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    The world of Lyseno

    There is a new beggining, and this time the new world I set myself at will have no more restrictions or duties.

    1. Why? I don’t want to

      by , 12-03-2017 at 11:50 PM (The world of Lyseno)
      Sunday December 3rd 2017

      I’m walking down the street, thinking about bread and baking and oh this is a dream yay!
      Anyways I have so much to do. First thing first, go eat something and practice a bit on my bakery skills, that doesn’t works out too much but I try it out for at least two dreams.

      Back to sleep.

      Reading something online, get lucid while starting to type and then start to wonder when was the last time I used a computer in a dream.

      Regardless, have too many things to do, just go outside and look around, trying to find something interesting to do. Its been a while too, so just teleport to DW.

      At the beginning am just floating around somewhere in space. Quickly go to the closest planet and land to find that there isn’t much of civilization where I arrived at despite been a huge city.

      Something seems off? The city looks a bit rusty, wonder what happened and try to use scan but at that moment get woken up by my cat.

      Back to sleep.

      Walking around a street, become lucid as I start to approach the turning point and then look around. A lot of people everywhere now! But why now that it is night and not before during the morning?

      Wonder if I have been to this world before, but everyone seems to ignore me and assume that nope, never been here.

      Try to talk with someone about why they are out right now but the guy seems super busy. Someone pulls me by the side and tells me not to be on the way, so start to get annoyed and try to force things myself but then see people run around aimlessly and then just hide somewhere.

      A bunch of people come and they stand in front of me, looking down “What?” I tell them, they glare at me and try to push me to which I respond by pushing them back.

      They start to get mad and try to attack me so I happily crush them with gravity and then push them away, or what remains of them. People get happy about this and they make me feel good, generally everyone gets mad when I kill people for the sake of it heh.

      Either way, am about to wake up and I know it, so just tell them I will be back and then disappear into wakefulness.

      Back to sleep.

      Talking to someone about life in general, I get bored once I realize that it is a dream and tell them that they should probably try something else in life, then start floating and fly towards the place I was at before.

      When I land people receive me heartily and tell me to kill someone. Oh? Alright! I push my hand through the person and the group with him start to get aggressive, it seems they were using pretty strong oppression on the people from here.

      I don’t know the reason and do not really care what they think about me, but I can kill them yes. One of the girls on the bac steps out and waves her hand at me, which makes a strong wind come fort. She smiles and I smile back at her while stabbing her with earth spikes all around, then ask them where their general is at. They start to run away and I am about to pursue when realize that there are some kind of monsters underground chasing people too, oh!

      Get down using earth control and then find that the creatures lack a head, the place was a maze done there and I kept getting tracked down for some reason. Just got to study the creatures until I got lost… damn.

      Back to sleep.

      Sleeping in a pretty uncomfortable place, wake up and sense my weight is off so become lucid. OH! I am still in the maze. Walk around for a few more minutes and end up finding one of the creatures, I studied enough about them pursuing so just continue walking towards it.

      It runs towards me and I grab its head then push it to the ground “Now hear me baby” tell the creature “You will take me outside of this maze, now” she is mad but after realizing that she could not release herself or even hurt me at all, obeys.

      We get out of the maze like 15 minutes later and I see the sun in the sky, fly towards a big round building, a dome of a kind but wake up before arriving.

      Back to sleep.

      Sitting next to a yellow rock, the atmosphere feels nice. Become lucid when standing up and then see around me, mountain range or just general rock depression? Fly outside of range and see the dome so fly over there.

      When I arrive there is a large army and then some people point at me, what? Oh yeah! The ones I wanted to kill before with the wind girl.

      They say I am the one killing the officers and I nod, they want to know why I am doing this, simply respond that it is for fun then land next to the army.

      We talk for a few seconds when one of the soldiers comes out to me and tries to shot me. I grab the bullet and then kill them all with wind spears then look up and see that the enemy is here.

      One of the commanders is floating above me and throws gravity in. I smile at him and create a small black hole on top of him, he gets killed right away.

      More people start to gather to fight me and they start to throw random shit, like normal I clap my hands and create a shockwave of sound strong enough to place them on the ground, then rise my hand and throw down ice spears that kills over half their army, they say they are doing this to protect the people from the creatures.

      I look up at the one on top and ask him what of it? He looks terrified and then tells his strongest fighter to come and fight me. He takes out a sword and tries to slice me, so punch him with gravity down to earth, he comes out and uses a fire spell, grab his hand and stop the spell then punch him again. He uses ice from the ground and I melt it, then blow him away onto another world. Just see the faces of everyone scared of the monsters coming from outside the range, how fun! I wake myself after flying to space.