a bracelet, a mall, confusion, twins, cute aliens and scary aleins.
, 10-04-2010 at 02:43 AM (710 Views)
Back tracking:
Morning of the 22nd,
-i was baby sitting a little girl
-dream took place in a chess inspired castle
-was some kind of art gallery that i was helping with
-then i was outside my old house with my mom, grandma and the old ladies from Ponyo
-we were talking about my late grandpa and my grandma wanted me to give my memorial bracelet to my mom(which doesnt actually exist)
Morning of the 24th,
-a very expensive shopping center, selling brand names for charity
-i was interviewing women as they were shopping
-i saw Michael Fox filming a commercial
-very vivid recall
Morning of the 26th,
-confusing recall about a long dream that i kept waking from and falling back into
-pt 1 at 11am, felt like i was in a basement apartment
-i had a bullmastiff that shit all over the floor, it was way too vivid
-my bf wouldnt kelp me clean it up, i half woke up and told my bf that he has to help me, but he was also asleep and didnt hear me, i fell back asleep
-pt 2 at 12pm, i was in an odd school and ran into my friend who happened to be in the same course as me in college, and i recommended what teacher to try to get
-pt 3 at 1:30pm, had a dream about talking to my old manager in an odd office
Morning of the 27th,
-i was with my mom and aunt, and we crashed a funeral
-the bathroom was memorable
-i had twin boys that i was trying to get back home to, i was trapped behind a strangely familiar building
-scene changed and i was trapped in my old neighbour's back yard, i hopped the fence and ran home
-i had my boys in the master bedroom with our three dogs(which i dont have)
-the babies were not crying when they wanted something, so i kept forgetting to feed and change them
-i took one of them for a walk down the street in my arms, to show some of the neighbours
Morning of the 29th,
-parent's were planning a big anniversary party, so i had rules to follow- and break
-i wasnt allowed to have anyone over, so we could attempt to keep the house clean
-but i started drinking, and had people over and my mom got pissed and went to her sister's house for the night
-my dad was furious with me and i was crying almost the whole dream
-i got up in the morning to try and clean the house
-someone broke in right in front of me
-i screamed for my dad but they got away with a big suitcase that was in the living room
-i cried again and headed to the kitchen to try and clean up, when i saw three aliens(looked like Planet 51 aliens, but different colours) they told me they were there the night before, and were overly curious about everything in the house
-my dad finally came downstairs, dressed up, and started helping me in the kitchen
-i tried to explain about the aliens and he didnt care
Morning of the 1st,
-horrifying aliens were taking over the world. end of the world scenario
-they looked like a cross between splice(when she's male and has wings) and the tooth fairies from hell boy, but they were about 8' tall on average
-they were eating humans, using them to breed more aliens, and trying to turn people into aliens
-everyone in the area took shelter in a big space ship that must have been parked on a hill
-i noticed my parent's, cousin from another province, friend from high school, bf's sister and her bf, and i knew my bf was there, and i knew my grandma was there, but didnt see them. and a LOT of other DCs
-the alien's would watch up and try to break in during the day, but would go hunting else where for humans at night
-some people were collecting books in case we could actually get away and repopulate and educate the world
-i remember it being really important to make sure that i had 'The Lovely Bones' with me, and i went out of my way to find my friend from high school to make sure she had 'Lucky'
-in the end, everyone was sitting in one of the bigger rooms on the ship and my dad was adjacent to me
-all of the electronics stopped working(cellphones, watches, etc) and the ship was under full attack by the alien's and they had pushed the ship down a hill
-the last thing i remember before i woke up was my dad screaming out from the silence, "Oh No, ohh NOOO!"