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    A few wacky dreams

    by , 03-28-2011 at 07:52 PM (372 Views)

    Had a dream I was outside at night time with Mine and Asuka's kids. I think I remember Asuka around. we were playing a game similar to hide and seek.

    Movie WTF.

    I was riding some weird sub way train that was high up in the sky with my dad. He was getting off at a station to catch a movie. I told him I was going to the other mall station to go to a larger movie theater there.

    I went to the other station and wound up in a strange mall. I saw this strange booth and heard people talking about hypnotizing someone. They were plotting having a sleeper guy go into a trance and then bet on horse races and gamble for them to make money, after the man would win the money he would send it to the hypnotists and then have his memory wiped. They were going to use this guy often.

    Crazy show.

    I came across a strange booth in an out door market where these people were on a circular rotating board about to do a dance. They all had machete's on their belt and looked like they were in a trance. I got freaked out and thought these people were hypnotized and the beginning of the music would cue them into killing everyone with the machetes. I started running away from the booth and was heading down an escalator when their music started playing, which sounded like video game music.

    Strange instrument.

    I was with some guy that had made a strange musical instrument made from swinging vines over a large 40 foot area. You would swing or pull on one of the vines to sound a note. I tried a couple and started to make a melody when I accidentally pulled one of the vines off. The guy said it was okay, he still hadn't perfected the instrument yet.

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