to agree. The tornadoes were doubling in size and there were about 8 or so of them. At some point someone got caught in one and it completely flung them upwards and spun them around painfully.

      Then, I went into a cave and it turned into a mini-game. The point of the game was to get to the end of the course. For some reason I was playing the character Donald Trump and was sliding on my butt down these rock platforms. The cave was blue and there were three or four platform jumps that sloped downwards to get to the goal which was a light or something at the end of the last platform. In my jacket I had this gray button that I could press which would make me glide. I kept trying to win the game but fell off many times.
    3. March 20, 2018 Frags

      by , 03-20-2018 at 06:22 AM (Deep Inside The Lucid Dreamer's Subconscious)
      I had this really stressful morning where I wasn't really sleeping but I definitely wasn't fully awake, my mind was racing around a bunch of topics and it almost seemed like there were other people in my mind with me like in a conversation.

      The one thing I really remember is I was sitting somewhere and I had an Enactus shirt on. Someone comes up to me and points it out asking if I'm in Enactus. Then, they tell me that they are in Enactus too.
      Tags: enactus
      non-lucid , dream fragment
    4. March 16, 2018 Frags

      by , 03-16-2018 at 05:41 PM (Deep Inside The Lucid Dreamer's Subconscious)
      I was in a battleground like Arathi Basin in WoW. Someone had ninja capped Stables by seducing me but I was supposedly a female character and it was someone else tricking me. This sent me into a rage of some sort. I was now wildly smashing about trying to hit other people and recapture the base. I eventually go towards Mine but other horde are running by me. I'm a warrior so I'm trying to charge these people but it's on cooldown. I'm getting very angry. It's like I was actually the warrior in the game with rage, I was getting on all fours and sprinting at people but the cooldown was too long and I was getting very pissed off. I really don't ever experience this kind of anger IRL.
    5. March 14, 2018 Repost Lucids

      by , 03-15-2018 at 05:01 PM (Deep Inside The Lucid Dreamer's Subconscious)
      This was around 11am-1pm yesterday. I woke up and decided to self-cancel my classes and I’m happy I did that.

      I woke up and was looking around before closing my eyes again. While sifting through my thoughts, I could feel my body getting warm and it felt like I was high in a sense. This was the beginning of a dream but I was aware so I decided to try to take it lucid. The first scene I thought of was in the middle of the blue sky. This was probably the case because one of my starting points for a lucid dream is a small plane for skydiving where a person is in front of me yelling for me to jump out of the plane. I know it’s intense, but the intensity makes it easier to spring into lucidity.

      Anyways, I was imagining being in the middle of the sky but I believe because there were no other objects it wasn’t working. I could see blue in front of me and blowing by me like a blizzard. That went away so it was time to imagine a new dream scene. Another common dream scene I use is my bed at my mom’s house. Sure enough, my vision is now spinning in my room as I’m trying to stop spinning. The spinning stops and I’m now standing on my bed. I look down at my hands and start to rub them together so that I can feel friction. I do math, “2x2 is 4, 4x4 is 16.” I walk over to my window and pull back the curtain. Outside is daytime but quickly turns to a bright nighttime, meaning the sky was dark but everything was very well lit up.

      I look up at the sky and notice the milky way galaxy is very clearly visible across the sky. I’m thinking in my head “woah.” There are 100s of stars brightly lit in the sky. In between the stars I can see labels like “AGC” and “CAC” which to me seemed like undiscovered planets and galaxies that have purpose and importance to us. Then, I noticed the map of the US pasted behind the milky way galaxy. I turned around and started to walk to my door when I fell. The dream collapsed.

      Getting the dream back and running, I was now on a street in a city I thought was Richmond. There were two story buildings made of brick to the left and right of me. I’m on the right side of the street on the sidewalk. I start to walk down the street and see signs hanging above the street coming off of the buildings. Most of them were in another language like Chinese or Japanese. I still thought I was in Richmond, so I decided I wanted to go find Hibachi box which I thought was on the other side of the street and down a bit. Before that I was rubbing my hands together and doing math again. Running to a building with a sign above, I see a small ramp that leads up to a slightly open garage door and a lit room inside the building, lit blue. Looking up, I see the sign is now “GEICO” in red letters. After that, I walk down the street a little bit more and to the left is this building that was a shower and bathroom system.

      Now, I think I’m in China. Someone behind me asks to me “ni hao ma?” which means how are you and I turn around and say the same thing back to them smiling. In the shower system was a room of people who were naked or had towels around them waiting in line to shower. Further down was a room with people waiting to use the bathroom, male and female.

      A dream character knocks into me and the dream collapses. I get the dream back and now I’m walking past the shower and bathroom system again. My vision sees inside the shower room and there are people who are naked. My mood starts to get very turned on and I now want to go talk to a girl. Walking down the street, to the left of me is a long line filled with people my age. At the end I see a group of three girls talking to each other. I hesitate but then go up to the girl facing away from me. She was wearing short blue jeans and a floral pattern shirt that was black and a reddish/orange. She had dirty blonde hair that was wavy and blue/green eyes. She looks back at me and smiles. We start dancing together. A few seconds in I realize my generation’s way of dancing is stupid and I lose interest. I walk down the street further and see a bunch of people waiting to cross the street. Looking both ways, I can see massive buses and cars flying by very quickly. All of the looking around caused the dream to spiral and collapse.

      Again, I got the dream back up and now I’m on the other side of the street. I’m now walking on a beach with a ocean to the left of me and big white hotels with balconies and pools to the right. I’m looking at the ocean and the waves are very big and crashing. Up above me I can hear music playing and I conclude I’m playing a playlist from my spotify from my phone. I take out my phone and hit the next button and hear different songs. One of the songs is not a real song that I recognize but it was some sort of guitar or strings going up in notes.

      I look to the left of me and there’s a tall lifeguard stand with a buoy on the side. My friends mamba and dave are there sitting in the sand in front of the stand. I look at dave and calmly with a smile say “this is a dream.” She smiles back and nods “yeah” kinda of like “…duh.” I look back at the ocean as a country song comes on the speaker. I try to skip it but it won’t. I get frustrated but it’s not working. Turning around, I look up at the balconies on the hotels. An MGMT song comes on that’s dark and sad. The sky turns dark sort of like a storm. A massive guy in a tiki mask grabs me by the leg. He uses a cleaver and makes a small cut in my left leg and it felt like my leg was going asleep.

      I ended up getting back to that dream but it wasn’t lucid anymore, the guy eventually cut my entire left leg off.
    6. March 15, 2018 Frags

      by , 03-15-2018 at 02:31 PM (Deep Inside The Lucid Dreamer's Subconscious)
      I only got a few hours of sleep so this will be pretty brief.

      The dream scene was a baseball field. I was in the stands and there were a bunch of kids in the outfield. Come to think of it it might've been a soccer field. I was shifting around in the stands between the adults catching the baseballs thrown. I would then throw baseballs to individual kids trying to get them involved. Ecstein was there on the field.

      The stands turned into this weird ramp pattern. We had a bunch of balls that weighed a lot. We were pushing them down the ramp and into a corner. There was apparently supposed to be a fight.
    7. Trouble posting

      by , 03-14-2018 at 09:44 PM (Deep Inside The Lucid Dreamer's Subconscious)
      Anyone having troubles posting today? I just spent 30 minutes writing out an entry and when I hit post now it just brought me back to the main screen with no entry.
    8. March 13, 2018 Frags

      by , 03-14-2018 at 08:15 AM (Deep Inside The Lucid Dreamer's Subconscious)
      I really don't have much to say about these dreams. IRL I ate cheese before bed because cheese dreams.

      IRL I saw someone doing a handstand in the gym and he never fell, at some point in the dream he fell.

      Another point I woke up and this guy who had apparently worn a red headband and green outfit came and visited me.

      It's weird but I had dreams which were very vivid and important but they are the ones I remember the least.
    9. March 12, 2018 Frags

      by , 03-13-2018 at 08:06 AM (Deep Inside The Lucid Dreamer's Subconscious)
      The dream scene was JMU down devon lane. The road extended out to a rural neighborhood and there was a forest surrounding the houses and road. Eventually I was over near the food lion but it was a huge apartment building. We're meeting there for my sustainability class.

      I was outside on UVA's campus but it looked different. There was a person in a UNC outfit putting up signs everywhere even though UVA had beat them. I go inside and it looks like a church. Judy is there, I think we did something sexual. I look over and there's another couple having sex but the girl is obviously faking everything and then I start to question if every girl I had been with was doing the same.

      Later on I was in ECL library at a computer. I had three stacks of brownie trays. I was trying to stack them up and leave but people were coming up and taking them. I run up to someone and yell at them but then immediately say they can have some. Someone who I didn't see had eaten a pattern into the trays.
    10. March 9, Non-Lucid

      by , 03-10-2018 at 09:25 AM (Deep Inside The Lucid Dreamer's Subconscious)
      The dream scene was this concert I was going to. The idea was I was going to roll here but I had a huge test the next day. So I was telling my classmates I was going to roll and then study later. I get to the concert and it's at this stage with tables around it in the crowd. I'm at one and Judy walks up and starts talking to my parents which apparently are there. She was acting a bit crazy and I was concerned. At some point it was like a sleep over and we were playing mario kart but my own dream version, this has happened several times and I can sort of remember this version.

      I go up to the center of the stage and then to the side. Zoe is there and the dream starts to focus on her. The dream was on a slant towards the stage and it was an open field to the stage. She comes into focus and floats up, something happens and it's the entire dream's focus.

      I try to go get food in the dream. It turns into my neighborhood. I'm trying to get pho in castle wood. The house is this small white structure that has a cute little family there.

      I'm in this very close town. It's a town that has bars close to each other. I'm there getting a drink maybe. My friend Mason's gf Dani is there. I say hello to her thinking her classes just ended and we go to the same university. We're in this little bar.

      I'm in a movie theater. The theme is this dance competition my fraternity does. The theater is like the one from that halloween movie where the people have spider webs on them from being cursed there. I'm roped into being in the dance. I start to mimic dance moves from the people to the right and left of me. There's a crowd watching us. We start to do this made up dance, I'm following along by watching the people next to me. There's people sledding and doing tricks from the top of the theater across. I had this feeling that people from a lot of organizations were watching us. There was a lot of back and forth banter between us and the other guys there. The theater was icy.
      Tags: dani, judy, molly, pho, theater
    11. March 8, 2018 Non-Lucid | beach and birthday party in the woods

      by , 03-09-2018 at 07:32 AM (Deep Inside The Lucid Dreamer's Subconscious)
      The dream scene was at the beach. There were houses on the shoreline that were gated off and had nice green lawns. There were pools on the other sides of the gates. I was riding along a boardwalk path thing on this unicycle that was 15-20 feet up in the air. There were groups of people on the beach in bathing suits and every time I passed a group they were looking up at me smiling. At some point I went over the gate and into a pool that was filled with some sort of plastic balls but they were really small. The guy who owned the house came out and started yelling at me but ended up saying "thanks for getting sugar in the pool."

      Another dream I was in this cabin far out in the woods. It was my birthday and there were friends from home and my accounting program that were celebrating with me. It was like a party but it was also a sleep over. I was keeping tabs on people hoping they were having fun. There was a pool outside. The inside was really open and clean. Near the end of the dream this guy with a pony tail was gathering everyone around. It was time to go so he was giving a speech for my birthday. He sat me down at the door and everyone was gathered around as he was talking. I remember he was sitting down in front of me and I was looking into his eyes which were wide and a faint green. I think he was also a girl at some point in the dream too.

      The dream opened up and people were leaving in cars, I think I went into the garage and went home. I went home and walked up to my neighbor's house where I saw my neighbor walking down the drive way. I said "hey Ms. Laurie" and we started talking about something that I can't quite remember, but it was controversial. I got behind their house and was scaling up the left side. It seemed like there was someone coming to kill people at the house.
    12. March 6, 2018 Non-Lucid

      by , 03-07-2018 at 08:14 AM (Deep Inside The Lucid Dreamer's Subconscious)
      The scene is at my high school football stadium. We drive over there and at some point do some drugs. The drugs were like little leaves like herbs in a sense. My view starts to skip like a CD skipping on a track, I start to see my view again and again several times. I'm at some point in a van with Ying in the middle seat looking at her body.
      There were other parts of the dream where we're in the school. It's either really early morning or classes are ending, there's a huge commotion.

      I'm on an exotic trip in another country. The scene is this massive football/soccer field thing. In the right corner there's a trampoline. I know my friend Alex b. is there. Someone tells me that a guy had done too much drugs and he's now too stoned to come along on the tour with us. He's stuck in the trampoline. My vision had gone there and around this place but I can't remember what we were doing.

      I'm riding in the back of a van. We were at a place in the previous part of the dream but now we are going back to someone's house. The premise is I'm supposed to babysit Moo's sister's two kids. We are in the van and I'm thinking about how I'm going to take care of them. The kids are in the passenger seat and right side seat of the van, at times they are looking back at me and laughing madly. There was at some point three one them.
      We get to a house which is at the KC middle playground. We're inside and I'm trying to figure out when to wake them up. Someone tells me it's 6:39 and 6:40. So I have a blackboard in front of me writing out those times. I was thinking about how I'd wake one up, wait a minute and then wake the other up. We were upstairs at this time, there was stairs leading up higher to a room which was wide and didn't have much in it, I think it was Kristen's room. We go outside to the backyard where we're playing some sort of basketball game. There's a bunch of aggressive guys out there with us. I start to threaten to call the cops on them. I was getting very angry, I really never get this angry IRL. The ball bounces away from the hoop and I go get it. There's a guy in my face and I'm screaming that I'm going to call the cops or at least I'm thinking it in my head. I think the guy ends up tackling me.
    13. March 5, 2018 Non-Lucid

      by , 03-06-2018 at 07:10 AM (Deep Inside The Lucid Dreamer's Subconscious)
      The dream scene is a cliff. On the right is a steep drop to a deep ocean with waves crashing against the cliff. We are on the very top of the cliff. In my vision I overlook a small uprising to the left of me and a small little cave uplifted from the land to the right. It seems like there's a large colony of species here. That species are like a bunch of Dr. Mundo's from LoL running around. And I'm a little blue guy, or someone is a little blue guy running around.

      Part of that dream is I'm trying to get downtown to have fun with my roommate Mustafa. And the last stop is a bar that seems like the last stop and we are simultaneously there are the bar drinking while also being there the next morning hungover talking about the night before. And we were at the last stop for several moments interacting with other entities. But eventually I was in an adventure of the small blue guy who was in jeopardy of floating off of this cliff. This place had the classic non threatening zombie feeling.

      My next dream was at an amusement park. I think a lot of things happened at this amusement park, I always think it's at KD but who knows.

      I remember I appeared at the top of the hill of this random roller coaster going up and down hills that were very high up in the air but the turns were 180 degrees and the extra hills in between. I remember thinking this was BS. I started to be on the roller coaster as it was going into some sort of commercial, it was telling me that it was the bumpiest ride in the world and it started to go over bumps, then it started to tell me it was like the squishiest ride "I say like because it wasn't the direct language but it said something like this" and then the seats started to get squished and the roller coaster was shimmying forward towards the station.

      We eventually got into the station which was this oddly shaped station sort of shapped like the voice stadium. There was a rollercoaster that came through. I had the thought that I wanted to ride in the front so I left people go in front of me even though I was near the very back. The train came back and I was going to get on but realized I wasn't in the front so people were getting in my seats. Another train came that had an extra blue seat like a handicap seat. I got an overview of the place and I could not see people were going to the bathroom near the ride and looking at the big screen in the station. It turned into a summer camp sort of thing.

      Later on I was in a dream at the amusement park.

      For the record I've been to this dream amusement park many times I recognize it pretty well.

      At some point I was in the park and the beginning was the lochness monster from busch gardens and I was getting taken into the park on a beginning trip. They brought me to the ride which apparently had two options, one being the whole ride and one being the place where we go upside down. I think we ended up doing the upside down part as we went through the station.

      My view eventually shifted and I was in this massive place like we were ants compared to this amusement park. There was this wall filled with rides in front of us. There were sections of places.

      I remember I was in between the sections climbing around. There were black ropes in between these places. I was swinging around these places having fun. It was like a giant game. There was a danger zone in the middle but it wasn't dangerous. I was swinging between the places. I meet up with a group of people, one of them is Abby and she starts to talk about her body in a way.

      Eventually I someone am outside that place on the side of a house or in the basement of this place and there's a white house with green shutters or dark shutters to the right of me. It's a suburban house with a very tight down gate, I mean the dog comes out and has one or two feet or room wrapping the house with a dog bone in front of it. I remember the dog from a previous dream.
    14. March 4, 2018 Lucid

      by , 03-06-2018 at 06:44 AM (Deep Inside The Lucid Dreamer's Subconscious)
      I've been trying to have a lucid dream for a long time now. It seems like my excitement in highschool really helped me back in the day.

      I went to a concert saturday night and saw dj snake in washington dc. Not planned, aunt molly decided to join me. And it seemed like a substance that helped me get there.

      The dream scene was a cafe. There was a counter to the right of me that wraped right. There was a menu above the counter and people behind there answering orders for people in a line to the right corner. To the left corner was a round table with people sitting down. Outside is daytime. At the concert I had seen someone wearing a mask from v for vendetta. In the dream, someone is in front of me. I start to say in my mind "this is a dream.... this is a dream..... this is a dream!!!!" and there I was in a very real cafe. It's crowded with vivid colors. The person in front of me starts to take down his vendetta mask, people in the background wearing the masks start to take down their masks and are all looking at me.

      I start to lose lucidity, I start to forget this is a dream although I'm yelling that this is a dream. Someone sits me down at the table to the left of me. There's five or six people at the table giving me looks. A guy across from me has a tea cup full of a substance showing me something. He tells me to do what he's doing, he takes a sip of this substance of what I think is coffee and he swishes it around his mouth violently and then spits it out. He tells me "this is the way to lucidity." So I try, I take a sip and start to gargle it in my mouth and then when I try to spit it out there's nothing in my mouth so I try again a little bit embarassed.

      And when I try again, I get it in my mouth and spit it into the cup, in my vision is this crazy psychedelic vision where there's 5 bright yellow lights in a diamond and one in the middle all over my vision, and it starts to overwhelm me.

      Eventually I end up at a ski resort yelling that it's a dream. I'm looking at my gloves and getting really excited, I was on a ski lift overlooking a mountain. I could see people below me having a good weekend skiing. The ski lift had turned backwards several times keeping me riding.

      I need to mention here that I had very lucid experiences but because my dream recall is not up to par, I cannot remember the best details of the dream. It was an amazing experience but I can't really explain the best part about it all because I haven't been trying hard enough in dream recall. There were conversations that went on in that cafe and there were conversations with someone with me on the ski lift that I cannot remember because remember your dreams is very difficult for a good reason.

      I had another non-lucid where I was in a house that looked like a country house out in a field. I was there and it seemed like my brothers were living there, but in a way I was an old man and the people living there were also old man. I went to leave off the back porch. There were spider webs all around the deck that blocked me off from the back lawn. And it was not just obvious nightmare webs it was very subtle webs that I would look at very carefully before telling someone near me that there was no way I was going there.

      And at some point I give a very soft attempt at getting out and I pay the consequences because these spiders aren't normal spiders they must be from some other universe. Two spiders climb on my left hand, they start to burrow into my skin. It's like they are using my skin as a blanket and they tuck themselves into my palm but it doesn't really hurt. I become part of a very quick and limited commentary where someone explains the reason of this. The scene is changing in front of me but I'm focused on the bugs that are burrowing in side of my skin making red marks.
    15. March 1, 2018

      by , 03-01-2018 at 03:59 PM (Deep Inside The Lucid Dreamer's Subconscious)
      Summer camp like rockbridge that started near the JMU quad. I was walking with a group of people from the left, Jake B and Kolby were there. We walked by to see the quad had a giant arena or dip in the land in the middle. There's also a crowd surrounding this oval shaped thing. We walk up to the bottom right corner and I see Woody b wearing Pike letters in a sweat shirt. He was looking at me but it was a little awkward. We walked to the right of him and saw Johnny w. and his father. His mom was also there. I was talking to his father about something but we eventually left and went right down the street. On the left side of the street was the place we were living at, it was like our younglife cabin. I had a memory where I was wasting all my time alone at camp in the hottub.

      The dream went to another place. Sam came up to me and was showing me a voicemail he left me which gave me this vision of a beach with a couple of palm trees in the water. It didn't look like any humans had been in this place or altered it in any way. I couldn't even see his family or himself at this place. There were giant mountains in the ocean in the background. It looked like Thailand a little bit.

      I came back from the vision and was asking him if he was excited to go, but realized that while I was at camp he was at the beach and the trip was over. The vision came back to me a few times, this time with his family jumping between the very small islands in the water next to the beach.

      At some point we ended up at another beach. I was swimming behind him and the beach was to the right of us. It looked like there was a small dock up ahead. There were also these tiny buoys that were absolutely covered in bees. The object was to get to the dock without getting stung by these bees. When we got close to each one the bees would leave and come towards us. We got to the first one and ducked underwater as the bees followed us and drowned. Next buoy we did the same thing except not all the bees had come so we had to go underwater several times. We eventually get to the dock but enough bees had stung us that a massive insect was summoned. I turn to Sam I don't want to play this game anymore.

      I'm not sure if this was part of the same dream but right as I was exiting the very last dream, someone had told me something like "it's time to wake up" or "there's you alarm" and as they said that I woke up to my alarm. It was really weird like my dream was telling me it was time to wake up as my alarm started to go off.
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